Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.60 Lucia’s dream

Lucia and I made our way back to the town's gate. Mario was still the one standing guard. He seemed surprised as he saw Performance of Sword walking just behind us.

“And who would this lady be?” He asked.

“It’s just my summon.” I answered. 

“Are you planning on bringing her into town? With blades in the open like that?” 

Yeah, that might not be the best idea. 

“No, I’ll just unsummon her now.” I said to Mario, before turning to my summon. “Sorry I didn’t have anything for you to do. I promise, I’ll summon you again.”

“It’s fine, Master. Any of us are glad to get summoned. A lot of us will never get the chance.” She answered. What kind of intelligence do they have before being summoned? Now I feel bad for all the cards I just sacked for the sleeves and toploaders. But it was a necessary sacrifice. 


Performance of Sword lowered into the card that appeared and I removed her card from my DiaDhank. After deactivating the combat mode on my terminal, I took a quick look at the card. It seemed perfect, like Slot Machine was when I got it back from Lucia. So it really is sleeved normally and I can summon her again.


“So, any other problems?” I asked Mario.

“No.” He answered. “But your summoning is definitely interesting.”

“I guess it is.” 

Lucia and I got into town and made our way back to the guild. I guess it’s about lunchtime. And I’m hungry. ‘But you just ate like three sandwiches’ I can hear someone saying. And I also went the last two days without food, so shut up.



We made it to the guild. It was still super silent. Other than us, there were only three other adventurers present. I guess most are still out in the fields doing whatever it is that they do. Herd the boars? 

Lucia went up to the food counter and ordered us lunch. She must have known I would be hungry. Well, she is a nurse, on some level. For lunch, we had boar steaks with mashed potatoes. The ones served in the Watchman manor are slightly better, but that might be because of the seasoning. I should visit that inn Zayaan told me about some day. He said it has the best food in town. Honestly, even this stuff would be amazing with some steak sauce. Could that be the secret of that inn? They know how to make steak sauce?


As I was pondering about the secrets of food, Lucia dropped me a heavy question.

“Brian, what would you do if there was something you wanted to do, but you can’t?”

Where is this coming from?

“Why would you ask something like that?” I asked back.

“What if you didn’t get anyone to help you fight against the wyverns? What would you have done?” She asked.

I think for a second. I think there is still only one option.

“I would’ve fought them on my own.” I answered. “I’d have done everything in my power to try and stop them.” 

“Why not fly away on your dragon?” She asked.

“There is a legend I heard from my parents. A legend of a person who always ran away from problems. He could have stopped the carnage, but he didn’t want to take the risk. He was scared, so he ran. Only protecting himself, and his family. He ran, as the world around him was destroyed. And in the end, the carnage caught up to him. He had nowhere to run. Everything was gone. And so, the carnage took the last thing he had, his family. With no other choice, he fought the carnage. But with nothing left to fight for, he couldn’t win.”


“But he didn’t die. The carnage left him alive, just to taunt him. He knew no matter what he did, he would never get his family back. In the end, he did something impossible. He went back in time, to make sure his younger self would not make the same mistake he did. He made sure his younger self would grow into a warrior, that would defend everyone, not just those closest to him.”


“But, you are different from that legend.” Lucia argued.

“Perhaps.” I answered. “But if you have the power to do something, but choose not to, it makes you responsible for the bad things that happen because of your inaction.”

“And here I was just trying to get small time advice, but you go on a storytelling spree.” 

“Sorry about that. But if you really want serious advice, please ask in a more direct way.” I told her.


Lucia seemed to think for a moment. She then pulled out her flask and took a sip.

“If you had the blood curse, like I do, what would you do?” She asked.

Well, that’s simple.

“I would get rid of it.” I answered.

“But it’s impossible.” She answered. “It can only be removed by someone who can use true Blood magic.”

“Then I would learn how to use it.” I told her.

