Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 163

Chapter 159 160

With a heavy muffled sound, Moto Saito’s body fell heavily to the ground.

Song Bai felt a strong exhaustion, a force so heavy that he wanted to fall to the ground and keep falling.

But he didn’t want to fall down like this, looking at Sardin, step by step, walked over firmly.

As soon as Sadin put away the gun, the strong recoil made his hands numb slightly. When he was hugged tightly by Song Bai, he struggled subconsciously, but he quickly reacted and put the gun on the cabinet next to him: “What’s wrong?”

“I really thought you couldn’t come back.” Song Bai pressed his face to the side of Sardin’s neck, and he said gloomily, “Qi Jiang said that he was going to ambush the star thief on your way back, and I was almost unable to stand.”

“So, you smashed it all over the ground?” Sardin said with a smile, he pushed Song Bai away, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

“I’m fine. You don’t know how bad the group of star thieves are. As soon as my warship rushed over, they were immediately scattered by me. You have to believe in my skills. If I have the ability to go, I will naturally have the ability to come back.” Ding smiled proudly.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you…” Song Bai hurriedly explained, but was pressed against his lips by Sardin with his index finger, and Sardin gave a “shh” and said, “There are people outside.”

Song Bai’s body tightened again. He looked out vigilantly, but there was only a black hole, and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter,” Sardin comforted him softly, and said, “It should be Old Sheng’s private army. You told them to go in time. After sweeping the tails of the star thieves, we communicated, and I asked them to follow closely. I came here with the intention of deterring Qi Jiang, but I didn’t expect you to suddenly cooperate with me, and now that Qi Jiang is down, they just happened to be able to carry Qi Jiang and the owner to the ambulance.”

Song Bai glanced at Sadin strangely, making him feel a little uncomfortable, and said, “What’s wrong with me? You look at me like that?”

Song Bai shook his head and said, “No, I just feel that it is very novel to suddenly recognize another side of you.”

Sadin deliberately wanted to distract him, akimbo, and said, “Okay, didn’t I perform enough in the arena last time? Do you really think that you are sleeping with a kitten!”

The private army, who was carrying a stretcher next to him, suddenly stopped for a while, and Sardin also found out that he had always been a little unable to let go in front of outsiders. He turned his face, pulled Song Bai’s arm, and said, “Let’s go!”

Song Bai followed Sardin, but he was laughing, and the laughter was getting louder and louder, so that Sardin could not pretend to ignore it. When he walked out of Qi’s house, Sardin fiercely said: “You are not allowed to laugh!”

Song Bai laughed too hard, he coughed twice, feeling that he hadn’t been so happy for a long time.

For some reason, Song Bai felt that his body was completely unloaded, everything in front of him became more and more blurred, and finally he saw only Sadin’s anxious face.

When Song Bai woke up again, he saw the snow-white ceiling in front of him. He looked down and saw two people, one was Sardin in civilian clothes. He and the doctor in white robe were talking about something.

“Sadin,” Song Bai called softly.

“Are you awake?” Sardin was pleasantly surprised. He hurried over and sat on the edge of the bed carefully. “You scared me.”

Song Bai felt a slight pain in his head. He subconsciously wanted to touch it with his hand, but it affected the drip hanging on the iron frame next to him.

“Be careful.” Sardin helped Song Bai up, put the pillow behind him, and said, “You slept for two days.”

Song Bai raised his other hand without infusion, and felt a hard lump on the back of his head. He let out a “hiss” and felt a burst of pain, “What’s wrong with me?”

“Don’t touch it,” Sardin took off his restless hand, put it back on the quilt, and said, “You fainted from laughing, and the back of your head hit the ground and was swollen.”

Speaking of this unpleasant thing, Sardin laughed out of conscience and said: “I thought what happened to you, I even thought about the worst, but the doctor said, you haven’t eaten at Qi’s house for two days, In addition to being overly nervous, after all of a sudden relaxation, I was exhausted and fell down. Patriarch Qi is so fat, it’s all right, you smashed yourself out of a bag.”

