Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.507 Weapons with Skills

“Okay. If you are sure. Just remember, I don’t think I’ll be able to undo this.” I reminded Unika.

She was going to have Fer and Rum rank up. But that wasn’t the reason I was worried. I was worried because of the Rank-Up-Magic she wanted to use.


The list of available Rank-Up-Magics had grown longer. 

I had the five previous ones, Barian's Force, Limited Barian’s Force, Numeron Force, Skip Force and Cipher Ascension.


But I now had two new ones, Rank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos Force and Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands. And for some reason, Unika wanted to use Admiration of the Thousands to combine both Fer and Rum into a single monster.


So let’s talk about those two Rank-Ups for a second.

Argent Chaos Force is pretty straight forward. Sure it has the ‘Rank 5 or higher’ limit, which means rank C or higher, but that isn’t a big deal. It also favors ‘cosmic’ or space attributed evolutions. No clue why, but it does.


Admiration of the Thousands on the other hand … yeah, I don’t think I need to tell you it is a beast of its own.

Admiration of the Thousands takes multiple monsters of the same rank and combines them into one Ranked-Up monster. And it can cause some crazy strong monsters to appear.

In this case, the result is an orthrus fox.

Cerberus fox, an S-rank, is not a common monster at all, in fact, it is more than rare. A cerberus is already rare to see, but a cerberus fox is like the shiny version of that. Stupidly rare. 

The lesser variant, lesser cerberus fox, which is A-rank, is a bit more common, but both are still rare as anything.

Orthrus fox, as you may have guessed, is the B-rank variant of it. It isn’t nearly as rare as the other two, but still. I know Unika will Rank-Up the complete Ferrum into the higher ranks, it is just a matter of time. 

Orthrus fox, for those that want to know, is a twin-headed fox. They don't have a snake for a tail or anything crazy like that. But they do sometimes have two tails. 


And since we are making one by using two iron foxes, the orthrus fox we make will have iron fur. It isn’t actually iron, but it is tougher than your average fur of other B-rank fox monsters.


After Unika confirmed that she was sure, I handed her the spell and let her activate it. I’m not risking a Polymerization change of loyalty thing with this.


After she activated the spell, the two foxes began to glow, before they began to whirl together. They formed what almost looked like a phantom galaxy, before it burst out in specks of light, and from the light, the new monster appeared.

The orthrus fox came out as expected, for everything except one little thing. … okay, two things. And they might be a bit more sizable than ‘little’.


The new fox had two glowing orbs orbiting it. And I instantly knew what those orbs were.

Overlay units. Somehow, Rank-Up-Magic Admiration of the Thousands had turned two monsters into a literal Xyz monster with overlay units.

This didn’t happen with any of my tests, even when I was using Admiration of the Thousands, so I had no clue it could happen.


“... Ferrum?” Unika carefully asked.

The fox let out some sounds as a response, but I still can’t understand beast, so I’ll have to wait until Unika translates for me.

“... okay.” Unika responded to the fox. She then turned to me. “It worked. But it is strange. … The fox we are seeing isn’t Fer or Rum. It is kind of a combination, but also not.”


I then watched as one of the overlay units entered Ferrum’s body. I was a bit worried that he was about to activate some crazy effect, but nothing seemed to happen. 

Well, that was until Unika chatted more with the fox and then translated to me.


“These orbs… they are Fer and Rum.” She said, and I expected as much. Overlay units are made of the monster materials, after all. “When they enter the main body, they can influence it. But otherwise, this new personality is in control.” As Unika told me that, I saw the overlay unit leaving Ferrum’s body, and returning to its orbit.


… Yeah. So that is a thing now. How on earth did that not happen with the Factory tests?


… Maybe because the monsters I used there lacked personality? Individuality? 

They were just tokens, basically. I didn’t bother making them anything more, because I assumed they’d keep the same personality as the OG had when they Ranked-Up. 

And that is the case in every other case than Admiration of the Thousands. But with that, I assumed it would make a fused identity like Polymerization does. But apparently not. It makes a new personality that is somewhat like the originals, while keeping the originals as overlay units.

Definitely something interesting and something that I really like knowing.



“... Brian.” Wilma asked me, as I was heading to my office. “... I had this idea, but … I’m not sure you’ll like it.”

“You can always ask. Besides, I go through with bad ideas all the time.” I told her.

“I know, but … this is a bit more bad. I … I wanted to make a new weapon. … one that carries the weapon skill with it.” Wilma explained.

“Okay? That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“... Yes, but … it cannot be done.”

“But you have an idea, or you wouldn’t be sharing.”

“... It cannot be done by any means we know of.” Wilma said. “... but there might be a way. It is just … questionable.”


“Stop beating around the bush and just tell me.” I tried to push for her idea. 

“... I think by enchanting in Demonic, it is possible to make a weapon that carries a weapon skill!” Wilma quickly blurted.


