Zerg Emperor of the End Times

Chapter 76 Annihilation

Chapter 76 Annihilation
A large number of insects swarmed up, and the swift beast that climbed up from the hillside arrived first, turned over to the top of the hillside, and rushed towards the soldiers screaming.

Bang bang bang!
The soldiers held up all kinds of light and heavy firearms, and sniped the swift beasts that were rushing.

The gunshots of hundreds of rifles mixed with machine guns were deafening, and the flames joined together, which greatly blocked the rushing beasts.

Countless bullets flew in, forming a metal storm. The velociraptor who rushed into it was hit by the bullet, and its head exploded. There was also a 12.7mm bullet from a heavy machine gun. When it hit the velociraptor, it pierced through it, revealing a A bloody hole the size of a fist.

The soldiers shouted one after another, cheering for themselves and their companions, as well as the commanding orders of the officers, making the battlefield even more noisy.

"But that's it!" Wang Jin, who was watching from a distance, didn't care. Did he really think that the swarm was so easy to deal with?
Under the soldiers' shooting, many velociraptors could only be wounded and survived. As long as they didn't get hit on the head, the tenacious vitality of the swarm would allow them to continue fighting.

Many swift beasts were shot through their guts, their internal organs flowed out, and they could continue to fight. In this way, the swarm is very similar to the zombies. They are killing machines that are not afraid of life and death, but the swarm is stronger than the zombies. .

One by one, the velociraptors were killed, and many velociraptors broke through the barrage and approached the soldiers' positions. Behind them, more velociraptors climbed up the hillside, roaring and rushing towards the soldiers' positions, providing a steady stream of supplies for the insect swarm. support.

A swift beast jumped and ran around nimbly, dodging the bullets of several soldiers, rushed into the position quickly, threw a soldier down, opened its bloody mouth, and bit off the soldier's head. The helmets were all bitten flat, showing the horror of the swift beast's bite force.

"Kill this beast!" Several soldiers nearby were stunned, and their comrades, who were as close as brothers, fell in front of them. They hated the beast so much that they raised their rifles and fired at the beast.

The Velociraptor dodged nimbly. Although it was hit by a few bullets, it didn't hurt its vitals.

The Velociraptor lived up to its reputation of being swift and fierce. Once the speed was brought into play, it would be very difficult for these soldiers to hit the Velociraptor's head.

It's like when a human being hits a fly, although it looks quiet, but when you slap it, the fly mostly dodges, and the same is true for the velociraptor.

The dodging swift beast roared a few times, turned around and rushed towards a soldier who was shooting.

The soldier turned pale with fright, and shot wildly with his rifle, but he couldn't hit the sensitive beast accurately. In the end, the beast cut his throat with a claw close to him, drained his blood and died.

Another soldier was dealt with. After more soldiers arrived, the Velociraptor stopped entanglement. Instead, it took advantage of its flexibility to jump down a ditch. With a few screams, several unprepared soldiers in the ditch Bitten to death, one of them was a machine gunner who was a great threat to the insect swarm.

A single spark can start a prairie fire, and a single velociraptor can cause huge damage to the army. As the battle continues, more and more velociraptors break through the soldiers' defense and break into the positions, causing great chaos to the army.

At this critical moment, the Hydralisk also rushed to the battlefield and began to spit out bone spurs of death, sending each soldier to hell with precision.

Many soldiers, even if they didn't hurt their vitals, just scratched their skins, would be poisoned to death by the poison of the Hydralisk, and they would die with black blood coming out of their seven orifices.

Now the situation is that the insect swarm is beginning to gain the upper hand, pressing the army everywhere to fight again.

Suddenly there was a muffled gunshot on the battlefield, and a Hydralisk that was spitting out bone spurs fell to the ground suddenly, a bowl-sized blood hole appeared in its head, and white brains were bubbling out.

As soon as this thought came to Wang Jin's mind, a swift and ferocious beast that was slaughtering soldiers softened, and its big mouth did not bite the soldier under it. A large transparent hole appeared in the eye socket, and one could clearly see the scenery behind the head.

The soldier who was lucky enough to be rescued had not had time to get up, but his chest was scratched by another swift beast that ran past, and he fell down slowly, spitting blood from his mouth.

Bang bang bang!
The dull sound of the sniper rifle was still ringing, and every time it sounded, it could accurately take the life of one Zerg. In a short time, ten Zerg fell under the sniper rifle.

Through the host Wang Jin saw that the sniper who sniped the Zerg was hiding in a hidden burrow surrounded by weeds, making it difficult to find.

"Sniper!" Qin Fei, who was observing the battlefield through a telescope, reminded Wang Jindao: "At nine o'clock, about 250 meters from the top of the slope, he is hiding in a hole. The weeds outside are camouflage."

"I don't know how to live or die!" Wang Jin snorted coldly, using the host to keep a firm eye on the sniper's position, and controlled the swarm to rush towards the hole.

The Hydralisk also aimed its target at the hole in the ground, continuously spewing bone spurs into it, crushing the sniper so hard that he couldn't lift his head. When the velociraptor arrived, the sniper had nowhere to escape. After sniping a velociraptor, he was killed. Several swift beasts fell down, bitten into pieces and died.

Without strong cover from his teammates, the exposed sniper is just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and can only be eaten by the swarm of insects.

Three hundred soldiers fought here, and the death toll was close to two hundred. The entire position had collapsed, and the remaining soldiers could only run away in vain, and then were chased down by the swift beasts and bitten to death.

Seeing this situation, the smarter soldiers knew that they were helpless, dropped the guns in their hands, and squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands to surrender.

Seeing this, the other soldiers who were still fleeing were infected and raised their hands to surrender.
The so-called defeat is like a mountain, and the battlefield is like this. Only when some people flee and surrender, others will imitate the surrender. It comes from human instinct. No one wants to die. Only those soldiers with firm will will fight to the last moment.

A large number of soldiers surrendered, and Wang Jin did not kill them, but guarded them with swift beasts.

The soldier who was still resisting, Wang Jin, was not polite. The swarm of insects swept past, and all the resisting soldiers became insect-mouthed ghosts.

"Huh! Why are those mutants from Luo Qiang gone?" After dealing with the soldiers, Wang Jin suddenly realized that something was wrong. Luo Fei, who had been protected by the soldiers before, had disappeared.

"Could it be that this Luo Qiang will escape!" Wang Jin looked through the host's field of vision, and found Luo Qiang and others who were fleeing by car in an open space two kilometers away.

"Break out with all your strength!"

Two kilometers away, the veins on Luo Fei's forehead popped out, and he roared loudly. Facing the swarm of insects, he didn't have the guts to fight at all.

He has seen the power of these swarms before, and these troops are not opponents at all on their own.

So facing the siege of the swarm, he prepared to escape early in the morning, letting other unsuspecting soldiers drag the swarm to buy himself time.

Luo Fei was also lucky. His father, Luo Qiang, was worried about his safety, so he handed over one of his capable officers, a mutant capable of short-distance spatial displacement, to him. Break through the swarm of insects.

At that time, Wang Jin's mind was focused on the frontal battlefield, and he didn't pay attention to monitoring the surroundings, so that the opponent escaped successfully.

This is also because Wang Jin's use of the host is not in place. If Wang Jin can use the host skillfully, and can observe and monitor the surrounding movement at all times, it will not be so easy for Luo Fei to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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