There was a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. Song Bai didn’t like this smell at first, but now, looking at Sadin’s innocent smile, he felt that it was fine.

The world is safe and Sardinian is safe, isn’t it good?

Song Bai’s lips curled up.

Song Bai woke up safely, and the shrapnel from Qi Jiang’s shoulder, who had been undergoing surgery, was successfully retrieved. A week later, under the auspices of Elder Sheng and Patriarch Qi, who had recovered, the Procuratorate joined the local police station. A special investigation into Qijiang’s case was established. Under the testimony of the head of the Qi family, the servants of the Sheng family, and the grass-roots military female, Qi Jiang confessed to the crime of intentional murder.

In the past two weeks, the investigation team caught the subordinate Bing Kun, who had been concealed by Qi Jiang, according to the clues. Under Bing Kun’s explanation, the team members found a large number of weapons in the barracks warehouse in Qianmingshan, and accused Lieutenant General Qi. With the same weapon account, the weapons smuggling case was completely closed, and Lieutenant General Qi was acquitted.

During this period, Kem, as a tainted witness, was successful in his rebellion, removed his original title of major general, was demoted two ranks in a row, and was assigned to the frontier. He was not allowed to return to Kyoto within ten years. Quinn played an important role in the investigation. With the approval of the parliament, the Prosecution Department independently joined the military department, at the same level as the military department, to monitor the disciplinary behavior of the military department.

Due to Qi Jiang’s special status, the court’s trial against him will last until June, and the verdict will come down. However, because Saito Yuan still has an old love for him, he was exempted from the death penalty, but he is destined to spend the rest of his life in prison. .

All dust settled.

During these days, Elder Sheng had been running between the military and the court. Song Bai was more often with the housekeeper and was introduced by the housekeeper. Slowly, he kept the Sheng family’s interpersonal relationships and the rules of doing things in mind.

When Sadin learned that Song Bai was going to inherit the Sheng family, he was not surprised, he just asked Song Bai with a smile, why didn’t he plan to admit his mistake to Elder Sheng, and wanted to inherit again?

Song Bai rubbed his face with his hand and said, “Of course I want to protect you.”

“Seriously,” Sadin smiled, put down the parenting book in his hand, and said, “I have enough ability to protect myself, as you have read, it is no problem for me to protect you, so, Song Bai, don’t Reluctantly do things you don’t like.”

Song Bai gave him a kiss and said, “It’s not forcing, I’m willing.”

In this incident, it was not only Song Bai who was showing his abilities to Elder Sheng, Song Bai was also conquered by Elder Sheng, whether it was his pursuit of ideals at his age, or his inability to look in his eyes when he talked about the future. The concealed expectations and sincerity made Song Bai feel that maybe it would not hurt to inherit the Sheng family and change the insect star to what he wanted.

In the end, it was Qi Jiang who set up a star thief on the way back to Sadin. If he didn’t rely on Sheng Lao’s private army at that time, but had been kept in the dark, Song Bai could not imagine it. , how desperate he would be.

In the end, all this prompted him to slowly learn from the housekeeper to take over the Sheng family.

“Elder Sheng wants to see me?” Song Bai felt tired after the morning meeting. He rubbed his shoulders and asked.

Under the high-intensity teaching progress of the butler, Song Bai rejoiced more than once that he was someone who had seen big scenes, otherwise he would not have been able to cope with the roundtable meeting in the morning. Everyone present was a round older than him, an old congressman. Don’t say it, leave him on the spot.

However, thanks to the avant-garde teaching of the housekeeper, Song Bai could basically say hello when he saw the dignitaries in the Sheng family.

“Master said, someone will come over in a while, and you will meet you just in time.” The butler said while leading the way in front.

“…If you want me to tell you, you are just too busy. Whether it’s the master or you, you are always busy all day long. The master was so ill before that he couldn’t get up. He caught the next day in Qijiang and dragged him. Get out of bed with your body to deal with it, young master, tell me, what is this like!”

