Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.504 My Birthday

And so, as the first month of the year kept advancing, eventually my birthday came.

23 now, huh. Well, whatever. Not like that really matters.


My day was completely cleared, except for the daily maintenance tasks I took care of. But since I’ve been optimizing them, they only took me about 15 minutes.


Other than that, I let the girls plan the day.

And it started with breakfast in bed. All four of my girls had made a dish of their own, so I enjoyed them all.


Alice had baked me some fresh bread, and she even made custom flavored butter to go along with it. She also prepared some cheese to go along with all of that. 

Her cooking skills have really improved since my evolution. We do have dedicated kitchen staff, but out of all of my girls, she is the one spending the most time in the kitchen, and she will probably get the Cooking skill soon.


Cailie had made an assorted fruit platter from fruits from the CropFields. Kind of funny that I call floor 8 the CropFields considering the number of fruits growing there, but whatever.


Lua had mixed up a blood lemonade, or something akin to that. It is something she came up with, and it was meant to not be at all like lemonade, just a perfect mix of blood and some other drinks. But it ended up kind of tasting like blood orange lemonade, at least to me.


And Janina actually knew how to cook, at least with magic. In terms of human cooking, yeah, not so much. But since she used magic, she brought out some ham, bacon and other meats. 

And since I have fresh bread from Alice, I was able to assemble some really nice sandwiches.


As a breakfast, it was nice. The meat was a bit too salty, and Alice’s bread wasn’t quite as soft as what we usually have, but still, it was great.



As the day kept going, I received congratulations from all of the HomeBase employees. Some of them also handed me gifts, but I knew most of them were waiting until the afternoon to give theirs, so I set the ones I received earlier aside, and waited on checking them until later.

No, they were not wrapped in paper. You think this world has wrapping paper? 

Well, it actually does, but only the brown kind used on parcels and the like. Not the colorful stuff that you think of.

Most gifts here are either not wrapped at all, this is what most common people do, or wrapped in expensive cloth. 

Or if you are me, you just store your gift in a magic fanny pack, which is also a part of the gift.



Lunch was a big celebration. I had everyone on HomeBase join in. Yes, even our current set of dhampir students.

We had food, we had cake, and it was fantastic.

I received a bunch of more gifts, and after the meal, I began to look at what I’d gotten.


A lot of the stuff I got was what someone would call trash, but I personally quite liked it.

Handmade ornaments, ‘good luck’ amulets and so on. Sure they are nonfunctional trash, but someone put effort into making it, so I liked it.

One of my favorites was a stone statue the dhampirs gave me. It depicted myself and Lua, with Genesis Vampire Lord in his Genesis form standing behind us. And yes, it was a lifesize statue. 

I decided I’d find a good place for it on HomeBase, where I could display it.



But let’s get to the good stuff.

Wilma had gone above and beyond, as was expected, and had made me not only a high quality bow, but also a whip, and a quiver, as well as a good number of arrows. Yes, I already had a practice whip and bow, but I didn’t have anything for actual combat, because I lacked the skills. But Wilma knew I’d be getting them soon, so she had prepared for it.


The other workshop star Karl, along with the enchanters Stina and Elma made me a shield. I don’t carry a dedicated shield in my Storage, so it was nice to have, and it was very high quality.

The best part about the shield was its ability to accept a spirit into it. And if a spirit was inside the shield, the shield would be completely immune to all spells matching the attribute of the spirit.

It was nice to see that Stina and Elma had gotten good at spirit enchantments, because otherwise, a shield like this wouldn’t be possible.


Lawrence and his assistant Chloe had gotten me some rare alcohol from across the world. I’m not a big drinker, but because of my stats, I almost cannot get drunk, so I think it will be fun to sample them. Maybe I can develop my palate.


Next up, the Card Beasts. They gave me a large pelt that had been cured to be an ornament. It was nice, and I’ll probably set it up in my office.


Cailie gave me a music box that played a song she recorded when it was opened. It also had an illusionary mermaid that would jump out of the box while the song was going on. It will definitely find a place on my desk.


Ria and Agunan teamed up with Janina, and together, the three of them made me a set of wing armor, similar to what Agunan gave to Ria. It was really cool to have, and I’ll have to get used to it. And since Janina was involved in the making, it was stupidly high quality.


