Zodiac University

Chapter 2: Taurus

While Virgo was in his chemistry class on the other side of campus, there was a stirring in the hallways on East Campus.

A young girl was rushing through the corridors, clutching her books to her chest as she ran. She was breathing heavily, her eyes scanning the empty classrooms for a good hiding spot…but it almost wouldn’t do her any good. They were right on top of her.

A hand shot out and grabbed the frightened girl’s shoulder. She screamed and swung her books in that direction, but the chaser swiftly dodged it and pinned the girl against the wall, his bright orange eyes gleaming with lust as he did so. The girl clasped her hands together and whimpered, every bit of her curvy figure shaking.

“P-please,” she whispered. “I didn’t do anything! Let me go!”

“Afraid I can’t do that,” the man said, licking his lips as he took in the girl’s appearance. She was short but very attractive, with skin the color of milk chocolate and blue hair that was pink at the tips. She had light blue, almost silver eyes, and soft, faintly blushing cheeks. She was wearing a cropped sweatshirt and jeans with white high tops. The man, who was quite handsome himself with red hair, orange glowing eyes, and a muscular physique, found himself wanting to kiss her—but he couldn’t…at least for now.


A shadowed figure started approaching them from the other end of the hallway. As the figure stepped into the light, the girl gasped upon seeing his face.

“Well done, Leo,” Taurus said. “I’ll take it from here.”

It was Taurus—the campus bully. With his tall figure and handsome face, he could seduce almost anyone and weasel his way out of any troublesome situation. He sported an oversized hoodie and jeans with hightops resembling the girl’s. He had curly dark brown hair, olive skin, and a smirk that either entranced or frightened people.

In the girl’s case, she was frightened.


The girl flinched as her name was uttered and squirmed under Leo’s grasp. Leo, the equally tall and handsome jock was Taurus’s underling, often seen doing Taurus’s dirty work. They were a team—Leo caught and terrorized and Taurus took credit for it.

Taurus took a few steps toward the trembling woman and extended his finger. He lifted up her chin so she could stare into his eyes.

“My,” Taurus said in a low voice. “You certainly are pretty. I think you’ll be my girlfriend.”

“N-no…please…” Cancer begged, squeezing her eyes shut. “I…I already…”

“You already what?” Taurus’s face contorted with anger. He wasn’t the type to take no for an answer.

Cancer swallowed hard and turned her head so Taurus’s finger was off her chin. “I…I’m already in a r-relationship…”

“Ah,” Taurus said, his face softening. “Is that all?”

Cancer opened her eyes and looked cautiously up at Taurus. “H-huh?”

“If you’re talking about that blue-haired pipsqueak you’re always gushing over, a simple thing like that can be easily erased.” Taurus snapped his fingers and Leo grinned, cracking his knuckles as if he was ready for a beatdown.

Cancer’s eyes widened. “N-NO!” And with that, she unclasped her hands and pushed Taurus away. The stunned man stumbled back a bit and glared. Leo frowned and started forward but Taurus extended his hand to stop him.

“Well, well,” Taurus said. “You’re a bit feistier than you were in high school. I guess Pisces means a lot to you.” He grinned evilly at Leo. “Would be a shame if something were to happen to him.”

“I-I’ll tell the dean!” Cancer shouted. “I’ll tell everyone! Y-you’ll be expelled!!”

Taurus’s eyebrows lowered and he slammed a hand on the wall next to Cancer. Cancer whimpered and shut her eyes again.

“You won’t tell the dean,” Taurus whispered coldly. “Not if you want Pisces to remain in one piece.”

Cancer slid down against the wall and landed on the floor. Taurus looked down at her and spit out of the corner of his mouth.

“Let’s go, Leo,” he said.

“’Kay,” Leo echoed and the two turned to leave. Taurus took a few steps then looked back at Cancer who was starting to tear up.

“Don’t try anything funny,” he warned. “After all…” He gave a grin that was pure wickedness. “…I know where you live. I know what your dad does. I can ruin his life. I can ruin everyone you know’s lives. You’ll never graduate if you cross me.”

