Yuri Empire

Chapter 57: Skeleton Soldiers


It has been four days since the advance migration to the new city started.

Today is “Summer month 23rd”. In this world, summer seems to be “the heat is the real thing” from the time when the calendar is over half, and it seems that this is the hottest time of the year. From the perspective of Yuri, who always wears a ring with <heat and cold resistance>, she doesn’t really feel like it. The fact that the heat in Nildea has become considerable can be seen from the fact that the report delivered over the past few days states that “the number of customers to the street food stalls is falling.”

By the way, it seems that the number of customers at night is increasing on the contrary. Because there is not much appetite during hot days, it seems that many people enjoy food in the streets at night when it gets cool. Yuri thinks that’s fine.

Also, She’s received a request from the street food stall before, saying “I want to serve alcohol at night”. Recently, on the contrary, she has received the exact opposite request, “I want to keep the alcohol prohibition continuing in the future.”

Apparently, there are many people who take their children at night and use the street food streets with their families these days. From the perspective of family guests, it would be better if there were no “drunks” in the street food streets.

In any case, being able to go out to the street food stall with children at night is proof that the city of Nildea is in good security even at night. It may be better to reward the children of the servants summoned by “Nadeshiko” who is acting as a police officer in the city in some way in the near future.

By the way, it goes without saying that “heat” is only about Nildea, and it has nothing to do with the new city.

Because there is a [temperature control barrier] there, a constant temperature is always maintained. As they are familiar with the heat of this period, the benefits of the [Temperature Barrier] have been very well received by those who have moved to the new city in advance.

Surprisingly, it seems to be particularly popular with farmers who are unlikely to benefit from the [temperature control barrier] because the field of their workplace is outside the barrier. From their point of view, even if they usually work in a field outside the barrier while enduring the heat, they are happy that they can take a break in the cool weather whenever they return to the boundary of the city. According to Rubetta, she often sees farmers eating lunch boxes while sitting on the edge of the waterway in the southern part of the city around noon. The waterway that is constantly flowing is cool, so it seems to be popular as a resting spot.

Currently, the number of people who have moved to the new city in advance has increased to “149”. As far as Chuo Ward and Minami Ward are concerned, some communities are already being formed. At the stage three days ago, the magic tool of the “refrigerator” produced by “Rindo” was additionally deployed in each house. Of course, it is a type that is familiar from “Yuri” before reincarnation, and the upper half is a “freezer”.

Thanks to this magic tool, they can always keep their drink cold, and they can also make “ice” with their own hands. This was especially well received by merchants, and although the number of immigrants was still small, the boom of “cooling alcohol before drinking” was already spreading in the new city.

When she tried to “broadcast” the situation last night, the result was that the citizens of Nildea sent a mountain of requests to the lord’s building to “want to move early”. There are many buildings that have not been finished yet, so they have to wait for a while now.

“It seems that vegetables have arrived at the lord’s building in the new city this morning, right?”

It is Brad,  today’s “love duty”, from “water lily”, that tells Yuri that. Brad is unusual among the children of “Water Lilies” and has a sloppy personality. However, her nature is like the “water lily”, and she is also a very kind and caring child.

Recently, vegetables have arrived at the lord’s building in the new city on a daily basis from farmers. Apparently, from the farmers’ point of view, it seems that it is uncomfortable to not give any thanks even though they are living in a house that is too luxurious. Moreover, since Yuri has declared “tax-free” for the full year, it is not possible to return the treatment thanks by tax payment. ――― As a result, it seems that they are at least trying to give thanks in the form of “delivering vegetables to the lord’s house”.

Euro of “Rindo” will use the vegetables that they received  for cooking. It’s a good idea to put in fresh vegetables for Yuri.

“Farmers are also good… Please give them my thanks.”

“Oh, I said thank you very much already.”

“Then it’s safe”

Brad does not create a fence with others. It is her greatest strength to be able to easily interact with anyone and get to know her. Maybe I’m already getting along with the farmers who came to deliver the vegetables.

