Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Block (Repair)

In the scorching sun, Xia Chan perched on a tree trunk and chirped endlessly.

In the police station, the female Asso just came back from vacation when she was suddenly beaten on the head by her boss, “What are you doing here, the office is so busy, why don’t you come to help?” The petite Asian female is his direct boss. With a hurried look, he shoved a large stack of documents, “Hurry up and send it to the Minister of Corrections.”

Ah Suo found something different when he went to the corridor. The female colleagues who usually like to talk in groups walked in a hurry, while the females were serious and a little sad.

“Aso, come here,” Short Ponytail Beckoned to him, “It’s for the Minister of Corrections, he’s not in the office, he’s watching the execution underground.”

“What’s wrong with the office, so busy?” Aso asked.

Short ponytail is a well-known little gossip among colleagues. “Last night, I received a big case from the office, saying that the male was injured by the female. Yesterday we arrived at the scene, the ambulance just left, the media came, and there was blood on the ground. Lots, lots!”

“Oh,” it was the male who sent the female to the hospital again. This kind of case happens every other day. Asuo didn’t realize that there was any deviation in his understanding, and asked absentmindedly, “Is that female still alive?”

“Alive, of course alive, otherwise how could he be tortured on the spot,” Short Ponytail lingered in fear, “That’s Song Shao, who is notoriously good at worms. It’s too pitiful to be stabbed by his mistress.”

“Female? It’s the male who was injured!” Aso said in shock. Since the promulgation of the male insect protection law, there have been very few cases of female insects harming male insects.

“What do you think? What’s wrong with serving the hero well, that’s Young Master Song! How many worms in Jiangcheng want to marry him and have no chance! He doesn’t know how to cherish it!” Insect, he lowered his voice, “Is the female gentleman still an officer, just that kind of quality?! I heard that you are famous among your female insects? It’s called Sa, what is Sa.”

Asuo’s heart tightened, he pressed down on the shoulders of the short ponytail, “Sa what, Sardin?”

A painful expression appeared on the short ponytail’s face, “What are you doing, so hard.”

“Come on, isn’t that Sardinian?”

The normally good-natured female worm was suddenly so vicious that she seemed to tear him apart, and the short ponytail swallowed a mouthful of saliva, “Okay, it seems so.”

He quickly opened a page of documents, “Yes, yes, it’s him.”

When he looked up, Aso was gone.

Sadin was born in the Xiao family, a military family in the capital. He is the second son of the famous God of War Sean. Although his congenital insufficiency limited his physical development, it did not prevent him from becoming the myth of Aso’s generation of female insects.

Sardin was admitted to the Military Academy of Zongxing University at the age of 13 and was the youngest student in his class that year. Completed all the business-heavy courses in just two years. Then he moved from the Department of Military Theory Research to the major of campaign command and compiled the famous “Twelve Strategies of Military Offensive and Defense” when he was only 17 years old. He later went to the battlefield and also made numerous military exploits.

It is worth mentioning that at the time of graduation from Asso University, this book was still the textbook designated by the department.

Military female is the dream of all females, and there is no female that does not take Sardin as an example.

After graduation, Asuo was smoothed out by reality and realized that not everyone will become the second Sardin. However, Sardin still led the legion to be active in the frontline battlefield, and every time he heard his good news, it seemed that the sustenance carrying their young dreams was still there.

At only 24 years old, he is honored to be one of the few geniuses of Zongxing in the past hundred years.

Such a female worm suddenly got married to this little-known Jiangcheng, and Ah Suo and his colleagues were shocked, and joked that when you met an idol on the street, Ah Suo, you must have an autograph.

But, but, how could such an officer do such a cruel thing.

On Insect Star, the default males are respected, not only because their total number is rare and it is not easy to grow, but also because males are recognized as the most intelligent **** on Insect Stars. They control the politics of the country and govern the future of the Zerg. fate.

It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why Insect Star was able to jump from being isolated from the world hundreds of years ago to today’s status in the Covenant is because of several generations of amazing male insects and tens of thousands of geniuses. Squeeze yourself dry in exchange for today’s prosperity.

To this end, Insect Star has specially formulated strict laws to protect male insects. All female insects and sub-females know to treat male insects with courtesy, even toddlers will stop when they see male insects. Say hello politely.

Injuring males, in this society that respects males and honors males, is really like an explosion. Last night, the police station spread it, and this morning it spread throughout Jiangcheng, even the media. Waiting for the next disposal of the female.

Only Aso, who just came back from vacation this morning, was informed of the news.

