Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 67 Killing the Mutant Praying Mantis

Chapter 67 Killing the Mutant Praying Mantis
Five days later, in a lush forest, Wang Jin followed behind the swarm, and walked through the forest rapidly, with excitement on his smudged face.

It took five days, Wang Jin controlled the host to detect and search day and night, and a large number of insects cast nets in the forest to search, and finally found the trace of the mutant praying mantis this morning.

Wang Jin who received the news didn't say a word, he got into the forest without eating breakfast, and rushed to the nest of the mutant mantis under the guidance of the swarm.

The host also stays firmly in the place where the mutated mantis is found and monitors it from above, so as to prevent the mutated mantis from escaping, it can be tracked.

The vegetation in the forest is dense, even if there are insects to open the way, Wang Jin is still cut and scratched by the branches and weeds. This is because Wang Jin is running forward. If he walks slowly, these problems will not exist.

Wang Jin's dedication was not without rewards. The extremely fast Wang Jin only took three hours to arrive at the place where the mutated mantis was found. According to the information from the swift beast, this should be the lair of the mutated mantis.

Wang Jin took a look, and saw that this place was a small hill. At the bottom of the hill was a dark cave several meters square. The light could not reach the inside of the cave.

For ordinary people, if they want to face a ferocious second-level mutant beast in this kind of place, they will definitely be killed by the mutant beast without vision.

But when Wang Jin saw this cave, not only was he not worried, but he was happy instead. For the swarm, seeing things in the dark is just a trivial matter. The dark environment can make the swarm more concealed, and the attack effect is better.

Moreover, there is definitely not much room in the cave, so the mutated mantis can effectively reduce the hiding space. After all, the mutated mantis relies on speed to fight, and head-to-head is not its strong point.

As long as the mutant mantis is blocked in the cave, Wang Jin is [-]% sure to kill the mutant mantis.

After observing, Wang Jin connected to the host's vision and wanted to check the situation inside the cave first.

But unexpectedly, this cave is showing a downward trend. The further you go inside, the farther it is from the ground. Although the host is powerful in detection, it can only detect the situation within 100 meters from the ground, and the depth of the cave has far exceeded 100 meters. The host is also powerless to detect.

No wonder the mutated praying mantis hadn't been found before. It turned out that the mantis was hiding so deep, Wang Jin thought secretly.

The host has searched the radius several times in the past few days, but still did not find any trace of the mutated mantis. Just when Wang Jin doubted himself, the velociraptor accidentally found the figure of the mutated mantis, and then searched for the smell. Just followed to find this cave.

It turned out that all this happened here, not because the host's detection was not effective, but because the nest of the mutated praying mantis was too deep.

Since it was impossible to lock the mutated mantis with the host, Wang Jin no longer hesitated, and directly led the swarm into the cave, searching for the mutated mantis and hunting them down.

It is impossible to see in the cave, but this is not a problem for Wang Jin. After connecting the vision of the swift beast, Wang Jin can see six directions and hear all directions in the cave without the limitation of vision.

This cave is not big, only five or six meters wide. The ground is solid rock, and there is a thin stream in it. There are many small fish with degenerated eyes swimming in it, adding some vitality to this dark cave.

As he went down, the passage of the cave became more and more rugged, and the angle of inclination gradually increased. Wang Jin couldn't help but slow down his movements, lest he would fall to his death if the mutant mantis didn't find it.

Going all the way down the cave passage, counting from the time he entered the cave, Wang Jin estimated that he had already walked several hundred meters, and it was probably more than 200 meters deep from the ground.


At this moment, the swift and fierce beast in front suddenly roared, Wang Jin was surprised and then overjoyed, he found the mutated praying mantis.

Wang Jin ran to the front to take a look, and sure enough, he saw a five-meter-long, green body surrounded by a large number of swift beasts. It had two sharp forelimbs like big knives on its chest. It was undoubtedly a mutant mantis.

Facing the swarm of worms, the mutated praying mantis was very nervous. The cave behind him had come to an end, and there was no way to retreat. He could only stare at the approaching swarm of worms, hissing threateningly.

"You have today too!" Wang Jin was overjoyed. The mutated praying mantis that was blocked from its lair had no way out, and the narrow environment of the cave also prevented it from taking advantage of its speed. Wang Jin was fully confident about this hunt.

"Give it to me!" Wang Jin roared, and thousands of insects rushed forward, attacking the mutated praying mantis with teeth and claws.

The ferocious and ferocious beast the size of a lion roared, and rushed towards the mutant mantis with a speed faster than a cheetah.

Behind the swift beasts, the Hydralisks spat out deadly bone spurs one after another. The bone spurs, which were as powerful as heavy sniper rifles, broke through the speed of sound, and shot at the mutant mantis viciously with a sharp whistling sound piercing the air.

The small cave was filled with swarms of insects, and the terrifying roars of the swarms continued one after another. In this 200-meter-deep cave, the swarms began to challenge the single-handed king of the insect world.


Facing the ferocious attack of the swarm, the mutated praying mantis glowed with green light all over its body, and swung its two forelimbs rapidly, bringing out afterimages, beheading the swift beasts that rushed forward and the bone spurs that were shot.

Because the area of ​​the cave is small, the swarms occupy all the free space. The mutated praying mantises who have nowhere to hide can only go head-to-head with the swarms, and their own speed advantage cannot be brought into play. This is exactly what Wang Jin wants to see.

