Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 46 Mutated giant tiger (recommended for collection)

Chapter 46 Mutated giant tiger (recommended for collection)

Bags of food were packed and put on the muck truck. After they were all loaded, the muck truck was seriously overloaded. Fortunately, there are no traffic police in the last days. Only you are not afraid of getting into a car accident. You can load as much as you want.

Da da!

Because it took some time to organize the food, the bloody smell of zombies outside the village wafted away, attracting many carnivores to wander around, including a calf, a big wild wolf, a three- to four-meter-long monitor lizard, a python as thick as a human waist, and Cats as big as leopards, etc., if Wang Jin's insect swarm hadn't been intimidating nearby, they would have rushed forward to eat.

Animals with mutated bodies are not afraid of the zombie virus, but rather like the flesh of the zombie.

Before, it was because there were too many zombies in the village, and the level 0 and 1 animals were not strong enough to deal with them. Now that the zombies were killed by Wang Jin, this problem naturally did not exist.

Seeing a mutated beast that was only stalking nearby, Wang Jin ignored it. Instead, he put away his swarm, planning to catch all the mutated beasts here when they robbed the corpses of the zombies.

These mutant beasts are too fast, and with the convenience provided by the surrounding jungle to the mutant beasts, if Wang Jin directly sends the swift beasts to chase and kill them, it is estimated that it will be difficult to gain anything.How about taking back the velociraptors, forcing them to come to grab food, and then secretly control the swarm of insects to surround them, can these mutant beasts escape?
Seeing the disappearance of the insect swarm, many mutant beasts really couldn't stand the temptation of food, and moved their bodies cautiously towards the village.

Several wild wolves arrived at the corpse of the zombie first. After observing, they grabbed the corpse of a lurker and began to eat it.

Seeing a few wild wolves enjoying the food, the rest of the mutant beasts couldn't bear it anymore, and leaned out of the grass one after another to join in the feast of food.

You're done!Wang Jin's face was filled with joy, and he waited for the swarm of insects to lurk and surround them, and wipe out all the mutant beasts, but he didn't want to be as good as the sky, just when Wang Jin's treacherous plan was about to succeed and harvest the crystal nucleus, an accident happened.

There was a breathtaking roar of a tiger, and a giant tiger with a length of more than ten meters and a height of five or six meters, with patterns all over its body, appeared outside the village.

As soon as this predator at the top of the food chain appeared, the other mutated beasts were startled. They no longer dared to enjoy the food in front of them, and ran away with their tails between their legs.

An animal like a tiger, whether it is before or after the end of the world, is not something that ordinary animals can provoke.

The mutated giant tiger roared arrogantly, and walked towards the village with huge strides. A few mutated beasts, who were reluctant to part with food, dragged the corpses of the zombies, trying to leave before the giant tiger arrived.

But the mutated beasts underestimated the speed of the giant tiger, and the ignorance of these mutated beasts annoyed the overlord of the nearby area. The mutated giant tiger sped up at a low level. Before the mutated beasts could react, they were killed The mutated giant tigers were cut apart with their sharp claws, and went with the zombies in their mouths.

Wang Jin was startled. This mutant giant tiger is so powerful, and those mutant beasts are all first-level existences. This mutant giant tiger will kill it as soon as it says it will. It is so strong that it is likely to be the promotion body of a first-level mutant beast. , Level [-] Mutant Beast.

"How come there are tigers here? Didn't it mean that the tigers are almost extinct? Why are we so unlucky!"

Compared to Wang Jin, Li Yue, Chen Dong and the others were even more surprised. They stared blankly at the mighty mutant tiger with their mouths wide open. They couldn't believe that they could meet tigers in the wild. Didn't they say that tigers in the wild are almost extinct?

"It's true that tigers in the wild are almost extinct, but don't forget that there are also zoos. It's not surprising that tigers there mutate and become wild again, and run out of the city to dominate here!"

Wang Jin explained, saying that, even if it is a tiger that escaped from the zoo, it can only be said that Wang Jin and the others are "lucky" to meet such a big tiger in the wild.

After scaring away the mutant beasts around, the giant mutant tiger roared triumphantly, the king character on its forehead was very conspicuous, looking majestic.

After finishing off the other mutant beasts, the giant tiger turned its head and looked at Wang Jin and the others with fierce eyes, as if annoyed that these humans didn't run away. The overlord of dozens of miles.

"Looking for death! You bastard frightened my prey and haven't settled with you yet, but now I want to do it first."

When Wang Jin saw the mutant giant tiger's gaze, he knew that the tiger wanted to attack, and his anger rose violently. Even if you are a second-level mutant beast, Wang Jin, with the Zerg army in hand, will eat tiger meat today.

"You all retreat one after another and find a place to hide!"

Wang Jin summoned the swarms one by one, and at the same time told Li Yue, Chen Dong and the others that their strength would not be able to participate in the battle for a while. Wang Jin asked them to hide first, so as not to be injured by the battle later.

"Be careful!"

Li Yue glanced at Wang Jin worriedly, but she understood her own strength, staying here would not only fail to help Wang Jin, but would also distract Wang Jin's energy and affect Wang Jin's battle.

For the first time, Li Yue hated his own strength. If his own strength could be stronger, he would not be a burden to him.

Li Yue took one last look at Wang Jin, and at Wang Jin's urging, hid in the village with Chen Dong.

Since the mutated giant tiger was promoted to the second level and became the overlord of the surrounding area, when has it been provoked by others? Now there is a human who wants to challenge his authority. For creatures like tigers, it is no less than grabbing their territory. It is intolerable Yes, you must kill to vent your anger.

