Zodiac University

Chapter 5: Unexpected Advance

When Virgo arrived at school the next day, the whole place was filled with nervous chatter and stares directed at him.

Virgo was confused until he arrived in chemistry and saw Capricorn beckoning him with wide eyes. He sat down.

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean, what’s going on?!” Capricorn shrieked. “You slapped Taurus?!! What were you thinking?!”

“Is that what everyone’s so nervous about?” Virgo laughed. “Yeah, I slapped him. I had to go to class so I didn’t get to finish lecturing him, but—”

Capricorn’s eyes grew even wider, which Virgo didn’t think was possible. “Seriously, Virgo! I warned you for a reason!” She was almost hysterical. “Leo told his friends what happened yesterday and it spread through the campus like wildfire. You practically sealed your own fate doing that!!”

Virgo laughed again. “Don’t worry. He won’t be able to lay a finger on me.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” Capricorn said worriedly. “He’s probably already got your home address. He’ll track you and your parents and make your life hell! He’s done it so often, it’s like child’s play to him. You think he’s going to give you special treatment? Since you’re the first student here to actually hit him, he’s bound to get revenge!”

“Let him,” Virgo said calmly. “I’m ready.”

Capricorn shook her head. “Honestly, how are you so calm right now?! This is serious! Your life is over!!”

Virgo just smiled. Capricorn continued to stare at him until the professor walked in.

“Ah, class is starting,” Virgo remarked, folding his hands politely. Capricorn sighed and shook her head again, but faced towards the front of the room.

“Alright, class,” the professor said. “Today, we’ll be starting—”

“Hey, starting without me?” came a familiar voice. Capricorn flinched. Virgo’s eyes lowered in a glare. He knew that voice.

Everyone fell silent as Taurus and Leo entered the room. Not even the professor objected to the sudden interruption. Taurus stood in front of the whiteboard and shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets, scanning the rows of faces like a bird scouting potential prey. His eyes eventually locked with Virgo’s and he smirked. Virgo scowled back.

“Since when does he have chemistry?!” Capricorn squeaked.

“He doesn’t,” Virgo said, clenching his fists angrily. “This must be part of the revenge you were talking about.”

But Capricorn wasn’t listening. Her mouth was open and she pressed her shaking hands together. “He’s coming over here!” she whispered frantically. “Why is he coming over here?!”

Sure enough, Taurus and Leo were making their way through the row of seats to where Virgo and Capricorn sat in the middle. The room was dead silent. Even the professor seemed to be holding his breath.

“I think I’ll sit…here.” Taurus lifted a finger and pointed at Capricorn’s seat. As if on cue, Leo moved over to Capricorn and cracked his knuckles.

“Beat it,” he said.

“O-of course!” Capricorn squeaked. She gathered her books and instead of moving to another seat, full-on left the classroom. Virgo watched as she disappeared into the hallway. So not only did this jerk barge into my chemistry lesson, but he scared away my friend, he thought bitterly. He turned to Taurus, who was making himself comfortable in Capricorn’s seat.

“What the fuck do you want.”

The other students gasped. The professor just stared at Virgo with a pale face. Virgo ignored the nervous murmurs and continued staring into Taurus’s eyes. Taurus grinned.

“Now, is that any way to talk to your peer? I’m just here for the lesson,” he responded and looked to the front of the room. “Hey, teach—you starting this thing or what?”

“O-of course,” the professor rambled and started talking about chemical reactions. But it was clear he wasn’t focused. He kept stuttering and having to repeat facts that he’d already stated. But the students couldn’t care less. The eyes of everyone who was brave enough were on Virgo, Taurus, and Leo…and everyone else had their heads down. Virgo could practically see the aura of dread that had descended upon the classroom. He sighed and opened up his notebook. I shouldn’t interrupt the lesson, he thought. I’ll just take notes for now.

But as soon as he clicked his mechanical pencil, it was snatched out of his hand. The professor coughed. The room was dead silent again. Virgo stared at his hand in shock and then looked at Taurus who had his eyes closed and was leaning back in his chair, a stupidly calm grin on his face. He was holding the pencil and clicking it against the table.

“Give me my pencil back,” Virgo ordered. There were gasps and murmurs among the other students again. Virgo ignored them once again, extending his hand towards Taurus. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Leo’s muscles tense. The redhead was, without a doubt, itching for a brawl.

Taurus stopped clicking the pencil. Then, without a word, he dropped the pencil on the floor, hesitated and glanced at Virgo, and stomped on it, breaking the plastic shell and causing the lead inside to crumble.

“What the hell?!”

Virgo didn’t consider himself quick to anger. Not at all. But something about Taurus’s haughty attitude and I-can-do-whatever-I-want philosophy was really pissing him off. Maybe it was because he hadn’t been in the best of moods today. It certainly didn’t help that his first real friend had been scared out of her seat—the seat she rightfully possessed.

Virgo stood up and slammed a hand on the table. “Get outside, now,” he said with a low growl and stormed out of the classroom. Taurus smugly watched him go, then chuckled and got to his feet.

Things were going as planned.

“U-um…” the professor said, sensing that a potential fight was in the air. “H-how about a little warm up activity?”

“Shut up,” was Taurus’s response. The professor trembled as Taurus shot an icy glare in his direction. But he didn’t utter another word. Taurus tsked in annoyance and started for the door. Everyone was incompetent.

Everyone except Virgo.

Leo started to follow Taurus but he raised a hand.

“Leo, stay here,” he said.

Leo’s eyebrows creased into a frown. “Are you sure, Boss? He looked real mad. He’ll probably hit you again.”

Taurus felt a wave of arousal course from his scalp to his toes. He shivered ever-so-slightly and grinned.


