Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 595 Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

Chiba family mansion.

Xiao Zhan sat on the sofa in the room and looked at the invitation in his hand.

This was sent by the Yagyu family. Although he was in the Chiba family, it was still easy for the Yagyu family to send such an invitation.

"Do you want to go?" Ye Youlong asked.

"It's just the Hongmen Banquet." Xiao Zhan said.

He burned the invitation into powder and said lightly, "Go."

Ye Youlong said worriedly, "They already know our strength. This Hongmen Banquet must be well-arranged. If we go, won't we play into their hands?"

Xiao Zhan smiled and said, "I just said I was going, but I didn't really say I was going."

Ye Youtaki somewhat understood, but still didn't fully understand.

Xiao Zhan continued, "Let someone tell Yagyu Kenjiro that I will go to the appointment, but I will decide the location of the meeting."

"What if he doesn't agree?"

"He'll agree."

Xiao Zhan was determined.

If Kenjiro Yagyu doesn't agree, then he can continue to fight like this, but this kind of fighting method is currently unacceptable to the Yagyu clan.

Sure enough, after Xiao Zhan conveyed the words, it didn't take long for Yagyu Kenjiro to send a reply saying that it was okay.

However, it seems that in order to eliminate Xiao Zhan's suspicion, or to give himself some protection, Kenjiro Yagyu proposed that he would set the time.

And the time he agreed on was very hasty, just this afternoon.

Xiao Zhan directly agreed to this.

After reaching an agreement.

Xiao Zhan called Qianye Yilong.

"Arrange two dead men to go to the Biandao Teahouse to make an appointment with Kenjiro Yagyu."

"Mr. Xiao Ye, aren't you going?"

Xiao Zhan did not hide the fact that Xiao Zhan received the invitation letter from Chiba Yilong. After Chiba Yilong knew that Yagyu Kenjiro was going to negotiate, he was actually very happy.

In his heart, he doesn't want to fight to the death with the Yagyu family. If possible, he wants to make a truce now.

Although he has Xiao Zhan helping him now, the Yagyu family also has a seventh-grade royal master. In the end, it is not certain who will live and who will die.

Moreover, he did not want to see his own people sacrificed.

Therefore, he supported the negotiations between Xiao Zhan and Kenjiro Yagyu. But now, Xiao Zhan actually asked him to arrange for two dead men to go to the appointment. So what did Xiao Zhan think?

"I'm not going, I have more important things to do." Xiao Zhan replied.

"what's up?"

"Found in the east and attack in the west!"

Making noises in the east and attacking in the west?

Chiba Yilong was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted with a horrified expression on his face, "Mr. Xiao Ye, do you want to take advantage of the appointment time to attack the Yagyu family's mansion directly?"


Xiao Zhan looked at Qianye Yilong and sneered, "The time is agreed at three o'clock in the afternoon. You now have enough time to mobilize people, but remember, you must mobilize the most trusted people, and you must do it secretly. You cannot let everyone all know."

Qianye Yilong's face was not happy, but heavy.

"what happened?"

Xiao Zhan saw that something was wrong with his expression.

Chiba Yilong replied hesitantly, "Kenjiro Yagyu wants to negotiate. How about we talk about it first and then look at the situation before making a decision?"

Xiao Zhan's eyes were suddenly as cold as a blade, piercing his eyes.

Qianye Yilong didn't dare to look at Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan's tone was cold, "If you want to talk about that, go ahead and don't look for me."

Xiao Zhan said and walked towards the outside of the mansion.

Seeing Xiao Zhan's anger, Qianye Yilong suddenly panicked and quickly caught up with Xiao Zhan, "Mr. Xiao Ye, that's not what I meant. I just don't want to cause more killings."

Qianye Yilong was afraid that Xiao Zhan would just ignore them.

Although he hoped to just put down the fight, he also knew that Xiao Zhan was the core of this fight. Without Xiao Zhan, Qianye Yilong could not speak at all.

When he goes to negotiate, Yagyu Kenjiro will ignore him and even kill him directly.


Xiao Zhan listened to his words and slapped him in the face.

Qianye Yilong instantly became angry and subconsciously wanted to take action, but suddenly realized that he was no match for Xiao Zhan.

He glared at Xiao Zhan, seeming to ask why Xiao Zhan hit him.

Xiao Zhan looked at him with a sneer and said, "Why are you angry now? I slapped you and you became angry. Others want to kill you, why aren't you angry? You still want to beg for peace with others? Do you have that capital? "

Chiba Yilong's face turned red and blue at these words, and he felt very aggrieved!

He wanted to find a sentence to refute Xiao Zhan, but found that he could not find any sentence at all.

Xiao Zhan turned his head and said coldly again, "Before three o'clock, gather everyone's trustworthy people and secretly go to the Yagyu family's mansion. No news can be leaked. If the news is leaked, you, the Chiba family, will be buried with you!"

After saying that, Xiao beheaded and left without looking back.

Qianye Yilong looked at Xiao Zhan's cold and domineering back. His expression was shocked and frightened. Only then did he realize that he seemed to have provoked a terrible person!

At the same time, he also had a vague hunch that this Xiao Zhan was not as simple as it seemed.

His request may not only be the assets of the Yagyu family!

But now, he is in a dilemma and can only choose Xiao Zhan to gamble!


The time is quickly approaching three o'clock.

Biandao Tea House.

Kenjiro Yagyu is already waiting here. Sitting next to him is a middle-aged man and woman. Their breath is indifferent, giving people a vague feeling.

If you didn't clearly see someone sitting here, you wouldn't even feel the presence of the two of them.

These two people are Hattori Ieji of the Hattori family, the strongest ninja currently in the Hattori family, and also a good friend of Kenjiro Yagyu!

His purpose in setting up this Hongmen Banquet was to talk if he could, and to kill if he couldn't.

He didn't have absolute confidence that he could kill Xiao Zhan alone, but with two people, he would have confidence.

"Father, it's almost three o'clock. Why hasn't Xiao Ye Shishi arrived yet? Is there a conspiracy?" Yagyu Takutokai looked at the time and asked worriedly.

This side island tea house was still not close to their Yagyu family's mansion, and he was worried that Xiao Zhan would sneak attack on the Yagyu family's mansion.

Hearing this, Kenjiro Yagyu couldn't help but show a worried expression.

Although he had arranged a large number of guards in the mansion before leaving, if a seventh-level spiritual master attacks a mansion, no matter how many people are arranged, it will be impossible to resist.

A seventh-grade imperial master, a master of one side!

One person guarding a city is not just a rumor.

In the same way, if you can defend a city, you can also destroy it!

But just when he was worried, he received a message on his communication. Seeing this message, his worried face suddenly relaxed.

"Already on the way, will be there soon."

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