Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 25 Mutated Bats

Chapter 25 Mutated Bats
At night, the bright moon shines brightly all over the earth, most of the dark clouds disappear, and the sky is full of stars, as if putting a beautiful coat on the sky.

At this moment, Wang Jin was lying on the roof of the car, looking at the sky full of stars. He Youxi, Jiading and others were lying on his body, and there was also a little girl who was jumping around and pestering people to tell stories.

"In the end, Snow White and the prince lived happily together."

"Uncle, do you think I'm a three-year-old child? Everyone is already seven years old. I've heard this story countless times."

Wenwen stared at two pairs of big black eyes, got up with a smile, ran to Jia Ding's side and said, "Uncle Fat, can you tell me a story?"

"This girl..." He Xin, who just climbed onto the roof of the car, saw this scene, gave Wang Jin a helpless smile, and hugged the pestering little girl into her arms: "Be quiet, don't disturb the rest of the uncles!"

"No! People want to listen to stories. I have heard all the stories my mother told, and I want to hear new ones." While talking, she lay quietly in her mother's arms, looked at Wang Jin and said, "Uncle is telling me A story, I promise, and go to bed after this."

Wang Jin touched his nose and said with a smile: "Children are lively. I was skinier than her when I was a child. But, cough. It's fine to tell stories. Uncle, I haven't heard many stories. Let Uncle He tell you." .”

He Youxi smiled wryly when he heard Wang Jin kick the ball over, and turned his head to look at Jia Ding and Lin Shibin, and found that both of them had their eyes closed and rested, turning a blind eye to He Youxi's gaze.

"Okay, let me tell you a story. There was a mountain once upon a time." He Youxi said, suddenly pointing to the sky and saying, "Look, that dark cloud is flying so fast!"

Wang Jin turned around and looked, and sure enough, in the night sky, a huge dark cloud was flying rapidly. It was no longer slower than the usual dark clouds. The speed of this dark cloud was at least dozens of times faster. It could be seen with the naked eye. Approaching rapidly.

"This dark cloud is flying towards us, and it is flying lower and lower." Li Yue said, pulling out the pistol at his waist.

"Be careful, He Youxi, you guys go get the weapons, Chen Dong goes to inform the soldiers, the others go back to the car first, and close the door."

As Wang Jin said, he commanded the vigilant swift beasts around to shrink their defenses, and guarded the two muck trucks inside.At the same time, He Xin carried her daughter into the carriage, and Chen Dong hurriedly ran to the barracks with his weapon.

"What's going on with this dark cloud, Yu Yan, you have the best eyesight, can you see what's going on?" Li Yue asked.

Wang Jin also turned his head to look, He Youxi and the others also stared wide-eyed, being watched by so many people, Du Yuyan was a little nervous, looked at the dark cloud and said: "It's too far away, I can't see clearly, but it doesn't seem to be dark clouds."

"It's not a dark cloud!" Wang Jin raised his eyebrows and ran to the carriage and took out a telescope to take a look. At this glance, Wang Jin's expression changed drastically and he shouted hoarsely: "Everyone get in the carriage and don't stay outside anymore."

Wang Jin's telescope has an 8x lens, and he can see the dark cloud very clearly. Du Yuyan is right, it is not a dark cloud at all.

In Wang Jin's sight, there were thousands of mutated bats that were half a meter in size, with small red eyes, sharp teeth, and featherless wings. They fluttered and flew. Generally dark clouds.

"What's the matter?" The others also realized that something was wrong. They had never seen Wang Jin so nervous. Could it be that there was something even Wang Jin couldn't defeat?As Wang Jin continued to fight, everyone began to worship Wang Jin blindly, thinking that there was nothing Wang Jin could not defeat.

Wang Jin looked solemn, and handed the binoculars to others to watch, and said, "It's not a dark cloud at all, it's all made up of countless mutated bats, and it's going to be a big trouble now."

After seeing them one by one, the others were also pale. Although they believed in Wang Jin's strength, the number of these mutated bats was too much, and the size of half a meter was not easy to mess with. The number of Wang Jin's swift beasts was hard to compete.

"Mr. Wang, did you find out what happened?" At this moment, under the leadership of Chen Dong, Xu Gang came over with more than a dozen soldiers, saw Wang Jin's frowning, and asked aloud.

"We're having trouble this time, you can see for yourself."

Wang Jin jumped off the roof and handed the binoculars to Xu Gang.

"What trouble can there be? We have so many soldiers here, and there are no large corpses nearby. There is nothing to worry about." A soldier standing behind Xu Gang with only a pistol said, his tone was a little arrogant, and he looked at Wang Jin There was a hint of provocation in his eyes.

"Who is this"

"Haoshen, don't be rude. Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, this is a mutant from our military. Shang Haoshen, Haoshen, this is the mutant Wang Jin. You should get to know him well."

Xu Gang took over the binoculars and introduced them to both parties. Shang Haoshen stretched out his hand and said provocatively, "I heard that you are very powerful. How about a sparring when you have time."

After shaking hands, Wang Jin knew that strength is the most important thing in the army, so he didn't feel angry, so he replied: "Definitely."

Then he said to Xu Gang who put down the binoculars and said with a heavy face, "Commander Xu, we are going to be in trouble this time, please make preparations early."

"Notify, level one alert, let the survivors hide." Xu Gang immediately ordered, and soon, the soldiers dispersed one after another, only the mutant Shang Haoshen was still on the sidelines.

