Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 500 Two-point teleportation secret realm

Chapter 500 Two-point teleportation secret realm

Both sides are very cautious and do not dare to act rashly.

If you fight, it will be a small matter, but if you fail to fight, it will be a big deal.

They all doubt that the other side can quickly transport troops. Once a fight breaks out, it will definitely be a protracted battle.

Time passes like this, but it's okay to be stuck in a stalemate.

Kristoff was not a patient person and couldn't stand this stalemate. He took the lead and said, "Ye Wudi, according to international rules, the newly emerged secret realm belongs to whose jurisdiction it is. This secret realm belongs to us in the north." From the Xiong Federation, please take your troops and leave quickly, I can pretend that nothing happened."

This sentence gave Ye Wudi some information.

"Your jurisdiction? This is obviously our jurisdiction!" Ye Wudi retorted.

Kristoff's face was filled with anger, "This secret realm is three hundred kilometers away from the border of our Winter City. According to international practice, it belongs to our Northern Bear Federation. How come it belongs to you! Or do you want to take the entire Northern Snow?" All areas have been designated as your jurisdiction!”

The message became more obvious, and Ye Wudi heard it clearly.

The secret realm is three hundred kilometers away from Winter City, and there is an entrance, so they can enter the secret realm in such a short time.

But in this case, Ye Wudi was surprised again. The secret realm here was also three hundred kilometers away from Zhenbei City.

It’s not surprising that a secret realm has several entrances. We often encounter them.

But the energy fluctuation map of this secret realm is only that big, and it cannot cover the entire Northern Snow Region. The two entrances are nearly ten thousand miles apart, so how can it be only three hundred kilometers on both sides?

And there is another problem, that is, after they entered the secret realm, they did not explore very deeply. Within a few hours, they encountered people from the Northern Bear Federation.

A few hours would not be enough to cover the thousands of miles between the two.

Even if both sides set off together, it will still be 5,000 kilometers, and it will still not be completed after several hours.

Where did all the extra distance go?

Shrunk into an inch?

"Could it be that we have encountered a teleportation secret realm?" Xiao Zhan whispered to Ye Wudi.

The teleportation secret realm, as the name suggests, has a teleportation function.

But this is actually an exaggeration. The real meaning is that in the current situation, a fixed distance needs to be covered by other means.

But by entering the secret realm, the distance can be greatly shortened.

Generally, the secret realm presents a single dimensional space. When the secret realm withers, some parts will disappear directly, and some unstable parts will merge with reality.

Teleportation secret realms like this are relatively rare.

Ye Wudi replied, "It seems so, but I don't know whether it's the two-point teleportation method or the multi-point method."

The two-point type has only two entrances, and the multi-point type has multiple entrances.

The two-point type has less trouble, and the multi-point type has more trouble.

"In this case, who should the secret realm belong to?" Xiao Zhan asked, he was not sure about this aspect.

Ye Wudi said, "If it is a two-point type, then it depends on the location of the two entrances. If they are both in our jurisdiction, it naturally belongs to us. But if it appears in other jurisdictions, then it depends on the above Negotiations."

After Ye Wudi finished speaking, he then said to Kristoff, "The entrance to this secret realm is located three hundred kilometers away from the north city of my town. I now suspect that this is a teleportation secret realm. Why don't we explore all the secret realms first? Make a decision after confirming how many entrances there are.”

When Kristoff heard this, he understood everything instantly.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision, "Okay, let's explore the secret realm first before making a decision."

At that moment, he immediately sent out drones to scan and investigate the entire secret realm, and at the same time arranged for the army to find a favorable terrain to set up camp.

No matter how many entrances there are, at least for the next period of time, they will definitely be stationed in the secret realm.

<divclass="contentadv">Before senior management discusses the results.

Ye Wudi also did the same thing.

Immediately dispatch a drone for reconnaissance.

The secret realm is not very big, but it is not small either. It is a medium-sized secret realm, but there are a lot of resources in the secret realm, but correspondingly, the powerful monsters are also very scary.

The drone detected several places with violent energy fluctuations and did not dare to approach easily. It could only hover nearby and record the location.

The exploration took about a day.

One day later.

Ye Wudi passed a copy of the information to the higher-ups, requesting their instructions, while keeping a copy for himself.

"So far, the situation is pretty good. There are only two entrances, which means we only need to negotiate with the Northern Bear Federation."

Several people gathered around the temporary command post. Ye Wudi looked at the information screen and analyzed it to everyone.

At this time, except Ye Anu who stayed behind in Zhenbeicheng, most of the others had arrived.

Jose and others from Xiao Zhan's side also came, including Liu Xin.

They were looking at the picture and studying and analyzing it.

To take precautions, you must first understand all the information about the secret realm, including the dangers hidden inside, etc. And these are what Jose and the others are good at.

Xiao Zhan glanced at them and said to Ye Wudi, "With a high probability, the Northern Bear Federation should jointly mine this secret realm, right? The entrance is too close to them, and they will definitely not give us all the secret realm."

Ye Wudi nodded, "We don't have to worry about giving it all to them. Giving it to them is equivalent to giving them a knife on our necks. They can chop at us at any time."

Since the sudden change, the relationship between the Longxia Federation and the Beixiong Federation has become normal due to the obstruction of the Northern Snow Region.

Even because of Longxia Federation's unique geographical advantages, they felt a sense of hatred.

Therefore, this negotiation may not be that easy.

Soon, news came from the top, telling Ye Wudi not to act rashly and just stabilize the scene. They had already started contacting and discussing with the top brass of the Northern Bear Federation.

Of course, Ye Wudi would not act rashly, but looking at the situation, he didn't know how long it would take for the results to come out.


Xiao Zhan returned to the temporary dormitory.

Called Liu Xin over.

"How about it? Is there anything we need in this secret realm?" Xiao Zhan asked.

New secret realms are usually accompanied by new products.

Xiao Zhan doesn't know the functions of these products, but Liu Xin does.

The purpose of Xiao Zhan calling her here was to let her see if there was anything in this secret realm that could replenish lifespan.

Liu Xin nodded immediately, "Yes, and the quality is pretty good. If I collect them all, they can be used by you for a long time."

"Isn't there something more awesome?"

"The video is too large and I can't finish it in a while. I won't know until I finish watching it."

Xiao Zhan said, "It would be great if I could combine your and Jose's brains. He can complete the scan in minutes."

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