The housekeeper was dissatisfied with this for half a month, only sighed and said: “God is a little wink, so the master’s illness is better, or I say, he is so old, sigh…”

Relying on his identity as a teacher, the housekeeper chatted with Song Bai very casually.

However, having said that, without the housekeeper’s approval of Song Bai, he would never have said this before.

Song Bai smiled behind him, not to mention the housekeeper’s dissatisfaction, if he hadn’t known the inside story, he would certainly not have persuaded Elder Sheng to fight like this.

The reason why Sheng Lao’s illness is getting better is because he is not sick at all, but Song Bai discussed with Sheng Lao before, saying that if the news of Sheng Lao’s serious illness is released, it can be used as bait, and maybe he can catch something. Sure enough, Qi Jiang himself took the bait.

When they got there, Elder Sheng was talking. Not far away, Song Bai heard the voice of Qi Patriarch.

“I’ve been unable to get out of my body, come over and say thank you! If it wasn’t for the army **** of your Sheng family this time, I wouldn’t be able to come back alive.” Master Qi’s voice was hearty.

Sheng Lao looked at the document in his hand and said, “This is Song Bai’s plan, just like you thank him.”

Sheng Lao pointed at Song Bai, and Qi Tengyuan found Song Bai standing behind him. His eyes quickly swept across Song Bai, frowning, and in front of Song Bai, he did not shy away from Sheng Lao. , said: “I know what you have been doing this time, but seriously, do you really want to give such a big Sheng family to this kid who came out of nowhere?”

Old Sheng couldn’t get used to the Qi family, but Qi Tengyuan was okay. In Old Sheng’s eyes, he was just a mediocre mediocre person. Now that Song Bai is here, he is in a good mood and explained one more sentence: “He is my grandson.”

As soon as these words came out, Saito Yuan’s eyes widened, and he swept between Song Bai and Sheng Lao, “His surname is Song, your surname is Sheng… Hey, you can change your surname!”

He patted his head, his face like a flower, and said: “Born is better than unrelated, your family, regardless of character or conduct, is a first-class standout, yes, worthy of the Sheng family. ”

As if it wasn’t him who spoke ill of Song Bai just now.

Saito Yuan also knew that his flattery was a bit late, so he made an excuse and said he was going, just walked out a few steps, then backed back, asked Mr. Sheng, and said, “Our Qi family’s ceremony is almost over. Now, when will your Sheng family start, and then I will bring Huaiyu and Ji together.”

Moto Saito is not talking about the succession ceremony of the head of the family, but the announcement ceremony of recognizing his biological son back to the Qi family. It is inevitable that there will be children living outside the family.

Old Sheng didn’t look at Saito Yuan, and asked Song Bai behind him, “Do you want to change your surname?”

This step is indispensable for recognizing the children of the aristocratic family.

“Sheng Bai?” Song Bai shook his head and said, “I think the current surname is better.”

“Okay, let’s hold the succession ceremony in two months.” Sheng Lao was cheerful, completely ignoring the dumbfounded Saito Yuan.

Saito Yuan turned his head stiffly. It was the first time he saw Lao Sheng who made no secret of his happiness. He really couldn’t figure out what the charm of this young male who seemed indifferent, but he still squeezed out a smile. , reluctantly responded, and left with a stiff smile.

Old Sheng asked two sentences about Song Bai’s study progress, and learned that he could actually understand what was being discussed at the meeting in the morning. He smiled with satisfaction, and instructed the housekeeper not to encourage the seedlings, and to let Song Bai relax properly.

The housekeeper wanted to cry without tears. Did he want to give Song Bai so many tasks? Who made him study too fast, and if he didn’t give him more tasks, he would be useless as a teacher.

In the study, after Song Bai and the housekeeper left, the room was empty, and only Elder Sheng was alone.

Strangely, Old Sheng was talking to himself.

“You are right, he is the man of destiny.”

