Zodiac University

Chapter 34: Jealousy

Virgo blinked. “Taurus?”
The brown-haired man looked horrible. His whole body was trembling with anger and sweat was dripping down his chin. His hair was a tangled mess and he was staring at Virgo with a look that could kill. And not just kill—brutally stab Virgo to death.
After Virgo and Gemini had shaken hands on their fake relationship contract, Gemini had suggested grabbing lunch together.
“We should go to the dining hall!” she squealed. “I’ve heard they have cinnamon rolls until 1 pm.”
Virgo chuckled. “What about class?”
“I can afford to skip,” Gemini said. “I’m a new and confused transfer, after all. Plus, the teachers can’t touch me.”
Virgo couldn’t help but sigh. Gemini was using her status to the fullest, just as Taurus was.
“Alright, let’s get lunch,” Virgo finally agreed, and started for the door. But Gemini jumped from her spot on the desk and wrapped her hands around his chest, burying her face in his back.
Virgo blushed and stumbled forward. “…what are you doing?”
“Have you forgotten already?” Gemini giggled. “We’re boyfriend-girlfriend now! We have to get used to being close.”
“Fake boyfriend-girlfriend,” Virgo corrected and Gemini pouted playfully.
“My feelings are real,” she said, looking up at Virgo. “But I’ll respect how you feel about Taurus.” She grinned. “I have to say though, Virgo, when I saw you, I didn’t think you swung that way.”
Virgo’s blush deepened and he pulled Gemini off him. “It’s…complicated. But it’s not what you think.”
Gemini raised an eyebrow. “So you didn’t have sex with Taurus?”
“I don’t think I owe you an explanation,” Virgo said, but his whole body heated up and he wouldn’t meet her eyes.
“You love Taurus, you love Taurus!!” Gemini chanted immaturely. Virgo spun around, glaring at her.
“Would you keep it down?! And I told you, it’s complicated!” Virgo gritted his teeth. Pretending to be Gemini’s boyfriend was going to be difficult. “How’d you even find that out, anyway? Did your agents hide cameras in Taurus’s dorm, or something?”
“Something like that,” Gemini said, clearly amused by Virgo’s reaction. “But don’t worry, I didn’t see the footage. I haven’t seen you naked…yet.”
“No, no ‘yet’. There will be none of that,” Virgo snapped and grabbed Gemini’s wrist. “Come on, let’s just get lunch.”
Gemini giggled. “You’re being demanding again!”
Virgo ignored her and started for the door—when all of a sudden, there was a jiggling of the door handle from the outside. Virgo figured it was a teacher or some students looking for a hookup place—it was well-known that this classroom was available, after all—and it would even make sense for it to be the gossipers who had traced their location and wanted a scoop on the drama between them. But after a few more increasingly desperate jiggles, a familiar voice sounded out and Virgo felt a chill run through his whole body.
It was Taurus.
Because of course it was. He must’ve caught wind of the Gemini situation, Virgo thought, scratching his head irritably. This was going to be hard to talk his way out of.
Wait…why am I acting as if we’re dating? Virgo shook his head as he pictured himself trying to explain being alone with Gemini as if he were a cheating husband. It’s not like we’re a couple. I even told Taurus that. So why is he so mad? And why am I feeling so nervous?
That’s right. Virgo didn’t owe Taurus anything. As far as they were both concerned, their little sex session had been a spur-of-the-moment event, one that had been caused by pent-up tension. The tension had clearly developed from Taurus’s frustration of Virgo being absent and him not having anyone to tease, and Virgo had just gone along with it. That’s what it had to be.
The memory of Virgo’s masturbation session after the chemistry trip floated into Virgo’s mind’s eye and he quickly dismissed it. That, too, had been a spur-of-the-moment occurrence, and it had once again been Taurus’s fault.
Honestly. I can never tell what he’s thinking, Virgo thought bitterly. Did Taurus have feelings for him? Why did he do the things he did? If that jerk does love me, he’ll have to tell me himself, Virgo decided, moving towards the door and reaching for the handle. I’m not going to put up with feeling upset over him anymo—
Suddenly, Gemini reached forward and snatched Virgo back before he could pull open the door. Virgo looked at her, confused. “What?”
Gemini pressed a finger to her lips as Taurus’s angry voice echoed through the wood. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes, and Virgo didn’t know what to make of it.
“Let’s ignore him,” Gemini whispered and tugged Virgo away from the door and towards the desks. She climbed on the same one she’d been perched on earlier and beckoned Virgo to move to the one next to it.
I’d better just follow along, Virgo said. It wasn’t like he had many options. Besides, he did want to mess with Taurus. It was why he’d agreed to be Gemini’s fake boyfriend in the first place.
The shouting on the other side of the door grew louder and the frantic jiggling of the doorknob turned to vicious pounding. That pounding soon turned to kicking, and Virgo winced as he heard the wood creaking away from the drywall and the hinges squeaking as they came off.
Gemini just giggled. “He’s a strange one, Taurus.”
“How are you so calm?” Virgo said. “You do know that when he gets in here, he’s going to target you, right?”
Gemini hesitated and then reached for Virgo’s hand, clasping it gently.
“Then let’s give him a show.”
Virgo sighed but wrapped his fingers around Gemini’s hand. Part of him was worried for Gemini, and part of him was worried for Taurus…but another part of him, the stronger part, wanted to see exactly how Taurus would react. So Virgo gave in.
“You’ll protect me, right? If he tries to attack me?” Gemini leaned over and rested her head on Virgo’s shoulders, and for a moment, it felt like they really were dating. Virgo blushed and squirmed uncomfortably.
