Zodiac University

Chapter 19: Night

Taurus swallowed. Yeah, he was going to ruin these pants. The blushing expression Virgo wore on his face, combined with his nakedness, tears, and the scent of his sweat and cum was too much to bear. Virgo’s chest was heaving up and down as he stared down at Taurus with eyes full of pain and despair. He just wanted to cum, didn’t he?

Well, Taurus thought. I suppose I’ve tortured him enough.

He practically shoved himself onto Virgo again. Virgo let out a low, satisfied growl and muttered something incoherent. Taurus caught the words ‘thank you’ among the mumbles. He started to suck Virgo again, this time more vigorously. Virgo’s moans were becoming breathier and louder. He was about to cum.

I wonder if he’s a grunter, screamer, or silent climaxer, Taurus thought. It would be important information down the road.

He soon got his answer. Virgo was a screamer.

It was what he'd hoped for—a loud verbal expression of the pleasure he'd granted him.

Or maybe Virgo didn’t typically scream. Maybe he’d just never experienced a pleasure that big.

Taurus was correct. The orgasms that Virgo had experienced in the past were nothing compared to the breathtaking, mind-numbing, toe-curling, body-shaking orgasm that struck him now. With a voice-cracked cry, Virgo came into Taurus's mouth, his warm semen splashing on Taurus’s tongue. Taurus tried to catch it all, but some of Virgo's sperm splashed on his bare chest and the tiled floor.

Virgo’s eyes were rolled back into his head as he rode out the tidal wave of aroused expression, drooling and thrusting his hips as he milked every last drop from his tip. After he was done, he collapsed against the wall, his chest heaving. He opened his eyes, staring at Taurus in shock? Defeat?

Whatever the emotion, Taurus couldn’t get enough. He felt his lower muscles clench, signaling his own release was near. Taurus would have to pause on that for now. He’d pleasure himself with the memory in a bit.

Wiping his mouth and licking his lips, Taurus stood. “You almost made me choke, there.” He laughed and Virgo blushed when he saw his semen coating Taurus's broad chest. A fresh wave of tears puddled in his eyes and without a word, he snatched his towel off the ground, pushed past Taurus, exited the stall, and left the bathroom.

Taurus smiled after him and undid his belt, pulling off the rest of his clothes and tossing them to the side. He turned on the hot water, pulled back the shower curtain, and glanced down at his exposed and erect dick.

This is going to be one hell of a wank, he thought.


The first thing Virgo did was wrap the towel around himself again and crash into the bedroom area where, to his surprise and relief, nobody was. They probably heard all the noise coming from the bathroom and decided not to stick around, Virgo thought. He dashed over to his bunk, quickly wiped his lower regions down, dressed himself, and then realized that Taurus still had his phone. That discovery was probably his breaking point.

The tears that had been gathering in Virgo’s eyes began to splash down his cheeks and Virgo allowed himself to collapse on the top bunk and bury his face into the less-than-comfortable mattress.

It was all too much. He’d been naked in front of Taurus…Taurus had touched him and then sucked him…and now…and now…

And now he wanted more. The orgasm had been amazing, but he still wanted more. And he hated that he wanted more. He hated Taurus for sexually harassing him—he hated that smug, I-get-everything-I-want attitude that he was constantly displaying…and he hated himself for submitting so willingly. So what if steamy moments like that were constantly flooding his dreams? So what if his body was attracted to the jerk against his will? It didn’t mean Virgo could throw logic out the window and do whatever he wanted!

I’m no better than an animal, Virgo thought sadly. He just wanted to go home. There was too much to process right now. The stirring in his groin, his member begging for more stimulation, the humiliation he felt in his head, the pang of shame he felt in his heart…and the increasing anger and tension.

It was just way too much.

Virgo had wanted to use the trip as an opportunity to bond with her classmates and make some new friends—to get even a sense of the normality that he’d longed for. Additionally, he wanted to get some more information on Taurus and even play with him. It had become his own normality. But, of course, things went Taurus’s way and Virgo ended up with the short end of the stick. To make things worse, nobody wanted anything to do with him…and all of his other friends were back in the city.

This whole trip had been a disaster and Virgo didn’t see any point of staying for the second day. He knew it was late, but as soon as he got his phone back, he was going to catch a bus back to Admirant. He was going to simply inform the professor that he was homesick, which wasn’t far from the truth.

Maybe I’ll tell him I have food poisoning, Virgo thought. Right now, all he wanted was to be alone in the safety of his room at home, where Taurus couldn’t bother him. He was especially vulnerable if he were to stay overnight.

I just need to take a moment to collect my thoughts so I can strike back, Virgo thought. I’m going to find a way to make Taurus pay for what he did to my body. This is by no means waving my white flag. I’m not giving up.

That’s right—Virgo was still craving revenge on Taurus for the whole incident with Leo. This only added to his fury. So, after a few minutes of crying and then wiping his eyes, he decided he’d turn his internal hatred to Taurus.

