Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 11 Plan

Chapter 11 Plan
At noon, on the road outside the construction site! "Keep down, we're almost there." Wang Jin signaled the people behind him to be quiet, and followed him slowly.

Climbing up to the roof, Wang Jin killed the two zombies blocking the way, and took out the binoculars to check the situation.

The construction site in the distance is still the same, with construction vehicles scattered in a mess, and zombies wearing hard hats still wandering around, as if they were inspecting their construction site.

Wang Jin estimated the number. There were about 15 zombies. With the number of his [-] swift beasts, Wang Jin was worried about the lurker. The lurker left a deep impression on Wang Jin last time. up.

Although it is only possible, but the lurker was met here last time, Wang Jin is not sure if there is another one, so he must be careful and careful.Sure enough, after half an hour of observation on the roof, Wang Jin finally found the figure of the lurkers, and there were only two of them. The ones were hiding in the shadow of the car. If Wang Jin didn't feel that no zombies dared to approach this area, and he found it strange to observe carefully, it would be difficult to find these two hidden hunters.

Seeing these two lurkers, Wang Jin groaned secretly. If these swift hunters had a group of corpses as their backup, it would be even more difficult to deal with. If he wanted to deal with the group of corpses, he had to deal with the lurkers. The number of times has increased a lot, and it is still very dangerous to fight.

After the observation, Wang Jin went downstairs and told them what he had observed, and everyone gasped.

"Lurker, isn't that a creature in the movie? Why does it exist in reality!" Li Yue asked.

"The apocalypse has happened, what else is impossible? Wang Jin also said that they just look alike, not necessarily the same creatures." He Xin said.

"Everyone, let's think about how to deal with the corpses." Wang Jin decided to listen to other people's opinions, maybe there might be a good solution.

"If you exclude the lurkers, fifteen velociraptors are against a group of [-] corpses, and each velociraptor has to deal with about [-] zombies on average. Wang Jin, can your velociraptor be able to deal with [-] zombies alone? "He Xin asked.

"If you fight head-on, the Velociraptor can deal with [-] zombies. If you adopt the roaming tactic of one hit and go, as long as the terrain is open, the Velociraptor can even deal with [-] zombies without injury, because their speed is faster than the Velociraptor. It's too slow in front of you. However, if you are dealing with a large group of corpses, the roaming tactic is not very effective. A single zombie can easily be surrounded by the group of corpses, and the strength of the group is very powerful." Wang Jin explained.

"That's it! If you fight head-on, you will lose a lot. If you can disperse the corpses, the swift beast can easily win. I thought of a way, but it is a bit dangerous." He Xin thought about it and thought of a way Method.

"What method, tell me quickly, I can't wait to leave the city." Chen Dong urged.

"My idea is that since the dispersal of the corpses is not a concern, we will artificially find a way to disperse the corpses. In my plan, lead the corpses to the open ground outside. Each of us takes a A velociraptor attracts them around the group of corpses, and the group of corpses will instinctively grab the humans nearby. In this way, the group of corpses will naturally disperse. At this time, the velociraptors are attacking, and each velociraptor will deal with them on average. Twenty or so zombies can definitely wipe out the zombies with ease."

He Xin pursed her lips, and then said, "My plan is dangerous to a certain extent, let's see if you want to do it."

As soon as this plan came out, everyone except Li Yue, Chen Dong and the naive Wenwen changed their expressions drastically.

Old Wang Zhang Kai immediately jumped out and said that he had to think of other ways.

But Wang Jin ignored them, applauded and laughed: "Good idea, well, just do as He Xin said, in this way, the construction site can be taken down without a single soldier. Don't worry, everyone, as long as you can get the zombies If it is brought out, the swift beast can definitely kill all the zombies, there will be no danger, and I will deal with the two swift beasts myself."

"Although this method is a little dangerous, it is still feasible." Li Yue said.

"I don't need the Velociraptor, I can smash the chasing zombies by myself." Chen Dong said carelessly.