No one in the room responded, but Elder Sheng continued, saying, “You said before that I was waiting for him, but I still don’t believe it, but now, if I get him back sooner, I don’t have to worry about it. Well. Hey, why didn’t you speak today?”

The room was quiet, but Elder Sheng suddenly shuddered and said, “Who’s there?”

Song Bai walked in from behind the closed door and said, “My documents are left, come back and get them.”

Song Bai pointed to the document bag that fell on the chair.

Old Sheng breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Go back when you’re done.”

Song Bai didn’t move. He held the document, looked at Elder Sheng and said, “You have been pampering me, and you have listened to it, right?” Song Bai pointed to the ceiling.

A hint of surprise flashed in Old Sheng’s eyes, he squinted and said, “Do you know who ‘it’ is?”

“I don’t know,” Song Bai shrugged and said, “It’s just like a system of autonomous consciousness. As long as there is a radio signal, it’s everywhere.”

“How can you guess that ‘it’ is a system? Not something else?” Sheng Sheng asked.

“The housekeeper said, you don’t like to use communication equipment, so it’s definitely not a recording of the call, who are you talking to?” Song Bai smiled, he also found the kindness passed by Sheng Lao, and got a chair , sat down by himself, and said, “Before I saw you, I realized that I had lost a part of my memory. I always thought it was an accident, but when I went to the police station a few days ago, someone greeted me and asked me if I remember him. , The strange thing is, in my impression, this is clearly the first meeting, so I asked him the time, just before the branch internship. ”

“It was because of this incident that I began to suspect that it wasn’t because I couldn’t remember, but someone interfered with my memory,” Song Bai pointed to his head, “I went to the research institute to ask, and they said, There is a special system of radio waves that affects memory, and they say, you don’t care if they ask for relevant experimental data.”

“You’re smart,” Sheng Lao smiled and said to the ceiling, “You also come out and talk to him, you will meet sooner or later.”

The study was still silent.

“It’s often like this, so don’t take it as a surprise. When you’re alone, you’ll know how elusive it is.” Old Sheng said, with a skilful look.

Old Sheng slowly told Song Bai about “it”, which has a name that is more widely known by insect stars, Guangnao.

“Actually, it’s also called an intelligent system. My father passed it on to me before he died. He said that this system has self-awareness and will choose the destined person in the future.”

At that time, the young old Sheng didn’t care. Until his first son ran away from home, Mr. Sheng was eager to reform the upper-class society of the insect star. At this time, the system that couldn’t stand it was the first time to talk to him, saying that it could change the insect star. The man of destiny will come in thirty years. But of course Lao Sheng didn’t believe it. He tried to select two males and cultivate his own offspring, but he failed in the end.

Song Bai broke into a cold sweat when he heard Mr. Sheng talking about the light brain. He didn’t expect that his time-travel was calculated by a system.

“I didn’t count on you.” A childlike voice suddenly sounded in Song Bai’s ear.

“Who are you?” The old man in front of him was still talking, as if he didn’t hear the system’s voice.

“I’m a brain, but I didn’t cause you to come. I just calculated that you would come and change the fate of this world.” The tender voice was electronic and mechanical, but Song Bai could hear a little anger. He gave the light brain, and the brain made up a bun face.

“Why did you block Elder Sheng?” Song Bai asked.

“He doesn’t know that you are from Transmigration. It’s very troublesome to explain the transmigration.” Baozi’s face puffed out his cheeks.

Song Bai laughed out loud, but Elder Sheng was interrupted and looked at him suspiciously.

Sure enough, as Mr. Sheng said, he was elusive.

“So, Sardin’s father, Jing Shan, was one of the people you chose thirty years ago?” Song Bai asked in order to show that he had not lost his mind just now.

Sheng Lao was not surprised that he could guess, nodded and said: “Unfortunately, Jingshan still cannot see things from the perspective of the male, and his ability to think in a different position is still not good.”

“I solved my doubts.” Song Bai suddenly realized.

Old Sheng was interested and said, “What are you wondering about?”

