Zhu Yuanzhang: I Forbid The Sea, But The Sun Never Sets On The Sea

Chapter 121

Chapter 120: Self-Reliance, The Beginning Of The Founding Of The Country (For Subscription)



This is actually equivalent in China.

But when Zhu Bo is overseas, these two words are not so equated.

Self-reliance is not the same as rebellion.

Zhu Bo didn’t even think about rebelling.

There may be many reasons.

But in fact, to sum up, there is only one, that is “not necessary”.

In Daming territory, it is almost a storm whirlpool with muddy water.

The interests are intertwined and complicated, and as a Chinese, it is impossible for him to directly push and kill all the way in the same way as he treats other countries.

In this way, if you don’t get it right, you will fall into it.

Compared with the territory of Daming.

From the beginning of the entire overseas jungle, everything is within his control, so naturally there is no need to consider this.

Or at least you don’t need to think about it at all.

Even if there are also Daming immigrants, the main body is still systematically manufactured.

And even if it is the next generation, without the horror of the system characters, it is enough to maintain absolute loyalty to him. In this case, there is no need to consider any issues at all.

How to choose is beyond doubt.

This is also the main reason why he chose to go north on “August 17” after not discussing with Lao Zhu.

Although it has not yet reached Consummation, it is indeed time for the founding of the country.

The ship berthed into the Strait of Malacca.

Lan Xia’er and Wu Hui had already begun to wait.

The expressions of the two could not help but be excited and joyful.

Zhu Bo’s return, safe return, is the biggest surprise for them.

Looking at his two wives, Zhu Bo couldn’t help but smile.


He opened his mouth with a big laugh, and walked into the palace with Lan Xia’er and Wu Hui.

And into the palace.

Zhu Bo was arranging something exactly when he got a surprising news.

“Princess, do you have it?”

With disbelief, there is also a sudden surprise.

The figure became even more cautious.


Lan Xia’er nodded lightly.

“Haha, this king has a child!”

“This king has a child!”

Hearing Lan Xia’er’s affirmation again, Zhu Bo couldn’t help jumping up.

In two lifetimes, this is the first time he has become a father, and it is still at such a moment, how can this not make him excited.

“Be careful!”

“Be careful, princess!”

In addition to being excited, Zhu Bo became more and more careful.

For a time, the entire palace was much more relaxed.

In this relaxed and excited atmosphere, the preparations for the founding of the People’s Republic of China officially kicked off.

A well-known official is preparing.

Shangjing (Strait of Malacca) began to crowd, and countless people began to gather here.

And the people in Shangjing (Strait of Malacca) couldn’t help but feel excited and excited at this moment. Compared with the apprehension of many people, they are undoubtedly the ones who are most looking forward to this day.

Including, those Daming officials who have arrived here are also the same.

Being able to get here is almost a complete surrender to Zhu Bo.

There will be no more dissent.

There will even be strong expectations.

Liu Guan is undoubtedly one of them.

In the eighteenth year of Hongwu, he was awarded the title of Taigu County Chancellor, and then entered the Hanlin Academy for editing. Unlike history, he was not promoted to the supervisory censor by recommendation. In the 30th year of Hongwu, he moved to the censor of Zuoqiu, and later became the prefect of Jiaxing. But in the editing process of the Hanlin Academy, he was directly transferred to the Royal Bank of Daming, and then selected by Zhu Bo to bring it back to Nanyang.

First arrived at Qiongzhou Mansion, and then arrived at Shangjing.

All the way, Liu Guan can be said to be deeply shocked, and at that time his mind had a fluctuation.

More than a year has passed now.

For Zhu Bo, he has only greater admiration.

At this moment, feeling the changes in Shangjing, Liu Guan instantly became excited.

“Has Your Highness finally reached this stage?”

Muttering to himself, then his heart moved.

A decision was made soon.

He began to quickly contact those colleagues who went to Beijing with him.

and is in contact with other officials.

Soon, everyone gathered together.

“Everyone, at such a critical moment, His Royal Highness, the virtue of heaven, and the people of all peoples, should be in line with the destiny and take the throne! 35

When the people gathered, Liu Guan didn’t beat around the bush, but spoke directly.

And his words instantly made everyone present tremble.

But soon one by one calmed down again.

Now that they came to the land of the South China Sea, it took more than a year at the latest, and two years at the longest. Naturally, they knew exactly what the situation in the entire South China Sea was like.

