Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.82 Lunch at Boar’s Lounge

I held Alice’s hand as we walked into the Boar’s lounge. The building was large. Perhaps it’s even larger than the Watchman manor. Well it was certainly taller, having three storeys and all. The manor only had two, after all. But I think in the area viewed from above, the manor is slightly larger. So perhaps the livable space is the same or close to the same.


We walked into a dining room filled with tables. With a glance, I counted at least fifteen tables. That’s a lot. I think all of them are four seater tables though. Unless there is a separate room for large parties.

“Welcome.” A hostess standing behind a counter welcomed us. “Are you here to eat or to stay?”

“Just to eat.” I answered.

“That fine. Do you have a table you like? We have space.” She told us.


She was right. Only one of the tables had some guests. A group of three was sitting there. I’m not completely sure about them, but they might be adventurers, but I’ve never seen them before at the guild or outside either, so I’m really not sure. I guess they could just be travelers. Or perhaps adventurers escorting a merchant or something.

I took us to a nice table that had a small window next to it. It didn’t point to the main square, but to one of the main streets that took off from it. The table was… well decent. It was a simple wooden table, but nothing like the smooth and (almost) shiny table of the Watchman manor. It’s a little like a table that was designed for outside use in my old world. Sturdy, but not as nice as an inside table. I guess someone would call it ‘used’ or ‘worn’. Not to the point where I was afraid of getting splinters, but worn all the same. A little time with some sandpaper or something, and a coat of varnish and it would be nice and smooth again.


“Would you like the cheap, intermediate or the expensive menu?” The hostess asked after we sat down.

… What? I just choose between the three options? Isn’t there a menu or something?

“Can you explain the difference? Other than the cost.” I asked.

“Well, the amount of food and the meat are different. At the moment, we have some delicious bison meat for the expensive menu. It was hunted by Prime Rib, so its taste is guaranteed.” She was making a sales pitch.


Bison hunted by Prime Rib? Is it the one I hunted then? I had some of it at the Watchman manor and it was really good. So I guess this inn bought a lot of it. But what about the wyvern meat? Do people not eat it? Or perhaps it's too much for an inn like this.


“For the intermediate set, we have some of the best boar cuts. And for the cheap one, well it has some of the less liked boar cuts.” She told us. “The cheap one costs three copper per person, the intermediate is eight copper per person and the expensive one is large silver per person. But the expensive one comes with drinks and a dessert.”


I guess a large silver is like 25 copper, so it might be a lot for normal people. But I just made like 40 gold today.


“What do you think, Alice? We can get any you want.” I offered.

“Then let’s just get the expensive one.” She said back.

“So two expensive meals. That will be two large silver.” The hostess caught on and said.

I dug in my fanny pack and got out the two large silver coins. “Here.” I said as I handed them over.

“Thank you. Now, what drinks would you like?” She asked. “Mead, ale, wine?”


I looked at Alice. I’m not sure how used she is to alcohol. I could easily go for some mead if I was solo, or actually some wine might be good as well.

“Alice, are you fine with an alcoholic drink?” I asked her.

“...I … I would prefer one without alcohol.” She answered.

“We do have apple cider if you want something that is easier to drink.” She offered. “As well as berry juice, if you prefer that.” 

“... just the juice.” Alice said quietly.

“Yes miss. And you sir?” The hostess asked.

“I’ll have some watered down mead.” I told her. I haven’t had mead in a while, so I’ll go with that, but I asked them to water it down just in case. Mead can be strong, depending on where you get it from. I can always just get something else if I don’t like the first thing I buy. If I can make 100 gold coins per fanny pack… Well that’s a lot of money, so paying for two drinks won’t bankrupt me.

“Yes sir. I’ll bring you your appetizers and drinks in just a second.” She said, but asked one last thing before leaving. “Would you prefer potatoes or rice?”


Again, I looked at Alice, letting her choose.

“Potatoes.” She answered.

