Zhu Yuanzhang: I Forbid The Sea, But The Sun Never Sets On The Sea

Chapter 181

Chapter 181 Popularizing The World View To People (Subscription)

The figure wandered across the entire Fusang Continent, and Zhu Yunwen’s mood gradually changed.

The original cognition was also rewritten at this moment.

Today’s Fusang Continent is indeed desolate enough.

Even with the entry of the Chinese people, it is enough to call it a level of uninhabited thousands of miles.

The so-called three major civilizations.

Now that the Aztec civilization has been destroyed, the Mayan civilization itself has collapsed, the Inca civilization is still developing, and the huge American continent presents a blank situation at this moment.

But it is because of the blank.

With unlimited opportunities.

This is much larger than Daming’s territory.

Even if it is only the scope of walking, its area is completely larger than that of Daming.

west coast.

The two men stopped.

Now there are several castles here.

The two figures crossed the entire American continent, from the west coast to the east coast.

In the past life, the western part of America was full of an atmosphere of advocating freedom and innovation, where the pioneering spirit of gold diggers was left behind, and it was more inclusive and innovative, while the east coast, where the Puritans first came, they Most of them are knowledgeable and aspiring priests, still retaining some European traditions, habits and values.

Naturally, there are no so-called European missionaries here today.

The west coast is in the place where the big summer occupies.

22 Of course it’s a little different here and on the east coast.

Compared with the continuous attack on the East Coast to defeat the Native Americans.

The West Coast is relatively peaceful.

For the past few years, the West Coast has only had one goal, and that is constant construction.

down in a few years.

More than ten cities have also been built throughout the West Coast.

The number also reached two to three hundred thousand.

It’s a bit weaker than the East Coast though.

But the defense system here is the most perfect.

A tower of turrets stand on the coast.

even on the island.

Barracks everywhere.

Although there is no large-scale explosion, but it is ready.

Be prepared for the unexpected at any time.

The two figures stepped forward.

The figure walked to the coastline.

Looking at the busy figures one after another, this is undoubtedly a new experience.

“Uncle Twelfth, who are you guarding here?

Finally, Zhu Yunwen couldn’t help but ask.

This piece in front of him, like the existence of a military fortress, really made him curious.

Logically, even if this is to be built, it is probably on the west coast, not the east coast.

On the west coast, it might be possible to guard against Daming, but he really doesn’t know about the east coast.

“Do you know where this is further east?”

Zhu Bo spoke in a leisurely voice, and his eyes involuntarily looked into the distance.

And his words suddenly made Zhu Yunwen look stunned for a while, and then he was puzzled.

“There is Da Qin, or more precisely, Europa.”

Before Zhu Yunwen’s doubts spread, Zhu Bo’s words sounded again.

And this sentence suddenly made Zhu Yunwen’s expression stunned again.


When the words started, Zhu Yunwen didn’t know how to answer for a while.

“You mean, isn’t Da Qin in the extreme west, this is the east. 99

Glancing at Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Bo naturally understood what this guy was thinking, so he didn’t sell anything, but spoke directly.


“Twelfth Uncle, I remember that I have ancient records in China, Daqin, the land of the extreme west!

Zhu Yunwen nodded, looking a little dazed.

According to Du You’s “Tong Dian”:

Zuzihuan accompanied Gao Xianzhi, the envoy of Jiedu in the west of the town, to the west. Tianbao went to the West Sea for ten years. At the beginning of Baoying, he returned from Guangzhou because of the ships of Jiashang, and wrote a travel record.

He also said: “The country of Toh is in the western boundary of the Great Food, with thousands of miles in circumference. It builds houses and tiles, and builds stones as walls. Rice and valleys are very cheap, and there is a large river east of the river that flows into Yaguluo, and merchants are here and there, and there are successive exchanges. The people are burly and burly, their clothes are generous, and they look like Confucian clothes. The thatch has five festivals and more than 10,000 soldiers and horses. It is connected to the Khazarian Turks to the north. There are also Turks to the north of the Khazarian. The feet are like cow hooves and eat human flesh.”

Just as ancient Europe had records of China, ancient China also had records of Europe.

It’s just that no matter what kind of records, myths, or exaggerations, they are all in the West, and now they are already in the extreme east.

Although it is not really the place where the sun rises, it is not much different.

Why is Da Qin in the east again.

“Nothing is impossible!”

“What if we are not in a place where the sky is round, but where the sky is round and the earth is round?”

“Or to be more precise, what I’m waiting for is a sphere?”

