Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 150

Chapter 148 149

Song Bai’s eyes darkened, recalling how timid Sardin was when he lost his child, “Don’t talk about it.”

Song Bai leaned on his head with his hands, avoiding Lieutenant General Qi’s sight, and his voice was hoarse.

Lieutenant General Qi snorted, revealing intensified sarcasm: “Song, Song, what’s going on, if you’re honest, I’ll respect you two points, but you’re still pretending, don’t think about the things you and Qi Jiang have done. Nobody really knows.”

Qi Jiang, this name shattered all Song Bai’s emotions. He turned his face in disbelief and said, “Do you know about Qi Jiang?”

His surprise was too obvious, and Lieutenant General Qi couldn’t help but pause for a moment, and then he resumed his unwelcome tone and said, “Otherwise!”

In the past three days, Song Bai has also thought about Qi Jiang’s words in his spare time, but his memory seems to be missing a piece of the puzzle, and he can’t put it together. However, he did not expect that he would have a breakthrough here.

However, Lieutenant General Qi was also listed on the suspect list by him.

In just one second, Song Bai made up his mind, he leaned back on the back of the chair, his knuckles tapped the table, he smiled lazily, and said, “Qi Jiang and I, on the day of the relocation, , I met for the first time in the branch. I don’t know where the lieutenant general came from, but such a level of gossip is not very good!”

Lieutenant General Qi was suffocated by Song Bai’s shameless attitude, he took it easy, looked at Song Bai as if he was looking at something dirty, and said, “Don’t think that if you deny it, I will be shaken, you can only Makes me more sick.”

“How could you, a male from an ordinary merchant, be invited to participate in the birthday banquet of the You family? How could you be a small household in attracting Sardin to marry you? Among them, there is no Qi Jiang’s matchmaking, I am afraid, you I haven’t had the chance to meet me face to face yet.” Lieutenant General Qi raised his chin slightly, and he was satisfied to see Song Bai’s pretentious calm, “You and Qi Jiang are indeed secretive, but there is no impermeable wall in the world.”

“It’s just,” Qi Zhongjian turned the conversation, he gritted his teeth, his voice almost shredded, and said: “I don’t understand, he has already married you, Song Bai, why did you go to Qi Jiang for abortion pills, let him He had a miscarriage!”

Song Bai’s disguised mask shattered in an instant, his eyes were red, “What!”

At the same time, there was a crackling sound, the plate in his hand was crushed by him, the sharp edge cut through Song Bai’s mouth, and blood flowed out instantly.

In that instant, countless memories flooded into his mind.

The original body came to Kyoto to study, and the original body was spotted by Sardin at the birthday banquet of the You family. The original body disliked the relationship with Sardin and drugged Sardin to take the opportunity to dissolve the marriage.

But all this is not the point.

His memory seemed to be pulled back to the banquet when his original body and Sardin first met.

The lights are brilliant, the singing and dancing are staggered.

The original body was holding a champagne goblet, and he had no intention to watch this banquet.

In his mind, the words Qi Jiang said when he met him privately on the top floor echoed.

“How can you be sure that Sardin will definitely fall in love with me?” Yuan Shen asked.

“Of course it’s your appearance,” Qi Jiang stroked his face with his cold fingertips, and the original body took a half step back in disgust, but he held back because of Qi Jiang’s identity.

“Your face looks exactly the same as Sardin’s dream lover.” Qi Jiang smiled lowly, the wind on the top floor was not warm at all, “Your mother-in-law gave you a good face.”

“Eldest son of the You family, our birthday star has come in.” With a cheer, the original body was about to step forward, but saw another cold and noble female worm in military uniform, walking out with the attitude of the stars and the moon.

Yuanshen knew that that person was Sardin whom Qi Jiang was referring to.

Climb up on him, please him, and you can get all the wealth you want.

You absolutely can’t miss it! Otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life!

Qi Jiang’s words rang in Yuanshen’s ears, he endured the discomfort, and like other male insects, greeted Sardin.

Across the heavy crowd, Sardin saw the original body several layers away at a glance, especially when he saw the appearance of the original body, his eyes lit up, pushed aside the crowd, and took the initiative to walk out.

Memories come to an abrupt end.

Song Baiteng got up and came to Lieutenant General Qi at the fastest speed in his life. He frantically grabbed Lieutenant General Qi’s collar, “This is not true!”

Lieutenant General Qi looked at him coldly.

Song Bai was breathing awkwardly.

Sardin, Sardin fell in love with him at first sight because of his original appearance.

Who is Sardin looking at through him?

Song Bai felt dizzy.

The air ceases here.

After a while, Song Bai let go, and he fell on the chair beside him.”

Lieutenant General Qi watched with a cold eye, his collar was stained with blood from Song Bai’s hands, he wiped it off with his hands in annoyance, the blood stains suddenly expanded, Yin Cheng’s ugly rust red, he lost his patience, and simply grabbed the clothes and tugged hard.

pat, pat. Four or five buttons jumped all over the place.

Sadin just came out of the kitchen, and his voice was a little happy because he ate sweets, “Who wants the cake? I told them to divide two pieces…”

As night fell, Sadin probed Song Bai’s forehead uneasy and said, “Are you really okay?”