“What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Virgo was furious. His reaction was all Taurus had ever hoped for and more. Virgo slammed his hand against the wall next to Taurus’s head. Taurus looked down at him and grinned.


“Don’t ‘what’ me. You did that deliberately to get a rise out of me. I just want to know what your problem is.”

“Who said I had a problem?” Taurus had to hold back a laugh as he saw Virgo’s eyes growing angrier and more fiery. The stability within him was shifting.

This was indeed going to be fun.

“You have too many problems to count! I don’t know what goes through your mind, but you’re clearly mentally unstable!!” Virgo hollered, not even bothering to keep his voice down. “I’m not going to stand for it, TAURUS!”

Taurus inhaled sharply as Virgo said his name. He’d said it in a tone filled with frustration, anger, and…a bit of sadness? Was Virgo sad? Maybe he was disappointed that Taurus was acting like this. Maybe he expected more from him.

Still, the mixture of emotions in Virgo’s voice caused Taurus’s member to twitch in his pants. He loved this. He loved every second of it. They were causing a scene. Virgo, with his hand pinned beside Taurus. Taurus, with his smirk filled with evil intent. It was all so thrilling, so amazing. And the students in the hallways were witnesses to the moment. I wonder how else I can make him despair, Taurus thought, his eyes trailing down Virgo’s face. Virgo had a rather nice face, didn’t he? Nice and handsome. His bold eyes…his godlike features…

Taurus suddenly got an urge to kiss him. He’d never kissed anyone before…at least, with passion.

But he wanted to kiss Virgo. To shut him up for a second, to see those wild eyes fill with disgust and surprise.

Virgo would surely despair even more.

Taurus grabbed Virgo’s arm and tugged it, causing Virgo to trip over his feet and go sliding into Taurus’s chest. Virgo’s face heated up as he was slammed into Taurus’s broad pecs. He could feel his nipples through his hoodie, and they were hard. Virgo’s breath caught in his throat. He suddenly had the urge to rip that hoodie off Taurus and kiss him deeply.

It was completely inappropriate. It was completely undignified.

But it was what Virgo wanted.

Damn it all, he thought angrily. I really want to know why I’m attracted to this piece of shit.

He looked up at Taurus and, ignoring the rising of his body temperature, glared at him and tried to pull his arm free.

“Let go of me, asshole!”

Taurus didn’t respond. He was no longer grinning. He was staring directly at Virgo, his cold and calculating brown eyes boring into Virgo’s black ones. Virgo just stared back, his face showing the clear anger and discomfort of the situation. Taurus curled his tongue. He wanted to kiss Virgo so badly, to start rumors about it among the students watching the whole thing play out, to make Virgo popular against his own will. It would be the perfect introduction to the destruction that would soon play out.

So what the hell.

He grabbed Virgo’s chin firmly and before the latter could scream, move, or react in any way, he closed the gap between them. His lips pressed against Virgo’s. Virgo let out a surprised squeak and instantly tried pulling away, but Taurus’s grip was steady.

He wouldn’t let go until he was satisfied.

After a few seconds, Taurus opened his eyes, peeking out into the hallway. As predicted, the students there were staring at him, mouths open and eyes wide. Before long, whispers had broken out and everyone suddenly had somewhere to be—anywhere but there. Perfect. The gossip would spread like wildfire.

Taurus continued to kiss Virgo until the hallway was clear and then pulled away, throwing Virgo aside as he did like a neglected toy. Virgo hit the wall and slid down with a dazed expression on his face. His cheeks had darkened and he was trembling slightly.

Taurus couldn’t get enough of the scene. He smirked, put his hands in his pockets, and admired his handiwork. Before long, Virgo came to his senses. He leapt to his feet, wiped his mouth, and looked at Taurus with the meanest expression the brown-haired man had ever seen.

“F-fuck you,” was all Virgo said with a wavering voice. Then he turned and bolted down the hallway. Taurus stared after him. Virgo had been…crying? There was no doubt about it. Tears had bubbled up in the student’s eyes and he seemed immensely shaken up.

Taurus snickered. Then he giggled. Then he laughed. A full-on, hearty laugh that echoed throughout the corridor. The few students who remained in the chemistry classroom and in the surrounding rooms shuddered as they heard it.

Nobody knew what went on in Taurus’s head. Taurus didn’t even know it himself.

But he knew that, at that moment, he was quite pleased. He felt like he was on cloud nine. Not only had Virgo’s misery been a treat for the eyes, but the kiss wasn’t half bad. Virgo had soft, moisturized lips. He really was handsome, wasn’t he?

Taurus spun around and looked at Leo, who was standing in the doorway of the chemistry classroom.

“I need a smoke,” he told the redhead, and Leo nodded and bounced toward him. The two started off down the hallway. Leo kept glancing at Taurus as they walked and Taurus eventually sighed, running a finger through his brown locks.

“If you have something to say, say it.”

“Oh! I-I just, uh…so you are interested in him,” Leo stuttered. “I thought as much. He’s real pretty for a guy, anyway.”

Taurus froze and without meaning to, sent a cold glare at Leo, causing the latter to stop.

“O-oh, I didn’t mean it like, like I like him—I just thought—”

“Don’t call him pretty,” Taurus said with another scowl and started walking again. Leo rushed to keep up.

“He’s all yours, Boss,” Leo said, trying to be reassuring.

Taurus grunted in reply and beckoned Leo to light him a cig. As he smoked, he wondered why he felt so possessive of Virgo. He didn’t even like hearing the name out of someone else’s mouth. Especially when it was related to interest.

The idea was quickly dismissed as the pair went outside, headed for the dorms.

“I think I’ll see what Cancer is up to,” Taurus said.

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