Yuri Empire

045 Friendly Country

“Anyway… Why did the Principality of Silesia declare war on a country that has a ‘dragon’?”

With a slightly regrettable look, Estoa said so while carrying the last piece of chocolate tart in her mouth. Of course, Yuri, who saw it, looked at Partita on the side and arranged for her to be served a second tart immediately. By the way, Badantere High Priest has already entered the 4th serving. Apparently there is no refrain word in his dictionary. Even though he is a priest …

“Certainly, I wonder. Did they believe they could win?”

“I don’t think that’s the case. Even if they can win, it’s inevitable that they’ll suffer enormous damage against a dragon. It’s as if they have no idea what they’re thinking.”

“Well, I don’t even know.”

Not only Yuri, but also Leonard High Priest and Roan High Priest tilt their heads. Then, the high priest Badantere, who finished eating the fourth chocolate tart, told Yuri, “I can tell you in my opinion.”

By the way, since it is an 8-cut tart, he ate 1/2 hole by himself.

“That’s fine, so please let me know.”

“Yes. In the first place, the “Principality” is a country that literally has the “Duke” as a monarch. There are three main “Duke” families in the Principality of Silesia. By convention, a consensus of these three dukes decides which lineage to take as a monarch.

Until 11 years ago, the “Theodor family” was the monarch of the Principality of Silesia. The Duke of Theodor was a person who was good at domestic affairs, worked hard to enrich the Principality of Silesia, and had achieved sufficient results. However, 11 years ago, the Principality of Silesia was defeated when a war was suddenly launched from the friendly kingdom of Eldard. The defeat has caused the Principality of Silesia to cede a quarter of its territory to the kingdom, robbing many of its richer cities.”

“Hmm … Did Duke Theodor resign from the monarch for that responsibility?”

“Yes. The defeat in the war has boosted the demand for a ‘strong monarch’ among the aristocrats and the people. Since the Principality of Silesia and the Kingdom of Eldart share borders, there are three places at the same time during the war. There was a conflict, and each duke’s family was in charge of each front. While the other two were easily defeated by the Kingdom Army, only the Drapon family in charge against the Kingdom Army kept their superiority from beginning to end.

Originally, the “Drapon family” is a military family. Moreover, with the result of the war, the aristocrats and the people expect Drapon to become a new monarch. Duke Theodor accepted it and retired from the throne. Since then until today, the “Drapon Family” has been the monarch of the Principality of Silesia for 11 years. ”

I see, it’s a likely story — Yuri thinks.

For better or worse, national sentiment is easily dominated by short-sighted ideas.

“It’s a stupid story. Domestic affairs is what the most needed after the defeat.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly right. After the defeat, the Principality of Silesia has fallen into a poor nation at once, as if it were a lie. This is also because the territory was taken away by the defeat. However, the main reason was that after the defeat, the merchants of the Kingdom of Eldart rampaged freely in the Principality of Silesia and preyed on its economy.

The Drapon family, which is a military family, cannot be said to be flatteringly familiar with the economy, and with low governmental skill, it was not possible to restrain the merchants of the partner country. As a result, most of the companies that were originally active in the Principality were closed, the market was swept by the merchants of the Kingdom of Eldart, and the debt of the Principality swelled at once. ”

“That’s a pitiful story …”

While drinking tea, Yuri said that like it was the other people’s affair. In fact, no matter how much other countries fell, it didn’t matter to Yuri.

“Yuri-sama. It seems that you feel like it’s  someone else’s affairs. The first merchant who preyed on the economy of the Principality of Silesia after the war is the “Rostine Shokai” that Yuri-sama is befriending, right?

In particular, Rubetta, who has caused food prices soaring many times in the Principality of Silesia, raised a lot of money from the market and knocked the people into poverty, and became the chairman of “Rostine Shokai” with the results, until today. I hear that she is called a “witch” in the Principality of Silesia. ”

“Oh, is that so? Rubetta did a good job.”

