Yuling Girl: Starting Contract SSS Level School Beauty

Chapter 74 Eight immortals cross the sea, each showing his or her tricks

Chapter 74 The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing his or her own tricks

So, the two people moved in the direction of Xiao Zhan and the others.

at the same time.

In a hidden mountain col, Mikel and Catherine from the Beautiful Federation are hiding here.

After confirming that the surrounding environment was safe for the time being, Mikel raised his arm, then used his other hand to gently pull on a different-colored spot on his arm's clothes.

Suddenly, the clothes were torn.

But after it was torn apart, two pills hidden inside were revealed.

Looking at these two pills, Mikel smiled proudly, "We don't even look at who developed the core program of the secret realm entrance scanner. That is our great and beautiful federation!"

He gave the two pills and Catherine one pill each.

"After taking this pill, it will only take three days for us to break through to the second-grade spiritual master. When the time comes, we can gather the two dogs from the Sunset Federation and the Forest Federation, and we will be invincible here!"

Mikel threw the pill into his mouth in one gulp, feeling the effect of the pill blending into his body, and he couldn't help but smile evilly.

Tamper with the core program of the scanner so that the pills cannot be detected. After entering the secret realm, use the pills to increase your strength, and then sweep away all enemies. This is the technological cheating of the Beautiful Federation!

If strength is not enough, technology will help!

Putting this sentence on Beautiful Federation, it really fits perfectly.

The two pills they took were made from spiritual fruits.

However, compared to the real spiritual fruit, the efficacy of these two pills is much different.

Spirit fruit is something that technology has not yet understood. It has powerful effects, but it cannot purify energy like other fruits.

It can only be effective if you eat it directly.

If it is forcibly purified, the efficacy will be lost rapidly.

As for the two pills they took, it took hundreds of spiritual fruits to produce just a small amount.

And at such a huge cost, the efficacy of these two pills is not even one-tenth of the efficacy of one Spirit-rising Fruit!

The loss of efficacy is so terrifying.

However, these two pills are enough for them to break through to the second-level spiritual master within three days.

After taking the pills, the two decided to grow steadily first. They didn't go anywhere for the past three days. They just hid in this mountain col and waited for a breakthrough.

Eating spiritual fruits, taking pills and practicing cultivation can all improve the power of control, but there is a difference between the two.

That is to take spiritual fruits or pills. After you take them, you don't need to worry about them. They will be digested in your body by themselves and strengthen and transform your body.

Just like ordinary people eating, there is no need to sit cross-legged to digest like in TV dramas or novels.

It's safe.

And practicing is very unsafe, especially under today's circumstances.

After entering the state of cultivation, the consciousness is almost completely immersed in the consciousness space, and the perception of the outside world is very weak.

If someone wants to harm you, you may not notice it even if they walk up to you quietly.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, practice is carried out in an absolutely safe environment.

This is also the reason why Xiao Zhan and the others can break through to the second-level spiritual master in just one or two days of training, but they still choose to look for spiritual fruits.

Therefore, Mikel and Catherine decided to stay here for three days just in case.

the other side.

Saraf of the Lizard Federation and his weapon spirit Monica also temporarily found a hiding place after making sure that no one was around.

Sharaf activated his bloodline talent skill.

I saw a green light emitting from his two hands, and the originally big hands like cattail fans suddenly shrank a bit.

As their hands shrunk, two more golden spiritual fruits appeared in their hands.

This is his innate skill, fusion.

As long as it is something that his hand touches, he can use this skill. This skill will fuse that thing into a part of his body, no matter what it is, he can fuse it.

Can be lifted at any time.

Before he entered the secret realm, he fused two spiritual fruits. Although it made his hand look larger, the scanner couldn't scan it.

Looking at these two pieces, Sharaf's eyes shone brightly and he was extremely excited.

"Jie Jie Jie, when it comes to cheating, no one can compare with our Lizard Federation!"

With that said, the two of them each took one in their hands and ate it.

Feeling the surge of defensive power in his body, the smile on Sharaf's face became even crazier!

But at this moment, suddenly, in the distance, there was an explosion in the sky.

It's a cloud-penetrating arrow!

The collective signal is delivered.

With such an arrogant signaling mode, there is no need to guess, it must be those combined federations.

Sure enough, in various places in the secret realm, after seeing this signal, six teams immediately turned around and rushed towards the source of the signal.

This is the joint team composed of the seven weakest federations!

When Sharaf saw this signal, he said with a cold voice, "They are just ants. In front of our Lizard Federation, they are just food! No matter how many there are, they are food!"

Miguel saw this signal and said, "When I break through to the second level, you will all die!"

When Park Changgui saw this signal, he paused for a moment, then showed a look of disgust, "You deserve to be damned for doing such a dirty thing in the secret realm of my Big Kimchi Federation!"

Oda Junjiro, "You are rubbish without the spirit of Bushido. Real men should have sex one by one... Hey, why hasn't the pickle man come yet?"

Northern Bear Federation, "Only the weak will form alliances, I will fight ten of them!"


On the other side, Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong, who were walking down from the observation deck, also saw this signal and couldn't help but speed up their pace.

Good guy, just stop pretending when you come in, right?

An arrow pierces the clouds, and thousands of troops come to meet you!

Just start showing off your cards openly?

Little did he know, what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg, and he didn't see other people cheating.

At this moment, the battle for the secret realm has become a CrossFire YN server, and it is impossible to play without cheating.

So is this battle for the secret realm fair?

It should be fair, after all, everyone is cheating.


A few minutes later, Xiao Zhan and Ye Youlong came to the ground.

After coming down, the two immediately used their perception skills.

Because the distance marked on the map is only a few hundred meters, if the two of them use their perception skills to search, they can determine the location as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, after walking about a hundred meters, the two of them immediately sensed the location of the spirit fruit.

The two looked happy and immediately ran along the direction they sensed. In less than a minute, the two discovered the hidden cave.

Instead of rushing in, I used my perception skills to detect whether there was any danger inside.

The detection results made the two of them happy. There was not a single monster inside.

He quickly walked into the cave and saw a golden spiritual fruit at a glance.

Xiao Zhan immediately stepped forward and took it off, then handed it to Ye Youlong to eat.

Ye Youlong shook his head, "You can eat it, it's the same for everyone anyway."

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