The tiger's butt can't be touched. Although Wang Jin didn't touch the mutant giant tiger's butt, what he did was no different from this.

Whether it is for its own dominance or for the food all over the ground, the mutated giant tiger has to fight.

With its body low, the mutated giant tiger exploded at an astonishing speed, rushing towards Wang Jin with a gust of wind.

Facing the mutated giant tiger, which may be a second-level monster, Wang Jin did not dare to be careless. When the mutated giant tiger launched an attack, he immediately hid behind the swarm to be protected by the swarm, and at the same time controlled the swarm to attack.

Hundreds of swift and ferocious beasts formed a small swarm of insects, rushing towards the mutated giant tiger.

Behind the swift beast, dozens of Hydralisks' big mouth muscles squirmed and contracted, and spat out fiercely, dozens of bone spurs broke through the speed of sound and flew out.

Brush brush!
The bone spur that broke through the speed of sound quickly hit the mutated giant tiger's body, leaving thumb-sized blood holes on the mutated giant tiger's body. The ten-centimeter-long bone spur entered more than half of the body, and a small part was exposed outside.

The mutated giant tiger has a huge body, and the bone spurs almost missed all the hits. Wang Jin couldn't be happy when he saw this scene.

The bone spurs that can shoot through 35mm thick steel plates, comparable to heavy sniper rifles, actually only caused this little damage, and the entire bone spurs couldn't completely enter the mutant giant tiger's body.

One must know that a giant zombie with rough skin, thick flesh and amazing defense is hit by a bone spur, and a blood hole the size of a bowl will be broken on its body. Now it is suffocated on the mutated giant tiger. How high is the defense of this mutated giant tiger.

The damage directly caused by the bone spurs is not too great for the mutant giant tiger, but the toxin in the bone spurs is not affected. The toxin from dozens of bone spurs invaded the giant tiger's body, causing serious damage to the mutant giant tiger's body, and its movements became stiff and slowed down. .

At this juncture, hundreds of swift beasts arrived, ignoring the huge physical gap with the mutated giant tiger, and fiercely bit the mutated giant tiger. Under the powerful defense of the mutated giant tiger, they bit each and every shallow wound. .

The Velociraptor is named after its speed, so its movements are naturally very fast and flexible. In a short period of time, more than half of the Velociraptor jumped onto the body of the mutated giant tiger, covering half of the mutated giant tiger's body.

Even if the mutated giant tiger's defense is strong, the damage caused by the velociraptor is not deep, but it can't withstand the large number of velociraptors, and the accumulation of the mutated giant tiger will cause serious injuries.

As the absolute overlord with a radius of tens of miles, the mutated giant tiger hadn't been hurt like this for some time.

The toxin from the bone spur made his body stiff and weak, and the nerves of his brain were infected by the toxin, which made the mutated giant tiger dizzy and painful.

Coupled with the attack of the velociraptor, the mutated giant tiger suffered unspeakably, but it also went berserk, and its huge body exploded with terrifying lethality.

clap clap!

The thick and long tail of the mutated giant tiger was like a steel whip. Five or six swift beasts on the mutated giant's back were ignored for a while, and were directly smashed into two by the sweeping tiger's tail. Under the body.

The velociraptors on the ground were also attacked by the mutated giant tiger. The huge tiger's paw with sharp claws slashed across, and several velociraptors that couldn't escape were dismembered.

There was also a velociraptor that was stepped on by the giant mutated tiger's big foot, and a cloud of blood mist burst out and became a meatloaf.

The mutated giant tiger opened its mouth and bit the three swift beasts. Its big mouth full of sharp teeth chewed casually and swallowed them like that.

Wang Jin watched the killing of the mutated giant tiger coldly, unmoved in his heart, and controlled the swarm of insects to launch a more ferocious attack.

Insect swarms are the least afraid of consumption. Over a hundred swarms depend on how you kill them, and they can kill you even if you fight.

Under Wang Jin's control, the insect swarm did not back down, but instead launched a more ferocious counterattack. The Hydralisk sprayed out a new round of bone spurs, and the swift beast braved the killing of the mutated giant tiger, crazily pounced, and killed There are more of them, so you can kill them endlessly.

The zombie crystal nucleus Wang Jin obtained before was also converted into silicon ore, and 80 swift beasts were newly summoned on the spot.

As soon as these swift beasts appeared, they charged towards the battlefield, intending to overwhelm the mutant giant tigers with their numbers.

The swarm of swarms attacking wildly was extremely terrifying. Fearless and swift beasts crawled onto the mutant giant tiger, biting and attacking. Even if they were killed in the next moment, they would bite off a piece of flesh from the mutant giant tiger.

Nearly two hundred swift beasts covered the mutated giant tiger, biting scars one after another, ignoring the mutated giant tiger's attack, only seeking to cause maximum damage to the mutated giant tiger.

Each swift beast was dismembered by its sharp claws and swallowed by the tiger's mouth, but none of this could stop the swift beast's determination to attack. After one died, more swift beasts would make up for it. The mutated giant tiger often just ate one. Swift beasts, more swift beasts were sent to its mouth, destroying its soft mouth the moment it opened its mouth, causing a lot of damage, regardless of its imminent death.

An astonishing number of velociraptors attacked wildly, and the Hydralisk spewed out rounds of bone spurs. The toxin made the body more and more stiff. The mutated giant tiger was frightened, and began to use its own trump card to deal with the swarm.

ps: Thanks for the slacker's confession, and the tip of Xiao Wuyun 1

(End of this chapter)

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