Zodiac University

Chapter 9: Announcement

The second Taurus had gotten back to his dorm, he’d gone straight to the bathroom with some lube, stepped into a stall, and jerked his member until he was overwhelmed in ecstasy. He grunted and moaned, remembering how angry Virgo had gotten when his beloved boss was threatened, how stirred up the core within him had become when Taurus made his plans for destruction clear. How Virgo had stared at him with an expression filled with bloodlust when he’d made his official declaration of war…and how he’d kissed him, so violently but so passionately, and thrown him against the wall like he was nothing.

Taurus knew he wasn’t nothing, but for scum like Virgo to treat him that way, almost as if getting back for the drama he’d started, was unbelievably hot. Taurus’s breath hitched as he stroked faster, immensely turned on. He was more of a sadist than a masochist…but something about it being Virgo who was treating him in such a way, a stark contrast from how the world treated him, was just too sexy to ignore.

With a voice-cracked cry, Taurus came all over his hand, his seed dripping onto the tiled floor. Taurus leaned his head back and inhaled deeply. He could still smell Virgo’s scent. They really had been close in that alleyway, hadn’t they. Taurus’s eyes fluttered shut. He stood there just taking in the fading presence of Virgo’s body. Eventually, he pushed the stall door open and went to his room, flopping onto his bed and glancing out the window. His personal maids were walking into the building, preparing for the night shift. Taurus’s parents had arranged for his servants from home to come to Admirant, which was why he got an entire residence hall to himself. He’d brought agents from home, too. Everyone he needed was in this single building, at his beck and call, 24/7. Taurus worked them ragged…and though he enjoyed the privacy and privileges, he couldn’t help but wonder what it’d be like to live in the communal dorms, like with Cancer.

Speaking of Cancer, Taurus had completely lost interest in her. Virgo was the object of his obsession now, and she was no more than a speck of dust under his shoe.

Taurus closed his eyes and thought about Virgo again. Everything surrounding him was so interesting, so mysterious…so attractive. He’d never felt this way about anyone before. He thought back to the earlier situation when Virgo had kissed him and then tossed him aside. Virgo was quite strong. Hadn’t Taurus read that he’d taken martial arts?

He was also gutsy. Taurus smiled as he imagined topping the raven-haired man, pinning him to the ground as he ravished his muscular body. Yes, he’d fuck him until he passed out. He’d fuck him until they were both seeing stars. He’d dominate him. He’d ruin him. He instantly felt himself getting hard again and reached for his phone, quickly pulling up Virgo’s picture on the school database.

“I’m going to claim your body,” Taurus said to the image. “I’m going to ruin you so bad nobody’ll ever want to mess with you again. Nobody will care about you but me. I’m going to wreck everything you love. And then…and then you’ll finally submit to me.”

He smiled again and reached for his length again, not taking his eyes off Virgo’s photo. Something told him he was going to be pleasuring himself more frequently.


Virgo arrived at school the next day with a satisfied smile on his face. Capricorn immediately took notice as he sat down beside her in chemistry.

“What happened?” she asked.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“You did something to Taurus, didn’t you.” Capricorn rubbed her temples. “You’re freaking me out, y’know. Be more concerned about your safety!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Virgo kept smiling.

Capricorn just stared at him and sighed. “I don’t understand men.”

“Good morning, class,” the professor said, strolling into the classroom. Virgo blinked. He was early today.

“Good morning,” a few students replied.

“I have an announcement,” the professor said, scanning the room of confused faces. “My department will be going on an overnight field trip to Lausk Lake this Friday. We currently have spots open. The event pricing is included in your tuition if you choose to go.” He paused and looked at the sheet of paper he was holding. “The goal of this trip is to gather samples from the lake and run research analyses on them. For those who decide to join us, you will have to write an essay on your research as part of the trip. But after that, the rest of the time is yours. The essay you’ll write must be at least 2 pages and will count as extra credit to boost your grade. We will be leaving at 7 am on Friday morning and returning Saturday after 10 pm. Sign up by responding to the email the TA will send you. Details of our residence will also be in said email…”

The professor continued to explain the trip but Capricorn blocked him out and turned to Virgo excitedly.

“This sounds fun!” she squealed.

“It’d be a good chance to get exposure to the research field. Plus, there are no extra costs,” Virgo agreed.

“You’d have to be an idiot to turn this down!” Capricorn said and clapped. “We should sign up asap.” Then she paused. “You are coming, right?”

“Of course!” Virgo said. “Honestly, I’d love a trip to Lausk Lake. I’ve only been there once before, but I remember the beach area being so nice and clean.”

“We can go swimming!” Capricorn added. “And all we have to do is write an essay? Easy.”

“What’s easy?” came a familiar voice. Virgo turned and saw Scorpio standing there, holding her backpack strap and grinning.

“None of your business,” Capricorn snapped and gave Virgo a warning look. Virgo ignored it and informed Scorpio of the announcement.

“Ooh, Lausk Lake? I might go,” Scorpio said, taking the seat next to Virgo.

Capricorn groaned. “Virgo!”

“She was going to find out eventually,” Virgo laughed. Capricorn sighed and glared at Scorpio.

“Why do you even want to go?”

“Hello? Practically-free trip, and extra credit!”

“Yeah, but you’re barely in class!” Capricorn said. “And when you are here, you just ask for a pencil and leave. I’m surprised you’re not failing!”

Scorpio clucked her tongue. “You may not think so, but I’m actually good at chemistry.”

