Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.80 Date continues

The main square. Finally we made it here. It only took like… two stops. I saw some of the passersby looking at us, but no one walked up to us to interrupt us. I feel like at least some of them would have called out to me if I was alone, but this is also nice. 

“Do you want to visit the Bakula company’s store?” I offered Alice. 

Other than that, there was only the inn where I planned to take her for lunch, the Bakula company’s carriage site and a furniture workshop’s store. And that weapon store, I guess. But I already bought a weapon for Alice and I don’t think we need furniture at the moment.

“I guess we can.” She answered.

“Okay, let’s go in.” I took her to the store.



“Welcome.” The employee from yesterday welcomed us. “Oh, Sir Brian and the Miss Watchman. What can I do for you?”

“We are just going to look around.” I told her.

“Not going to buy that necklace you looked at yesterday?” She asked.

…Why did you have to spoil it?

“...I’m still thinking about it.” I told her.

“Please ask if you want it. Also, the owner said he wanted to talk to you about something, so if you wouldn’t mind, please see him before you leave.” She told me.

“Sure.” I said and took Alice to look at their offerings.


“Brian, what necklace was she talking about?” Alice asked as we were checking out their wares. 

“It was something I was thinking of giving you.” I told her. “But the one they had wasn’t exactly what I was looking for, so I didn’t get it.”

“But you said you had something for me?” She confirmed.

“I do. But it’s not a necklace from here.” I told her. #technicallythetruth The one I want to give her was made by the dungeon. And improved with a card.

“I see. I guess you also got me this staff.” She said as she was looking at the crescent moon on it.

“Perhaps I’ll hold onto the other thing I have until your next spell then.” I told her.

“But I didn’t even show you my new spell yet.” Alice argued.

“What about the bubble this morning?” I asked.

“That was just Shade that I controlled better.” She told me.


The spell she used to darken the estate? I guess if she learned to control it, she could do something like that. 

Wait a second. That makes no sense. Why was Jenna crying right next to it then? If it was just a controlled shade, it shouldn't stop someone from going inside of it, right? I could move in it just fine last time. Well about as well as you can move when you are blindfolded and someone is guiding you with vocal commands.


“...Does that mean you really planned all of it?” I asked.

“What do you mean?” Alice responded with a question.

“What happened this morning. You planned it so that I would come in and help you. And everyone was just acting for the effect.” 

“... it was Mother’s idea.” Alice told me. “She said you were hurting. And that you needed something else to focus on. So she asked me to do it.”

“What about Jenna? Why would she react like that?” I asked.

“Mana said it’s because Shade affects the emotions of people in it and close to it. It makes people more emotional, so Jenna did what she did. Jenna is like my big sister, you know.” Alice told me.

“But she wasn’t really separated from you or anything.” I argued.

“But she felt like I put myself at risk. Even though I told her I felt just fine. She almost demanded to be in the sphere with me, but Mother said it wouldn’t work.” Alice explained.


Now I feel stupid. I was so sure that Alice was trapped or something. I didn’t even place my hand onto the sphere. If I did, I would have noticed that it was not a wall. But I guess I was taking things safe. Going into an unknown spell is not a great idea.


“...she really tricked me so hard.” I let out. Why didn’t I just think more? Why did I think it was on me to get Alice out? I should have just summoned Dark Magician or Dark Sage instead.

“I’m sorry.” Alice apologized. “But I’m happy to know you care about me.” She said as she smiled.

“... You know it’s difficult for me. Did your mother tell you anything about me?” I asked.

“Not really. She just said you didn’t want to get out of bed because of something that happened. I thought you had some physical damage that kept you in bed, but she said it was your emotions that were damaged.” She answered. “What did you tell her?”

“... I’d rather not talk about it. At least not now.” I told Alice.

“Why not?” She asked.

“It’s not something you should worry about at the moment.” I told her. “You have your own problems that need your attention, so you shouldn’t try helping others too much.”

“But you did it for me.” She argued.

“I know. And I feel stupid for doing it.” I told her. “But I felt like what happened to you was my fault, so I had to do something.”

“But it’s not your fault.” She told me. 

“Perhaps, but I didn’t think about that at that moment. I just thought that you were actually trapped in a spell and acted on it.” I told her.

“...I’m glad you did. I was so happy when I saw you standing there as my spell broke.” Alice told me. “But how did you do it?


How? It’s simple.

“Do you really need to ask? You should know how.” I said.

“I thought you would use a summon for it.” She told me.

“My cards can hold things other than monsters. Some of them hold spells. The one I used in the morning is a spell that can destroy other spells.” I informed her.

“...you and your cards.” She joked.

“I’m a pack opener. That means I have cards and I’m not afraid to use them.” I joked back.


With that, we kept checking out different things in the store.



“How about this mantle?” Alice said as she was looking at a leather mantle.

“Do you want it?” I asked.

“Not for me, but for you. You don’t have one right?” 

For me? I guess it would be nice, but I think I should do some research into them before buying one. I think one made of wyvern hide or whatever it is called would be nice as well, but I think all the wyvern materials were taken to a larger city. I guess I could ask when Zayaan comes back. Brandon would probably know as well, but I’ll just ask Zayaan.

“I’ll think about it, but I think I’ll pass for now.” I told her.


“Oh, not interested in it.” I heard someone behind me say. “I can show you some others as well.”

I turned around and saw the chairman there. 

“Hi. You didn’t need to come out here for us.” I told him.

“I feel like I should. One of my employees caused you some problems at the guild yesterday, or so I’ve heard.” He said.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said to him. “He was just letting out some steam.”

“I see, but still. As the owner of Bakula Trading & Transport, I must apologize to you, Sir Brian. I hope his actions won’t turn you away from our company once your dungeon starts producing items.” He told me.

“As I said, don’t worry about it. I did also cause issues to him and the Bakula company with my selfish desires to ride a dragon, so him being upset is understandable. Just try to make sure he is a little more discreet in the future.” I told the owner.

“Oh, about that. He no longer works with us.” The owner told me.

“Why? Did you fire him?” I asked.

“No, I wouldn’t do that before talking with you. He left to get in contact with someone in the capital that his wife is affiliated with.” The owner told me.


Is he looking for the tiger whose authority he can borrow? If he is going all the way to the capital, he might have a powerful contact. Not that I know how far the capital actually is. I hope this contact isn’t some high-power noble. Well considering him, it’s probably a viscount at best. And if I get on the good side of Christina’s father, he’ll help me out with it. I hope.


“I see… I hope that didn’t cause a major problem for you. I know he was in charge of the road clearing project.” I said.

“Don’t worry. It’s simple work after all, so we have other workers that can take over. The bigger problem is being one coachman down. Especially with the rain coming in. We won’t get all the trees out before it.” The owner told me.

“So you agree that rain is coming. I thought so as well.” I said.

“Well it is time for the spring rains. They come every year, but they are a little early this time.” He told me.

“I see. I hope the baron and his group will make it back before the rain comes.” I said to him. 

“Let us hope so.” He answered.

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