Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.70 First Flight

“Can you guys do me a favor?” I asked the adventurers.

“Of course. What do you need?” One of them answered.

“I need you to tell the people working in the forest that the white dragon they saw is my summon and it’s not dangerous.” I told them.

“What dragon?” They asked.

“This one.” I pull out my prized card. It’s time. “I summon the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon.”


Like Red-Eyes before it, Blue-Eyes flew out of a card in the air. God you are gorgeous. She was a little larger than Red-Eyes, I would say. After flying around a little, she landed in the clearing at the entrance of the dungeon. Luckily it was large enough to fit her. Thank god Slot Machine made a clearing here.


“So, you will tell the worker about this, won’t you?” I confirmed as I looked back at the adventurers. 

They didn’t respond. I walk up to the one I assume is the leader, as he had been in charge of most of the talking. I wave my hand in front of his eyes. Hello. Did you break?

“Wake up.” I slap him lightly. 

“...WHAT IS THAT!?” He boots up and yells. 

“...a dragon. What does it look like?” I answered.

“But, it’s …. that has to be a heavenly dragon, right? There is no other way. No normal dragon could be like that.” 

Heavenly dragon? I’ll accept that. But I’m not sure that is true.

“Perhaps she is.” I told him. “I’ll be riding on her, so you guys make sure people know she is my summon.” I told them.

“We will, but I’m not sure anyone will believe us.” He said to me.

“Just do your best.” I told them and walked up to my dragon.


Now, how to get on? I thought I was just going to have to climb up when she offered one of her hands for me as a stepping stool. I jumped up to it and she lifted it a bit so I could jump onto her back. Nice and easy.

I looked for a good place to sit down, and noticed a place that looked almost like a motorcycle seat in her scales. Did she make this place for me? Could she do something like that?

I took a seat and held onto her. 

“Let’s take off.” I ordered.


And we did. It was a little rough, but I held on just fine. And just a few seconds later we were flying above the forest. Holy, this is nice. The views are amazing. I can already see Alewatch. But that would mean they can see me. I hope they’ll just assume it’s something not to worry about. We are somewhat far after all. This is where I’m thankful my dragon is only around 20 meters long, instead of 100 meters long. Makes it harder for people to spot it from a far. But the people working in the forest can definitely see it. I hope they realize it’s mine and don’t panic or something. But then again, if you see a dragon like this, what can you really do? Run away would be the likely answer.


It’s surprisingly easy to stay on my dragon. I think it’s thanks to sitting behind her head. She is breaking the wind so it doesn’t hit me as hard. It probably would be worse if we were to fly faster, but at these speeds I’ll be fine. I try to take in as much of the sights as I can, but it’s not that easy. Sitting on the back of a dragon doesn’t give the best field of view as I only get glimpses of the surroundings. It’s enough though. Perhaps I could get a skill that I can use to share vision with my summons. That way I could take it all in from the eyes of Blue-Eyes.


“Let’s fly away from the road project so we minimize the fear.” I told my dragon. I have no idea if she heard me, but I think Laura can transmit my order, in case she didn’t.

She turned and we were now heading deeper into the forest.

There wasn’t much to look at, but at least we wouldn’t cause as much panic here and it would give time for the adventurers to go inform everyone.


The sad part is that there is basically nothing to look at here. It’s just forest. For what feels like forever. How large is this forest? It’s huge, with basically nothing special in it. I guess I can at least guess why there are no roads going through it.



Eventually, we turned back. I had still not seen any signs of life in the forest. I guess no hidden elf village in this forest. Or they are hidden to the point where we couldn’t see them from the air. We did spot some flying monsters that looked like vultures, but they flew the other way at maximum speed as soon as they saw Blue-Eyes. I guess they respect the draconic power. Or they just don’t want to die.

As we approached the dungeon, I ordered Blue-Eyes to take a little detour so we wouldn’t fly directly over the road project. This made me cut the summoning time a little low, so we had to pick up a little more speed so that the time limit wouldn’t get in the way. 

After we made it to the plains, Blue-Eyes landed. We were probably about a kilometer away from the road project, so I would need to walk there. I might need to put a toploader onto Overdrive so I can summon it more often. Or come up with a different transport.

After landing, I thanked my dragon and unsummoned her. It was a real pleasure. I hope it won’t come to bite me in the ass. A bite in the hand is fine. That much I expected.


I was thinking of summoning a monster to give me a ride, but I think I’ll walk to the road project and see if I can get a lift from there.



As I made it to the parked carriages, I saw the adventurers from the dungeon there. They were just sitting around. I guess they delivered my message already. I do wonder if they were planning on getting a ride as well.

Oh ouh. An angry looking manager is walking towards me. Don’t look at me like that. I’m not a karen. I didn’t ask for a manager.

“What did you do!?” He came up to me and angrily asked.

“Me? Nothing.” I answered.

“So you didn’t summon a dragon and frighten everyone to the point where they want to leave?” 

“Oh, that. I might have done that.” I told him. “I thought I was far enough away to not cause problems, so the problem is your employees.”

“Don’t try to spin this onto the hardworking people. You are the one that just goes around doing stupid things like that. You should consider how other people feel when dragons are flying that close to their homes.” The manager told me.

“Sure. I’ll consider it.” I responded in a mocking tone. “That’s why I asked the adventurers to act as messengers. I thought that would be enough.”

“How would that be enough!?” He argued.

“No idea. And here I was going to ask you for a ride to town, but I guess that’s going to be a no.” I responded.

“Of course I won’t give you one! You are just one massive problem to us!” He yelled at me.

“Fine. I’ll just get a summon to take me then. Bye.”

I waved at him and turned to leave. Since I can’t get a ride from him, I’ll just rely on a summon. One that I have ridden before.

“Don’t walk away from me!” The manager was yelling after me. “I’m from the Bakula company and You should Not mess with Me!”

“Fine.” I quickly turn to face him. “Please, do tell me who you are.”

“I’m Kevin, the one in charge of this operation! I’ll get you in so much trouble that you’ll need to go to another country to get rid of all of it!” 

WTF is his name? Is it really Kevin? That’s too funny.

“Sure thing, Kevin. I’ll just leave then.” I turned my back to him and summoned my ride. “Frenzied Panda.”


Kevin’s words seem to be stuck in his throat as he sees me summon my next monster. I didn’t summon it to kill you, or anything. I just need a ride.

I jump on top of my panda and ride off into the sunset. Except that it’s still only afternoon, and I’m riding north, not west.

“Bye, Kevin.” I waved at him as I left the area of his anger. 

Now the only question is, do I need to report the manager to his manager?

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