Zodiac University

Chapter 37: Despair

Taurus was not doing well. Not at all.

After he’d exited the main building, he’d gone straight back to his dorm and locked himself in his room as thoughts whirled through his head in a storm of confusion, desperation, and despair.

What the hell? Taurus thought, still trembling. What the hell…what the hell…what the hell…??

The thoughts moved faster.

Virgo and Gemini. Dating. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Holding hands.

Taurus bit his lip so hard, he drew blood.

Virgo knows. Virgo knows everything. That bimbo spilled the beans. Virgo took her side.

He took her side.

Taurus gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of hot anger sparking through his body. Without warning, he turned and kicked his bed frame as hard as he could, immediately cursing as pain jolted through his foot. But he didn’t stop, repeatedly attacking the wood. He made his way over to his headboard and attempted to tear it out--and when it didn’t move, he cursed again and began punching it, pulling it, and slamming it back and forth.


Jealous. Taurus is jealous.

The term Taurus hated so much once again entered his mind as he replayed the voice of the idiotic peers who’d seen the whole thing. He clenched his fists and let out a frustrated scream.


Pillows went flying as Taurus let go of his headboard and kicked his mattress, tearing the sheets apart. Cotton flew from the bedding, but the signs of his destruction weren't satisfying enough, and Taurus eventually grabbed a pair of scissors from his desk.

“FUCK! FUCK!” he yelled, drawing his arms back before slamming the scissors into the wall. They left a dent, and that dent quickly turned to a hole…and then several holes. Taurus felt his eyes grow hot as he continued stabbing.

Fuck them all. I’m not jealous. I’m just…I’m just…

Taurus continued stabbing, accidentally hitting himself in the forehead as he drew his hands back. He let out a string of curses as he did it again, a bruise starting to form. What was he trying to do, exactly? He had all this emotion and no way to get rid of it. Normally, he’d just jerk off to give himself a tension release, but now that he’d experienced mind blowingly good sex, that wasn’t going to cut it. Even his latest pleasure sessions had been lacking, so violence seemed like all he could do at the moment. If only Virgo were…

…if only he were…

Virgo’s dating Gemini.

The thought was sudden and brief, and the realization had already hit--but now it was beginning to sink in. Taurus unwillingly pictured the scene he had stumbled upon back in the classroom…Virgo and Gemini, staring at him with such disdainful looks, their hands intertwined like they’d been a pair all their life.

The scissors dropped from Taurus’s grasp. He lowered his arms and looked back, staring at the mess he’d made. The burning sensation in his eyes grew more intense.

“I’m not…I’m not jealous…” he said quietly, to no one in particular. He slumped against his headboard as his nose began to burn.

He couldn’t be jealous. He didn’t get jealous.

You’re fucking weak, Taurus thought to himself. He lifted his hand and raised it in front of his face, slowly. How could you let your prey escape you like that? Yeah, Virgo and I weren’t dating but…but…he was mine. He was my toy.

Taurus felt himself starting to tremble again. His lip quivered, and then…

A tear rolled down his cheek. Taurus froze.

What the hell was this? He was…crying?

At this, a bitter laugh escaped Taurus’s lips. Was he actually crying? Over this?

“F-fuck,” he mumbled, his voice coming out in a cracked whisper.

More tears began to fall. Faster.

“I’m n-not fucking jealous…” was all Taurus could say. “I’m just…I just…Virgo…”

He lowered his head and grabbed his knees, leaning back against the headboard.

“Virgo…fucking Virgo…”

With all shreds of his dignity gone, Taurus closed his eyes and allowed the tears to flow freely onto his pants, staining the fabric and dripping onto his legs. Before long, he was full-on sobbing, his voice watery and exhausted. His nose was red and bubbling with snot. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cried so hard.

And through the tears, he muttered only one thing.



On Tuesday morning, Virgo woke up with his heart fluttering. He had a plan.

As soon as he got to school, he was going to find Taurus and talk to him. He would tell him everything--from the Gemini situation to his personal feelings. And then Taurus would share his own feelings.