The hostess looked at me and I nodded for confirmation.

“Potatoes it is.” She said as she walked into what I assume to be the kitchen.



“I’m sorry.” Alice said to me as the hostess left.

“Why? You have nothing to be sorry about.” I told her.

“I asked you to buy the expensive meal and I can’t even order alcohol with it. I feel like I’m wasting your money.” She admitted.

“Is that what you are worried about? It’s fine. I honestly would worry more if you had something alcoholic. I have no idea how well you could hold it down.” I told her.

“...thank you.” She said, holding her head down.


Just a bit later, the hostess came back with our drinks and a small basket.

“Here are your drinks and some of our garlic bread as an appetizer.” She said as she placed the basket and the drinks on the table.

Hmm.. Garlic bread. I’ve never had garlic bread, just garlic baguette. Not that I have any idea what the difference is. Well I know what bread is and what a baguette is, so I guess that’s the difference.

I took a piece of the garlic bread and checked it out. It honestly looks almost like a baguette, but the crust is a little thinner and softer. A long bread sliced with garlic butter, or something like that.


I looked as Alice picked up a piece of bread as well. I guess there is nothing more to it than to eat. … Actually, I guess I should give a quick prayer to the system beforehand. I’ve been trying to keep it up, but I think I’ve forgotten at least once or twice. 

“Oh mighty system, bless my food.” I said before I bit into the bread.

Opposite to me, Alice also took a bite of her bread.

… it’s good. Not mind blowing, but good. It’s definitely better than the frozen garlic baguettes I bought from the supermarket. I guess this is an appetizer, so it shouldn’t be mind blowing anyway.


“It’s good.” Alice said.

“Yeah, I agree.” I answered.



After enjoying some of the bread and having a sip of our drinks, they were fine, our mains came in. A nicely sized cut of meat for both of us, with some mashed potatoes and boiled vegetables on the side. There was also a pitcher with some sauce in it, that we were instructed to pour onto the food as we saw fit. I like that it is separate, as this way I can taste just the base food and then get some sauce on it.

I cut a piece of the steak and put it in my mouth. … It’s good, but I think the one I had at the manor was slightly better. I also quickly tried the vegetables and the mashed potatoes, but again they were just under the quality from Alice’s home. They must have an amazing chef.


I took up the sauce pitcher and poured some sauce onto my plate, covering about half of my steak and veggies in the sauce. Alice looked like she also wanted some, so after confirming it, I poured some for her as well.

Now, round two.

“Mmmm.” I heard Alice enjoying the bite with the sauce a lot more.

And I would have to agree. This sauce is amazing. It complements the meat perfectly. It’s so good. I can definitely see why people say this place has the best food in town. With the sauce, it might even be better than what I’ve been served at the Watchman manor.



We enjoyed the rest of our mains and for dessert we were presented with something that seemed similar to pudding. And some tea. 


During our meal, two things happened. 

One. A lot more people showed up at the inn and they were now enjoying their meals. I didn’t recognize many of them, but I did spot the owner of Bakula company coming in. I guess he might be having a celebration meal. Or perhaps he just is a regular here.

Two. It’s gotten a lot darker outside. It’s not raining, yet, but the sky is completely overcast.


As we were finishing out desserts, the first raindrops began to fall.

“Oh no.” Alice said as she realized. “We didn’t make it back in time.”

“It’s going to be fine.” I told her. Luckily, I came up with a plan to avoid the rain during our meal. 

“But we will get wet.” Alice complained.

“As I said, it will be fine.” I told her. “I have a plan to get you back home, completely dry.”

“I see. Then should we go?” 

“Yes. Let’s go.” I responded.


We said our goodbyes to the hostess and moved to leave the inn. Now, execute operation anti-rain. Or operation umbrella. Or… Who cares. Mission: Get Alice home without a drop of rain hitting her. Sadly, the system didn’t agree with me and didn’t turn it into an actual mission.

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