“But you can’t, because of the curse.” 

“Then, I would ask for the help of someone else. Someone without the curse.”

“But only dhampirs can learn blood magic.” She argued.

“And vampires.” I added. I might not know much, but vampires should know how to use it. Vampires are the origin of dhampirs, after all.

“But the vampires have all passed away.” She said to me.

“Then I would revive one, have it heal my curse, learn true blood magic and go around the world treating others.” I told her.


“But your plan still has a big issue. You lack the origin point.” She tried to bring me back.

“Perhaps, but then all I would have to do is find one.” I told her.

In truth, I do have one. My cards. I don’t remember in what set ‘Vampire’ cards originate in, but I know they exist. Camula from GX is all the confirmation I need. But I don’t have GX sets unlocked yet. Lost Millennium should be the first one to have GX era cards. 

(Master already has sets with ‘Vampire’ cards unlocked.) Laura told me.


… (How do you know that? Laura, explain yourself.) I demanded.

(When Master’s skill leveled up to level three, card lists were unlocked.) She told me. (You can view the cards available in each set with it.) 

WHAT? I gained something like that? 

Pack opener. Get over here. Now!

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Set lists
Open Packs

It really is there. How did I not notice it at the hospital? I must have been sleeping. Or on hospital drugs

Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Dark Beginning 1


All of my unlocked sets are here. And I can just pull up the card lists for any of them? Nice.


“Is something wrong?” Lucia’s voice brings me back into reality.

“No, everything is fine. Almost better than fine.” I told her.

“How come?”

“Lucia.” I said to her in a serious tone. “If I could cure your blood curse, what would you do? Would you want me to cure it? And what would you do after I cure it?”

“How would you do it?” She asked.

“You answer my question first.” I insisted.

“... I want to be a doctor.” She gave her answer.

“And what is holding you back at the moment? You did a fine job taking care of me.” I said.

“I can’t be a doctor if I have the blood curse.” She told me.

“Why? Who said you can’t? Tell them that you are one. If you take care of people on a high enough level, you are a doctor. At least in my books.” I told her.

“But I won’t be officially recognized.” She said.

“Why does that matter?” I asked. “Even if some crummy noble or some stuck up organization doesn’t recognize you, what would it change? The people you help are the ones that will recognize you. They will be the ones calling you Doctor Lua.” I hope she won’t mind me using her nickname like that. I think she prefers it over her ‘longer’ name.


“...but a doctor should be able to use light magic.” She said.

“And who decided that? Some organization of doctors? Again, you can be a doctor, without being a doctor. And in all honesty, you do have the skills for it. You’re just afraid.” I told her.

“Afraid? Of what?” 

“You’re afraid of yourself.” I told her. “You don’t trust your control over your curse. You are afraid you’ll just suck someone dry when you see their blood, aren’t you?”

“....” She didn’t respond.


“Just don’t give up, Ok? I can’t help you if you give up.” I told her.

“Like you helped Miss Alice?” 

“You know about that?” Did Alice tell her? “But, yes. Like I helped Alice.”

“Could you do it? Right now?” She asked.

“...sorry, but not right now. I don’t have the cards for it. But I can try to get them as soon as possible.” I told her. I have like 20 pack tokens to go through, so that’s at least some chance to get a vampire card.


“Then, I’ll wait.” She said to me. 

“Don’t just wait. Work hard on your other problems. Study things you are bad at, and improve the things you are good at. It’s never a good idea to just wait. Waiting will get you nothing.” I told her.

“Then I’ll do that.” She said with vigor in her voice.

“Good, then I guess you deserve a little something. We should move to a more private room for that.” I told her. If she wants light magic, who am I to say no? Luminous Spark is common, I believe, so using the one I have is no problem.

(It also appears in Dark Beginning 1.) Laura added.


“Then, we should head to our house.” Lucia said as she got up from the table. 

“Sure, lead the way.” I responded.

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