Then they’d kiss. And maybe have sex.

And then…and then they would date.

That was the ideal plan, a carefully calculated scheme that Virgo had come up with after his father had left the room the previous night. The plan, which he’d determined to have a 89% success rate, only required Taurus’s cooperation. But still…it was Taurus, and he couldn’t help but feel nervous as he ate breakfast and prepared to leave the apartment.

Mr. Clemson stopped him before he could open the door, smiling warmly at Virgo without saying a word. Virgo smiled back and nodded. With just the look in his eyes, he’d told his father what he intended to do.

And so, Virgo was off. He found himself speed walking more quickly than normal as he approached Admirant’s campus. As he entered the main building, he scanned the halls for Taurus. He didn’t see him, but he did see Gemini.

She was leaning against the wall, chatting with some other girls who were apparently considered popular. Virgo immediately tried to duck out of sight but Gemini saw his long hair disappearing around a corner and rushed to catch up with him.

“Hey, babe!” she said loudly, wrapping her arms around his waist. Virgo flinched but mustered a smile. They still had an agreement, after all.

“Morning, babe,” he responded, and lightly shook himself out of Gemini’s grasp. Gemini quickly grabbed his hand and the two started off down the hallway, all eyes on them. Virgo kept looking around for Taurus. It would be bad if he were to see them holding hands again.

I just have to talk to him before there are any more misunderstandings, Virgo decided, and looked down at Gemini.

“I’ll drop you off at your first class.”

“‘Kay!” Gemini said and eagerly swung the hand that Virgo was holding, pulling him in closer. Virgo grimaced as he thought back to what his father had said, about not getting involved in situations with temporary satisfaction, ones that were sure to bring misery.

This must’ve been what he was talking about, Virgo figured, glancing at Gemini’s hand in his. This was, undoubtedly, the definition of fake satisfaction and he couldn’t help but curse himself for being at such a low point that he wanted to get a reaction out of Taurus instead of being the bigger man.

“My class is down this corridor,” Gemini announced, interrupting Virgo’s thoughts. Virgo nodded and quickened his pace, subtly causing Gemini to quicken hers as well. Gemini noticed and glanced up at Virgo, those bright blue eyes boring into the side of his face. Virgo pretended not to see, but was quickly growing anxious. It was as if Gemini knew about his plan, which wasn’t ideal…but if things went Virgo’s way, she’d eventually find out, and their agreement would be over.

Still, being so kindhearted, Virgo felt awful about breaking their contract, especially after he’d caused such a fuss about it. No, he thought, I can’t afford to get sentimental right now. Finding Taurus is my top priority…Gemini’s feelings and my classes come next.

They reached Gemini’s first period and Virgo quickly released his grasp on her hand.

“See you, babe,” he said, and started to speed walk away.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Gemini asked, hands on her hips and a mischievous smirk on her face. Virgo slowly turned around.


“Everyone’s watching,” Gemini responded in a hushed voice. Virgo glanced around and saw that the girls Gemini had been talking with had followed them, along with some other nosy students who shared her schedule. Virgo looked back at Gemini and she pursed her lips. He sighed. She wanted a kiss.

“...right.” Virgo stepped closer, leaned in, and gave Gemini what was supposed to be a quick peck--but before he could pull away, Gemini grabbed the back of his head and smashed her lips forcefully against his, her tongue shooting into his mouth. Virgo coughed, resisting the urge to struggle, and allowed Gemini to have her way. There were gasps and awws from the students as the ‘couple’ eventually parted.

Virgo stumbled backwards and glared at Gemini. “I thought I said no tongue!” he whispered.

“Sorry,” Gemini whispered, redness tinting her cheeks. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

Virgo groaned and gave her a halfhearted wave. “Whatever, have a nice class.”

He quickly moved through the crowd of eager students and started back on his original route. Taurus was still nowhere to be seen, and Virgo found himself relieved that he hadn’t seen the kiss. But he was also annoyed.

Taurus never makes things easy for me, does he? Virgo thought. Well, whatever. I’m finding him and confessing, whether he likes it or not.

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