Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.93 Is it alright to resurrect the dead?

The shelter looked like two slabs of earth that had met in the middle. Probably something that someone could make as fast as possible. Its roof was completely charred by lightning like the surrounding area, so no surprise I couldn’t spot it from the air.

I got inside the earth ‘tent’ and saw a load of people sitting around. Lua was next to Zayaan, seemingly using healing magic on him. Wolf was on his knees, next to Jack who was sitting upright and one other member of their team that was laying on the ground. The guy on the ground didn’t look that good. He was completely charred by lightning. He still had armor on so I couldn’t tell if he was even breathing anymore. 

There were three others I saw that were in a similar state to him. Completely charred. They had dark lines running through their bodies and the area around the dark lines had turned almost purple. I didn’t recognize two of them, but one was one of the two guards that came with us to the dungeon.

I almost started pulling out cards that can heal people, but I need a better idea of the situation first. I followed Alex towards Lua and Zayaan. On the way I spotted Brandon and the butler … What was his name again? They seem to be mostly fine. I think I see some of those lightning burns on the arm of the butler and his sleeve on that arm is shredded, but at least they aren’t laying on the ground. I would assume an arm at that state can be healed. And if it can’t, you might be able to heal it by cutting it off and regrowing it. Maybe.


“Hey. You feeling alright?” I casually asked Zayaan. I was honestly just trying to calm him down.

“Been better, but I’ll live.” He answered. He didn’t have any visible injuries, but he might still have been hurt.

“I can summon a monster that can heal people if that will help.” I offered.

“Thanks, but… “ He turned his face. I followed his gaze to see the lightning charred body of Rico. “I don’t know if even you can fix that.”


I walked over to Rico’s body to confirm it. I thought some of them might have died, but I honestly didn’t want to accept it. Alex was already next to it, hanging his head down.

I squatted down next to Rico’s body and checked his pulse. … But of course I couldn’t find it. I knew I wouldn’t, but I still needed to make sure. If he was on the brink of death I would have taken him for a ride on Blue-Eyes as a farewell gift, but it’s too late for that. Only after I would try to heal him with every card in my arsenal. 


I couldn’t take looking at his dead body anymore, so I stood back up and walked away from him. I know that is rude, but I need to consider myself as well. This is just how I deal with things like this.



I moved over to where Brandon and the butler were.

“Thank you for saving us.” The butler said.

“Yeah, sorry I was late.” I told them as I looked at the right arm of the butler.

(Laura, what was his name again?)

(It’s Henry.) Laura reminded me.

“No. If you hadn’t come, we would have all died.” Brandon said to me. “Those sprites were focused on us and weren’t letting up. Thank you. For saving us. If there is anything you need in return, just ask.”

“... I might have an idea or two, but those can wait.” I told him. I then opened my collection and pulled out Dancing Fairy. “Dancing Fairy.” I said quietly to summon my monster.

The three small fairies appeared from a card and looked around at all the hurt people. I could feel their will to help everyone, but they were waiting for permission.

“Go heal them.” I gave the permission to my summon.


I saw them get to work on everyone. The first patient was Henry, as he was the closest. I saw as his charred arm regained color and all the dark lines disappeared slowly.


But I didn’t stick around to see my fairies heal everyone. I needed a moment alone so I stepped outside the earth shelter.



I know there is a card. I don’t have it, but I know it’s in some of the sets I have unlocked. And I could use it. But would using it bring more problems than it’s worth?

Monster Reborn. Or as it is known in the OCG, Resurrection of the Dead. It should be able to resurrect a dead person. I have all my daily pack tokens so I could try to get it. But should I? If I get a copy, who will be resurrected? Will I just bring more trouble than it’s worth? Is it my business to choose who gets resurrected? 


(Master. It might not be my place to say anything, but I think you should at least try. If you don’t get the card you need, there is nothing more you can do about it. And if you do get it, you can offer the decision on how to use it to them. I feel like if you don’t at least try, you’ll blame yourself later.) Laura told me.


… She does have a point. I probably will blame myself. But can I really deal with the backlash from this? What if they just begin to use me as a revival factory or something? I just feel like this won’t end well.


FUCK! I don’t know what to do. I know I need to just go for it. But…


(Laura, what sets have Monster Reborn in them?) I asked.

(Only Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Beginning 1.) Laura answered.

(Well at least that makes the choice for me.)



F*** No Monster Reborn there. Rain of Mercy could heal everyone and Upstart might be fun to put in a toploader, but they don’t help at the moment.


Well there is a super rare spell. But it’s not the one I need. Or even one I really want. I already have one. I guess having a second one is not terrible, but it just hits me in the gut that the super rare I get is just a repeat of a card I already have. Let’s hope these packs give me another one.



What part of ‘I don’t want extra polymerizations’ did you not understand? I would be happy if I wasn’t searching for a card that can literally save someone’s life at the moment. … Would reviving the dead be considered saving a life? Please give me Monster Reborn so I can answer that.



Okay, now you are just pissing me off. WHY??!!?? How can I be this lucky, while being this unlucky? These fucking polys are useless.

Okay, just calm down. We can still do this. We have two more chances. And I swear to God if I get another poly, I’ll just fuse someone with one of my cards.


Oh, oh, oh. It’s not a Monster Reborn, but it will give me two more chances.


(On it.)


2x Flame Manipulator, Dark Energy, 2x Tyhone, Forest, 2x Tripwire Beast, Larvas, 2x Darkworld Thorns, Flower Wolf, The 13th Grave, 2x Man Eater, Armored Starfish, Sand Stone, 2x Two-Mouth Darkruler, Two-Pronged Attack, Dissolverock, 2x Misairuzame, Drooling Lizard, Trial of Nightmare, 


(Apply them to the Pot. I need to activate it now.)

(It’s ready Master.)


I took the toploader Pot of Greed and immediately activated it. 

Would you like to consume 1 ‘toploader’ ‘Pot of Greed’ to increase your daily pack tokens by 2?
[Yes] [NO]


[Daily pack token number increased by 2. Total is now 12]


Now, the two last packs.




… Let’s calm down a little. Getting the card is only half of it. The difficult question comes next. Who are you going to revive? And I should probably open the last pack as well. I could always get a second one. Especially after that Poly straight. 



I guess one will have to do. I’m not happy about it, but one is better than none. 

(Laura, I need another toploader and sleeve combo for the Monster Reborn.)

(Of course, Master.)


While I was waiting on Laura to choose the sacrifices, I took a quick look at the effect of Monster Reborn. As I thought, I can resurrect a person, but only if it has been less than 24 hours from their death. And it doesn’t heal any external wounds so those need to be healed first or there is a chance the resurrected person will just die again. 

Even with the toploader Monster Reborn, I’ll only be able to resurrect one of them. After all, it will enter the 24 hour cooldown and that will say bye-bye to the activation window for the others. 


(Master, the sacrifices for the sleeve and toploader.)


Hitotsu-Me Giant, Basic Insect, Silver Fang, Dark Gray, 2x The 13th Grave, Monster Egg, Firegrass, Darkfire Dragon, 2x Dark King of the Abyss, Fiend Reflection #2, Fusionist, Turtle Tiger, Root Water, Ray & Temperature, Mystical Sheep #2, Beast Fangs, 2x Violet Crystal, 2x Witty Phantom, Larvas, Man Eater, Meda Bat


And now I have a toploader Monster Reborn. Let’s head back into the shelter and see what everyone wants to do with it.


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