“I…will,” he said at last, “but I can’t guarantee your safety. Taurus is strong.”
“You beat up Leo,” Gemini said. “You’re stronger.”
“You knew about that?”
“I know everything.”
“That’s reassuring,” Virgo said sarcastically and Gemini just laughed. She’s such an interesting woman, Virgo thought. In different circumstances, he could see them becoming friends. He looked back towards the door, which was starting to slide forward into the room. Taurus would be barging in at any second.
“Hey, Gemini,” Virgo said as the door finally fell and dust spread into the air. “Just don’t rile him up too much.”
Gemini didn’t respond, but Virgo thought he saw her head dip in a subtle nod. And then, before any more words could be exchanged, Taurus was in the room.
Now, he was standing, partially crouched, in front of them, looking like a wild beast. If he were in a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears and his face would be as red as a tomato.
That’s how pissed he looked.
“Why the fuck didn’t you open the door?” was the first thing out of Taurus’s mouth. He moved closer to Virgo, glaring at him coldly. A pang of worry shot through Virgo’s heart and he cursed himself for actually being concerned about Taurus. But how could he not? The pathetic state he was in made his stomach churn—it wasn’t at all the cool, composed stature he normally took.
“We didn’t hear you,” Gemini answered and giggled. Taurus clenched his fists, standing up straight and slowly walking towards the two.
Like hell you didn’t hear me. I’m pretty sure the whole school heard. Taurus had such a menacing look on his face that even Gemini couldn’t help but squeak and duck behind Virgo’s tall figure. Virgo cautiously extended his arms and looked at Taurus. Taurus didn’t know what to think about Virgo protecting the girl, but he knew he didn’t like it.
He stopped a few feet away from Virgo and crossed his arms.
Virgo narrowed his eyes. He figured Taurus would say something like that, in some twisted attempt to take dominance over the situation.
But he wasn’t going to let him.
“Why?” he said.
Now it was Taurus’s turn to look shocked. “The fuck do you mean why?!”
Virgo took a deep breath and stepped forward. “I’m asking why you want me to explain.”
Taurus didn’t respond, instead letting a string of profanity slip from his mouth. Virgo couldn’t help but feel a bit triumphant. So, he’s too proud to admit he’s jealous? Gemini was right.
Virgo took another step forward and surprisingly, Taurus moved back a little. “Why do you feel I have to explain myself?” he said, not hiding the smirk that crept on his face. “Do you think you own me? I believe I’ve made it clear that I had no intention of letting you win. Even if our little ‘game’ is over, I’m not submitting myself to you.”
Taurus glared. “I—”
“I’m not done,” Virgo said. “I should be asking you to explain yourself. I was just having a conversation with…” He paused and looked Taurus dead in the eye. “…my girlfriend, and you broke the door down, interrupting our chat.”
At the mention of Gemini being Virgo’s ‘girlfriend’, Taurus stiffened—and Virgo saw it. His smirk grew wider. Yes, this was the reaction he wanted to see.
I suppose I’m being a little like Taurus, Virgo thought. I’m purposefully getting a rise out of him. But it’s kind of fun to see him look so defeated once in a while.
Taurus wasn’t saying anything, but it was like a shadow had passed over his eyes. He was twitching with anger, irritation, and…sadness? Was it sadness? Virgo could be mistaken, but he felt as if Taurus was feeling somewhat heartbroken.
Finally, Taurus spoke…but his voice was eerily soft. “You two…are really fucking dating?”
“That’s right!” Gemini piped up, stepping out from behind Virgo and putting her hands on her hips. “And what are you going to do about it?” She laughed. Taurus stood still—and then, without warning, suddenly lunged at Gemini. Virgo instinctively pushed her out of the way and Gemini stumbled, Taurus’s fist barely missing her.
Now Virgo was mad. “Did you just try to hit her?!”
Taurus spun around, and Virgo caught a glimpse of his dark brown eyes. They were filled with boiling, raw rage. They were dangerous. Shocked at the sight, Virgo took a step back—but Taurus swooped in next to him, fisted his collar, and turned around, throwing Virgo into the desks.
Gemini screamed. Virgo coughed and grabbed his side, which had rammed into the corner of one of the desks. The students who had been gathering outside the classroom, anxiously peering in, gasped and started yelling.
“Between who?!”
“I think Taurus and Virgo!”
“Are they fighting over Gemini?”
“No, I think Taurus is jealous!”
There was that word again. Taurus didn’t like it. He didn’t like any of this.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!!” he screeched, staring daggers at the onlookers. Meanwhile, Gemini ran over to help Virgo up and he braced himself on the desk that had injured him. Taurus saw this and scowled, stomping towards the ‘couple’ again. But to everyone’s surprise, he moved right past Virgo, instead heading for Gemini. Gemini squealed and tried to run, but she wasn’t fast enough and Taurus reached out to grab her…
…until two hands wrapped around his chest, locking him in. Taurus knew it was Virgo and couldn’t help but get a little turned on at their closeness. But he was still angry, so he started struggling and kicking.
“You shouldn’t do what you were about to,” Virgo said quietly, leaning in close so his breath tickled Taurus’s ear. “I don’t think it’d bode very well for the Campbell Branch.”
Taurus froze, turning his head slowly as he took in what his rival had said. So that bitch told him everything, he thought, looking back at Gemini who was standing near the door. He went silent and stopped squirming. Virgo cautiously released his grip and let him go.
Taurus turned and sprinted out of the classroom, pushing his way through the crowd of students and disappearing from sight.

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