"Okay, since everyone has no objections, let's do it this way." Wang Jin pretended not to see the dark faces of Zhang Kai and others, and immediately ordered: "Chen Dong, Zhang Kai, Jia Ding, old Wang, Lin Shibin, Du Yuyan, Li Yue is in charge of dispersing to attract zombies, He Youxi's injury is still not healed, and he will stay by my side for a while to watch the wind, and it is inconvenient for He Xin to take Wenwen, so she is the same as He Youxi, staying by my side."

As soon as this remark came out, He Youxi was overjoyed, if not for the unkind eyes of Zhang Kai and others, he would have almost danced.

In order not to arouse public anger, He Youxi coughed repeatedly, covered his chest, pretended to be out of breath, and was about to die from serious injuries, which made Wang Jin and Li Yue secretly laugh.

Although everyone envied and hated them, they did not dare to disobey Wang Jin's order. They just thought in their hearts that it would be fine if they were the ones who were injured yesterday.

"Wait, I don't agree, I want to fight like them." He Xin said something that left everyone dumbfounded.

"What's going on." Wang Jin raised his eyebrows. Didn't He Xin know that he was taking care of her?

"I don't want to be a drag. I came up with this plan. I, the planner, don't take responsibility. How can I make them feel at ease as bait. Besides, this is not a deadly plan, isn't it just running? I I don't believe that I can't outrun a mindless zombie."

As He Xin said, she hugged Wenwen to Wang Jin's side and said, "Just take care of Wenwen for me, and I will return safely."

"Be careful!" Wang Jin didn't say anything, stood up and looked at the crowd and shouted: "Start action!"

An hour later, in the open space outside the construction site, an old pickup truck was parked there, and He Youxi in the car made an OK gesture to Wang Jin.

"Everyone else will take their positions immediately. If anyone dares to cheat, don't blame me for being unkind." Wang Jin said to the people around him.

"Yes." Li Yue and the others quickly dispersed, and stood in the shadows around the open space according to the predetermined position, with a swift beast escorting them beside them.

"Uncle, is mom okay?" Wenwen asked with tears in her eyes, tugging on Wang Jin's sleeve.

Wang Jin pinched Wenwen's little face, pointed to the seven swift beasts beside him and said, "Don't worry, your mother has uncle's pet protection, and uncle's pet is very powerful, your mother will definitely be fine."

"Well, uncle's monster pet will protect mom, mom will be fine."

"Monster pet!" The corner of Wang Jin's mouth twitched, he was speechless at this weird name.

Seeing that everyone was already standing in their respective positions, Wang Jin nodded to He Youxi, and He Youxi pressed his hand down hard. Immediately, the pickup truck that He Youxi had temporarily repaired honked loudly and harshly.


The originally quiet construction site seemed to come to life in an instant, and the zombies let out loud roars, crowding out of the construction site.

The doorway, which can accommodate two large trucks driving side by side, is crowded with corpses. Zombies in various shapes, teeth and claws, and helmets appear, scrambling towards the pick-up truck.

Among them, the two leading zombies are the most conspicuous. They are on all fours and move like the wind. They are the lurkers Wang Jin met last time.

He Youxi looked at the scene in front of him, his lips trembled. If Wang Jin wasn't by his side, he could turn the car around and run away immediately.

"Look at my gestures. If I raise my right hand, you turn off the speaker!" Wang Jin finished his instructions and put Wenwen into the pickup truck.

Upon hearing this, He Youxi took a long breath and nodded repeatedly, as long as he didn't let himself fight.

And Wang Jin himself brought seven swift beasts to meet the two lurkers.If these two lurkers are not dealt with first, the subsequent plan cannot be carried out at all. Let alone Li Yue and others run away, it is simply not enough for these evolved zombies to be slaughtered.

The group of corpses kept walking, still heading towards Wang Jin's direction, and the sound of the trumpet had firmly attracted these sensitive zombies.