Everyone has long had this insight.

That is Zhu Bo taking this step, almost a matter of time.

Or it’s a sure thing.

It can even be said that they were not expecting this step until now. With the power of Zhu Bo’s dominion in Nanyang, the vast area he had already controlled, a year ago, he could even step into this step.

“As it should be!

In the silence, Lu Lin directly agreed to speak.

Soon, other officials also responded one by one.

In other places, such behavior, as magistrates, they have to be careful.

Once it is leaked, it will be the end of the three tribes of Yi.

But now, there is absolutely no need to consider this aspect.

Not to mention this Nanyang, Lao Zhu can’t govern at all, even if he can, now Zhu Bo’s strength in Nanyang has reached incredible, who will control who will not be sure.

Zhu Bo’s current strength is extremely rare even in history.


This has always been considered a barren land and a barren land in the Central Plains. Under the governance of His Royal Highness the Southern King, its prosperity and wealth far surpassed that of the Ming Dynasty.

It’s only a few years now.

In just two years, the wealth accumulated by King Nan has reached an unimaginable level.

The strength has reached unprecedented levels.

five years.

Perhaps, in just another two years, the comprehensive strength here will far surpass that of Daming.

“I have no objection!”

“Your Majesty, you should indeed take the throne as your destiny!”

A series of voices responded, and along with these voices, a consensus was soon reached…

Three days later, the first persuasion form was presented.

Zhu Bo is not allowed.

On the grounds that his father was on the throne and his own morality was weak.

Seven days later, the second persuasion form was submitted.

Zhu Bo is not allowed.

Heaven has no two masters, and people also reject it without heart.

Fifteen days later, the third persuasion form was submitted.

Not allowed this time.

Until the time entered December of the twenty-ninth year of Hongwu.

It was only after the fourth time that the powerful officials persuaded them to enter the table, Zhu Bo nodded in agreement.

Subsequently, the mighty founding of the country officially kicked off.

The first choice is to set the top country number.

Daming, now it is Daming, so naturally we can no longer use Daming.

In all dynasties, whether it is Qin, Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Song, Yuan and Ming, the most important thing in the first time of the founding of the country is to determine the country name. “Records of the Grand Historian: The Chronicle of Five Emperors” records that “from the Yellow Emperor to Shunyu, all have the same surname but different country names, with Zhang Mingde”. Entering the era of slavery, the country name has been completely determined since the Xia Dynasty.

In the long history, the determination of the country name basically means that a regime has become relatively stable, and will not change due to geographical changes. For example, the Han of the Han Dynasty, because Liu Bang was canonized as the King of Han, also became Han. After the reunification of the Han state, it was naturally the Han Dynasty.

And when the dynasty changes and the country turns yellow, the country name will also change immediately.

There are several ways to choose a country name since ancient times.

Among them, either the country name is based on the origin of the founder, such as Shang, Zhou, Qin, Song, or the title of the founder, such as Han, Sui, Tang, and of course, there are also those taken from prophecies, and the five elements are mutually restrained, such as The Dayuan of Mengyuan is taken from “Dazai Qianyuan” in “Book of Changes”, the Qing Dynasty of the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

If Zhu Bo Jianguo wants to take the national title, there are undoubtedly several options.

Under normal circumstances, such as Qiong, such as Nan, and such as Xiang.

These are all orthodox.

In fact, these names are also the most intense discussions among the 4.4 ministers.

Such as South, such as Xiang.

Joan is also within the scope of discussion, but because the harmonics are not very good, there is no mainstream.

And listening to these people’s discussions, Zhu Bo couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

He is also thinking about his country name.

Joan, of course not.

It’s impossible to really call it a “Qiong” country. As for Nan, He Xiang also feels a little bit less interesting.

Both of these words have a somewhat secluded meaning.

As a sea empire, it is obviously not suitable for him who is about to build an empire on which the sun never sets.

But apart from these names, he didn’t know what to choose.

It’s impossible to get it out.

If it weren’t for the Manchus behind him, he really wouldn’t mind taking this.

But now there is a Manchu dynasty behind him, even if this era does not exist, it still makes him feel a little uncomfortable.

Naturally, he would not choose this name.

In this way, how to choose has undoubtedly become a big problem.

As his thoughts flowed, the country names passed by one by one in his mind, and Zhu Bo couldn’t help but fall into contemplation.

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