Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Heart (Repair)

With a sudden brake, the car body leaned forward violently, and Song Bai almost rolled down.

Sardin stretched out his long arms, blocking the trend of falling.

Mia in front suddenly rolled down the car window and said angrily, “Are you dying?”

Through the front windshield, there were only a few motorcycle teenagers on the road. They looked back, smiled airily, turned around and walked over with a bat.

Mia’s expression changed, and he understood that this was a hooligan who made a special trip to provoke trouble. He immediately rolled up the car window and said behind him, “Sit down.”

Song Bai frowned, “What’s going on?”

Sadin looked out through the windshield, and his voice instantly cooled down: “There are bugs picking things up.”

Mia was in a hurry to start a fire and couldn’t turn the key a few times, and the rogue teenagers had already approached the car body, and a bat instantly greeted the front windshield.

The more he hurried, the more he couldn’t turn it. Mia became anxious and tried harder. With a click, the key was twisted into the keyhole.

“Come on, the more you hurry, the more trouble you get!” Mia slapped the steering wheel in anger and cursed.

It smashed down the glass one by one, causing the body to tremble slightly, but the glass was still intact.

Sardin narrowed his eyes, “Bulletproof car?”

There is indeed a commercial bulletproof car, which is considered to be poor in comfort and has been eating ashes in the garage. Because Song Bai thought that the original owner’s cars were too fancy, they had to deal with them, so he could only get Mia to be the driver.

“I came here after I touched the key in the morning,” Mia rejoiced, not forgetting to tease. “Song Bai, you are really lucky.”

A few teenagers outside the car saw that their efforts were futile, and turned around angrily with obscene gestures.

Mia also grimaced at them happily, “You know how powerful it is, right?”

He was only seventeen, and Sardin almost forgot.

Sweeping over the hero who was sitting loosely in the seat, Sardin suddenly came back to his senses, his expression stunned, “Mia, call the police first, and then call eldest brother.”

“Don’t worry, they can’t get in this car—”

Mia’s schadenfreude laughter stopped abruptly.

These little rascals!

Even a worm took down a chainsaw? !

They proudly carried the fast-moving chainsaw and walked over with sinister smiles.

“I’ll go, Sar, Sir Sardin,” Mia shivered. “The bulletproof car, can it, can it protect against chainsaws?”

“I don’t know either.” Sardin frowned.

Mia made a call, and the buzzing of metal cutting came, Mia grimaced, “The police station said it’s too far, they won’t arrive in twenty minutes.”

“Where’s Big Brother?”

“Dong Song didn’t answer the phone during the meeting,” Mia was about to cry, “Sir Sardin, we have to wait for the police officer to come over. I don’t know if we can stand it. There are too few insects on the road…”

Otherwise, the group of young hooligans would not dare to do anything here.

Song Bai still looked like he couldn’t wake up. He took a cigarette and didn’t light it: “Is there anything in the car?”

“Huh?” Mia was stunned.

Sadin understood instantly, “The hero asked if there is any weapon in hand?”

“In the back, there seems to be a golf club—”

Song Bai flipped over at the back, pulled out two clubs, and threw one to Sardin.

“Quick fight.”

Sadin glanced at the arrogant hooligan outside the car with cold eyes and nodded, “Okay.”

Mia was stunned for a while, then shouted, “Song Bai, you’re crazy, can’t you just stay in the car? Do you want the officer to die?”

Sardin’s indifferent eyes swept over, and Mia fell silent.

Those eyes were extremely cold, as if they were looking at something dead, without emotion.

When the boy’s next chainsaw came, Song Bai opened the door, “Five minutes, is that enough?”

“More, two minutes.” Sardin jumped out of the car with a thin golf club.

Mia reacted and wanted to grab Song Bai’s collar: “You are crazy! You want the commander to do this kind of thing—”

Song Bai lit the fire when Sardin got out of the car. He took off the cigarette and held Mia’s head: “Child, calm down and trust your sir.”

As the creator of Sardinia, he knows nothing more than Sardinian’s force. Sardin was nurtured by his female father as a successor since he was a child. He started physical training unimaginable at the age of four. Before he was admitted to university at the age of 13, he was already the youngest first place in the Worm Star Junior Fighting Tournament. After ten years of training in schools and battlefields, his strength has long been unimaginable.

It’s more than enough to deal with these juvenile hooligans.

Mia looked out the window. In less than half a minute, there was already a large patch of worms rolling on the ground, and Sardin shuttled back and forth between them at an unimaginable speed.

