Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 462 2 Jin

Chapter 462 Two hundred thousand catties

A slight clicking sound.

Along with this, everyone's hearts trembled.

Then he looked surprised. This guy actually lifted a black stone weighing more than 160,000 kilograms?

What a terrifying force.

But soon, the surprised expressions of these people returned to calm, and even turned to reveal a hint of contempt.

Because they all know the reason why the Lizard Federation can lift 160,000 kilograms of black stone.

"As expected of the Lizard Federation, it is not the least bit better at cheating."

A sinister taunt.

But it's obviously of no use.

Machado's breath surged wildly, and the flames deep in his eyes burned fiercely. The flames seemed to ignite his entire blood, making his body feel an extremely powerful sense of power at this moment!


He roared, raised his hands suddenly, and raised the black stone above his head in an instant.

At the same time, energy surged around him, like a wave, spreading out around him with him as the center.

The air waves hit everyone, and they felt as if they were being beaten by the waves. Everyone's expressions changed, and they quickly used their power to resist the air waves.

On Xiao Zhan's side, he just waved his hand gently, and along with a ray of black light, he instantly digested the air wave that hit his face.




Three seconds later.

Machado slammed the black stone in his hand towards the ground, making a huge roar.

As dust flew everywhere, Machado turned and looked at everyone.


He looked fierce and roared arrogantly at everyone.

At the same time, make fists with both hands and bend your arms, showing a posture of flexing your muscles.

Provocation, disdain!

A wild beast that doesn’t know the heights of the sky.

These words could not be more appropriate to describe Machado now.

Even before the game was over, he seemed to already feel like he was the champion.


There was not much reaction from the crowd, but this seemed to make Machado feel that they were suppressed by his own power.

He got even more excited.

He keeps roaring, like an uneducated and reckless man!

"I didn't know what a clown looked like before, but now he has become something concrete." Xiao Zhan looked at Machado, who was showing off like a gorilla, and shook his head in disdain.

The half-filled jug of water clinked.

If there is only three axes, it will be endless.

This style is really in line with the big lizards of the ancient Yuan Dynasty.

After not coming down for a long time, Machado kept squealing as if he had taken some medicine.

Everyone looked a little disgusted.

At this time, Grace from Pretty Federation couldn't help it anymore.

He snorted coldly, threw the pill into his mouth, and then strode towards Machado.

As he walked, the pills worked rapidly in his body.

Grace only felt that her muscle cells were filled with strength in an instant.

He strode forward to Machado, grabbed Machado's collar unceremoniously, and threw him out like trash.

Machado was still in excitement. Perhaps it was the effect of the violent bonus, but he didn't react at all to Grace's attack.

He was thrown to the ground hard.

But nothing happened.

However, this move angered him. He stood up and punched Grace directly.

The rules of the competition do not stipulate that you cannot do anything. If there is no stipulation, it is feasible.

When everyone saw this, they immediately made room for the two of them.

Why don't you watch such a good show?

But just when Machado's fist was about to reach Grace, a cold shout stopped him, and at the same time, a cyan light fell on his head.

<divclass="contentadv">This cyan light was like a basin of cold water, which immediately calmed down the furious Machado.

"Machado, come back and don't lose your etiquette."

Hear the voices of representatives.

Machado also reacted immediately, he had just fallen into a violent state.

The horns of teammates can stimulate the violent side of the human body, which can allow people to gain powerful strength in a short period of time. But rage also has negative effects, that is, it is difficult to control and it is easy to lose one's sense of self.

Machado's mentality is not very stable.

As soon as I was stimulated, I fell into it.

Fortunately, his teammates discovered it in time and quickly helped him recover.

After calming down.

Machado still had anger on his face, because he had just been thrown down by the white-skinned guy in front of him, which was very embarrassing in front of everyone.

But the representative also gave him the steps.

He did not continue to intensify the conflict, but just warned Grace, "Be glad you are a guest today, otherwise I will beat your ass to pieces!"

"You should be the one who blossoms." Grace replied without giving in.

Machado did not continue to say anything, snorted coldly, and returned to his seat.

at this time.

The effect of the pills in Grace's body has been fully exerted.

Under the influence of the pill's effectiveness, he couldn't help but show excitement on his face.

He walked towards the black stone, directly over the 160,000 kilogram black stone that Machado had just lifted, and strode forward quickly. In less than a few seconds, he came to a 200,000 kilogram black stone.

Seeing him walking in front of the 200,000-jin black stone, the crowd's excitement at watching the show suddenly turned into exclamations and questions.

"Two hundred thousand pounds? Is this Grace crazy? Can he lift such a heavy black stone?"

"Two hundred thousand pounds, oh, my God, I can't even think about it. This is more than twice my weight."

"They all believe in God. God gave him a pair of wings, but only gave me a hair?"

Everyone expressed doubts about Grace.

They didn't believe Grace could lift such a heavy black stone.

Especially the Lizard Federation.

Machado returned to his seat. As soon as he sat down, his butt was still warm. After seeing this, he suddenly stood up again.

"He can lift 200,000 kilograms of black stone, while I stand on my head and eat masala!"

He speaks quickly without caring about his image.

The sound was so loud that everyone present heard it.

But he didn't care at all. Instead, he stared at Grace with disdain in his eyes.

He didn't believe that Grace could lift two hundred thousand kilograms of black stone.

Two hundred thousand catties.

In their federation, only half-step Yuzun and above had ever been raised, and he had not seen anyone else.

Can this Grace have a seventh grade?

It's strange that he believed in it.

It's definitely a slap in the face.

The Beautiful Federation must have known that they would lose, so they deliberately chose such a weight so that no one would know their true strength, and there would be no shame if they lost!



On the Forest Federation side.

Louis saw Grace choose a black stone worth two hundred thousand kilograms.

His expression suddenly became serious.

His brows were furrowed and unable to open.

The representative next to him obviously saw Louis' solemnity and asked softly, "If Grace lifts it, do you still have confidence?"

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