Rubetta is a good merchant. From her point of view, a defeated country is like a broken ATM, a market where you can’t hurt yourself even if you troll, and the more you hit it, the more interesting the money will come out.

(It’s stupid, even though no one is as loyal as a merchant)

If you treat them in good faith, the merchant will always respond in good faith. Because they know that the sincerity of others cannot be bought with money.

Yuri didn’t know how Duke Drapondo treated the merchants of the kingdom. If he honestly told the merchant that he wanted them to cooperate in the reconstruction of the country, bowed his head and asked sincerely, Rubetta would not have been treated unconditionally.

“I understand the story so far … How does that lead to the Principality of Silesia taking a terrible attitude toward the Yuri Empire?”

While tilting her head, Estoa quietly asked.

“Simply put, Duke Drapon cannot be seen as “weak” from the point of view of people and aristocrats because he became a monarch in anticipation of military affairs.

Yuri-sama may be offended if you say this, but the Yuri Empire does not have the “legitimacy” to be recognized as a “nation”. Since it is a country that has never existed in this area, it has no history, and there is no supporting nation that guarantees its legitimacy. And for that matter, Yuri-sama doesn’t have a surname. Not having a family name means “not aristocratic”, so people from other countries will see it as a group of commoners who call themselves “country”. ”

“I see… Don’t need to hesitate, so please continue talking.”

“Yes. Approving the Yuri Empire as a ‘country’ means recognizing it as an equal partner to them. And from the perspective of Duke Drapon, who cannot be “weak” in front of the people and aristocrats, there is no way he could approve a country without a piece of legitimacy.

If he approves it, he will be despised by the people around him as “because he was afraid of the dragon who carried the letter”, and the position of Duke Drapon will surely be jeopardized. That’s why he has no choice but to challenge the Yuri Empire. ”

“In other words, just because he was proud of her military and became a monarch, he caught in his own trap​”

“Yes, I think so.”

Well, it doesn’t matter if the Yuri Empire isn’t approved as a country. Still — whether or not to overlook the war declaration is another matter.

“Well, let’s say we’ll give them the right reward in the near future.”

“After all, you can’t forgive the many contempts spelled out in that letter?”

“I don’t mind being despised. I think it’s fine to write as ‘a lowly woman’ or ‘a stupid barbarian woman’, I don’t care so much.”

But, Yuri continues to say.

“In that letter, they wrote about my beloved children as ‘weak graduate soldiers’. That is — I can’t forgive it. Absolutely they’ll compensate it with a terrible death ”

Yuri intends to clean up all the soldiers who are expected to come from the Kingdom of Eltard in the near future. Regarding the Principality of Silesia, it may be better for Yuri to leave everything to everyone in the “Yuri Empire” without touching anything.

They should see how scary the rotten opponent that they call a “weak graduate soldier”.

“Apart from other countries, the Holy Kingdom of Nimun will approve the “Yuri Empire” as a country. We have received a letter from the Pope for that, so please receive it.”

“Thank you, Estoa. I did receive it.”

Yuri receives it directly from Estoa who sent the letter.

Because this is not the “Throne Room”, there is no need to bother to receive it through a third party.

Unsealing wax, Yuri takes out the letter from inside.

When she first looked at the end of the letter, the name “Altrius” was signed.

“The Pope’s name is Altorius. I wonder if he is the landlord but has no surname?”

“Yes. The Pope is separated from the family and is responsible for lifelong service for the country and the Lord God as an individual. His Eminence Altorius was also a nobleman, so of course he had a surname, but he threw it away when he became the Pope.”

“I see. It’s noble.”

Abandoning the family name would mean cutting off interference from the family. Clarifying the attitude of not giving preferential treatment to one’s own house seems to be a noble act.

The amount of the letter from Pope Altorius was as much as four sheets of paper.

A quick scan reveals that he congratulates Yuri who became one of the main Gods, the founding of the Yuri Empire, approving the Yuri Empire as a nation, and preparing to support Yuri’s faith as a whole. There were many things that were spelled out, such as wanting to make friends with the Yuri Empire, and starting with trade as the first step.

