Zerg’s Favorite Protagonist

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 89

With the sound of soothing light music, the spirits of everyone present could not help but be lifted.

The audience was shrouded in darkness, and all the lights were concentrated a little to illuminate the tall male worm in the center of the stage, the protagonist of today’s birthday banquet, Song Bai.

He made a lot of witty words on the stage, and the minds of all the guests seemed to be attracted by him. With his cadence, sometimes their minds were high, sometimes they laughed, and everyone couldn’t help applauding, and the atmosphere on the field became completely warm. .

However, Sardin was not affected.

On the contrary, the warmer the atmosphere, the more his heart sank.

Sardin couldn’t restrain himself from tightening his jacket. Although a little sweat was already on his forehead, he couldn’t stop his body from shaking.

Just looking at the perfect control of the atmosphere of the scene and the unprecedented live broadcast format, Sardin had a faint hunch that this banquet would definitely go down in the history of the entertainment industry and open a new chapter in live broadcast. Sardin’s hunch has always been accurate. The last time he had such a hunch was after completing the first draft of a military theory textbook.

However, the more he knew about the future height of this banquet, the more afraid that he would become the only and even fatal black spot at the banquet.

This has nothing to do with whether the hero’s favor and trust are enough. On the contrary, the unreservedness of the hero makes him feel infinite pressure.

“Our opening remarks, Mr. Song, have already been wonderful enough. I’m almost useless as a host.” The host walked from the side to the center, and his helpless exaggerated expression appeared on the big screen behind, which made the audience laugh for a while. .

“Now let’s enter the traditional program of Bug Star’s birthday. Don’t boo below. Even if you know, I have to read it out step by step, that is: Unpack the gift.” The host turned halfway and said to Song Bai: “Song President, tell everyone, who do you want to give you your first gift?”

Before Song Bai could answer, the host turned to the camera again and said, “In order to prevent little bugs under the age of three watching in front of the TV, I must explain that opening gifts is a regular program at Bugs Star’s birthday party. The owner of the first gift , must be of great significance to the protagonists of our birthday banquet, such as parents, brothers, lovers, including secret and explicit love… The one on the right, don’t boo, you have nothing to be proud of when you are three years old or older.”

With another burst of laughter from the guests, the host was very proud. He has been in the hosting industry for many years, but it was the first time that he made the old people in the entertainment industry with eyes above the top laugh. Mr. Song really deserves to be the producer who has occupied the first place in the ratings for almost a month. His personal advice is more effective than his ten years of experience!

The host handed the microphone to Song Bai, and all eyes were on the male, eagerly expecting him to give an answer.

“As a rule, the first gift should come from my parents, but I should have known from the gossip posts when watching my live broadcast. My parents died a year ago, so this rule is useless to me,” Song said. Bai shrugged, causing a burst of screams from the female and female students below. When the voices subsided, he stretched out his long arms and made an inviting gesture, saying, “Sardin, come up.”


The crowd that had been boiling just now seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they went silent together. Their eyes swept to the person below the stage, covered by another beam of light.

Sardin had no idea how he stood up, his hands were shaking, his legs were shaking, and the countless eyes behind him were like beasts that eat people. Even though he was shrouded in darkness, Sardin could still read from the silent air. out their subtext.

“That female worm actually has a face? Who gave him the courage!”

“Why haven’t the worms called the police, hurry up and arrest him.”

“What did Song Shao think, this kind of vicious worm can still sleep, and he is the first to open his gift? It’s really a good worm that doesn’t last long, and a bad worm enjoys good fortune.”

Sardin took a deep breath and said to himself, these are just what he accidentally heard just now, and do not represent the truth. While comforting him, he stepped onto the stage as everyone watched.

The host has already froze in place, this is a live broadcast facing Quanxingxing! Song Bai actually dared to invite the gossip-ridden female gentleman up? !

“Host, you can start.” Song Bai was dissatisfied with the distraction of the host, frowned, and reminded.