They are walking down the street home.

At Lieutenant General Qi’s house, when Sardin brought down the two cakes, he immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not right.

Not only because Song Bai and Lieutenant General Qi were so close, but also because Song Bai’s hand was still bleeding.

The cake in Sadin’s hand fell to the ground immediately. He took two steps in three steps, stepped down the stairs, ran over, and pulled out the sterile gauze he carried with him to stop the bleeding on Song Bai’s hand.

Sadin was too panicked at the time. He wanted to take Song Bai out to find a doctor. He said goodbye to Lieutenant General Qi in a hurry. It was not until the doctor in the nearby hospital scolded him for making a fuss in a reproachful tone that Sardin put his heart back to his stomach. .

For some reason, Song Bai was always in a daze.

Song Bai pressed down on Sardin’s hand, comforted him, and said, “It’s okay, I was just scared by the blood.”

Sardin pursed his lips, but he hesitated.

In the dark night, Song Bai did not see his expression clearly, and only continued to move forward with him.

The cold wind in the late winter and early spring was no longer as sharp as in the days before, but it was a little softer, and it came along with Sardin’s voice.

“What did the lieutenant general tell you?” Sardin said softly.

Song Bai froze, and he asked, “Did you hear that?” His tone was almost trembling.

“No,” Sardin shook his head, “it’s just strange that he didn’t hear me. I’ve never seen such a strange expression on his face.”

“Tell me to be nice to you, or he will never let me go.” Song Bai smiled, but the darkness enveloped his figure and also covered his face, so he couldn’t see if he was really smiling.

“Oh? Is that so?” Sardin also responded with a smile, but he didn’t have the pretense he had made a few days ago.

Two people, two laughs, no one mentions the noon thing.

Three nights later, the Song family, the study.

Song Bai completed another successful deduction on the grass paper. He once again crossed out all the rest from the list of personnel, and now only two remain at the top of the list.

1. Lieutenant General Qi

2. Qi Jiang

Song Bai was not surprised by this result.

To say, it is still the revelation given to him by Lieutenant General Qi.

Lieutenant General Qi is trapped in a house, but he can still grasp the secrets between him and Qi Jiang, so he must have a strong relationship.

Following this line of investigation, Song Bai compared each suspect on the list, and checked them according to their respective personal connections. It was finally determined that only these two had the conditions to initiate a chaotic war at the same time.

One who has been imprisoned for seventeen years, but still has a secret network unknown to the Qi family.

Another male who does not hesitate to push his colleagues to civilians in order to maintain his absolute dominance in the family army.

After Lieutenant General Qi told Song Bai about the deal between Yuanshen and Qi Jiang, the silent memory in Song Bai’s mind was miraculously restored.

The original Song Bai, as a businessman, came to Beijing University and saw the prosperity of the aristocratic family, so he tried every means to establish a relationship with the aristocratic family. However, he was just the son of an ordinary businessman.

At this time, Qi Jiang appeared. The moment he saw the original body, he took the initiative to step forward, befriend the original body, and actively introduce him to the banquet held by the children of the aristocratic family.

Yuan Shen took a fancy to the eldest son of the You family, who is also a businessman and from an aristocratic family. Although he is at the end of the aristocratic family, it is still an unattainable pie for Yuan Shi.

What Ling Yuanshen didn’t expect was that the second son of the military family, Sardin, fell in love with him at first sight.

Yuan Sheng was not happy, because Sardin did not help his family as much as the You family, but with Qi Jiang’s persuasion, Yuan Sheng also acquiesced to the marriage. It wasn’t until later that the original body met his true love, Anya, which made him even more disgusted with marriage.

Before Song Bai came here, that is, before Yuan Shen tortured Sardin, he already knew that Sardin was pregnant, and the true love he met broke out with his reluctance during marriage. Yuan Shen secretly asked Qi Jiang for an abortion. Medicine, although the drug control is strictly controlled, it is not too much trouble for an heir of an aristocratic family in Qijiang.

Song Bai sneered, Qi Jiang pushed Sardin to Song Bai, clearly to consolidate his dominance in the family’s army, but he said that he owed him a favor.

It was already deep at night, and the cold wind from outside the window howled against the shrubs and dry grass in the courtyard.

The thin and cool moonlight filtered in, illuminating the paper on Song Bai’s desk, making the thin white paper shine brightly.

It took him three days and three nights to finally peel off the fog that caused the civil strife, leaving only a layer of veil that would be broken with a single poke, but Song Bai was not at all happy.

He just sat quietly, looking at the warm water cup that was no longer steaming because it had been placed for a long time.

If his memory is correct, Qi Jiang clearly saw the appearance of the original body before he stepped forward to make a deal.

Song Bai stroked his face with his fingers. He didn’t need to think about it, he also knew how familiar the face that had accompanied him for 30 years was so familiar.

What puzzled him was, why did Sardin fall in love with this face at first sight?

Sardin, who is looking through his face?

Song Bai couldn’t help shivering.

Just a little guess, he felt that the cold had penetrated into the bone marrow.

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