Cancer didn’t respond. Taurus took the silence as an acknowledgment and he and Leo started down the hallway.

“She really is a babe,” Cancer heard Leo say as they disappeared around a corner. “If you’re not going to do anything with her, can I have her?”

Taurus’s evil laugh echoed off the walls. “Don’t be stupid. A cutie like that’s out of your league.”


Virgo yawned and stretched as he made his way into one of the campus’s dining halls. It was 1 pm. He had finished chemistry, a psychology lecture, and an oceanography lab. He had two more classes before the school day wrapped up.

Not a bad start to the semester, he found himself thinking.

After grabbing his tray and giving himself a giant helping of various foods, he heard his name being called.


He turned and saw Capricorn waving at him from across the sitting area. She had her bookbag in the seat next to her—meant for him. Virgo grinned and walked over.


Capricorn smiled and then looked away. “Um…I’m sorry if I was being rude earlier. I just…” She gritted her teeth. “…really hate Scorpio.”

Virgo grinned. “It’s a shame. You and she appear to have a lot in common if my character judgment has any say in it.”

Capricorn blinked. “We have stuff in common? Like what?”

“Well,” Virgo said, taking a bite of his broccoli. “You’re both honest and upfront—you seem like you hate fake people. You both appear to know what you want and how you want it…” He paused and smirked. “…and you both have personalities that can be a little overwhelming.”

Capricorn blushed and glared at Virgo. “Well, excuse me for being overwhelming.”

Virgo chuckled. “I’m kidding. I quite like how you carry yourself. It’s attractive.”

At this, Capricorn’s cheeks darkened even more and she stared at her food, pushing grains of rice around with her fork. “If you’re flirting with me, it’s not working,” she lied.

“I’m not flirting,” Virgo said with a laugh. “I guess it’s just my way of making friends.”

At this, Capricorn looked up and stared directly into Virgo’s dark eyes. “…friends?”

“Yeah,” Virgo said. He nibbled on some toast and glanced up at Capricorn shyly. “Is it working?”

This time, it was Capricorn’s turn to laugh. She looked at Virgo and gave him a genuine, toothy smile. “Yeah.”

“I’m glad,” was Virgo’s response. He tried to hide his joy. His first friend at Uni. As intelligent as he was, he often misread social cues, which made forming relationships a bit difficult. He was happy to have formed a bond with someone, and on his first day, at that.

Capricorn took a long sip of chocolate milk and cleared her throat. “So since we’re friends now,” she said, “I guess I’d better tell you more about the school.”

“Aren’t you a freshman?” Virgo questioned. “I doubt it’s anything that I don’t already know.”

“Hush,” Capricorn said, waving her hand in his face. “My mom is a professor here, and I used to hang around campus after middle and high school. I know the ends and outs of this place. Oh, speaking of high school, which one did you go to?”

“Hm? I went to Plai Academy,” Virgo answered. At this, Capricorn’s eyes widened.

“Wow,” she said. “That’s a super elite school. You must either be really smart or really rich.”

Virgo just laughed. He didn’t want his first friend to know about his past just yet.

“Well, I attended Ment High,” Capricorn continued. “And it’s a pretty good school too, y’know. I graduated at the top of my class. I intend to be at the top of this graduating class, too.”

“I admire your determination,” Virgo said and winked. “But it might be a little hard. This school is filled with incredibly intelligent people, after all.”

Capricorn puffed out her chest. “I’m one of those people. I shouldn’t have a problem.” Then she frowned. “At least academically. But as I was saying, a lot of graduates from Ment High are enrolled here. And there are a few rules you should know if you want to be successful here.”

“Hm?” Virgo was getting curious.

“One,” Capricorn said. “Sports are very popular here. I’m sure you figured that by how much school merch everyone’s wearing, but Admirant prides itself on its football team. So go to games whenever you can.”

“Got it,” Virgo said.

