Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.98 Nighttime packs

(Master, Master. It’s time to wake up.) I heard Laura call me.

I open my eyes as Laura is calling me.

(Morning Laura. What time is it?)

(It’s 2:16 am.)

(2:16? That’s a strange time. Did the tokens come in?)

(Yes. They came in at 2am, but I waited for the optimal time in Master’s sleep cycle to wake you up.)

(I see. I guess that’s why I don’t feel awful. Thank you.)


The reason I’m awake at this time of night is, well the packs of course. But one card in particular. I want another Monster Reborn if possible. Considering when I got the system mission, I think if I pull one now, I can go and resurrect someone.

Daily Pack tokens: 14
Current Pack tokens: 14
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Rise of Destiny
Flaming Eternity
Daily Reprint Tokens: 2
Current Reprint Tokens: 2
Available Reprint sets:
Dark Beginning 1
Dark Revelation Volume 1


With LoBY and DB1 being the only sets with Monster Reborn, let’s get on with this.

(Master, may I make a suggestion?) Laura interrupted.

(Sure, but what is it?)

(You should open Dark Revelation Volume 1 and Dark Crisis instead.) She told me.

(Why? They don’t have Monster Reborn.)

(Those sets have a card called Spell Reproduction. It will instantly take your Monster Reborn off of cooldown so you can use it again. And unlike the Monster Reborn, they are common in the two sets.)

(Oh. I didn’t know that. Yeah, let’s go for that instead. Good call Laura.)

Use a ‘Reprint token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Revelation Volume 1’
[Yes] [No]



Sadly, no. At least there are like 14 more chances to get it.


Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Crisis’
[Yes] [No]

Did you just give me another Vampire Lord? But I already had one. I guess I can use the second one as a tribute for Genesis, but it’s not necessary at the moment.


Why does this feel strangely familiar? Reminds me of that time I was pulling for Vampire Lady. Getting the commons that you need is always the most difficult thing.


… As I said, the commons are the most difficult to get. I can get a Vampire Lord in the first pack, twice, but can’t get a common Spell Reproduction. 


Yeah. That’s how it’s going to be. I can never get the common I want in under 20 packs. Or under 19, but same difference. 

I’m sorry everyone. I can’t help you. My luck just works like that.



… Now I can’t fall back to sleep. Maybe I should do something instead of just laying here doing nothing.

(We could do some mana control practice. It might help you fall back to sleep.) Laura offered. 

(Sure. Might as well.)


I spent some time focusing on the mana control with Laura, until I fell back to sleep.



It’s light. There is light coming in from the window next to my bed. I guess I didn’t close the curtains yesterday as it was still overcast. But now, there is some actual sunshine again.

I got up from the bed and looked out of the window. I still saw some darker clouds in the sky, but the massive overcast front that was over us for the last two days has moved on.


I was just looking at the sky when there was a knock at the door. 

Knock, knock

“Come in.” 

“Oh, Lord Brian. You are up. Good morning.” Jenna had come to wake me up.

“Good morning Jenna.”

“Please get ready for breakfast. It will be ready soon.” Jenna said to me, before leaving the room.


I did as instructed and changed my clothes. I also did all the other things you do in the morning.



“Brian, good morning.” Alice called behind me as I was walking towards the dining room.

“Good morning.” I responded.

“Let’s practice that mana loop again today.” Alice told me.

“Sure. We can do that.” I told her.


We walked to the dining room together. Brandon and Christina weren’t there yet.


A little later the two of them came to the room and we had our breakfast.



“Brian, I would like you to come with me today.” Brandon said to me after breakfast.

“Why? What do you need me for?” I asked.

“Since the rain stopped, we will be burning the bodies of the deceased.” He told me. “As the lord of the town and the one they were protecting, I need to be present. I would like you to come as well.”


… I’m not sure how I feel about that. Going to look at dead bodies. Of people I might have been able to save if I was a little faster. Or I could have given cards to Zay and Rico. Perhaps they could have defended themselves better if they had some strong-ish monsters by their side. Or if I had given them things like Hinotama. Or perhaps just Sparks. Or some healing cards. Or ….

(Master, snap out of it.) 



“...so are you coming with me or not?” Brandon asked.

“...” I don’t know what answer I should give. I think I probably should go, shouldn’t I?

(You should go, Master. It might make you feel better.)

Yeah. If I couldn’t help them in life, at least I could help them pass away in peace. I even have a card for that. 

“Yes. I’ll come.” I answered.



“But what about our training?” Alice asked.

“I’m sorry, but this takes priority.” I told her. “And you can just practice with Mana.”

“... but I wanted to do it with you.” Alice argued.

“We can do it after this if we have time.” I told her.

“You’d better not push it off again.” Alice said.

“Again? Are you blaming me for yesterday? That’s not on me at all.” I responded, before leaving the house.


Alice said she wanted to come as well, but quickly changed her mind when she heard what we were going to do. I suppose she is no good with it. Not that I’m either, considering I’m doing everything within the limits of my skill to save the fallen. But I just have to accept the facts. 


I took a carriage with the baron to the adventurer’s guild.


So... A Discord. Should I make one for the series? I don't really know what we would talk about, but crystalkalem did ask about it, so I'll ask everyone else.

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