Sadin heard the coldness in the voice of the hero, and his hand shook unconsciously, but Song Bai quickly noticed it, and tightly wrapped his backhand on Sadin’s cold, sweaty hand.

Sadin breathed a sigh of relief and forced himself to focus on the host instead of watching the audience’s reactions.

The host quickly reacted, and after the congratulatory message was well-trained, it was Sardin’s turn to hand over gifts to Song Bai.

At the same time, whether they were watching quietly under the stage or in front of the TV, they all swiped in the entertainment section of the forum.

The public entertainment section was not deliberately divided by gender when it was created, but because Liangliang has been less interested in recent years, it was not until the rise of Song’s variety show that the entertainment section became popular. Now the homepage is full of discussions about this birthday party. , without exception. Because the screen refresh rate was too fast, the administrator had to pin one of the posts to the top, which was a bit cleaner.

Now, everyone is into this post, reading and brushing.

[Top] Live broadcast starts~[Fire][Hot]

lz: The opening is the opening, lz text live broadcast, welcome to discuss, don’t mess up, don’t mess up

lz: I’m starting to give gifts, the little **** gave a red velvet bag the size of a palm…!

a: Che, don’t you say that you are from a noble family, so the shabby gift from the lord on his birthday? On my father’s birthday, the female father gave away a limited edition sports car.

b: Elementary school students don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense. That is a brocade bag that can only be obtained from the most famous Changshengfang Prayer Institute in Kyoto. In the past, it was specially used for royal services. Ordinary worms can’t ask for it.

c: Don’t you just have two broken money? I have money and I will buy it for the male I like!

b: …rich? You think it’s too simple, brother, even holding a golden mountain to the dean is not easy. Ten years ago, I did know one. It was the eldest son of the Sheng family who died young. At that time, I was a little worm, and the female brothers around me heard that he died, but cried for a whole month!

d: Why are you talking about brocade bags? Shouldn’t the point be the guy who broke the law and oppressed the males with impunity? ?

A and C, who were afraid to speak out just now, jumped out in unison, swiping the screen.

b: …please! I know there is a wall between female and female, but you don’t even believe this kind of ridiculous news, right? Who is that, a little god, anyone who doesn’t join the army knows that when it comes to obeying the law, he says second, no one dares to say first. Take 10,000 steps back and say that I still believe in accidentally hurting him. If you want to say that he deliberately oppresses the male insect, are you kidding me?

lz: The male has put the brocade bag close to him (ps: the close-up of the hand is good), the male is looking into the eyes of the female, and the male and the female are hugging!

lz: Wuwuwu, is the female gentleman going to step down? The music is coming to an end.

lz: ! Damn, did you hear that? It seems that someone is shouting the name of the lady in the audience!

b: Here comes the one who finds fault.

At the summit, in the guest reporter booth, a short-haired Asian woman stood up, “Mr. Sardin, it broke out in the forum a few days ago that you stabbed Mr. Song in early June, can you talk about your feelings on this matter?”

The arrogant voice of the short-haired femininity echoed clearly in the hall through the miniature wheat.

Everyone’s eyes were like electricity, and they were clearly and deeply fixed on Sardin. He saw the anxious fat manager in the distance, the general manager who was watching with arms folded, and even Tenghui who looked at him with a playful look. What troubled him the most was Allen’s worried gaze in the first row of the stage.

This banquet is going to be screwed up by him after all.

Sadin could feel that the hero seemed to be saying something to the host, and then the host smiled and said that the questioning session had not yet reached, but his short hair was unyielding, and his voice resounded all around again:

“Mr. Sardin deliberately avoided the question. I can understand that this is a tacit acceptance of the fact that Mr. Song was stabbed?” The short hair smiled, he turned to face the camera, his eyes were full of strange brilliance, as if like A devout martyr, he said without haste:

“Everyone here and the friends in front of the TV, our insect star has established a law to protect male insects since a hundred years ago, but today, a military female who was supposed to protect the family and defend the country has hurt the male master in his own family, He is still at large to this day.” The short hair looked at Sardin and said word by word, “Mr. Sardin, do you owe the people of the country a reasonable explanation?”