Also, the letter from Pope Altorius was spelled out in a text that was not placed below, showing respect for Yuri and the Yuri Empire from beginning to end.

Yuri can easily understand how the other person likes it.

“The Pope Altorius would like to express his deepest gratitude for me who happened to join the last seat of God and for the new country of the Yuri Empire. I wonder if you can tell him that I would like to thank him deeply ”

“Thank you. I will tell him.”

“Of course, I will also give a reply letter …. I received a long letter from Pope Altorius, so I would like to write it for a long time without hesitation. I’m sorry. Is it okay for the messengers to stay in Nildea until the letter is written? “01

“Don’t hesitate to us. Please don’t hurry and write slowly.”

“Thank you, Estoa. I’ll have my subordinates prepare the mansion for the messengers to stay soon. — Partita.”

“Yes. We are already ready and you can be used right away.”

When Yuri asked, Partita immediately responded.

Of course Yuri wasn’t particularly worried because they had prepared it in advance.

“And the letter also said that he wanted to start diplomatic relations first.”

“Actually, there is one gift from the Pope to Yuri-sama.”

“Oh, I’m happy. What is it?”

“It’s a horse. I hope that you will receive the horse on which the 24 Paladins are riding as a gift. Although it is not a war horse, we have selected only young and particularly strong horses. Raised in the desert and resistant to heat, I think that if you give it to a merchant whom Yuri is friendly to, they will play an active role in trade between the two countries. ”

“Oh — By the way, it seems that there are many deserts in the Holy Land of Nimun.”

Yuri had already learned that in preparation for this afternoon.

“Yes, half of the land is desert. Ordinary horses quickly weaken, so they can only carry loads to the city of Holgan before entering the desert. This horse is from the holy city. I think it’s okay to run over the load.”

“Hmm… I wonder if the wagon can run in the desert in the first place? I have an image that the wheels are about to sink in the sand…”

“I think it’s okay to run on the trading road because it is compacted with earth magic. Even if you go off the road, unless the wheels are too thin or the load is too heavy, it is expected to run without problems.

If anything, it is overwhelmingly more likely that the horse-drawn carriage will be damaged and stuck due to the heat. If you’re carrying it on a regular horse, it’s wise not to go beyond the city of Holgan. ”

“I see, I learn a lot.”

For the time being, it would be better to leave the gift horse as it is to Rubetta. She must be able to use it well and succeed in trade between the two countries.

“I’m happy to receive a horse, but I wonder if the Paladins would lose their legs and be in trouble on their way home?”

“We are going to buy a regular horse here in Nildea and go home. If we can move to Holgan, we’ll change to a camel and go back to the Holy City.”

“I see … I’m sorry to have you spend money, so if you don’t mind, I could send you to the Holy City?”

“… Send?”

“I’m the best at transfer magic. I think I can send all the messengers to the Holy City in an instant.”

When Yuri told her, Estoa showed a surprise. No — Not only Estoa, but also Leonard High Priest and Roan High Priest had an astonishing expression that was easy to understand.

“I’ve heard that transfer magic can only be carried by one or two people other than yourself …”

“Is that so? If I do my best, I can carry up to about 1000 people at once?”

In response to that word, Estoa mouth opened even bigger.

If Yuri wants to do it, she can even create a “transfer gate” so that she can go back and forth between the two points indefinitely — isn’t it necessary to say that?

“Well, that’s amazing … I’d appreciate it if Yuri-sama could do that. I don’t think there’s an opportunity to experience such great magic …”

“For me, it’s not something like ‘great magic’, though.”

“I never thought that Yuri-sama is an excellent user of transfer magic … The Principality of Silesia, who quarreled with Yuri-sama won’t stand a chance.”

While smiling, Estoa screamed in a small voice.

In fact, Yuri can send the entire army of the “Yuri Empire” to the capital of the Principality of Silesia whenever she wants to do it.

It shouldn’t be long before that country pays for their stupidity.

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