Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.95 How do we get home?

“Hey Brian, can I ask you something?” Lua asked as she sat down next to me. She is brave. Just casually sitting on the palm of a dragon.

“Go for it.”

“Why did you give that card to Zay and run away?” Lua asked.

“... I just did. I couldn’t make that choice, so I forced it onto someone else. Pathetic, isn’t it?” I told her.

“I don’t think so.” Lua said to me. “You didn’t have any reason to even reveal that power. You likely know that revealing it will bring you more trouble in the future, but you did it anyway. That shows that you care.”

“... Do I? I don’t really know myself.” I told her. “I don’t really feel anything when someone dies. I just… I just shut down. I close myself off from everything until I’ve processed it.” 

“But that in itself is a sign that you care. You also jump into action with reckless abandon whenever you know something bad is happening or is about to happen.” She said.

“You know you are just pointing out my flaws one after another.” I told Lua.

“Neither of them is exactly a flaw. They are both good qualities to have to some extent.” Lua told me. “What is wrong with caring about other people? Even if you do it in a less direct way?”

“... “ I didn’t know how to answer that.



(Brian, the time limit on the dragons is coming up.) Laura told me.

(Thanks for the reminder.) I responded.

“Lua, I need to unsummon my dragons.” I told the girl sitting next to me.

“Oh, Sure.” She said as she got up from the palm of my dragon.


The healing rain from Rain of Mercy had run its course and left the sky overcast. At least it wasn’t raining on us.

I turned to face my dragons.

“Thank you. You two did great work.” I said to them. I know it might sound cringe, but I feel like I should. 

The two of them quickly took flight, before flying back into the cards that appeared in the air for them.


“I still question how that works.” Lua said, standing next to me.

“Don’t ask, because I don’t know.”

“What about that Monster Reborn card? It didn’t disappear like that Rain card did.” Lua asked.

“It won’t disappear. It can be used again tomorrow.” I told her.

“Tomorrow? Really?” 

“Yeah. But by then it will be too late.” I told her.

“... I guess it will be.”


I thought of the two spells I used yesterday and decided to pull them both out of collection.


“Here. Look at these two.” I said to Lua. “This one I used yesterday morning. It has now regained its color and can be reused.” I told her as I showed her Mystical Space Typhoon. “But this one I used in the afternoon and it’s still gray.” As I said that I showed her the Polymerization. 

“But that still means you can resurrect one person a day, right?” Lua commented.

“I guess. But only on someone who died that day.” 

“It’s still amazing.” 

“... thanks.”



“Hey you two.” Someone called out to us. “How long are you going to just stand around?”

I turned to face the person who interrupted … actually we weren’t doing anything. 

“Zay. Do you need us?” Lua asked.

“We were just thinking of how to continue. We still need to make it back to town.” Zay said to us. “Brian, can we use your dragons to take some of us?”

“Not yet. I can’t summon them again this quickly.” I answered. I just unsummoned them a few minutes ago, so we would need to wait two hours for them.

“I see. I was thinking you could take the baron with you on a dragon. We still need to ensure his safety.” Zay said.

“That’s true. I think I have something that can carry all of us.” I told him. I got it a few days ago, and noticed it when I was just browsing my collection yesterday.

“Really? That would be a big help.” Zay said.

“The only problem is, I’m not sure we’ll make it all the way in the time limit.” I told him. 


“... That could be a problem. I’ve heard that your summons have a set time limit and are not tied to mana.” Zay said. “But I think it’s still the best idea we have, so could I ask you to do it?”

“Sure. Let’s get everyone here and I’ll summon it.” I said to Zay.



“Is everyone and everything here?” I asked Zay after we gathered.

“Should be. If something doesn’t fit, we’ll have to leave it behind. Would you summon the monster now?” Zay responded.

“Sure.” I had already gotten the card from my collection. I sacrificed 5 Mountain cards to make a sleeve for it. I’ll get more Mountains tomorrow, most likely.

“The Trojan Horse.” I called out the name of the card to summon it.




The mechanical horse that was covered in wood stood around 5 meters tall, and its body was about 8 meters in length. 


“W.. what is that?!” Someone yelled. 

… it’s just a horse. Like a mechanical monster horse. It can’t be that scary. Okay, it totally can, but if you don’t like it, you can walk.

“That is our ride.” Zay said to the surprised person. “At least I think so. So how do we ride this thing?” As he said that, he turned to face me.

“Oh, that part. Trojan horse, take a knee.” I commanded my summon.


My horse did as I ordered and lowered its body to the ground. Then the hatch on its side opened, revealing the area we would ride in.

I turned around to look at everyone and their eyes looked like they were going to pop out. You really need to stop that. One day they will fly off, and being blind is no fun.

“Come on. Stop staring at it and get inside.” I told everyone. “We have a time limit.”


We did fit everyone inside, even though it was a bit cramped. 24 people (well, 20+4) was a lot. We even had one horse inside. 


“Is everyone inside?” I asked. 

“Yes. We can go now.” Zay answered.


I had my horse close the hatch and stood up. There was a lot of shaking as it got on its legs, but nothing unbearable. 


“Towards Alewatch. Let’s go.” I commanded and we took off. 

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