“Two,” Capricorn continued. “Avoid Mr. Barnes in American History, if you can. He’s a strict grader and won’t give an extension on homework even if you’re in the hospital.”

“Okay,” Virgo said. These rules sounded simple and similar to other universities.

“Three,” Capricorn said. “Don’t talk to Taurus or Leo. Four…”

“Whoa, wait,” Virgo said. “There are others with names like ours?”

Capricorn nodded. “But they’re not as approachable as me or some other people. They make Scorpio look pleasant to be around.”

“Well, consider me intrigued,” Virgo said, leaning closer to Capricorn. “What’s so bad about them?”

“Leo is a jock who has major social influence,” Capricorn said and her cheeks reddened a little. “He’s got a pretty face and is generally laid-back, but don’t let that fool you—when he gets in the mood, he becomes a coldhearted thug who loves violence and beating people up.”

Virgo frowned. “He sounds like a real bully.”

“He is,” Capricorn said. “He went to Ment High with me and ran that school. But even he pales in comparison to Taurus.”

Virgo folded his arms. “Did this ‘Taurus’ character go to Ment with you, too?”

Capricorn shook her head. “No. But he might as well because of how well-known he is.”

“If it helps, I’ve never heard of him,” Virgo said.

“You’ll bump into him soon enough,” Capricorn warned. “And when you do, keep your head down. I can’t stress that enough. Being engaged with Taurus in ANY WAY will lead to your doom. Why? Because he has such influence over not just this school, but the whole country. His parents are politicians and know the ins and outs of everything that goes on here. They’re in cahoots with major corporations and businesses and give annual donations to this place…and they love their son so much, he’s practically got them eating out of his hand. If he says he wants someone’s life ruined, they’ll do it. His whole family doesn’t have morals.”

“They sound bad,” Virgo said.

“They are.” Capricorn looked around and then leaned in so she was next to Virgo’s ear. “And Taurus is a major playboy. He’ll go for guys and girls, even if they don’t return his feelings. Once, he dated a chick named Stacey Balfin. Stacey dumped him and Taurus ruined her life COMPLETELY. I’m talking she was expelled under fake accusations, falsely arrested and had a permanent mark on her hiring record, making no organization want her work. But that’s not all—Taurus was so angry, he wrecked her parents’ relationship. He somehow leaked a video full of evidence that Stacey’s dad was a cheater and was the sole cause of the divorce between the Balfins. Stacey and her siblings were put under her mom’s care, but her mom got fired from her job and was struggling to make ends meet. The whole family went under the radar for a while and nobody’s heard from them since.”

Virgo felt his skin growing hot and he clenched his fists. “That’s awful and completely unacceptable. I don’t care how influential this ‘Taurus’ figure is—nobody has the right to do something as horrible as that. Somebody needs to teach him a lesson.”

“Would you keep your voice down?!” Capricorn hissed. “Do you want to get OUR lives ruined?! Leo is Taurus’s right-hand man and the only person he could call his friend. And since he’s so popular, he’s got eyes EVERYWHERE. It’s why I don’t have many friends. I only trust you because you’re new here.”

Virgo nodded and gritted his teeth. So this was the hidden horror of Admirant University. He stood up with his tray and turned to leave. Capricorn grabbed his arm.

“Whoa—you’re not going to do something rash now, are you?” she asked, her voice full of concern. “You look pretty mad.”

Virgo looked back at her, trying his best not to let his anger show on his face. “You aren’t?”

Capricorn sighed. “Of course I am. Students and faculty have been living in fear ever since the news that Taurus would be attending Admirant popped up. My mom’s even terrified of him, since one negative comment could end her whole career. She’s planning to give him straight As, even if he doesn’t show up for class!”

Virgo closed his eyes and had to keep himself from slamming his tray down on the table. “This is madness. I won’t stand for it.” With that, he yanked his arm out of Capricorn’s grasp and marched off. Capricorn stared after him worriedly, but knew there was nothing she could do to stop him—lest she get involved and her life be potentially wrecked.

All she could do now was watch.

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