The air in all directions seemed to be suddenly swept away, and Sardin was breathless, his teeth chattering.

Yes, he injured the lord, he received almost no punishment, and he can still stand here, not because the lord closed the case for him in the police station, and helped him block the electronic anklet, and the father also paid for it. RBI everywhere for a small price.

He made a mistake and received almost no punishment, and he did owe an explanation.

Now, it was time for him to accept his own punishment.

Sardinian, like an unconscious scarecrow, took a straight step forward.

Under the stage, the guests who had just started whispering because of their short hair fell silent, and their gazes like steel needles turned towards Sardin.

Sadin took a deep breath and opened his mouth, “That’s right, it is indeed me who hurt the hero.”

This sentence seems to be pouring a drop of water into the boiling oil pan, and it explodes in an instant.

The top posts of the forum are swiped very quickly, and within a few seconds of replying to a post, they jump out to thousands of floors, whether it is black or pink, just climbing the stairs will make you feel dizzy.

The lz on the top post has completely given up on saving the building, so he simply reopened the second post.

[Artificial top] Live post 2, only live! If you want to quarrel, give me the first one to stick to the top!

lz: Phew, no floods, finally quiet.

b: I just took the time to pick up a courier. Why did the home page go crazy? Also, lz, how did you move? I have been looking for your live post for a long time.

lz: Shina, a middle-aged 2-year-old girl jumped out to disrupt the situation and talked about the accident of the little god.

b: The accident turned out to be real? ! Wori, the little **** is talking, and he is so detailed, according to his character… tsk, he will definitely admit it when he does it = dish=

lz: Don’t listen to nonsense, Xiaoshen always gives credit to others, and puts the responsibility on his own master. If it wasn’t for the young talents who had been in high positions early, there would have been no bones left for people to swallow. Besides, if the husband and wife had no secrets in this accident, Song Shao would tolerate little gods, and still spoil him so much? You can ask any Jingjing military female to ask, and you know how tired they are in private.

b: …Lz looks like a female military boss, and is worshipped by workplace dogs.

e: I’ll just watch your nonsense quietly.

e: Feelings are one thing, hurting males is an unavoidable fact! It’s not a minor injury, it was sent to the hospital, are you still talking to me here? Is your brain broken? !

a and c: yes.

lz: …The second disease in the middle school is because the IQ is in a hurry. Besides saving Gao Fushuai all day long, what else do you want to do? ? When he opened his mouth, he said that the little **** was at large, and Zongxing ruled the country by law, and he laughed out loud when he said it.

e: Hehe, he is a son of an upper-class family, who knows which father has cleared the relationship.

lz: … I’m so violent, I’ll put it here, if the little **** is not punished, we will have a fight offline, and whoever loses will be called father.

e: Covenant is covenant, who is afraid of whom? !


e: Dad, are you still there? Don’t make an appointment offline, will it work, Dad?

b: Watch TV, Song Shao deserves to stand on the side of Xiao Shen, he is starting to show evidence, and he looks so handsome when he is calm and idle at Ya female[/laughing][/laughing]

b: Hey, dad is calling upstairs, what’s going on? [/puzzling]

At the venue, go back ten minutes.

“Let’s not mention what my lady said for the time being, what you said about ‘getting away with justice’, Xiao Ya’er, is a real lie.”

With short hair, he looked at Song Bai who stood up in disbelief, and there was still some surprise in his tone: “Mr. Song, you have to be responsible for what you said!”

Song Bai pulled the reluctant Sadin behind him. He raised his eyelids lazily, looked at his short hair, and said with a smile, “It’s still live, why don’t I dare to take responsibility?”

Song Bai repeated it again.

The short hair was shocked by this sentence. The editor-in-chief didn’t say that the male was forced, why did he stand up and speak to the female? There must be something wrong!