"Mr. Wang, please drag some bats this time. With the habit of bats, they will disperse after dawn. Let's drag them until dawn!"

"It's a duty!" Wang Jin said with a wry smile, it was already too late to run now, so he could only procrastinate to save his life.

Hearing Wang Jin's answer, Shang Haoshen's attitude towards Wang Jin was much better, he saluted Wang Jin, and escorted Xu Gang back to the barracks.

With the martial law enforced by the soldiers, the survivors began to panic. Children cried and adults yelled. Few of them could keep calm when they learned that the monster was coming, even if there were soldiers to maintain it.

People ran to the place they thought was safest, most of them hid in the barracks, and the soldiers vacated the extra cars for people to hide, but there were too many people, and the conflict started like this, from the beginning to the fist Face each other, and finally use weapons to kill people.

The soldiers did not expect such a big chaos. They wanted to stop it but they were too busy to take care of themselves. Materials had to be transferred, weapons had to be prepared, personnel had to be arranged, and defensive positions had to be built. Soldiers with limited maintenance could not manage it.

At this moment, two muck trucks drove into the barracks side by side with their headlights on. Behind the muck trucks, hundreds of ferocious swift beasts accelerated violently. When they saw the survivors robbing the vehicles and facing each other with weapons, they jumped at them. On the ground, the bloody mouth was pressed against the throat, so that none of these survivors dared to move rashly.

At the same time, a ferocious voice resounded throughout the audience: "Whoever robs the murderer, die!"

A young man stood on the roof of the muck truck, his cold gaze swept the audience, and everyone who was caught by his gaze lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

This person was Wang Jin, but it was Wang Jin who saw the chaos here and came to stop him. At the same time, he would cover each other with the army to reduce his own casualties when the battle started.

Under Wang Jin's deterrence and the swift beast's sharp claws, the chaos quickly settled down. Wang Jin was famous for his fierceness, and he was merciless in killing people. After killing two survivors who did not listen to advice, the scene calmed down. The survivors hiding in vehicles hid in tents or potholes under the guidance of soldiers.


"Quack quack!"

Just as the survivors were arranged, there was a whistling sound of flapping wings and a strange cry, and a dark cloud descended quietly.

"Fire flares!"

Following an order, two flares were launched into the air, and with a loud bang, the sky was illuminated like daytime. Huge bats with a size of half a meter rolled like black clouds. Stimulated by the flares, they screamed strangely. With a sound, the vibrating wings flew down.


Xu Gang stood on the position made of soil and trees, roared, and gave the order to attack.

"Da da da!"

Hundreds of light and heavy firearms fired at the same time, and the position built by the soldiers was shrouded in flames. The sound of the gunfire was ten times and a hundred times louder than the firecrackers of the New Year. Wang Jin couldn't help but plug his ears, and stared blankly at the blood spraying out of the sky.

Before any of the mutated bats could get close, they were beaten into a sieve by intensive firepower. The bats fell to the ground like dumplings, and it seemed like it was raining from the sky. It was blood composed of blood.

"This scene is much better than the one in the movie." He Youxi, like Wang Jin, stared at the violent scene with straight eyes, and muttered to himself.

"Humanity's most violent war machine is really powerful." Wang Jin's eyes were hot. Even if he had more than a hundred swift beasts, fighting with such an army, even if he won, he would suffer a lot of casualties.

"That's good. I'm not afraid of these bats with such strong firepower." Jardin said, and the hand holding the rifle in his hand relaxed a little bit. It can be seen that the steel gun has been soaked by the sweat of Jardin's palm, which can be seen. The level of tension, now that I see the firepower of the army, I let go of my worries.

Li Yue held a gun in one hand and a mutated horn in the other. Hearing this, he said coldly, "It's not that simple. The firepower can't be so strong all the time, not to mention whether the ammunition is sufficient, the fatigue of the personnel, the overheating of the barrel, and the casualties." If my guess is correct, the military will arrange soldiers to attack in two groups in turn to keep the firepower going, and the firepower will be reduced by half after this wave of ammunition is fired.”

As soon as Li Yue finished speaking, sure enough, after changing the ammunition, the firepower of the soldiers was weakened by half. Due to the lack of personnel, it was impossible to maintain such firepower all the time. Now half of the soldiers are firing, and half of the soldiers are resting. , Keep the firepower constant.

In this way, the mutated bats that were suppressed at the beginning were able to get close, and some mutated bats that were lucky enough not to be hurt had rushed into the position and started killing.

A soldier who was immersed in changing the ammunition suddenly felt a huge pain in his neck, and his whole body's blood rushed to his neck. He wanted to struggle, but found that his whole body was weak, his eyes blurred, and he fell to the ground.

Several soldiers near him opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene in disbelief. A large living person was sucked into a fuck within a few seconds.The dry skin was tightly attached to the bones, and the pupils were no longer visible in the sunken eye sockets, only the white eyeballs. The whole person was like a mummy that had been dried for thousands of years, making every soldier who saw it shudder.

The mutated bat's stomach bulged slightly after sucking blood, its black body turned red all over, and it was about to fly with a flap of its wings.

"Bang bang bang!"

As several soldiers opened fire, the mutated bat that had just had a full meal was beaten to pieces, a lot of blood spattered, and it was unknown whether it was its own or human's.

The battle began to enter a stalemate.

(End of this chapter)

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