“By the way, Sister. Customers are coming? It’s rare from outside”

“Outside? Is it from outside the city?”

“Oh, I’m sure… from Notoku?”

“Notoku” is the name of a village on the territory of the kingdom, about 30km east of Nildea along the highway. Yuri heard that it is a village that makes use of its location in the grasslands and is particularly focusing on livestock. The population is about 500, which is a little large for a village, and it seems that they are also doing a little agriculture besides livestock. Most of the smoked meat and cheese that are sold in the city of Nildea can be considered to be made in Notoku. To that extent, it could be said that it was a village with a strong presence for Nildea.

“…Did they come to complain about the other day’s [Star Fall <<Meteor Strike>>]?”

The place where Yuri annihilated the kingdom army seven days ago is 20km east of Nildea. In other words, it’s only 10km away from the village of Notoku.

An earthquake caused by the impact of a meteorite landing has also been observed in the city of Nildea. In that case, in the village of Notoku, which is closer to the site, it would have been natural to feel an even stronger earthquake than Nildea. She felt that one of the complaints couldn’t be helped.

“I didn’t ask what they needed. Why don’t you meet them for the time being?”

“Yes, I will. Brad, please guide the guest to the reception room.”


Brad will be the guide, and Yuri will move to the reception room first. Today’s office work has not started yet, but it can’t be helped if customers are coming. Yuri saw a Waltz of “Nadeshiko” while on the move, so she asked her to bring tea and sweets to the reception room.

“Nice to meet you, Empress Yuri-sama”

“You don’t need a stiff greeting. Please sit down for the time being.”

Yuri welcomes the man who has been guided by Brad. A slightly older man, maybe 60 years old in the sense of being Japanese. It looks as good as or slightly older than the pre-rejuvenated Ados. When Yuri urged him to sit on the opposite side of the sofa, the man sat down, albeit slightly crawling. Immediately Waltz arranges tea and sweets on the table.

“May I ask you for your name and position?”

“Yes, I’m Rand, I’m the head of the village of Notok.”

“The village mayor came all the way to me… It would have been difficult to walk from Notoku to Nildea.”

“No, the people in Notoku village are all in good shape. It’s not a big distance because you can walk in less than a day at this level.”

The village mayor Rand simply said that, but Yuri was just impressed. The distance of 30km may be normal for a healthy adult to walk for a day. But she thinks it would be a long enough distance for an elderly man like Rand to travel with his travel preparations.

“As you already know, I’ll give you my name.

―――― I am Yuri. I’m the empress in this “Yuri Empire”

“Thank you. I am very honored to have a visit to Your Majesty Yuri.”

“The flattery is fine. Did you need anything from me that you’ve come?”

“Yes. The village of Notoku wants to belong to the ‘Yuri Empire’. I would like to ask Your Majesty Yuri to forgive me with a generous heart.”


She didn’t think it was such a story, so Yuri was not a little surprised. No — It may be a natural offer in a sense, considering that they observed the other day’s [Meteor Strike] from the nearest place.

“I knew Notoku was a kingdom village, right?”

“The other day, the kingdom soldiers passed through our village with a considerable army, but I hear that they were quickly destroyed by the magic of Your Majesty Yuri. I think that the game has already been decided. ”

“I see. So if our troops try to get the village it will be voluntarily submission, like that?”

“It’s okay to think that way.”

If a village where livestock is a major industry is hit by a war, it will almost certainly be irreparable damage. ――― Perhaps the village mayor thought so. It was a little hard to switch to another country. But if they want to belong to the “Yuri Empire” as the best action to protect the village, it’s not a fool.

(… Well, if you get a livestock-centered village, Euro will be happy.)

Livestock meat, fresh milk, and many dairy products. ――― There is no doubt that Euro will not be pleased. And if the range of Euro dishes is widened, it will lead to the joy of everyone in the “Yuri Empire”. It’s not a bad story for her to be obedient from there.

