Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 557 - Three points and one point

There was a low growl at two points, and suddenly his whole body rushed up, Yu Lan had only time to prop up an isolation layer in front of him, and was directly swallowed into his stomach by two points.

Feeling that his tail was being squeezed by a powerful sensation, Yu Lan stretched out his hand uncomfortably, and penetrated two points of his body with his barbed arm.

The viscous and corrosive liquid splashed directly on Yu Lan’s body. She narrowed her eyes slightly, lowered her head and touched her corroded rough arm.

I don’t know what the face is corroded into…

She touched her face and frowned.

Since she became a zombie, she has basically no pain, but it is one thing to be painless, and the wounds on her body are still genuine.

Looking sideways at his ragged and corroded hair, his cheeks were a little tangled.

If Mo Wen saw her corroded pits and bumps-Yu Lan shuddered and didn’t dare to think about it anymore.

Looking up at the two points where the body was penetrated by a hole, she sighed, suddenly violently attacked its head.

At two o’clock, the center of gravity of the whole body was a little shifted due to the injury. She took this opportunity to raise three tails to penetrate the head of two o’clock quickly and accurately, and pulled out a black crystal nucleus from it.

He wailed at two o’clock and lay directly on the ground without moving.

There was no sound in the dark river, only the sound of the water flowing slowly.

The ice cube in her hand was long gone, Yu Lan could only look at the crystal nucleus in her palm in the dark environment, opening her mouth and stuffing it directly into her mouth.

Remembering that Mo Wen had told her not to eat unclean crystal nuclei, Yu Lan chewed twice and swallowed with a guilty conscience. After eating all of them, she can’t let her vomit it out again, right?

It was because Lan was chewing on the crystal core that the wall on one side suddenly pierced with a strange cracking sound. She shook her tail quickly, directly blocking a big mouth full of fangs.

She didn’t even think her feet were moving, she leaped quickly and saw a huge black shadow emerging from her feet.

A little embarrassed to the ground, she whispered and turned and ran forward quickly.

Two points were solved by her, but one and three points appeared.

There was a moment of silence behind her, which meant that when Lan turned her head again, there was no longer a figure that had drilled out of the ground behind her, only three hideous faces continued to chase her, almost blending with the deep darkness.

“It’s not that I said… Why did you attack me?” Avoiding the sharp teeth that can be stretched behind him, Yu Lan stretched out his hand to hold down the three-point head, and looked at it coldly, “Is it because of Yi’an?”

Hearing the name Yi’an, the three points seemed to tremble for a moment, and a struggling color flashed in the only bright gaze, it avoided Yu Lan’s hand with difficulty, and then suddenly shouted with sharp teeth. Living in the isolation layer of Yulan, that fierce appearance seemed to knock out a hole in the isolation layer.

Yu Lan was hit by this powerful attack and stepped back. She raised her eyes and looked at three points, only feeling that her tail was numb by the shock.

“Sure enough, it’s because of him.” Trying to make the three points surrender to him, but no matter how hard Yu Lan tried, she seemed to be isolated from the periphery of the three points’ consciousness, and could not touch the three points’ consciousness at all.

At this time, the mouth is full of fangs at three points, and its skin is covered with large and small barbs, even if it just touches it, it can make the skin open and fleshy.

And one point seems to have been hiding under the ground, always hiding in the dark and attacking Yu Lan without revealing everything.

The narrow aisle does not restrict their attacks at all, and their bodies are full of elasticity like water.

Just when Lan was about to use the tip of her tail to attack the three-point head, two tentacles suddenly appeared under her feet, which directly entangled her legs and made her unable to move.

Roughly tore off what was tangled around his ankle, Yu Lan jumped up and finally got away. She looked at the sharp teeth around Three Point’s mouth, glanced at the ground where there was nothing, then turned around and ran forward quickly.

The muddy river of blood was still flowing under his feet, and countless drops of blood spattered along with Yu Lan’s footsteps.

Three o’clock quickly chased behind Lan, and the big mouth full of sharp teeth seemed to be able to swallow Yu Lansheng into his stomach at any time.

Yu Lan had been running forward, and he didn’t seem to have any intention of turning back.

At three o’clock, it became more and more anxious, and it let out a low growl in annoyance, with a chill in its eyes.

In the next second, several tentacles appeared under Yu Lan’s feet, and the thunder entangled her legs.

Yu Lan, who was supposed to fall, quickly passed her body before the fall, and the tentacles wrapped around her legs were swept away with a simple sweep of the tip of her tail.

Raising his hand to grab a tentacles that was still trying to trap her, Yu Lan entangled her fiercely, and while pulling it back, kicked three sharp teeth away.

“It’s really endless.” She looked a little impatiently pulling at the tentacles in her hand, until she broke it, she didn’t see a trace.

Is it hidden deep?

Silently slandered in her heart, she turned around and continued to run forward.

Three o’clock screamed and chased behind her. The fishy smell on her body was mixed with the smell of blood, which was like a rotten fish being discarded on the side of the road. It was disgusting, and it almost made Yu Lan feel that breathing had become a luxury.

Rabbit hasn’t contacted her yet, and he doesn’t know what’s going on.

Running forward holding her breath, the three tails behind her merged into one, flexibly resisting the three-point attack.

Now the attack at three points is strong, and one point is hidden in the ground. She must find an open place to take advantage of her physical flexibility.

A faint light finally appeared in the dark aisle in front of him, and Yu Lan’s eyes lit up, and he flew toward the light more and more quickly.

Contrary to Yu Lan, seeing a bar at three o’clock flew towards the bright light, suddenly roared sternly, and rushed towards Yu Lan recklessly speeding up.

Three o’clock is a fifth-level zombie, running faster than Yu Lan.

However, Yu Lan just ran forward with all his might, with no intention of turning back from beginning to end.

Just when a pair of sharp teeth were about to bite her shoulders, Yu Lan suddenly squatted down, and stretched out his sharp claws directly through the three-point chin.

At the same time, her tail quickly entangled the three-point neck, just a little bit of force can be twisted off its neck.

Not surprisingly, at this moment more than a dozen tentacles emerged from the ground, and the sharp part pierced directly towards Yu Lan. If Yu Lan couldn’t avoid it, it would definitely become a sieve.

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