Zombie City

Chapter 41: Be prepared for danger in times of time

The sound of the helicopter broadcast reverberated endlessly in the silent night sky and enveloped the entire Zhongnan City.

Airdrop supplies box!

Xiaosangshan safe area!

The two most important messages in the broadcast content for a time made the survivors hiding in every corner of Zhongnan City could not help but let out a burst of suppressed cheers.

Most survivors are more concerned about the so-called Xiaosangshan safe area, where there are not only soldiers garrisoned, but also sufficient food and water. It can be said that this safe area is the hope of all survivors who are hiding in their homes and waiting for rescue.

Unlike most survivors, what Chen Fei cared about was the so-called airdrop material box. Food and medicine were not worth mentioning for Chen Fei. The most important thing was the guns and weapons in the airdrop material box!

There is no doubt that what is the most powerful weapon against zombies, it must be these powerful thermal weapons, pistols, rifles, submachine guns and even grenade bombs.

Now that the military wants to put these military supplies to the survivors, it also shows from the side that they will not dispatch any rescue. It takes a lot of troops to garrison in the safe area. These troops need to deal with emergencies and cannot leave the safe area at all. Otherwise, Once any special situation occurs, it is a disaster for the entire safety zone.

The safe zone is the last hope of the survivors’ last haven. The official high-level officials will never allow them to be attacked by zombies. Let the survivors go to the safe zone on their own. This is also a round of screening and assessment, and has adapted to the end-time crisis. People can basically reach the safe zone successfully, and survivors like Wang Yuanyuan who just want to rely on others to wait for rescue have a very low chance of survival, and it can even be said to be minimal.

Of course, the reason why the military put guns that were strictly prohibited before the end of the world as supplies is to provide the survivors with the greatest degree of help, and it also shows that there is a shortage of troops.

"Xiao Feifei... finally the official action! What do you think of the safe zone? Are we going to it?"

Generally, Nangongjin will subconsciously ask Chen Fei’s opinion when encountering a problem that requires a decision, because every decision Chen Fei made since the full outbreak of the zombie virus was correct, and there was storage space on his body. That kind of thing against the sky, so Chen Fei can now be said to be the leader among the four, with the right to make decisions.

Wang Yuanyuan's reaction was very excited, and she was even more grateful that she was able to take this step bravely today, otherwise she would have to wait for Chen Fei and the others to leave Zhongnan City in a few days later, she would have to go all out.

Of course, Wang Yuanyuan also knows a little bit more clearly. In the last days, everyone must have personal existence value as Chen Fei said to be able to survive. Before, she had never wanted and did not want to accept the fact that the end was coming. When Chen Fei helped her After taking this step, Wang Yuanyuan realized that the last days were not so terrible. As long as she learned the skills to survive and fight in the last days, she could also become a woman like Nangongjin and Mu Meiqing.

Therefore, compared with Nangong Jin Mu Meiqing, Chen Fei in Wang Yuanyuan’s heart is the spiritual leader and spiritual support. She feels that as long as she follows Chen Fei, she can live well in the last days. As for whether she goes to the safe zone, Wang Yuanyuan also depends on it. Chen Fei's decision, if Chen Fei does not go, she will decisively choose Chen Fei between Chen Fei and the safe zone.

This can be said to be the trust of blind worship, or it can be said to be a woman's intuition. From the moment Chen Fei smiled and pulled her up from the ground, it was doomed!

Seeing the gazes cast by the three women, Chen Fei straightened up subconsciously. Now that there is a new member Wang Yuanyuan, Chen Fei feels that he also needs to pretend.

"Um...there are two main messages in the broadcast, but the first thing you pay attention to is the safety zone. If you have this idea, I think you may not even be able to get out of Zhongnan City. In fact, the most important thing in the broadcast is The important message is that the military will airdrop supplies from tomorrow. Of course, our goal is not food and medicine, but the guns and weapons inside!

Let me be more clear. Since the government has already distributed strictly controlled things like guns and ammunition as supplies, this is enough to prove that the military cannot and does not have enough troops to rescue survivors, and survivors need to rely on themselves from the zombies. On the surface, having guns and ammunition can improve the survival probability of survivors and make us safer, but in fact, the situation is just the opposite. This will only make the survivors more dangerous! "

Chen Fei said that this deliberately paused. Seeing that the three women listened carefully to Teacher Chen's lecture, he continued with satisfaction:

"Maybe if I said that, you may still have some doubts in your mind. I only need to give an example and you will understand it thoroughly. Just imagine what happens if the airdropped material box near us falls in the hands of those scumbags of the Kata Knife?

With these guns and ammunition, they can easily decide the life and death of all survivors in this area. The result of disobeying them is estimated to be rations for zombies. Now they are still afraid of the two crossbows in our hands, but when they get them How many pistols or even automatic rifles?