The leading boy who made the gesture just now was cutting the car with a chainsaw with his companions, and they became more and more complacent when they saw the worms in the car in a hurry.

Originally, they liked to do things that sanctimonious adults disdain, and this time someone gave them money to do things, which was quite a generous sum, and naturally they did it more vigorously.

However, he didn’t expect that the insect inside suddenly pushed the door open, and the leader was suddenly knocked to the ground by the door. He scolded and wanted to stand up. Two teenagers of the same age couldn’t lift it, he lifted it up, and smashed it hard at the street tree behind.

A dull throbbing pain spread from the back of the spine, leading to baring teeth.

That is not a sub-female, but a female insect, this is the terrifying power that only female insects can have.

And the chainsaw that was still humming on the ground was hit with a dazzling spark by that female worm, the ruthless female worm like death, with a club so slender that it could be broken by a handful. Poor machine Pupu raised the last bit of dust, banged, and didn’t move at all.

When the leader didn’t react, many brothers hugged their legs and mourned.

The leader didn’t care about the pain, he limped and kicked the companions, trying to get them all up, but in the blink of an eye, the female worm suddenly appeared in front of him.

His expression was stern and cold, “Who sent you here?”

Even if the leader pretends to be at the police station like his home and can smile at the police officers, but now he can’t smile at all, not even the slightest expression.

The female worm’s eyes were as sharp as electricity, as if it could penetrate directly to the bottom of her heart, and nothing could hide from him.

When the leader took the money in the transaction, he talked to the person well, and he didn’t disclose the news when he was killed.

He was used to punching and kicking since childhood and didn’t care about being beaten.

But he had never seen such a worm, whose aura made him tremble. No matter whether it was his parents, police officers, or anyone else, he would not have such a blood-soaked and terrifying aura.

The leader stammered: “Yes… it’s a young master, male, and the bodyguard seems to call him king…”

Sardin sneered, threw the leader over the shoulder with his backhand, and locked his hands behind his back.

At the age of the leader, he has already begun to learn to lead troops.

He estimated the time in his heart, and it happened to be within the time limit, but he was still not satisfied. If it wasn’t for the punishment ring restricting his physical fitness, he could still go faster.

From a distance, give a chin to the hero in the car.

On the black asphalt road, behind the military female in plain clothes is the bright blue sky, and in front a group of defeated men who can’t afford to fall to the ground. The wind ruffled his sleeves, and the cold face that used to be cold in the past had a shallow smile at this time, which made him look more like jade and unparalleled.

Song Bai’s fingers twitched, feeling his heart beat twice in his chest.

Inside the car, Mia looked absently at the electronic watch in the middle of the steering wheel, and muttered, “One minute and forty seconds, it’s horrible…”

Song Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and threw the club in the other hand to the ground without a trace, leaning back, the old **** was on the ground and pointed out the window: “Is this a letter?”

With a little pride.

Mia nodded involuntarily, clawed at the window, “Too strong.”

After worshiping Sardin for many years, he did not deeply understand Sardin’s strength, both because, as a male, it was too embarrassing to take the initiative to learn about the Legion, and because his brother was a friend of Sardin, he was far away from Sardin, someone else’s home. The worm is so close that he ignores his toughness.

Sadin opened the rear door and sat in, with the same expression as when he got out of the car.

He said briskly, “Let the police station clean up the mess.”

Miya Yiyan made a phone call, and the light reflected through the glass, but she saw Song Bai take a deep breath of cigarette and smother the end of the cigarette.

This seems to be his second cigarette. Mia suddenly remembered.

One and a half minutes, two cigarettes.

It turned out that Song Bai had been worrying about Sardin.

It was probably because of this little warm-up that Sardin completely stretched out. He looked at Song Bai: “How was I just now?” The corners of his eyes were raised, and he couldn’t hide his high spirits.

Song Bai hid half of his hand in his sleeve, tucked up Sardin’s hair, and said with a smile, “It’s amazing, that kid Miya was stunned.”

“Don’t care about him,” Sardin was a little dissatisfied, with desire in his eyes: “Master, how about you?”

The calm Sardin is reserved, restrained and self-disciplined.

And the enthusiastic Sardin is flamboyant, outspoken and straightforward.

This kind of enthusiasm will only appear when he faces the person he likes, and Song Bai, who he likes, only when he shows it, the child-like trust, attachment and show off.

Song Bai smiled and lightly placed a kiss on his cheek,

“I’m heartbroken.”

The enthusiastic Sardin was instantly quiet.

Quiet like a boiled red shrimp.

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