Zombie Girlfriend Evolution Theory

Chapter 670 - Blackened Mo Xiaobing

“Mo Xiaobing–” Yu Lan was taken aback, and quickly picked her up.

Although Mo Xiaobing looked about ten years old, his weight was as light as feathers.

“What’s wrong?” Zui Wuye couldn’t help but ask.

“I don’t know.” Yu Lan touched Mo Xiaobing’s head, and found that the temperature of the palm of his hand was a lot higher.

“She seems to have a fever?”

“Fever?” Zui Wuye was speechless. He glanced at Mo Xiaobing, whose eyes were tightly closed, and wondered whether this little monster could have a fever like a human, too mysterious.

Feeling that Mo Xiaobing’s discomfort was a little inexplicable, Yu Lan frowned, did not contact Firebird for the time being, but turned and returned to the ground.

Zui Wuye had disappeared from Yu Lan before he could react. He frowned and hurriedly chased after him.

Fortunately, Lan didn’t run too far, she just walked to the place covered by ice before and gently placed Mo Xiaobing on the ground.

Mo Xiaobing, who was still in a coma just now, slowly opened his eyes, staring at Lan with pale eyes, then looked around, suddenly let out a piercing grin, and couldn’t stop tears starting to flow out.

“That’s it… That’s it…”

Seeing Mo Xiaobing opened his eyes, Yu Lan darkly breathed a sigh of relief, squeezing the palm of his hot palm.

The temperature on Mo Xiaobing’s body had always been cold, but the temperature she had just now was frighteningly hot.

After squeezing Mo Xiaobing’s current hand, Yu Lan only felt that the touch on the palm of his hand had changed back to the coldness before.

“What’s the matter just now?” Seeing Mo Xiaobing fully regained consciousness, Yu Lan couldn’t help but ask.

Mo Xiaobing also let out a deep laughter with his hair down, with a trembling coldness.

She didn’t make a sound, just hung her head, giving Yu Lan a dark top of her head.

“Mo Xiaobing?” Yu Lan suddenly felt a little cold all over her body.

“In this case, there is no way…” Mo Xiaobing whispered.

“Sister-in-law!” At this moment, Drunk Wuye’s voice suddenly sounded at her side, and Yu Lan just turned around and realized that something had been swiped across her side.

Zui Wuye also rushed to her side at this time and pulled her to her side.

At the same time, counting that a sharp blade made of icicles flew towards them, the fast thing was that Zui Wuye accidentally cut his arm.

“Damn it.” Zui Wuye gritted his teeth and retreated quickly, not wanting a shock on the rock wall next to him, and then countless sharp icicles pierced his head straight.

He can’t hide from so many ice blades even if he is a loach!

Zui Wuye cursed secretly in his heart, subconsciously he could only use his arm to block it.

Hearing only a few “clicks”, his eyes darkened, and when he raised his eyes, he could only see countless densely packed tips.

“Sister-in-law thanks.”

After sighing, Zui Wuye had a chance to turn around.

Yu Lan supported her isolation layer, nodded slightly, her eyes on Mo Xiaobing in front of him.

“Xiao Huan.” She whispered.

Mo Xiaobing raised his head slightly, his pale eyes flashed with strange blue light, like countless mayflies floating in the deep sea.

“Mom.” Mo Xiaobing smiled, the expression on his face gradually distorted, “I won’t hurt you.”

“Then what are you doing now?” Yu Lan’s eyes were deeply cold.

“I just want to kill this guy.” Mo Xiaobing pointed to Zui Wuye, his small mouth opened and closed, and his voice was as merciless as death, “He is dead, mother, you have no reason to leave.”

As soon as the voice fell, the dark color in Mo Xiaobing’s eyes became more and more muddy. She waved her hand casually, and more ice blades began to stab towards Zui Wuye. They all hit the blue isolation layer, making ear-piercing noises. The sound of friction.

Feeling extremely heavy pressure on her tail, Yu Lan gritted her teeth, but she soon discovered that several cracks had appeared on the isolation layer.

It won’t last long.

Yu Lan’s complexion couldn’t help becoming serious.

“That’s right, mom, you can’t hold it for long.” Mo Xiaobing curled his eyes, stepped forward almost crazy, “Give up, don’t think about leaving here, stay here, stay by my side.”

“Wow, you little madman.” Zui Wuye rolled his eyes. Either he had never seen a madman, or he had seen a lot of crazy people like Mo Xiaobing.

“I knew it was not so easy to leave from here.” With a low mutter, Zui Wuye slapped the dagger in his hand, and his brain turned quickly, looking for a way to break through this disadvantage.

“No matter what Zui Wuye is, I’m leaving here.” Yu Lan gritted his teeth and put his two tails together, pushing up a stronger isolation layer with all his strength.

She looked at Mo Xiaobing and sighed slightly before saying, “Mo Xiaobing, why are you attacking me suddenly?”

The thickness of the isolation layer is estimated to be slightly longer.

Looking at Yu Lan from the ice, Mo Xiaobing tilted his head, revealing a well-behaved smile.

“Why?” she said, “because I finally know why it is me who stays here.”

“What?” Yu Lan didn’t react for a while, “Didn’t you say that Ye Zhi left you here?”

“Yes.” Mo Xiaobing raised his head, looked at the dead rock above his head, and silently cracked his mouth. “But the reason he chose to keep me is because…I can’t leave here. “

She was frozen in the ice and didn’t know that her body couldn’t touch the sunlight outside.

What Mo Xiaohuan saw and heard in the outside world appeared intermittently in his consciousness, Mo Xiaobing’s eyes became colder, and his eyes that had just become clearer became more muddy again.

“Why me? Why am I the one who can’t leave here?”

Her sharp voice echoed in this cave, and her sharp voice could almost pierce a person’s eardrum.

“It turns out that this is why you suddenly changed your attitude.” Yu Lan seemed to sigh.

Mo Xiaohuan clearly had no intention of killing her, but her attitude changed instantly after going out. It would definitely be inappropriate to show that there was no opportunity.

“So…” Mo Xiaobing stared paranoidly at Lan, his eyes were completely chaotic.

“So mother, stay here with me. Mo Xiaohuan has been able to gain freedom outside, but I have nothing, I only have you.”

A little stepped towards Yu Lan, and the icicles around her began to attack Lan’s isolation layer more violently.

“Stay by my side, I will hide you in the best-looking ice flower, no one but me can touch you.”

Mo Xiaobing stared at Yu Lan paranoidly, as if he had thought of a good idea, finally calmed down.

“Yes.” She whispered again, “This is the only way to do this now.” Please follow the latest chapters, please pay attention

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