Zhu Yuanzhang: I Forbid The Sea, But The Sun Never Sets On The Sea

Chapter 92

Chapter 91: The Poor Put Aside Disputes, And The Great Has Been Since Ancient Times (For Subscription)

The huge fleet was mighty and mighty, heading towards the South Ocean following the monsoon in November, and this time it was even more massive, and almost all the countries and nations along the way felt the trembling from the depths of their souls.

Even many of the people of the island country just crawl on the ground, thinking that the gods are coming.

In this day and age.

Western countries have never experienced the cannon and giant ships of the Great Voyage Age.

I haven’t even experienced Zheng He’s mighty voyages to the West.

This fleet of Zhu Bo is like a god descending from the earth.

The oppression of almost the entire sea is beyond imagination.

Many countries even came directly to bow their heads.

In this regard, Zhu Bo is almost always welcome.

Although it is currently impossible to control these places, these countries are actually managed and ruled.

It is also good to prepare first and provide legal basis.

Dahuaxia has been a country of etiquette since ancient times.

Civilized country.


The poor put aside disputes.

Daze has been around since ancient times.

Strong is universal.

But he still needs some foundation, and these people in front of him undoubtedly gave him this foundation.

So along the way, Zhu Bo will give the local chiefs double silver seals, crowns and robes, tree monuments and establish countries, and even support four or five countries.

On the ship, some of the materials carried were also exchanged.

Of course he also kept most of them.

If the target is not the European continent, he will most likely switch to spices.

But since the target is the European continent, where is the new civilization.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep enough assets to go to Europe for trading.

In particular, he also knew how big the demand for Chinese commodities was in the European continent at this time, and this was undoubtedly the case.

Keep going all the way.

The storm swept the entire vast sea.

Zhu Bo has a map.

It saves a lot of risk.

But even so, the sea is extremely risky.

Huge sea storms impacted huge ships, even if they were made systematically, they were still so fragile compared to the power of heaven and earth. For the first time, the ships were damaged.

It was the third day after rushing out of the Indian Ocean, and a ship, accompanied by hundreds of soldiers, was silent in the ocean.

The next seven days.

Thirteenth day.

Thirty days.

One after another, the ships fell silent.

The original excitement on the ship gradually turned into fear, anxiety, and confusion.

Finally I don’t know how long it took.

I don’t know how far it has drifted on the sea.

I don’t know if it was luck or necessity. After another month of sailing, a vast continent ahead gradually came into view.



“Continent discovered! 35

Excitement filled the deck with frantic sounds.

Even sapphire is no exception,

The crowd rushed to the shore.

And this landing, everyone’s eyes were completely opened.

This place is not only vast beyond imagination, there are plains everywhere, and the trees are extremely prosperous.

What is even more novel is that the skin of the people here is pitch-black, just like those who have been hungry in the jungle, but they are extremely weak, and often they can drive dozens of them alone.

And there seems to be countless jewels here.

As soon as they got off the boat, they saw a gem that was almost the size of an egg on the neck of a dark man.

And they actually only used a dagger in exchange for it.

“Your Highness, Your Highness, isn’t this the land of Da Qin?”

Lan Xia’er looked at the jewels in the cabin and couldn’t help but speak.

“No, these people should be the hometown of those Kunlun slaves, the land of Daqin, and they should still need to bypass this place to reach it.

Sapphire shook his head.

When Zhu Bo opened his mouth, he was the first to deny it.

Now, after Zhu Bo’s remarks, and his sensitivity to the map, he can immediately perceive that this place is most likely to be west of Tianzhu, on the wider land that Zhu Bo said.

And of course this is not the place of Daqin.

After all, according to Zhu Bo’s narrative, the so-called Daqin land should be in the far northwest.

This continent needs to be bypassed.


Lan Xia’er was a little disappointed.

Others are about the same.

After all, the previous risks made them still have lingering fears.

And everyone, after repairing here for a while, Zhu Bo observed the whole of Africa for a few days.

Then came to mind.