Lastly, Alice and Lua. The two of them also teamed up, and made me a magic stone. It was an S-rank core that they turned into a magic stone, and it held all six of the standard attributes, so it was quite nice. I’m not quite sure what I’ll do with it yet, but I may use it for my staff. Until then, it will be on a stand in my office.



From there, the rest of the day was just relaxing. And I relax by opening some packs, so that is what I did.

… I may have added some work into the relaxing, because I decided I’d fully complete Hidden Arsenal 2. It is a small set anyway, so it won’t be that difficult.

But now, some packs.


Pilgrim is … okay, I suppose. Good against powerful monsters, since he cannot be destroyed by battle, if the attacking monster has more than 1900 attack.

And Thermal Genex is decent. I like the attack gain, the burn damage is also nice. So while he could do more, he is decent.


Next pack.


Enemy Catcher is new, but I’m not sure he is any good. I guess he can take temporary control of a hidden enemy, but how often does that happen? And even if that does happen, I’d have to know that there is a hidden enemy.


Next pack.


Medium of the Ice Barrier is great. She puts a limit on how quickly my opponents can cast spells.

Naturia Spiderfang is cute, for a spider, but the limit it has is kind of a pain, so I probably won’t use it in combat. Maybe to produce some spider silk.

And Mist Valley Baby Roc is meh. Low stats and an effect I don’t need. 


Next pack.


Nothing new here, next.


Worm Noble is okay. Flip monsters are some of those monsters that I just don’t use enough, because traps are generally better. And Worm Noble really isn’t better than something like Mirror Force or Magic Cylinder.


Next pack.


Genex Spare is fine to have. Options for the times I don’t have a Genex Controller on hand.


Next pack.


Worm Queen is decent. Kind of trash for me, but I like the way she looks.


Next pack.


Nothing new here, next.


Genex Furnace is very mediocre for a level 5. It really should special summon itself if you control a Genex Controller, but no, that would just be too good.

Windmill Genex is fine. He gains attack based on set Spell/Traps, and can also destroy Spell/Traps.


Next, and last, pack.


Geomancer of the Ice Barrier is situational, but fine. I kind of prefer monsters that force the opposing monsters to attack them though. 

And Mist Valley Apex Avian is nice. Negates are good, so yeah. He is good.


Now, the rest of the Hidden Arsenal 2 can be acquired with Capsules, so let me check out what I’m missing.



I was missing 14 cards, which is admittedly more than I was expecting.


Genex Turbine is fine. 400 attack boost isn’t much, but better than nothing.

Jurrac Protops gains 100 attack for each monster that is opposing us. Which can either be a good boost, or trash. Remember, real world isn’t limited to 5 monster card zones.

Mist Valley Falcon has good stats, but cannot attack unless I return a card to the hand. For just 2000 attack, that effect really isn’t worth it.

Worm Prince if okay. He does search out more Worm monsters.

Worm Linx is way too slow to do anything good.

Naturia Cosmobeet’s effect isn’t something I need, because unlimited summons.

Ally of Justice Cosmic Gateway just special summons itself, so it isn’t that amazing.

Fabled Grimro searches other Fabled monsters.

Genex Solar is kind of mid. Good stats, but the effect is kind of bad.

Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier has one of the worst attack boosting effects. Just way too costly.

Geo Genex is super mid. It can just gain 2800 attack for the turn. Which is good, but too situational.

Jurrac Giganoto is great. Nice big attack boost to all Jurrac monsters.

Mist Valley Thunder Lord has another ‘return card to hand for 500 attack boost’ effect. It’s just … bad. But outside of the effect, it has nice stats.

And Naturia Leodrake is just a big beater. Which isn’t bad. And he looks … okay, considering that he is a massive beast covered in flowers, I can’t really call him cute.


And yeah. That is it for my birthday. I got a set completed, and had fun. And I will continue to have fun and enjoy the day, but you all don’t get to join. 

So see you next time.


I hope I remembered the important HomeBase characters in the gifting. I know I missed some, but that is just because there are too many people on HomeBase, and sadly I don’t even have them all listed in one list where I could conveniently check everyone. Blame my past self for being lazy.

But if I missed someone who absolutely should have been mentioned (in your opinion), please comment down below, and I might add them.

Also, Brian's birthday wasn't a public affair, because only 'significant' birthdays are celebrated publicly. 

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