Zodiac University

Chapter 31: Gemini

As soon as chemistry let out, Virgo found himself being pulled by Capricorn out into the hallways, which were surprisingly bustling for this time of the morning. Students weren’t so much heading to their next classes as they were filing in a single direction.
“They’re here to see the new girl,” Capricorn explained. According to her, this chick was so popular that the group chat forums had been blowing up all weekend. Virgo didn’t mind the crowd but kept glancing around the whole way there. He hadn’t seen Taurus or Leo…and it was a bit concerning.
I thought that bastard would be on my tail after…that night, he thought worriedly. Had something happened?
And as much as he didn’t care for the orange-haired man, it would be reassuring to see Leo smoking or moping around campus. Even a brief glimpse of his oversized hoodie would let Virgo know he hadn’t done something ridiculous.
Virgo immediately shook his head. What was he doing? Here Capricorn was, finally back from her sick leave, and he was concerned about two guys who had brought him and his friends nothing but trouble.
Something’s definitely wrong with me, Virgo thought, and then pictured Taurus’s face, feeling a wave of anger as his heart began pounding harder at the image. Seriously, why was he in love with that brute? Why couldn’t he keep his thoughts off him? And why—
Capricorn abruptly stopped walking, causing Virgo to slip and nearly crash into her.
“Oof…” he grunted and looked down at his friend. “What’s going on?”
“Something’s happening,” Capricorn said, suddenly serious. Virgo looked up and noticed that something was indeed happening. The students surrounding the pair had gotten quieter. People had stopped moving, and the conversations that had been booming through the corridors had been reduced to whispers. Almost like how it was when Taurus approached. And Virgo knew that college was a place where attention was divided, so for somebody to unify the collective’s focus, they had to be really important.
Like Taurus was.
Speaking of Taurus, nobody had said a word to Virgo about him, which he was just now realizing. Ever since Friday, the whole school had been abuzz about the whole ‘psychological warfare’ thing and taking sides. Yet not one person approached Virgo to make comments, and he hadn’t gotten any looks of interest or fear.
It was so strange. What was going on?
The sound of fast footsteps rounded the corner a ways down the hall, and the curious whispering of students got louder, with a few gasps and ‘oohs’. Virgo craned his neck to see who was approaching but only got a glimpse of long, blonde hair. Capricorn was trying to see who it was, too, and she must’ve had better luck than Virgo because after taking in whoever was there, she inhaled sharply and stiffened. Virgo glanced down at her.
“It’s her!” was all Capricorn said, putting her hands to her mouth.
“It’s who? The new girl?” Virgo asked, but Capricorn didn’t answer, instead quickly shifting against the wall. Virgo looked around and saw that people around them were doing the same, clearing a path for this stranger.
What’s gotten into everyone? Virgo thought. He’d never seen this kind of reaction to anybody except Taurus! And even then, it was different. With Taurus, people usually scuttled to the side and minded their own business, averting their gaze as the tyrant strolled through. But with this individual, nobody was looking away. Everyone had their mouths open and their eyes wide as they took in the sights of…who??
The footsteps grew louder, indicating that the person was nearing Virgo, and then…they stopped. And as the last few people moved out of the way, Virgo got his first glimpse at the new girl. His eyes immediately widened and in that instant, he completely understood why everyone had been so starstruck.
The new girl was absolutely beautiful.
She looked like a goddess, with two twin pigtails holding long blonde hair that rippled down her back. She had bright blue eyes which were slightly narrowed and delicately painted with black eyeliner, bow-shaped lips that were light pink and smooth, and a heart-shaped face with a soft jawline. She wore an outfit that was rather plain—a blue tank top with a jacket and white shorts—but somehow, she made it look like a designer outfit. On her feet were white high-top sneakers and she carried a pink purse and her phone, which had a thick lavender case. Virgo took in all these details without realizing he was staring—and that the girl was looking at him. His senses started to return as the whispers started up again.
“Hey, they’re looking at each other.”
“No way, Virgo and the model?”
“I wonder if they’ll date.”
“I thought Virgo was dating Taurus?”
At the mention of Taurus, Virgo snapped back to reality and cleared his throat as his eyes met the girl’s.