“Lord Taishan, our ship is just empty, please exchange some Kunlun slaves, and then we can also go to the land of Daqin and sell them for a good price!”

Zhu Bo opened his mouth to Sapphire.

“Exchange some Kunlun slaves?”

Lan Yu glanced at Zhu Bo, then nodded.

He didn’t care too much about it.

Soon, they brought people, horses and supplies to exchange.

In today’s African continent, it’s not too easy to get some slaves.

As the first country in the opening of a new shipping route, Portugal’s fleet first came to Africa, beginning in the fourteenth century, but in fact the profits of the slave trade during this period were far less than that of gold and ivory, etc. , When they arrived in Africa, they liked to trade with black people, including slaves.

From the 15th century, blacks finally reached Tianzhu from Africa, and this was the end of the triangular trade, the real beginning of the black slave trade. By 1540, there were as many as 10,000 black slaves coming to America from Africa every year.

Now Zhu Bo naturally doesn’t mind taking a group of black slaves to Europe for sale.

After all, his clothes are quite empty now.

And when Sapphire went to trade.

He started construction on the Cape of Good Hope.

Although he did not intend to build the center and develop here now.

But the necessary perspective is still needed.

So he’s finally going to build a small base here.

It consists of a dock and a dozen fortresses.

Not only can it provide vision, but it can also carry out the construction of large ships, replenishing the large ships he needs at any time.

And such bases, he has established more than a dozen along the way.

Now that his eyes are closed slightly, his line of sight appears, and the whole Western world wants to map.

Although only on the sea.

But even so, it was already extremely terrifying.

Even enough to allow him to do a lot of incredible things.

For example, he can find the enemy at any time. For example, if he wants to expand next, he can quickly rely on this base to spread to the entire surrounding.

It doesn’t take too long, the bases everywhere will completely spread all around.

You must know that in reality, both the dock and the fortress need guards.

And these people are almost all farmers.

It also means that every fortress has been arranged by him as a peasant.

And the significance of the peasantry throughout the imperial era hardly needs to be said.

With farmers, and then with unlimited resources, how to spread is almost only a matter of time.

In other words, it was a question of whether he wanted to occupy it or not.

And this is the cornerstone that Zhu Bo laid at the very beginning.

Prepare for follow-up.

The thoughts flowed, and his eyes were fixed on this place.

Soon, it was quickly moving into action.

One after another farmers disembarked quickly, and construction began soon.

Just under seven days.

A temporary base has been erected.

Dock construction completed.

Surrounded by fortresses.

800 of them are stationed with more than twenty farmers.

These twenty peasants would usually be in the dock, but in wartime they would enter the fortress to defend.

And when it’s time to build, it can also be quickly returned to the dock.

It can be said to be a truly integrated building.

And when it’s done.

Lan Yu also returned at this moment with a large number of people.

There was no arrest, just a transaction, Lan Yu brought back more than 3,000 Kunlun slaves this time.

So that the ships could not be installed, and only a few more ships could be built temporarily.

And again and again.

The time was delayed by almost another three days.

three days later.

The people set sail again.

A day later, Zhu Bo’s fleet arrived at the Cape of Good Hope.

If you want to enter Europe next, you will enter the Dias route.

In 1487, five years earlier, Bartolomeu Dias was chosen by King John II of Portugal to explore the southernmost tip of Africa. He became the first European to sail around the Cape of Good Hope.

In this era, there is naturally no so-called Dias route, and even if there is, it will be called the Daming route.

The ship moves forward.

Compared with the previous wind and waves, the wind and waves on the African side are undoubtedly much smaller.

Everything is going to be much smoother next.

Almost a month of sailing.

The continent finally appeared in the front again.

And it is a continent that is obviously different from before.

This time, they first arrived at the border between Europe and Africa.

Arriving here, everyone finally determined the target.

The intersection of Europe and Africa has been very large since ancient times, and the routes are almost completely stable.

In the face of such a huge fleet as Zhu Bo, as long as you have a normal mind, you will understand how to choose.

(Second update).

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