The short hair thought like this, and a soft smile appeared on his face: “Mr. Song, you must be threatened by the noble lady’s family, so you dare not tell the truth? Don’t worry, we are facing all the audience here, and we will On your side, any grievances and hidden feelings can be said together!”

“Grievance? Hahaha,” Song Bai laughed out loud, “I have lived for so many years, and I have never tasted grievance.”

This is true. No matter the previous life or the present, Song Bai has always done his own way. All choices are based on his own wishes. There is no coercion.

Song Bai’s eyes were like electricity: “Today is my birthday, I’m too lazy to waste time with you.”

With short hair and wide eyes in confusion, why is he wasting time? Clearly rescued this male from the dire straits! However, in the next second, Song Bai took over a machine from the host and placed it on the terminal, and the large screen behind it automatically displayed the contents of the screen on the terminal.

At the moment of entering the application from the desktop, almost all the insects on the scene let out an exclamation.

That tabletop is not Anya who is widely recognized as the dream of male insects, but his female monarch, Sardin himself.

I saw the female worm sitting on the smooth floor, resting on one leg, dozing off against the sofa behind her, with the manuscript in her hand falling on the ground with only a thin line, and it looks like it will spread out at any time.

This look is not at all the regular image that a female monarch should have in everyone’s mind, but the naturalness and comfort in his expression strangely calmed their discomfort.

Probably in their life, they have never seen such a natural and relaxed side of the female monarch. When I mentioned the female gentleman in my impression, I only thought of the machine-like etiquette that never went wrong, and an expressionless face.

Song Bai’s next words brought them all back to reality, “This is the consent letter I signed at the police station to close the case, this is the reply letter to the rejection of Xiongbao’s delegating punishment measures, and this one is for my return to school. The correspondence with the Minister of Justice when I had to leave Jiangcheng, the specific content is not for you to read, but the date and official seal are on it.”

Song Bai looked at the short hair coldly, and the mockery in his eyes was very obvious: “Are you satisfied with these evidences?”

The forum and entertainment section were different from the liveliness just now. There was no new reply for three minutes, until a female posted a post, finally breaking the silence.

[Format] Ladies and gentlemen, did you face pain when Sardin broke the law in the live broadcast just now?

lz: I’m the first, it hurts.

1l: Pain.

2l: Pain.

2343l: It hurts! When I first saw the preview, I thought that such a hero would be hard to find in a hundred years, but today I told me that this is so clearly a peerless hero! No better than him! Unique!

2344l: It hurts. (The format above is broken) You are absolutely right. I asked my male father, and he didn’t even hesitate. He directly sent it to the police station to teach him a lesson for half a month.

2345l: What kind of luck did Sardin have to be worthy of such a hero? ? Jealousy overwhelms me.

2346l: Stop blowing with your eyes closed. Sadin is already using a knife. What does Young Master Song like about him? Stab fast or hard?

2347l: ls, you can shut up, the short-haired guy just asked the same question, and Song Shaodu said, “Is there any obligation to tell you about the private affairs between our husbands?”

2348l: Pfft, Song Shao is sharp. Looking at Song Shao’s terminal desktop, Sardin doesn’t seem to be extremely vicious. Whisper: I don’t know if it’s dizziness, why do I think Sardin is better than Anya?

2349l: You are not dazzling, An Yami has exquisite facial features, and Sardin is better in temperament. He makes people feel very comfortable standing there.

2350l: …I didn’t even come out for the slap in the face, this layer forced me out. You are completely wrong, I am from Beijing University, and his master, Sardin, was a classmate in my class before, and I saw a real person during the summer vacation. If you only talk about the face, the Xiao family is not so good-looking, they are all top-level good-looking. When it comes to Sardinian, the skin and bones are even more excellent. Anyone who sees it from a close distance has to praise God’s darling. But this guy never cared about his appearance! When he was quiet, his temperament overwhelmed his facial features, and when he moved, he overturned hundreds of military females, and he was aggressive. Who would look at his face? As for Anya, hehe, I think when Sardin’s uncle’s name moved to the capital, his female father still didn’t know where he was.