It is estimated that tomorrow when I see us outside, I will be killed directly, and then three of you beautiful beauties will be taken away. Not only that, the mentality of other survivors will also change 180 degrees after receiving these guns and ammunition. Little sheep points It turns into a big bad wolf in minutes, and it will **** it directly when it sees other survivors’ cars.

That’s why I said that the most important thing for us now is these airdropped material boxes. Only when we get the airdropped material boxes as soon as possible tomorrow, can we get the initiative to survive! "

After Chen Fei finished talking about Nangongjin and Mu Meiqing, they also realized the seriousness of this matter, and Wang Yuanyuan on the side was also lost in thought.

Seeing the depressive atmosphere and low morale, Chen Fei clapped his hands and laughed:

"But you don't have to be so nervous! The biggest threat to us at the moment is the uninfluenced gangsters of the Kata Sword Association. As long as we grab the airdrop supplies box in front of them tomorrow, they will still be jealous of us.

So tonight everyone has a good rest and recharges your energy to prepare for the competition for the airdrop supply box! "

In this way, the originally happy and relaxed atmosphere, because Chen Fei's analysis of the airdrop material box thing became a little dignified, Chen Fei did not intend to attack Mu Meiqing and Nangong Jin and the others, but it is necessary to be vigilant.

Now is the end of the world, ease will only accelerate death, and if you want to live longer, you must learn to be prepared for danger in times of peace!

Mu Meiqing went back to the room and changed her yoga clothes and went to the balcony room to start physical exercise. Nangong Jin took Wang Yuanyuan’s hand back to the bedroom, left Qian Nan Gongjin and patted Chen Fei’s shoulder, and habitually blinked. Those big charming eyes said pitifully:

"Xiao Feifei, we are weak women, but we are waiting for your protection. Tomorrow you have to work hard and work hard, and you must get the airdrop material box, otherwise the fate of our weak women will be miserable... .."

Chen Fei punched his fist and replied confidently:

"Don't worry, sister Jin! Even if I fight this life, I will definitely protect you!"

Nangong Jin wanted to continue to accompany Chen Fei in physical exercises tonight, but considering that they will compete for the airdrop box tomorrow, she decided to let Chen Fei rest today so that her physical strength can be kept at its best tomorrow.

However, Teacher Nangong now has Wang Yuanyuan as a newcomer to take, not to mention the fighting skills with zombies, but can guide Wang Yuanyuan in physical exercise and physical coordination exercise.


Chen Fei returned to the room without anxious rest. Instead, he took out his mobile phone to find the location of the Xiaosang Mountain Scenic Area from the APP map software downloaded in advance. He remembered that his father and mother drove him once in the first year of high school. He played at the time. The mobile phone along the way also forgot how far it was.

Hiss.... There is a distance of 700 kilometers! This seems a bit far away!

After determining the distance between Xiaosang Mountain and Zhongnan City, Chen Fei's brows frowned unconsciously. 700 kilometers is definitely a long journey. Fortunately, Wusan Village, Wusan Town, where Mu Meiqing's parents are located, is Hexiao. In the direction of Sangshan, although Chen Fei didn't have much expectations for the safe zone, he finally had to take a look at the gathering place of survivors and then make plans for the future.

Putting down the phone, Chen Fei closed his eyes and entered the character attribute panel.

Host Chen Fei

Grade: LV2

Strength: 0.7

Constitution: 0.7

Spirit: 1.1

Agility: 3.0

Evolution status: Level 0

Remaining attribute points: 1 point

This time Chen Fei gained two attribute points at one time. One of them was added to his agility just now, so he could easily resolve a small crisis. In the underground parking lot with full firepower, Chen Fei had already fought. He made up his mind, he would assign the remaining attribute point to the physique column.

So after opening the character attribute panel, Chen Fei did not hesitate to assign attribute points to physique, and a physique value of 1.7 meant that his endurance had to be more than doubled.

After adding some points, Chen Fei felt his body exuded more powerful vitality, full of energy, as if he suddenly drank two cans of Red Bull, and the exhaustion in his body was swept away.

After strengthening the agility, Chen Fei’s body is only more obvious in muscle lines, and the explosive power and coordination of the body have been greatly improved. After strengthening the physique, he can clearly feel that the muscles have become stronger, and he has initially gained fitness. Human feelings.

However, Chen Fei was also unsatisfied with the setting of the dominance system of the last days. Take these attribute values ​​in the human attribute panel as an example. During this period of time, he was pulled by Nangong Jin for physical exercise every night, but his physique was still the same. 0.7, which means that no matter what exercise he does after the system is in place, the attributes of the body will not be strengthened, only through attribute points.

Fortunately, the effect of adding attribute points to improve physical function is more prominent, otherwise Chen Fei will definitely give a one-star negative review to the dominion system of the end times, and with a thousand-word user experience...

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