So at the beginning of the battle, although the mutated mantis fought fiercely and killed many swift beasts, it was unable to stop the surging attack of the swarm at all, and was suppressed by the swarm, and began to be injured by the attack of the swarm.

The mutated mantis had just killed a velociraptor, and before it could catch its breath, three velociraptors rushed in front of it again. Although the mutated mantis attacked fast, it only had time to kill two velociraptors, and one Breaking through the blockade of the mutated mantis' double knives, he threw himself on the mutated mantis and began to bite wildly.

In front of the sharp minions of the velociraptor, the defense of the mutated mantis is not enough. The velociraptor's big mouth can bite through steel. Now it bites on the body of the mutated mantis, and immediately bites through the weak carapace of the mutated mantis. The sharp teeth deep into the muscles.

As the swift beast shook its head, a large piece of flesh and blood was bitten off by the swift beast, and a large amount of blood gushed out, staining the swift beast's ferocious body red.

This swift beast not only bit with its mouth, but also scratched the mutated mantis' carapace with its sharp claws, scratching out several deep wounds. You can clearly see the bright red muscles and severed blood vessels.

Suffering this kind of injury, the mutated praying mantis hissed in pain, twisted its triangular head, and bit the head of the swift beast that was biting on it, killing the swift beast that caused huge damage to him.

But just because the mutated mantis turned its head and was distracted, it failed to defend against the several bone spurs that hit it, and three bone spurs suddenly pierced into the mutated mantis, several blood flowers burst out, and the mutated mantis already had several bowl-sized The blood hole, blood kept bubbling out.

Seeing the mutated praying mantis desperately resisting, Wang Jin had already sentenced him to death. Under the siege of the swarm, if you don't look for opportunities to escape but resist meaninglessly, it will only speed up your own death.

However, even if the mutated mantis wanted to escape, Wang Jin would not give it this chance. The swarm of insects had already filled the cave, and there was no place for the mutated mantis to stay.

It has to be said that this place is really the most ideal fighting environment for Wang Jin, otherwise it would be difficult to catch the mutated mantis in the wild if he wants to run away.

The velociraptors rushed towards the mutant mantis one by one, and took advantage of the sacrifice of their companions to seize the opportunity to pounce on the mutant mantis, scratching and biting a large number of wounds, weakening the enemy's combat effectiveness little by little.

Cooperating with the attack of the mutated mantis, Hydralisk also swam around to get close to the mutated mantis to increase the accuracy of its shooting.

With the Velociraptor holding the mutant mantis in front, Hydralisk can confidently and boldly output safely, causing huge damage to the mutant mantis.

The toxin of the hydra bone spur is even more deadly. A small amount of this kind of highly poisonous mutated mantis can withstand it. Now, with more and more bone spurs hitting and a large amount of toxin accumulated, the mutated mantis cannot resist no matter how strong its body is. affected by toxins.

The body of the mutated mantis gradually became stiff and numb, and the reaction speed of the brain also became slow. Many attacks that could be avoided and resisted were also damaged by the toxin, and the reaction was slowed down by a step. The body was attacked by the swarm, which further aggravated its injuries.

This is an endless loop. As the battle continues, the mutated mantis will only become weaker and weaker, and the number of swarms is still so large that the mutated mantis cannot kill them all.

Velociraptor and Hydralisk, the two basic combat units of the Zerg, can be said to be a pair of golden combination, the tacit cooperation of the two sides can make any enemy frightened.

Now the mutated mantis has tasted the power of this pair of golden combinations. Under the fierce attack of the swift beast Hydralisk, the mutated mantis is gradually exhausted, and its resistance is greatly reduced, becoming a battle of trapped beasts.

Seeing this, Wang Jin knew that the overall situation was settled. The mutated mantis was just dying, and the swarm could take down the mutated mantis if they continued to attack for a while.

Sure enough, under the continuous attack of the insect swarm, the mutated praying mantis screamed again and again, and was bitten by more and more insect swarms, looking like a huge insect mass.

At this time, except for a pair of sharp and hard forelimbs, the mutated praying mantis' whole body was full of tattered wounds. There were broken fangs of swift beasts on the wounds, and bone spurs pierced deep into the body. No one would have guessed that this was the majestic second-level mutant beast before.

"Everything ends here!" Wang Jin looked at the dying mutated mantis, with a cruel smile on his lips. If I had known why today, is my bad luck so easy to find?
As the Hydralisk hit the mutated mantis with another round of bone spurs, the king mutated beast with a radius of a hundred miles twitched a few times, its triangular head drooped, its whole body fell to the ground with a bang, and died.

"It's finally done!" Wang Jin breathed out, and after spending five days, he finally hunted down the mutant mantis.

With the second-level crystal nucleus of the mutant mantis, everything is ready now, and it depends on whether the zombie king can take the bait.

After the battle, Wang Jin quickly cleaned up the battlefield and dug out the crystal nucleus of the mutant mantis.

After spending some time, Wang Jin commanded the swarm to move the corpse of the mutant mantis back to the muck truck. This is the corpse of a second-level mutant beast, and it is all money!Bringing it back to the base can replace a lot of brain cores, so it shouldn't be wasted.

After finishing everything, Wang Jin returned to City S in a dirt truck.

It must be that the Zombie King can't wait any longer, Wang Jin hooked his mouth, Zombie King, I, Wang Jin, have pre-ordered your brain core!

(End of this chapter)

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