Aso panted heavily and pushed open the door of the punishment room.

In the midsummer June, the air is like a fire burning.

On the second underground floor, in the punishment room, cold white air poured out, and Asuo was suddenly shocked.

The gray concrete floor, the rough red brick wall, the only light source came from the tungsten light bulbs falling from the wires, the dim light illuminated the whole high wall opposite the door, hung with torture instruments of different shapes, each order The worm shuddered.

The punishment room is a department specially assigned by the police station to punish the females that annoy the males. Each torture device is ranked from low to high by degree of slander.

In the center, a handsome and handsome female was bound under the steel hanger, and the loose clothes at home could not hide the cold fortitude cultivated by the military.

He closed his eyes slightly. Whether it was the frightening whipping of the whip from the rear or the sound of Asuo’s door opening, he could not be disturbed in the slightest, as if he was not hanging there, but standing in front of the command screen, commanding thousands of troops.

“The approval letter came down? It’s really not easy to do things.” The female in uniform blew off the foam on the hot tea and took a sip, “If it’s such a big thing to hurt the male, don’t hurry up, it will be delayed for an hour, and the time limit for punishment will be delayed. It’s almost there.”

The police station is the official administrative agency of the insect star, and it has detailed regulations and strict time limits for punishing female insects. Four hours is the punishment limit for ordinary female insects. If the time limit expires, the punishment can be pursued afterwards.

Ya female took the document and threw it on the table, and said, “Just stand it.” Pointing to Asuo, “Little San has been busy for half an hour, you, go and replace him.”

A Suo took a **** golden whip from the hand of the female mistress, a thin one. Ah Suo was brushed like this before, and his arm was red and swollen for a week.

Seeing Aso’s delay, the minister’s face darkened immediately, “Deliberately delaying the time, can you afford to delay it, and are you worthy of the male worm lying in the hospital?”

The male insect, the boss actually hurt the male insect. On the one hand, he has been regarded as a role model of myth since he was a child, and on the other hand, he was educated to protect male insects since he was a child. Asuo’s heart is full of torment.

“Right… I’m sorry, Minister, I’m afraid I can’t,” Asso still couldn’t move.

Although the Minister of Corrections is a sub-female, he is more public and private than any worm in the police station. Guilty is guilty, and no one will suffer more or less.

Jiangcheng is too small, and there are few worms in the police station. They have already said hello, and the female worms who come to the punishment room can be driven by the minister. Seeing that Aso refused, he didn’t say anything. He took off his police cap, held the whip in his hand, and prepared to execute himself.

The most slandered golden whip crackled in the cold air and slapped Aso’s eardrum.

Asso couldn’t help standing in front of the minister, “Minister, Minister,” Asso said in a bitter voice, “He’s Sardin.”

Sardin, in his heart, and even in the hearts of his generation of female insects, is a myth.

“Get out of the way,” the minister glanced at him lightly, “do you want to be charged with complicity in harming the female?”

According to the law, any worm that prevents the execution of a female worm can be legally charged with complicity.

The last case of a female gentleman hurting a male insect happened twenty years ago. The female father could not bear to see his son being tortured and came forward to say that he did it because the female father had been living with the male insect husband during that time. The physical evidence was vague, and there was no evidence of the worms. There were different opinions about who committed the poison. After careful consideration, the court decided that it would be better to be wrong than to let it go.

Although several years later, the media visited various parties and confirmed that the female father was indeed innocent, but only the crime of murder was changed to the crime of complicity. This law has also penetrated into the heart of the worm.

Anything that hurts the male worm will be recorded in the worm’s reputation file. If there is a crime like complicity, then basically future marriages and promotions will be affected. Asuo’s heart can’t help shaking, and he only Come to work for two years…

“Get out of the way.”

A voice resounded in the empty room, without emotional ups and downs, three points colder than the icy underground.

The minister shivered imperceptibly, this is the momentum of the military female superior. He came back to his senses, cupped his hands, and said respectfully, “Sir, I’ve offended you.”

Aso’s voice trembled: “Sir Sardin…”

“I just suffer what I deserve.” There was no expression on Sardin’s elegant face, as if the tortured insect was not himself, “Minister, please.”

After saying that, he closed his eyes again.

Somehow, Aso read a bit of despair from his expression, as if the fire of hope had burned out and he was dead.

The golden whip was raised high, and it was about to fall in the next second.

A thin hand held the long arm, and the back of the pale hand was bruised.

The male’s unique voice: “I want to hit him, do I agree?”

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