2351l: From what you said, Sardinian is so hyped up. I don’t think so

2352l: Don’t you finish talking upstairs? ?

2353l: I’m the one who didn’t finish talking. Take my words back. Just now, the TV station suddenly pulled a close-up shot. The terminal in my hand fell off for no reason, and then I also lost consciousness. Only now did I regain my senses. Sadin is scary, but so good looking, hehehe.

2354l: nice +1

4324l: I said how did the painting style suddenly change in the back, just saying that it looks good, and it said that it is almost two thousand floors? ! By the way, I was fine before I left. As soon as I came back from the bathroom, the middle-aged 2-year-old was crazy about pulling other people’s sleeves? Who can tell me?

4325l: Kick the p shares of ls, so exciting and dare to walk away, big heart! The second sickness was exposed by Sardin, who sneaked in by borrowing the employee cards of other employees, not by invitation. The security guard suppressed him just now, and suddenly he poured out on the spot, saying that the editor-in-chief lied to him, and the editor-in-chief should be responsible for him. Che, I’m not crazy enough, and I have to drag the innocent insects down.

4326l: Editor-in-chief of S Daily? Hehe, the article that went viral on the Internet in June was written by the editor. In addition, S Daily is a well-known paparazzi gathering place in the industry. I don’t believe how innocent he is.

4327l: Smell melon, squat.

4328l: Kick upstairs, stop squatting, the press conference is about to begin!

In the venue, the bodyguards just held down the short hair, and the turbulent venue returned to calm.

“The editor-in-chief was frightened just now, I’m really sorry.” The host arranged the show on the stage, Song Bai stepped off the stage, went to the place where the live broadcast could not be filmed, and smiled at the editor-in-chief who had just been rescued from short hair.

“It doesn’t matter, you are not prepared, you are equally shocked.” The editor-in-chief smiled, and the hand tucked in the sleeve couldn’t stop shaking.

Just now, the short hair suddenly grabbed him like a madman, and the editor-in-chief was so frightened that his soul almost flew. Although he encouraged his subordinates to use any means to obtain content, he had never been caught. It was the first time he was dragged out and publicly executed in front of someone he wanted to plot against.

Fortunately, he reacted fast enough, pretended not to know short hair, and called him crazy. The students present were young and deceptive, so they all believed his words and came to help hold down their short hair.

It’s a pity that the short-haired nonsense was still broadcast live by the camera.

“In the final analysis, our management is not strict. The editor-in-chief should not argue with this matter. In order to compensate you, I will definitely choose you as the editor-in-chief for the questions at the reception later.”

Hearing Song Bai’s words of compensation, the editor-in-chief was completely relieved. No matter how good or bad it is, it is still a deceptive student. He said, “At that time, Mr. Song, don’t hide it.”

Song Bai nodded with a smile: “Don’t worry, I always speak straight.”

The editor-in-chief was completely satisfied, he swaggered back to the press booth, and said hello to A Entertainment in a good mood.

The person in charge of A Entertainment was angry because no one found the editor-in-chief’s wolf face, and when he saw the editor-in-chief’s proud look, his face became even darker.

The editor-in-chief smiled and sat back to his seat. He habitually made plans in his mind. Although the short hair was broadcast live, the short hair was only temporarily transferred, and he didn’t even sign for the internship. , then you can push it all clean.

Although the current situation is slightly different from his original plan, the question can be given priority at the final reception, and this alone is enough to make up for it. Give him some time, and he can squeeze more material out. The editor-in-chief reorganized the problem in his mind, and determined that the angle of each question was tricky enough so that it would not be easily confused. After arranging it, the manuscript was almost ready, and the editor-in-chief relaxed completely.

He leaned back comfortably, even humming a song. However, one sentence from the host on the stage exploded in his ears like a thunderclap.

