Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 63 Finding the Target

Chapter 63 Finding the Target
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"The Falcon is in position, the three lone zombies in front of us have been cleared, and move on. Repeat."

In a small alley, Li Ying was carrying a heavy-duty sniper rifle, pulled the dagger out of the zombie's head, and slowly lowered the zombie's stinking body to avoid making noise and attracting the crowd of corpses.

"Lone Wolf received it, Xiong Wang covered behind, and Wang Jin followed." Qin Fei gestured, rolled quickly, and entered the alley from the street.

Wang Jin followed closely behind with a machete on his back, using the cars on the road as a cover with light hands and feet, avoiding the sight of the zombies on the street, and entering the alley.

After Wang Jin and Qin Fei entered the alley, Xiong Yong took advantage of the moment the zombie turned around, passed by the zombie's blind spot, and came to the alley unharmed to join Wang Jin and the others.

This is already the outskirts of City S. Wang Jin and the others set out in the morning and carefully avoided zombies all the way to come here.

I have to say that Qin Fei and the others are skilled, and their various tactical moves can be called classics like textbooks.

Although Wang Jin's skill is not weak, he is far inferior to them in the aspect of concealment, lurking and surprise attack. After all, he was born in Yeluzi. Wang Jin has not undergone systematic training, and reaching this level is considered a genius.

In the alley, Wang Jin and the others opened a sewer mouth, entered the sewer with night vision goggles, and rushed towards the Fenghuang community smelling the stench.

Everything he sees through the night vision goggles is green. Wang Jin, who has experienced the sight of the Zerg, has a foundation. Although he is not used to it, it does not affect the overall situation. Fighting and so on are still possible.

The sewers are foul-smelling, the sewage is flowing, and all kinds of cockroaches and mice are running around. Even if the end of the world comes, the number of these tenacious creatures will not decrease in the slightest. They are much happier than humans.

Stepping on the sewage with one deep foot and one shallow foot, the original color of Wang Jin’s military boots could no longer be seen clearly. The camouflage uniform he had just put on was full of stains. The soldiers who performed the deadly mission looked like African refugees who fled.

The stench, sewage, and all kinds of cockroaches, fleas and insects crawling on the body make it difficult for ordinary people to live in this environment, but Wang Jin didn't respond.

When Wang Jin was living alone in H City, he didn't experience anything, not to mention other things, but the cockroaches crawling on his body, which used to be one of Wang Jin's staple foods.

Wang Jin crawled a lot in the sewers, whether it was to avoid zombies or find food, so Wang Jin didn't feel uncomfortable in the sewers.

Qin Fei and the others were very surprised by Wang Jin's adaptability. At first they thought that Wang Jin was a mutant who would be unbearable in enduring harsh environments. Unexpectedly, on the contrary, Wang Jin once again surpassed their expectations. expected.

The sewers are all over the city, but they are the underground highways of the city. You can reach any area of ​​the city through the sewers.

This is what Wang Jin and the others are doing now. Going from the sewer to the Phoenix area can reduce the danger of himself and others. After all, the closer to the center of the city, the more and more corpses. Zombies are everywhere.

Because Qin Fei and the others have a city planning map and understand the layout of the sewers, they can find the Phoenix District in the sewers extending in all directions. Otherwise, even if you think of this way, you will be confused by the sewers like a maze, and you will not be able to find your goal.

Along the way, Wang Jin and the others walked in the sewer for several hours, and finally arrived at the destination, Phoenix District, where the Zombie King often moves.

"Stay here and don't move." Qin Fei signaled everyone to stay calm, and held a small mirror out through the exit of the sewer manhole cover, turning the small mirror to observe the situation outside.

Qin Fei soon took back the small mirror, waved to everyone, and whispered: "There are two zombies at 1 o'clock, and there is a zombie at the window on the second floor of the building on the left. Xiong Yong and I will act together later to remove these three." Only the zombies are dealt with, you two enter the tallest building on the right, clear the zombies inside, be careful not to make too much noise."

"Understood!" Wang Jin pulled out the machete. This situation is not suitable for summoning swift beasts. Their battles are not serious, and the sound of the battle will attract the attention of the corpses.

"Xiong Yong, you deal with the two zombies over there at 1 o'clock, and I'll take care of the windows of the building."

"Small idea!" Xiong Yong thumped his chest, made a dull sound, and laughed confidently.

"Then! Take action!" Qin Fei quietly opened the manhole cover, jumped out of the sewer, and rushed towards the zombies coming out of the window.

The moment Qin Fei jumped out of the sewer, Xiong Yong also jumped out of the sewer immediately, his tall body sprinted behind the zombies, and the moment the zombies turned their heads, a pair of thick hands pinched the neck of a zombie, twisted it hard, and The zombie's cervical spine was twisted off, and its head fell limply.

Here, Xiong Yong had just dealt with the zombies, and Qin Fei, who was running, also threw out a dagger, and when the zombies were about to roar from the window on the second floor, he accurately hit the zombies on the forehead.

While the brains were splashing out, he was killed with one blow, and the roar that the zombie blurted out had no exit, which prevented the roar from attracting the attention of the nearby corpses.

While Xiong Yong and Qin Fei resolved the threat, Wang Jin and Li Ying also came out of the sewer and ran towards the tallest building in the surrounding area.

At the gate of Daxia, two zombies were wandering unconsciously. Wang Jin took a step ahead of Li Ying and rushed past with the fastest speed. The machete flashed by, and the head of a zombie rolled away from the body and fell to the ground. The headless corpse fell down spraying blood.

Li Ying was not to be outdone, and when Wang Jin turned around to kill another zombie, the other party had already inserted a dagger into the eye socket of the zombie, killing this zombie.

Looking at each other, Wang Jin and Li Ying nodded together, covering each other to enter Daxia.