… in Demonic? As in the demonic language? … I mean, yeah, that should be possible. You can enchant in the spirit language, so why not Demonic?

And considering that demons can just hand out skills, it might be possible. 


Okay, I think I need to specify a thing here. Demons don’t actually just hand out skills, it is a bit more complicated than that. They actually mess with the miasma inside your body and force it to take the form of a skill. 

I’ve tried to understand the process, but it is more than a little complicated and my Miasma Control isn’t nearly high enough level where I can really figure out how demons do that.


But yeah. If we do a miasma based enchant in Demonic, yeah. It should work. I think.

I mean, weapons that give Strength are possible, weapons that auto-cast spells are simple-ish. So why not a weapon that just gives you the skill? It should be possible.

I mean, something like my Red-Eyes Black Dragon Sword can technically help you with swordsmanship. It can’t give you any skills, but it is a living sword, so it can kind of guide you in how you should wield it.


“... Yeah. I think we can look into that. I’ll need to ask Hope if she knows demons that know how to enchant, then I’ll need to make a contract with one or two. Then … well, then we will need a test weapon that they can enchant.” I quickly listed off what would need to be done so that we can test this theory.

“Can’t your demon monsters do it instead?” Wilma asked.

“No, not really. They can manipulate miasma, but they don’t know the System well enough to where they can influence it. My card installs can give skills, but they cannot make a weapon that gives skills.” I reminded her.

“Alright. … so I’ll make the weapon, and you’ll acquire the appropriate demon.” Wilma siad.

“Don’t rush it. At least let me talk to Hope first. She might know if this is even theoretically possible. Better not use too many resources into this if the demons just can’t do so.”

“... fine.”


“A quick question, but why are you so interested in this?” I asked Wilma. Like sure I liked the idea, but she seems to really be pushing it.

“... I … I had this idea. Got it from those black frame monsters with the circling lights.” Wilma began, and I just looked at her with a ‘go on’ look. … at least that is what I think I looked like.

“... so, in theory, if I could make a few of these skill granting weapons, maybe I could have them circle me, like those orbs circle the monsters, and then I could just grab the weapon I need at that time. And since the weapon has the skill, I wouldn’t need to worry about having the skill for all the different weapons.”

“... interesting idea. But are you sure? You don’t need to do that.”

“I want to. … It’s just … I’m good with a shield. I can hit things with a hammer. … but what else? And with the world going insane, I feel like I should do something. I was given the System Support for a reason, but then I do nothing with it. I just craft weapons. Meanwhile, the rest of you are out there actually saving the world. … I just think I need to do a bit more.”

“... alright. I won’t say not to feel that way, but don’t blame yourself. Not everyone is a fighter. But if this will make you feel more confident, let’s do it.” 


And, I mean, it isn’t like I don’t want to see if this is actually possible.



I summoned Hope and asked her about this, but she didn’t know. She didn’t know how to enchant, so she couldn’t answer. 

So I asked her to find me a demon that would know, and then I’d do a demon summoning, and Hope would hopefully make sure I get the demon I need.


I gave her a day, and a miasma stone, to find me a demon I need for this.



I summoned her the next day, and she informed me that she found a sabbath that was willing to help me, but that it would likely cost a lot of miasma stones.


But I promised Wilma I’d try, so I made another demon summoning circle, no, I don’t have a permanent one made. I then let Hope return to the demon world, so she can inform the demon that I’m about to summon a demon. That way the demon I want will hopefully respond immediately, and no other demon will take the call.


The demon that responded to my call was an incubus turned sabbath. An incubus, for those that don’t know, is just the male version of a succubus.

He seemed to be on the older side, so he must have gotten skilled enough to be considered a sabbath, when his looks didn’t cut it as an incubus.

The sabbath told me that he didn’t know if what I wanted was actually possible, as no demon, at least no demon he knows, has ever attempted anything like that, but he was willing to try it out, at the cost of one miasma stone per summoning, and an extra miasma stone for every enchanted item. 

Which honestly is less than I expected considering Hope said he’d be expensive. But I think Hope just doesn’t understand prices.

Sadly, as a sabbath, he didn’t have access to too many weapon skills, as those fall under war demons, but he could still help us make the test pieces, so I agreed to his price, and made a contract.


With that, we have a demon. Now I need to tell Wilma what weapon skill enchants he thinks he can make. Wilma will make the weapon, and then we’ll hope it will work.


So yeah... Overlay units. They are now in use by 'regular' in world monsters. Well, only one monster for now, but there might be more.

Wilma also began work on her own 'overlay unit' project, which comes in the form of orbiting weapons. And yes, I know that is a bit out there, as it really serves no point, but Wilma will realize that eventually, and will improve on her designs.


An Update. I updated this chapter on the second of October. Originally Ferrum's race was twin cerberus fox, but thankfully people pointed out that a twin-headed dog/wolf is just a orthrus, so I changed the race to orthrus fox.

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