“I’ve been thinking about how Lieutenant General Qi gave birth to the child under the heavy surveillance of the Qi family, and Huaiyu is also the one you chose.” Now that this topic was opened, Song Bai simply asked what he wanted to ask. and asked.

Old Sheng shook his head and said, “He is too young. When the kid from the Qi family found me, I helped him by the way. Unexpectedly, he helped the Qi family raise an heir instead.”

Song Bai raised his eyebrows and said, “How do I think it meets your wishes? Look, Lieutenant General Qi wants to use a son who has no sense of hierarchy to take revenge on Saito Yuan, and you can also change the Qi family from within the Qi family.”

“You have noticed quite a lot. You have seen through all my arrangements over the years.” Elder Sheng smiled and shook his head.

“Actually, I still have a question. Apart from the reasons of the system, why did you choose me instead of Sheng An?” This is what Song Bai has always been puzzled about. In terms of closeness and distance, Sheng An has lived by Mr. Sheng’s side for twenty-five years. It was raised by Elder Sheng himself. How to say, the Sheng family should be handed over to Sheng An.

“Sheng An,” Old Sheng’s expression changed a bit, he said, “I watched him grow up, I know best what he looks like, he is extremely soft-hearted, and although he is wise, he is easily affected by emotions. Big stimulation is good, but if the stimulation is bigger, he tends to go to extremes. Similar to his father, your uncle, Bai Shan, he will never look back when he has identified what he wants to do. On the battlefield, you can see what Sheng An’s future looks like by looking at him. I was originally disappointed, and I thought it would be better to split the Sheng family before I died, but you gave me hope, even far beyond my expectations. ”

From the smile on Old Sheng’s face, it is not difficult to see how satisfied he is with Song Bai.

However, Song Bai noticed something when Elder Sheng was looking at him with a slight flicker.

Old Sheng was avoiding his eldest son, Song Bai’s father, Sheng Baichuan.

Since he entered the Sheng family, Song Bai only knew that his father was Sheng Baichuan, but that was all. He did not know why Sheng Baichuan left the Sheng family thirty-five years ago. , every waiter in the Sheng family is avoiding him.

“What about my father?” Hesitantly, Song Bai still asked.

The smile on Old Sheng’s face faded little by little. He showed a complex look of bewilderment, annoyance, and reminiscence. He didn’t answer Song Bai, but instead asked, “You said, homosexuality…Are they normal?”

There was a rare ambiguity in Sheng Lao’s tone.

Song Bai instantly understood what he meant and said, “Besides the insect star, there is a race called human beings. In their eyes, the combination of the insect race is homosexual.”

“It’s just love. You see, Sadin and I also love each other. In the eyes of human beings, are we abnormal?”

After listening to his words, Old Sheng seemed to be a lot slumped. He leaned back in the chair weakly, waved his hand, and said, “Go back, I’m tired too.”

Song Bai backed out with a smile, leaving the space for the old man.

Spring is approaching quietly, green shoots are quietly forming on the treetops outside the window, and birds are dancing on the branches.

The housekeeper came in. He held a thicker suit and said, “Master, the new gown for the succession ceremony you ordered me to make last time, can you give it a try?”

The noon sun shone on Sheng Lao’s face, and half of his face was enveloped in the sunlight, illuminating the traces of his old age.

“You came in?” Old Sheng said hoarsely.

The housekeeper heard something wrong in Old Sheng’s voice, and said softly, “Are you tired? Do you want me to help you to rest?”

Old Sheng pinched the corners of his eyes, he felt an unprecedented tiredness, and said, “It’s okay, I’ve been thinking about things all my life and let that kid solve it for me.”


The author has something to say:

Towards the end of a chapter, Song Bai’s life experience, the peaceful episode, and their future life (the cub, the Blue Star episode) will all be discussed in the episode.

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-07-1003:32:31~2020-07-1221:01:53~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 old Wu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 43 bottles of Musu; 1 bottle of Keke and Bian;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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