Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.91 White Lightning

My two dragons took off from near the northern gate of Alewatch. I wanted to take off from the guild’s yard, but it would be too small to fit both Red-Eyes and Blue-Eyes at the same time. Perhaps using a smaller dragon as a mount would be better when I’m close to town. Need to get a sleeve for Hyozanryu at some point and check out his size.


Lucia was protecting us from the rain with a water spell, but that didn't really help in seeing. The rain was quite overwhelming so I could only see some of the basic forms of the ground below us.

Our two dragons were to fly on the two sides of the road. We were on the right side and Red-Eyes was on the left.


“Brian, can you see anything?” Lucia asked. She was sitting behind me and had her hands around my waist. 

“Not yet. We just took off.” I told her. “The visibility is also terrible. But I think if we see any lightning, we should head in that direction.”

Luckily the little bubble Lucia had cast to protect us from the rain also made it easier to talk.

“Why would we search for lightning?” Lucia asked.

“The group was attacked by thunder sprites, so I would guess the thunder sprites hang close by to lightning strikes.” I told her. “It might give us some direction.”

“I see.” Lucia said behind me.




A massive lightning bolt hit a little ways in front of us. I could feel Lucia tighten her grip on me when it happened.

“Blue-Eyes, that’s where we are going!” I commanded my summon. I have no idea if she heard me, but she did seem to pick up some speed.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

Multiple smaller lightning bolts hit a little ways away from where the large one struck.

“Br… Brian.” Lucia said as she held onto me tightly. “There is a lot of mana moving in that area.”

Mana? Do the sprites use magic?

(Yes. Sprites are spirits that were corrupted by miasma. They attack with magic and are immune to physical attacks.) Laura told me.

I see. Actually, how can Lucia feel mana moving from this far away? There is still at least a few kilometers between us and that area.

(She can feel it because she is a skilled mage. The amount of mana being used is large and it’s used without any care at all, so a lot of it bursts everywhere. You could feel it as well if you were better at mana control.) 

… again, you bully me. That’s not fun.

(I’m trying to give you motivation so you’ll practice more by pointing out your shortcomings.)

Fine. Just try to be nicer about it. 

(I take after Master.) Laura told me. Am I really that savage? 



“There. Those are the thunder sprites!” Lucia said as she pointed ahead.

There were a total of six or seven balls of yellow light. At least that’s what they looked like from this distance. One of them was significantly larger than the others. I guess that would be their leader and the one that casted that first lightning bolt.

(Master, I’ve located the wreckages of multiple carriages.) Laura told me. (The attacks of the thunder sprites seem to be focused on an area near them.)

“Lua, Laura noticed a wrecked carriage! I think they are somewhere near that! And these thunder sprites are attacking that area! I think we need to take them down!” I told Lucia.

“But how? Water magic is not that good against thunder sprites!” She told me.

“We are riding a dragon! How do you think we will do this?” I responded.


I ordered Blue-Eyes to move into attack position, but before we made it there. 

(Master, another lightning attack incoming.) Laura warned me.

(Are they targeting us?) I asked.

(No, they seem to be targeting the ground. But I’ve located the group we are searching for and they are the target.) She told me.

(Can I stop it?) I asked.

(Yes, use this.) Laura said as my pack opener’s collection popped up.

I took a card from it and looked at its name. Will this really work? Well it’s Laura’s idea so it should work.


“Wall of Revealing Light.” I activated the card Laura had chosen. I could feel the HP leaving my body. I don’t know how much that trap card just took, but I hope I didn’t give it too much. I don’t want to die to some stray lightning scraps that hit us.

(It only took 200 HP from you, Master. You still have enough with your defense stat and summoner’s protection skill.

200? Isn’t that half of my HP?


But the card took effect and a large wall of light appeared between the ground and the sprites. It made it just in time before the next set of lightning crashed down. 

Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Five lightning bolts hit the wall in a row. I could see a massive crack in the wall, but it didn’t break yet.


The larger bolt from the leader sprite came next and it shattered the wall I spent 200 HP on. That’s not fair. But I think that might be enough time for Blue-Eyes. We should be within the striking range.


“Blue-Eyes, attack those sprites. White Lightning!” I commanded. At this point, I don’t care if it is a little cringe. As long as we take them down, that’s all that matters.

Blue-Eyes opened her mouth and shot out a beam of white light. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the brightness of it.




Luckily we had moved into a position where the attack would just keep going up into the air. I really don’t want to carve the lands with that attack. That’s because there was now a hole in the clouds where that breath attack had made contact with them. Blue-Eyes, I was joking when I said you could blast away the clouds. You didn’t actually need to do it.

The sprites weren’t looking that good either. Well, only one of them was even alive at this point anyway. The largest one that I think was the leader. I’m actually surprised it was able to take that attack.


“Brian, one survived.” Lucia said behind me.

“Well you know what they say. If at first you don’t succeed, blast them with your Blue-Eyes again. White Lightning!” 

Another beam of white light lit up the rainy sky. This time my eyes were able to see it. 

It didn’t move as fast as I thought it would. Well I guess expecting it to move at lightspeed was on me, so… At least it was still fast.

I tried following the attack path with my eyes, but I couldn’t. Both because it did move quickly, and because it was pure white. But I did notice something.

“That thing dodged.” I complained. The sprite had dodged the second attack. Apparently it didn’t like my lightning.

(Master, it’s focusing on us. It will attack us soon. After the attack, it will be vulnerable.) Laura told me. (But I cannot recommend taking on an attack from it. And if we dodge we won’t be in a good position to counter attack.)

“Then we just need another monster to do the counter attack for us.” I said out loud.

“Brian?” Lucia asked. 


“Don’t worry. I have a plan.” I told her. I pulled out the purple card from my collection. “St. Joan.”

I summoned the fusion monster I had summoned once yesterday. I think she will do a good job with the counter attack. She appeared standing on the back of Blue-Eyes, just behind Lucia.

“We will draw the lightning, you attack after it.” I commanded my summon.

“Yes Master.” She received her command and drew out her sword.


(Incoming!) Laura warned me.

“Blue-Eyes, Dodge!” I commanded. As we did, St. Joan took the opportunity to jump off of Blue-Eyes and extended her wings of light. She used them to soar in the other direction from us.





The massive lightning bolt hit where we had just been. The edge of it hit the tail of Blue-Eyes, but she took it like a champ without complaining. 

“Auch.” Lucia yelled behind me as some of the electricity had traveled along the back of Blue-Eyes and sapped both of us lightly. It didn’t hurt too bad, but it was most certainly not pleasant.


I turned my head so I could see the thunder sprite again. It had its eyes focused on us. Does a ball of yellow light actually have eyes to begin with? Well at least it was focused on us so it didn’t notice St. Joan before it was too late.

Flying with the wings of light, St. Joan soared past the thunder sprite cleaving it in two with her sword. I thought those things were immune to physical attacks. 

(A magic sword inflicts both physical and magical damage.) Laura told me. (That’s why I didn’t stop Master from summoning her.)


And with that, we had taken down the thunder sprites. It felt like it took forever, but there was only about 60 seconds between Blue-Eyes first attack and the final attack by St. Joan.


Now, let’s go check up on the group we were searching for. But we didn’t have the opportunity to do that, as something strange was happening right in front of us.

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