“In view of the crisis just now, Mr. Song decided to temporarily bring the question-and-answer session to the front, but before that, Mr. Song has something to tell everyone. After speaking, the questioning will officially begin. The reporters can prepare now.”

Why is it suddenly mentioned now? With doubts in mind, the editor-in-chief looked at the stage, Song Bai neatly took the host’s microphone and was about to say something.

For some reason, the editor-in-chief felt a little uneasy.

At the same time, the heart of Sardin sitting in the first row also throbbed. He had a hunch that what the hero said next might completely overturn his world.

Song Bai raised the microphone and slowly glanced at the guests under the stage, making sure that everyone’s eyes were on him, and he spoke slowly.

He said that a male felt guilty because he indirectly caused the death of his parents. He lost his enthusiasm for life and could not even take the exam, so he had to take a year off from school to recuperate. During the year, he tried various methods to inspire, traveled around, and partyed wildly, but unfortunately the vitality of life was like an upside-down hourglass, which was still flowing backwards little by little.

Until one day, he simply gave up and wanted to kill himself with a knife. But a flying stone from his mistress knocked on the back of his hand, causing the sharp knife to completely deviate from his heart. But because the distance was too far, and the male was too flustered, the knife finally plunged into his body. On the verge of death, he deeply felt the soul’s struggle to survive. When he wakes up in the hospital, surprised by the vitality in his body, he hears that the queen who protected him from death has been convicted and taken away by the police station.

“You have seen everything after that.” An enlarged close-up shot reflected Song Bai’s slightly red eye circles. “Sardin is a military woman, his marksmanship can be said to be flawless, and he hits every shot. Before he came on stage, he told me that he could control the error of the dart to within one millimeter now. If he really wanted to hurt me, With the subtlety of his control, I wouldn’t be standing here alive.”

The guests under the stage listened very deeply.

Except for the editor-in-chief, he held the armrest of the chair tightly, and his eyes were full of fear of letter.

The format of the story is all too familiar to him. In the past ten years, countless evidence that is just a shadow of the wind has been processed by his skillful hand, and finally a wonderful story that can incite emotions and is beautiful to click.

Because the veteran reporters pretend to be arrogant and refuse to bow to the heat, which has enabled him to create a new empire that is comparable to the old paper media in the past decade.

It can be said that a good enough story is the foundation of his fortune. However, Song Bai was the first to tell the story in front of the national audience, which completely cut off the possibility of him thinking about artistic processing. For the editor-in-chief, this is a vicious draw from the bottom of the pot.

The questions he prepared were all ruined, and the drafts he had prepared were stillborn. After a while, even if I could be the first to ask the question, I could only follow the version of the story given by Song Bai and talk about some leftovers. Otherwise, hehe, the last time I was invited to Xiongbao for tea because of Song Bai’s rebuttal is still vivid in my mind.

The editor-in-chief’s hands turned white because of too much force. He stared at Song Bai on the stage, wishing he could personally go up and seal the male insect’s mouth, so that he was not allowed to utter a word.

A male who made waves in his life, a live broadcast for the whole society, what a great popularity, what a great hot spot! If it goes well, maybe he can leap to the top in the media circle, completely overwhelm those old things that can’t eat the past, and sit firmly on the throne of the first.

But now, it has been completely destroyed by this male worm!

The editor-in-chief slapped the armrest angrily and made a loud muffled sound. The colleague who sat with him and listened intently, even cast a reproachful look at him.

The person in charge of A Entertainment turned around and glared at the editor-in-chief. I can’t take this look back. Because he saw two uniformed police officers walking towards the position behind the editor-in-chief.

The person in charge wanted to remind the editor-in-chief, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, the editor-in-chief beat him back angrily.

In the next second, the person in charge saw a pair of shiny handcuffs on the editor’s wrist, and the police officer politely said, “Please come with us.”

Editor-in-Chief: “Why did you arrest me?”

Police officer: “According to the explanation of the troublemaker, he was misled by you to make a scene.”

Editor-in-chief: “Do you have any evidence? If you don’t have evidence, don’t talk nonsense here and delay my work.”