“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine Su Wen”:

The emperor said: “Is the earth under the subordinate? Qi Bo said: “The earth is subordinate to the human being, and it is in the midst of the emptiness. 3999

The “Army Sphere Chart Notes” says: “The sky is like a chicken, the celestial body is round like a projectile, the ground is like a yellow inside a chicken, and the sky is big and the ground is small. Yellow. The heaven and the earth stand by the air, and float on the water.

“The land of the extreme west is not the land of the extreme east!”

He spoke in a soft voice, but at this moment his words were so shocking.

Zhu Yunwen’s body trembled.

In ancient times, although the sky is round and the place is generally known, my Chinese ancestors are not limited to this kind of understanding.

“The sky is round and the place is round” belongs to the content of “Gaitian theory” in the ancient Chinese cosmology.

Nature cannot be summed up in one statement.

“This this!”

Zhu Yunwen opened his mouth, at this moment his heart couldn’t help hesitating.

Zhu Bo’s words are more like hammering his heart with a heavy hammer.

And look at this one’s reaction.

Zhu Bo smiled.

didn’t care too much.

If at the beginning, the sky is round and the place is only a small part of the theory, with the two thousand years of dynastic rule, this theory gradually became established and became the orthodoxy. Although it is still not the only one, it was a problem for Zhu Yunwen who received Confucian orthodox education. only.

So this moment is the biggest impact.

This one was really poisoned by Confucianism.

Confucianism has no doubt about the role of thought and morality.

But as an emperor, if he really believed in the nonsense of Confucianism, he was not far from extinction.

Da Qin has Fu Su.

In the great Han Dynasty, there were Emperor Yuan of Han and Wang Mang.

History proves it time and time again.

Confucianism was only used by the emperor.

Can not be convinced.

Obviously, Jianwen did it without any doubt.

He even prepared to do the same as Wang Mang, to carry out a restoration of Zhou Li.

Without Zhu Di.

I am afraid that the Ming Dynasty will be completely over a few hundred years earlier.

Not only is Ming Dynasty over, Huaxia will be in big trouble.

Zhou Li, a high offering is enough.

If you take it out, it will be a disaster.

Looking at this Zhu Bo, I couldn’t help but sigh.

This way, he could feel that his nephew was actually not low in intelligence, nor weak in ability. The only problem was that he was indecisive, but it was not fatal.

The fatal thing is that he worships Confucianism too much.

Even at this moment, he has become a monk, even if he has reached America.

But the conversations that came along the way were still the same as Confucianism.

Not much has changed.

This is undoubtedly necessary.

Hence today’s words.

And listening to Zhu Bo’s words, Zhu Yunwen’s heart fluctuated violently.

Did not continue to speak.

Zhu Bo’s words resounded like a roar in his mind.

And after waiting for a while.

Zhu Bo spoke again.


“All right!

“If you want, you can stay, if you don’t want to, it’s up to you!

“But Daming still don’t come back, otherwise I may not be able to keep you! 95

The voice opened, with a meaning that could not be rejected.

The presence or absence of Zhu Yunwen is no threat to him, unlike Zhu Di.

Zhu Di has seized Zhu Yunwen’s world. As long as Zhu Yunwen lives for one day, it will be the biggest threat to him.

Only the death of Zhu Yunwen can reassure Zhu Di.

But summer is different.

This is not Zhu Yunwen’s world, or even Lao Zhu’s world, but the country he conquered step by step.

Here Zhu Yunwen is his nephew, and only his nephew, it does not represent any meaning, and there is almost no threat to him.

As for taking in Zhu Yunwen, will Zhu Di be unhappy?

Not to mention which one will not necessarily know, even if they do, it will not happen.

The reason is very simple, Daxia is strong enough.

Zhu Di also knew that Zhu Bo had no interest in the throne.

Of course, if Zhu Yunwen went to Daming by himself and was caught by Zhu Di, he would have no intention of taking care of it.

Looking at the old man’s face, he could protect it once, but only once.

As for the rest, he is not in charge.


Hearing Zhu Bo’s words, Zhu Yunwen suddenly woke up, and after hesitating for a moment, he bowed to accept it.

As for what he was thinking at this moment, only he knew.

After explaining some things about Zhu Yunwen, Zhu Bo left immediately.

He didn’t have much thought on Zhu Yunwen all the time.

He still needs to deal with it, and also needs to further plan and develop, especially now that the entire summer has fallen into an extremely critical moment.

It’s been a while now.

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