“Uh, hi,” he said, feeling a bit intimidated. How could he not? This girl was incredibly attractive. Virgo was used to the typical feminine beauty, like how Cancer was, but this new girl? She was on a whole other level. Cancer was more cute, but this girl was hot. Like Cancer, her beauty was breathtaking—but unlike Cancer, she carried herself with a confidence that made her personality and body shine bright. And her body was very slim and athletic. She’s probably really good at running, Virgo found himself thinking as he observed her calves. They were toned, and though she wasn’t as curvy as Cancer, the skinny look fit her well.
Virgo looked back at the new girl’s face and flinched when he realized she was staring directly at him, a frown on her face. Silence descended in the hallway once more, as the girl gazed at Virgo with immense eye contact. Virgo cleared his throat again, visibly uncomfortable, and after a few more seconds, couldn't take it anymore. But right when he turned to leave, a pale hand shot out and gripped his shoulder. Hard.
Virgo spun back around and saw the new girl grabbing him, the frown deepening. Had he offended her, somehow? Who was this girl, anyway?
“You…” the new girl said, in a light voice that sounded like that of a fairy. The other students began clamoring not-so-quietly.
“She spoke!”
“Is she mad?”
“What’s she gonna say?”
“You…” the girl repeated again, and Virgo swallowed hard.
“Yeah?” he asked cautiously.
“…you’re Virgo, right?” the girl asked. Virgo couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. This girl had only been at Admirant for a day, yet she already knew who he was? How?
I suppose she could’ve connected with people on social media or seen the school forums, he thought, searching rapidly for an explanation. But how would she have gotten people’s information? Unless she was already friends with someone here. But she came here alone!
The gossip circling him and Taurus must’ve gone off-campus—Virgo didn’t have a hard time believing that. But all of Admirant’s official social media group chats and forums were for on-campus access only, which was why they’d been overrun by students in the dorms. This girl hadn’t been in the dorms, and she didn’t appear to be accompanied. So just how did she know about Virgo? And did she know about Taurus?
Virgo’s mind was swirling with questions, questions that he desperately wanted to ask. But first, he had to respond to the girl.
“…that’s right,” he said slowly. “I’m Virgo. And you are…?”
Suddenly, the girl’s menacing expression vanished and a bright smile that seemed to light up the room replaced it. The surrounding students gasped and started chattering as the girl stepped closer to Virgo.
“So you are him!!” the girl said, clapping her hands excitedly. “I knew it! Papa said there was someone interesting here and showed me your picture, but I didn’t know if it was you! I mean, I did, but not 100%. I’m Gemini, by the way! I love your name! It’s so astronomical! Or astrological…I can’t tell between those two.”
Virgo blinked. This girl—Gemini—was surprisingly talkative. She appears to be friendly, Virgo thought, his analytical brain already jumping on her personality. So, she’s one of those people who appear rude but are actually really bubbly and upbeat? I’m glad. I thought I had an unfavorable situation on my hands. He felt relieved, but the sensation quickly vanished as he recalled what Gemini had said.
“You’re so tall!” Gemini was saying. “And you have such beautiful eyes! They’re almost as pretty as mine. You’re a freshman, right? Did you transfer, too? You really stand out, y’know. I almost thought you were—”
“Excuse me,” Virgo said, interrupting the girl. “But…did you say your dad showed you a picture of me? If you don’t mind me asking…who exactly is your father?”
Gemini immediately fell silent and her smile dropped. “Uh…he’s a teacher here,” she said, but wouldn’t make eye contact with Virgo. Virgo took note of this.
“What does he teach?”
“It doesn’t matter, does it?” Gemini laughed nervously. “He, um, he has access to the school files so he was showing me some pictures of the other students. I’m looking for a boyfriend, you see, so…uh…”
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it illegal for teachers to collect private school files for personal reasons?” Virgo asked, narrowing his eyes.
Gemini squeaked and glanced at the other students for help. But everyone was silent. The whispers and murmurs had stopped and it was as if everyone was waiting for Gemini’s response. As if her response would determine how everyone perceived her.
Because Virgo was, of course, correct. It was completely inappropriate for teachers to display hidden information to the public. Gemini had to answer carefully. If she lied and it was exposed, nobody would trust her. If she told the truth, she risked much more.
Virgo knew that Gemini knew this because she was squirming and biting her lip nervously. Beautiful or not, she wasn’t weaseling her way out of this without a good answer.
Virgo stepped closer. “Well?”
Gemini lowered her head, and right when Virgo thought she was about to come clean, she leaned forward, snatched up Virgo’s right hand, and squeezed it gingerly.
“Virgo!!” Gemini cried out. “Be my boyfriend!”
Virgo blinked.

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