In the building, Li Ying pulled out his silencer pistol and began to roll the names of the remaining zombies one by one. Wang Jin's marksmanship is extremely bad, so it's not shameful.

The few dozen zombies on the first floor of the building were quickly eliminated. After waiting for Qin Fei and Xiong Yong to come in, Wang Jin began to clear the zombies layer by layer. The higher the floor, the fewer the zombies. No zombies.

Zombies will instinctively gather together and act in groups of corpses. After all, there are only a small number of zombies scattered in Daxia. Wang Jin and the others did not spend much effort to deal with them all.

After clearing all the zombies in the building, Wang Jin and the others came to the top floor of the building, where the view is wide, which is conducive to finding the trace of the zombie king.

It was already noon, Wang Jin and the others ate some dry food at random on the roof, and watched one direction each, waiting for the Zombie King to appear.

The waiting time was boring. Wang Jin was wearing a thick camouflage uniform, and under the sun, his whole body was soaked in sweat.

The air he breathed out was filled with heat. Wang Jin drank half a bottle of water in just a short time. When he saw Qin Fei and the others, they were all lying motionless on the ground, looking around with telescopes, even if sweat flowed into their eyes. Wipe it, as expected of a professional special forces soldier.

Time passed quickly, from noon to afternoon, Wang Jin and the others still got nothing.

"Qin Fei, when does this zombie king usually appear?"

Wang Jin asked through the walkie-talkie, his eyes kept inspecting the surrounding situation, and found that apart from occasionally seeing some scattered zombies wandering around, there were groups of corpses rushing past, let alone the zombie king, even the shadow of the zombie king None of them were seen.

"I can't tell. We only saw the Zombie King three times in the Phoenix District, twice at noon and once in the afternoon. Sometimes we waited for a day and the Zombie King would not appear."

Qin Fei's voice came from the walkie-talkie, and he didn't dare to guarantee when or if the zombie king would appear.

Just as he was talking, Xiong Yong suddenly discovered the situation, and Xiong Yong's excited shout came from the walkie-talkie: "Come here, I found the Zombie King."

"I found the Zombie King!" Wang Jin's eyes lit up, and he immediately got up and ran towards Xiong Yong.

After coming to Xiong Yong, Wang Jin picked up the binoculars and looked ahead, and he found the situation thousands of meters away.

A few thousand meters ahead, a group of hundreds of thousands of corpses surged towards them. The huge number crowded the road, like a black torrent.

In the middle of the group of corpses, there are a very large number of first-level zombies.

Among them, there are more than 2000 giant zombies, and as many as [-] lurkers. Wang Jin's scalp is numb, so many first-level zombies are no match for his own swarm!

This is not over yet, in the middle of the first-level zombies, there are more than a dozen hideous zombies.

Among the dozens of zombies, three zombies were ten meters tall, their muscles were as hard and protruding as rocks, their arms were as thick as beams, their fists were as big as a bathtub, and the bloody mouth on their huge heads could easily swallow a living person. Terrible.

Wang Jin was taken aback by the level-[-] giant zombies. Seeing these ten-meter-high zombies, Wang Jin was sure that they were level-[-] giant zombies. It is impossible for a level-[-] giant zombie to grow so big.

Around these second-level giant zombies, there are ten other weird zombies with four limbs, three meters in length, scales the size of copper coins, sharp minions, and a long tongue that keeps stretching.

These zombies crawled and walked on the walls like geckos, and their claws easily grabbed on the reinforced concrete walls before sinking in, helping the weird zombies to fix their bodies and crawl on the walls.

Even if it is hard steel, these weird zombies can easily smash it, as if it is not hard steel but soft tofu, which shows how sharp the minions of this zombie are.

Seeing the weird zombies, if Wang Jin guessed correctly, these zombies should be the evolution of the first-level lurkers, the second-level lurkers.

These second-level zombies are in the center of the group of corpses, protecting a zombie that is as short as a child sitting on the head of a second-level giant zombie.

This short zombie has a big head and a small body, with silver eyes and a bald head. After seeing the picture Qin Fei gave, Wang Jin knows that this is the Zombie King without a doubt.

"The Zombie King is really able to control other zombies. Those powerful second-level zombies are controlled by him to protect himself." Wang Jin looked at the scene in front of him and muttered to himself, very shocked. Such a Zombie King is not easy to deal with. ah.

In the protection of hundreds of thousands of corpses, and even more powerful first-level and second-level zombie protection, Wang Jin's strength is not enough to look at.

"Yeah, these powerful second-level zombies are the most difficult, and none of us are the enemies of these zombies." Qin Fei looked at the astonishing number of corpses and the terrifying second-level zombies among them, feeling very emotional. It is not so easy to complete!
"If it weren't for the large number of corpses and the large spread, I could kill it with a headshot within a thousand meters." Li Ying held up his sniper rifle and looked at the zombie king in the distance, full of unwillingness.

"This zombie king is too cautious. Everywhere he goes, he will let the corpses disperse and patrol, and the building will not let go. We think that if we do not succeed in sniping at high places, we will be discovered by the corpses." Xiong Yong said, ruthlessly He hammered his thigh and complained to Wang Jin.

"This zombie king is so cautious!" Wang Jin was speechless, he was so careful with such strength, are you worthy of your identity as a zombie king?

"Let's go! The corpses are coming towards us. Let's go back to the sewer first, and we will follow after the corpses have passed." Qin Fei said, leading Wang Jin and his party back to the sewer. The corpse group found that where the zombie king controlled the corpse group, only the sewers were safe.

Soon Wang Jin and the others returned to the sewer, waiting for the corpses to pass, and followed them from a distance. (The novel "Zerg Emperor of the Last Days" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search Official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
(End of this chapter)

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