The speed of the two lurkers was extremely fast, and they had already drawn a certain distance from the group of corpses behind, which was exactly what Wang Jin wanted to see.

Soon, under Wang Jin's control, six swift beasts rushed towards the lurker, three swift beasts dealt with one lurker, and the remaining one followed Wang Jin.

The Velociraptor and the Lurker are entangled together, the Velociraptor is chasing, and the Lurker is hiding.

The lurker with animal instincts knew that he was not the opponent of the three swift beasts, and he didn't dare to fight the swift beasts head-on. Instead, he used his own speed to avoid the swift beasts and prevent them from encircling him.

Without a gun, Wang Jin was self-aware that it would be difficult to hit the lurker with his marksmanship and reaction speed.

Pulling out the machete from his back, Wang Jin rushed towards the nearest lurker with the last swift beast.

At the same time, he controlled three swift beasts to drive the lurkers to him. Wang Jin wanted to risk himself by blocking the swift beasts and killing them.

Originally, Wang Jin didn't want to do this either. It would take a lot of time to kill the lurkers with three swift beasts.

What Wang Jin lacked was time, and the group of corpses was about to arrive. If the two lurkers were not dealt with, Li Yue and the others would be unable to act.

The group of corpses plus the two lurkers will lose a lot and even fail. This is what Wang Jin doesn't want to see.

The lurker who was driven away saw a human blocking his way in front of him, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he rushed straight to Wang Jin.

Wang Jin clenched the machete in his hand, and when the lurker ran to a distance of five or six meters in front of him, the swift beast beside him rushed out.

The Lurker's speed suddenly increased a bit, and with a push of his limbs, he slantedly avoided the bite of the swift beast, and rushed towards Wang Jin viciously.

Wang Jin was very calm. A month of life-and-death struggle made Wang Jin unable to feel a sense of fear.

Clenching the machete in his hand, he took his own steps, and his small body showed amazing explosive power.


Wang Jin uttered a cry, and when the lurker had just landed and the old force had exhausted the new force, he slashed at the lurker's neck with a big knife.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless, this is Wang Jin's knife, the unpretentious blow makes it difficult for lurkers to dodge.

The lurker is worthy of being a lurker, at this unavoidable juncture, he swung his body flexibly, avoiding the fatal danger of his neck.

The machete slashed, and a lurker's forelimb slipped soundlessly, leaving its owner's body.

Although the lurker escaped the danger of beheading, but Wang Jin's knife was too fast, and the lurker had no time to do other actions, so the lurker was slashed to the shoulder by the big knife, and half of his shoulder and arm were chopped off directly.

The lurker who lost his arm rushed past Wang Jin, because he was too fast and lost his arm, he could no longer maintain his balance and rolled on the ground.

Lurker saved his life, lost his arm, couldn't play the speed, waiting for it will not change the result.

A Lurker without speed is a paper tiger, and one Velociraptor can be easily dealt with, let alone four of them.

Before the lurker got up, the four swift beasts rushed forward, opened their bloody mouths, and tore him apart.

Wang Jin let out a breath. The thrill just now was really not what outsiders can say, so he simply succeeded. Although he had the cooperation of the swift beasts, it was undeniable that Wang Jin was also very powerful. Otherwise, he would not have been able to find the right time to kill him with one strike. The lurkers lost their fighting power, and even the powerful lurkers fell under his sword. This gave Wang Jin a sense of accomplishment, much greater than controlling the velociraptor to kill the lurkers.After killing one Lurker, Wang Jin controlled four Swift Beasts to support the other side of the Swift Beast's battlefield.

With the help of the four velociraptors, the battle was quickly resolved. Although the lurker saw that the situation was not good and wanted to run back to the corpses, the seven velociraptors didn't give him a chance at all.

After some chasing and interception, finally surrounded by seven swift beasts, this lurker did not escape the fate of his companion, was chased down by the swift beasts, and then bitten into pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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