Police officer: “It’s true that there is no direct evidence for Yahen, but through the meeting between Yahen and the general manager of the Vertex Hotel, and the recording of the transaction kept on the terminal of the general manager, we are now officially arresting you for the crime of violating citizens’ privacy.”

Behind the police officer, a tall female walked over, officially Song Bai’s older brother, Allen, he also added coldly and ruthlessly: “Song will make up a report on you in June to infringe the male’s reputation. If you go to the court and file a lawsuit, I think Xiongbao will definitely contact you when the time comes.”

What are the media people most afraid of?

It wasn’t that the parties were chasing after him in a frenzy, or that the camera was smashed to pieces, but that Xiongbao’s bad head was touched. The immediacy of news requires them to chase hot spots, but the irrational strength of Xiongbao’s protection of male insects may make him unable to return to the career of Yuji from now on. It is tantamount to a devastating blow.

The editor-in-chief slumped weakly on the chair, this time, he was completely finished.

After beating wild geese for half his life, he was finally blinded by the wild goose.

It was not until the editor-in-chief left with the police officer dejected that the person in charge closed his shocked mouth.

Unexpectedly, I was able to see with my own eyes the whole story of editor S being taken away. The person in charge took out the terminal and wanted to congratulate in the editor-in-chief group, but just put his hand in his pocket and stopped. He looked left and right, they were seated in the dark place, everyone present was attracted by the story of the male on stage, and the police officer deliberately lowered his voice, and did not alarm anyone.

In other words, he was the only one who saw the whole process of editor S being taken away.

At the end of the live broadcast, there must be a rush to report the infatuation stories of the males on the stage. If he finds another way to report this matter, wouldn’t it be easier to stand out?

The smile on the face of the person in charge is getting bigger and bigger, this live broadcast is right.

Song Bai on the stage received the gesture of Allen’s mission completion, and finally heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to speak to the microphone:

“This disaster has made me start thinking again. When the male lord is hurt, the society will acquiesce that it is the female lord’s fault. However, what about the one who wanted to die as I did, but was saved by the female lord in turn?”

Below, many females were teary-eyed, while the males were thoughtful.

“My female monarch is saving me. He is not at fault, but he is still treated as a criminal by social law, but as a male, as long as he has a little conscience, he will not have the heart to let innocents be punished for their mistakes.”

The adult males in suits and shoes nodded in unison, while the male students were puzzled. One of them stood up and asked, “Since you can’t bear it, why don’t you explain it clearly? Can’t you explain it clearly?”

“The world is not as simple as you think,” Song Bai shook his head with a wry smile, “Imagine, when you hear the news of a female monarch abusing the male lord, the male lord keeps defending the female lord, saying that everything is his fault, Is it because of him, what do you think?”

“How is that possible? This female monarch is too domineering, the male must have scared him…” The male student immediately understood, scratched his head, and sat down embarrassedly.

“Yes, repeated explanations will only aggravate others’ sympathy for me and accusations against my queen. That’s why I didn’t explain it to the public in the first place, and even deliberately kept my name anonymous. Everything was just for protection. Our fragile family.”

“And now, I choose to clarify, because I don’t want any more rumors to slander my lady,” Song Bai looked deeply at Sardin in the first row and said, “After all, without Sardin, there would be no me today. .”

As soon as these words fell, the Asian female completely burst into tears, and even the tall female worm’s eyes were red, and the low and depressed cry floated over the hall.

Satin, who was sitting in the first row, seemed to be strangled by the throat. His chest was hot, as if a raging flame was stuffed into it, burning his eyes so dimly that he couldn’t see anything clearly.

Lord, is this what you said will pass?

However, the price you pay is too high.

Sardin bit his lip tightly, not allowing himself to reveal the slightest vulnerability.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

34 bottles of lost and not returned; 20 bottles of Liluo; 10 bottles of guest; 5 bottles of Yunting; 293649842 bottles; 1 bottle of wanting to go to sleep;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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