“Okay, let’s accept it. Starting today, Notoku is a village of the Yuri Empire.”

“Oh, thank you. Now I can bring good news back to everyone in the village.”

When Yuri said so, Rand broke his face as if his shoulders were unloaded. In order to accept involuntary submission, asylum must be given. She will need to create a barrier or have a force stationed to prevent monsters and kingdom troops from coming.

“By the way, Yuri-sama. I have one request again.”

“… What is it?”

Requests that are cut out like “incidental” to something like this are often unreserved or annoying. Yuri listens to the continuation of the story from Rand while being slightly cautious.

“I’m in my village, there are skeleton soldiers-sama of the ‘Yuri Empire’.”

“… Oh. They are also in the village of Notoku.”

“Yes. Currently, exactly 10 of them are staying in the village.”

Needless to say, a skeleton soldier is a soldier made by Raquel’s [Army of the Dead]. Yuri gives an order to the skeleton soldiers produced by Raquel, “Go back to your home village and patrol to kill those with weapons and monsters other than you”. In other words, it seems that there were 10 soldiers from the hometown of “Notoku” among the kingdom soldiers that Yuri annihilated. Those individuals may have settled in the village.

But — why does Rand call the skeleton soldier with “sama”?

“I see. Should I remove the skeleton soldier?”

“No, the skeleton soldiers take the initiative in defeating the monsters, so they are rather welcomed by the villagers. I would like them to stay if Your Majesty Yuri Doesn’t mind.”

“……Huh? Is that so?”

“Yes. Just the other day, a skeleton soldier helped a stray cow being chased by a Urigo monster with a single blow.”

“Yes …?”

Needless to say, it was not that intention that Yuri made Raquel mass-produce skeleton soldiers. The main purpose was to harass the kingdom, but … It was a completely unexpected fact that skeleton soldiers were useful for their lives in the first village of the kingdom.

“However, I’m sorry to say this. The skeleton soldiers will attack the sweepers who came to the village, so I’m a little troubled. If possible could Your Majesty order the skeleton soldier to not attack the sweepers? ”

“… Oh, I see.”

Skeleton soldiers take the lead in attacking “those with weapons”. Most of the “sweepers” whose livelihood is hunting monsters have weapons, so it was natural that they would be targeted by skeleton soldiers.

“Okay, let’s prevent the skeleton soldiers in Notoku village from attacking the sweepers.

…I’ll ask you again, I don’t have to remove the skeleton soldiers, right? ”

“Yes. I would be grateful if they could stay in the village for a long time.”

It’s completely unexpected. …… Well, should it be useful to the other party?

On the same day, Yuri directs the summoned servant beast to record Notoku Village as one of the “transfer points”. Then, accompanied by the village chief Rand, today’s escort Brad, and the captain of “Koumei” Hotaru, Yuri teleported to Notoku village by using transfer magic.

Yuri gives a new command to the 10 skeleton soldiers in the center of the village to “patrol the village of Notoku and the surrounding area and destroy if they find a monster”. As usual, Hotaru will create two barriers, [boundary barrier] and [temperature control barrier], but this time they decided to have them expand considerably larger than the scale of the village itself. With this, it will be possible for the livestock to graze safely only in places relatively close to the village.

[Boundary Barrier] is set to block not only monsters but also kingdom soldiers. Hotaru’s barrier is strong enough to withstand the attack of the dragon Ladra Gruff to some extent. Even if the kingdom soldiers come to Notoku village in the future, it will be impossible to enter the village.

By the way, all 10 skeleton soldiers in Notoku village had a “flower crown” on their heads. It seems that Rand’s remark that skeleton soldiers are welcomed by the villagers is a fact without any exaggeration.

“Ahahahaha! Hey, you guys are loved!”

Brad was laughing so loudly when he saw the skeleton soldiers who became a little cute.

Yup. I can understand the feeling of laughing involuntarily.

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