Yes. It was all Taurus’s fault, anyway. Everything that had happened after he enrolled at Admirant had Taurus involved, in one way or another. This was no different, and Virgo, for the sake of his friends and himself, needed to put the tyrant down.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bathroom door swinging open. Virgo immediately flopped down and pretended to be asleep. He wasn’t exactly in the right state to face Taurus, knowing that his tear-stained cheeks and disoriented expression would only please the sociopath.

Virgo let out a convincing deep breath and let his chest naturally rise and fall as he felt Taurus’s eyes on him. Taurus was standing at the doorway wearing only a towel in a similar fashion to what Virgo had done, and was staring at Virgo in his familiar hawk-like manner. Virgo could practically feel arousal radiating in a wicked aura around him. Taurus, without a doubt, wanted more also. He definitely wanted to take advantage of Virgo, but now he couldn’t since Virgo was passed out.

Not as if that would stop him, Virgo thought bitterly and continued feigning slumber. He heard Taurus’s footsteps approach the bed and then felt a movement in the mattress as something small landed next to his head. Virgo opened his eyes a crack and saw that it was his phone. A wave of relief flooded through him and he shut his eyes again, waiting for Taurus to leave so he could call home.

But Taurus didn’t leave. To Virgo’s chagrin, he was climbing up to his bunk. Virgo tried not to flinch as he felt Taurus’s weight on the mattress. The brown-haired male was sitting behind him, observing him almost curiously. Virgo clenched his jaw. What did the bastard want now?

This time, he couldn’t hold back his flinch as Taurus’s cool palm made contact with his (rapidly darkening) cheek. Virgo squeezed his eyes shut even tighter as he heard Taurus chuckle.

“You’re not the best at pretending to sleep, y’know.”

Virgo didn’t respond and remained still, hoping Taurus would grow bored of talking to himself and leave. But, of course, he didn’t. In fact, he did the opposite.

He crept forward so he was lying down next to Virgo on the already-cramped bunk, his body parallel with the latter’s. Then, to Virgo’s horror, he grabbed Virgo around his waist—well, it was more of a gentle clutch, but Virgo was already on edge and every touch Taurus made seemed to be amplified—and pulled him against him so that Virgo’s back was pressed against his chest and his ass was against Taurus’s groin. They were cuddling. Virgo’s whole body heated up with rage and embarrassment. Did this bastard have no shame?!

Still, he bit his tongue, wanting Taurus to give up out of boredom. But Taurus seemed to be enjoying every second of…whatever he was doing. He tightened his grip around Virgo’s midsection and leaned his head down into Virgo’s thick black coils. He inhaled deeply, taking in Virgo’s scent.

“Mm…” he mumbled and then began gently kissing Virgo’s ear. Virgo shuddered and felt movement in his pants. Not again!

“You smell so good,” Taurus remarked. “Like pine trees and coffee.”

Virgo wasn’t sure how to take that, but it was clear Taurus had no intention of leaving. Being so disgruntled and confused, Virgo wasn’t able to form sentences in his mind—so he decided to stay quiet and let Taurus do what he did. Maybe he’d fall asleep and Virgo could take that chance to bolt.

But it was strange. Why was Taurus suddenly being so…affectionate? If you could call it that. Maybe the jerk was just touch-starved, or maybe he always slept with a body pillow and needed a replacement. Virgo quickly dismissed any thoughts implying romance. Taurus wasn’t that kind of person. He probably just wanted to tease Virgo some more.

Taurus wasn’t quite sure what he was doing, either. After Virgo had run out of the bathroom, he’d pleasured himself in the shower until he had exhausted the wonderful memory of Virgo cumming in his face. He was still hard after, but was getting cold, so he’d stopped and turned off the shower. Then he’d gone back to the sleeping area to see Virgo pretending to be asleep. His pathetic attempt to fool Taurus was just so…weirdly alluring, and Taurus, who was exhausted from the orgasms he’d given himself, had been overcome with the sudden urge to go to him and spoon him, almost in a loving manner. It was sort of like they were partners.

Now, Taurus was overwhelming himself with the pleasurable sensation of Virgo’s soft hair in his face. He was inhaling and exhaling deeply, taking in the earthy scent that came from Virgo’s skin. He chuckled to himself as he felt Virgo trying his hardest not to move but failing and squirming around in his grasp. He wanted to keep embracing Virgo. It was strange. Taurus had never felt anything like it before…but he wanted to be close to the subject of his relentless tormenting. He wanted to make Virgo cum again, to give him pleasure and to watch him as he pleasured himself. He wanted to do so much more to Virgo—to make him cry and beg, but also laugh and scream. He wanted to hurt Virgo…but also heal him? What was this he was feeling?

Taurus didn’t know, but he did know one thing…he wanted all Virgo had to offer. He wanted Virgo to take all he had to offer, too. He wanted Virgo all to himself and didn’t want anyone else to get in the way.

Taurus’s eyelids were growing heavy and his breathing growing deeper.

Virgo had stopped wiggling around and Taurus could hear his gentle heartbeat.

Ah, Taurus thought, feeling nothing but joy. This is real nice.

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