At this, Capricorn rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. “Well, I’m signing up. You should hurry and reserve your spot too, Virgo.”

“Yeah,” Virgo said and grabbed his phone. Scorpio pulled out hers as well. After about a minute of silence, Capricorn squealed again.

“I’m in!” she said. “There are only 5 spots left. Everyone must be really excited to go on this trip.”

“I’m in, too,” Virgo said with a grin.

“So am I, baby!” Scorpio hooted and gave Virgo and Capricorn a thumbs up. Capricorn just looked at her and groaned.

“What’s going on here?”

In their moment of excitement, Virgo, Capricorn, and Scorpio had failed to notice that the room had grown quiet and an atmosphere of fear had descended as two sets of footsteps entered. Virgo would’ve normally stiffened at Taurus’s smug tone, but today, he was eerily calm and collected. After all, he’d bested Taurus last night. He was still on cloud nine from that.

Taurus and Leo were standing directly behind Virgo’s chair. Leo had his arms crossed and was eyeing Scorpio and Capricorn threateningly. Taurus’s eyes were fixed on Virgo’s, and he was smirking.

“What’s this about a trip, teach?” Taurus asked, still not taking his eyes off Virgo.

“U-um…right. As I was saying, our department is taking a trip to the lake, and I was just saying that w-we currently have a few remaining spots open for chemistry students.”

“Is that so?” Taurus gave a toothy grin to the professor, who smiled nervously back.

“Are you interested?” Virgo said, not breaking eye contact either.

Taurus didn’t respond but continued to look at Virgo with that same strange smirk. The whole class seemed to be holding their breath as silence descended once more. Capricorn and Scorpio watched the spectacle silently, wondering where the hostility Virgo had had in the last classroom encounter went. Even though Scorpio hadn’t been there, she’d heard about the kiss in the hallway and Virgo’s anger.

“Hey…what exactly went on between them?” Scorpio whispered to Capricorn as quietly as she could.

“Don’t ask me,” Capricorn whispered back. “All I know is that Virgo came in today looking pretty proud of himse—”

Before she could finish her sentence, her phone was snatched out of her hand by Leo, who tauntingly held it above her head.

A look of fear flashed onto Capricorn’s face as Leo tapped on the screen and pulled up the email that Capricorn had used to register for the chemistry trip.

“Look at this, boss.”

Taurus finally took his eyes off Virgo and held out his hand as Leo passed him the phone. Taurus scanned the email, muttering the words under his breath, and then began typing. Capricorn couldn’t help but squeak with fear. Taurus, the Taurus, was using her phone!! What if he never gave it back? She looked desperately at Virgo for help, but the young man was just sitting there, observing Taurus and Leo with that same cool expression.

“There.” Taurus glanced at Capricorn and tossed her the phone. Capricorn struggled to catch it, then clasped it to her chest. Taurus turned to Virgo again and put his hands on his hips.

“All signed up,” Taurus said with another smile that flashed his pearly whites. “I guess I’ll see you on the trip, Virgo.” He said Virgo’s name like it was a delicacy. Virgo noticed but ignored him.

“You saw my name on there, then?”

Taurus didn’t answer, instead turning and waving as he left the classroom. Leo glanced at Virgo and the girls before following him. The room remained silent for a few more seconds, and then it was as if everyone gave a huge sigh of relief.

“O-onto the lesson,” the professor mumbled and started with the lecture.

Virgo looked in the direction that Taurus had left and smiled again. Sure enough, the only reason why Taurus had signed up for the trip was to be around him. He was probably itching to expose Virgo’s weaknesses, an opportunity he’d get if they were lodging together overnight…and though Virgo should be scared, he found himself strangely giddy—as if he had just agreed to participate in a chess game with everything on the line. On the trip, Taurus would have the exact same resources that he did. For real, this time. So it was fair game. I might even be able to uncover a secret or two about him, Virgo thought. It’ll be perfect since he’s ahead of me right now.

Taurus had officially acknowledged Virgo as his rival. This was going to be interesting.

“What the hell are you smiling for?!” Scorpio exclaimed, interrupting Virgo’s thoughts. “And why were you so calm around him? Don’t you know that dude is bad news?!”

“I’ve already told him everything!” Capricorn said, equally as exasperated. “Virgo, you owe us an explanation!!”

Virgo held his hands up and chuckled sheepishly. “Okay, okay! I’ll tell you after class.”


“YOU KISSED HIM?!” Capricorn shouted.

“HE kissed YOU?!” Scorpio hollered.

“SHHHH!!” the librarian spit from behind her desk. She glared at the trio, who were seated at a table in the library.

“Sorry,” Scorpio whispered.

“I can’t believe this.” Capricorn clutched her head. She looked pale, as if she were the one being threatened and blackmailed. Virgo had finally come clean about everything that had happened, from the kiss in the school hallways to the incident in the alley.

“I can’t believe you declared war with Taurus.” Scorpio shook her head as the idea sunk in. “That was super dumb!”

“Maybe,” Virgo took a sip from his water bottle. “But I can’t help but wonder if it’ll turn in my favor.”

“I’ll tell you right now—IT. WON’T.” Capricorn was glaring at Virgo. “You’ve just thrown your life away. Honestly, Virgo—you’ve done EVERYTHING I told you NOT to do!!”

Virgo just laughed as his new friends stared at him worriedly.

“It’ll be alright, you’ll see,” he said reassuringly and thought about the school trip. Less than a week remained before the overnight stay on Lausk Lake—the perfect opportunity to really stick it to Taurus.

Virgo could hardly wait.

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