A Bond Beyond Blood

16a. Having A Good Night [Ushiro route]

Route starts right after chapter 16. This is just for fun until I decide on what to do with this series.

"Y-you kn-"

I was about to interject, when a thought entered my mind, stopping me mid sentence. 

I don't want to hurt her.

"Thank you." She said, in an emotional tone. 

She didn't seem to notice my stuttering, instead making me feel more conflicted over her. Some part of me, while it isn't correct, doesn't want me to let go of the frail girl's hand.

"It's alright." I said, "You're... not a burden."

She flinched at the words, a small shiver going through her hand and into mine.

From her hunched over posture I could see a glimpse of a pained expression on her face. She opened her mouth, but no words came out. Instead coming closer to me and hugging me again. She felt cold to the touch, and een though she hugged me as tight as she could, it had little strength. I laid my hand on her head, softly stroking the drenched, messed up hair.

"Why... I'm not... can't ever..." She mumbled something I couldn't hear under her breath. Instead of answering, I simply gave her the kindness I could.

Regaining her composure after a minute, she pulled away, an embarrassed flush spread on her face. 

"You shouldn't be so nice to me." she said in a gigglish, soft voice, reminiscent of how a girl would sound after she gets a confession from someone she has a crush on.

"Come, I'll show you to your room."

Leading her up the stairway, she followed me meekly in a way that reminded me of how Chiori would when we were younger. The only difference being that she would often tug at my shirt while this girl doesn't. Absentmindedly I stretched out my arm towards her, much the same way as in the past.

To my surprise, she decided to grab onto my hand, a small smile appearing on her face.

When we arrived at Chiori's room, I told her that this would be the place that she would sleep at, and that she could go head to bed and rest. However, she didn't let go of my hand. Not only that, she didn't move at all.

"I don't want you to leave..." she said bluntly, but with a small hint of anxiousness behind it.

"It's not like we can sleep together, though." I responded in turn.

I can understand why she dislikes the idea of being alone again. The vivid image of her slumped, exhausted figure under the bridge vivid in my mind, I can easily imagine the suffering she went through. Still, there are limits to what I can, and to what I should do.

She looked up at me with a puppy-eyed face, giving me a pleading look.

"Please... don't let go."

She gripped my hand tighter, but I could only barely notice the difference.  She's so frail that, no matter how hard she tries, she cannot stop me from leaving. It's kind of sad in a sense. 

I held her hand tightly, and dragged her with me to chiori's bed.

"Lie down, I'll keep holding your hand." I said, trying to comfort her.

Her grip loosened as she lied down, having a satisfied expression on her face.

"Sorry for asking so much from you, I know it's annoying..." she said in a self-deprecating tone.

"Don't worry about that, nothing to apologise for."

I know that I will regret doing this, that I can't really safe her. But at least, even if for a little while, I can care for her. Even if it's only for today, or so I want to believe, will she have at least some time she can enjoy.

However the day draws close to an end, and soon enough she falls asleep.

Though for some reason I don't let go of her hand, even though I am free to go. Instead taking some time to enjoy her peaceful expression.

Tomorrow it will be over... I won't be able to keep her here, and I won't be able to help her much beyond this. I will just do whatever I can for now, and after that everything will surely go back to normal.

It'll just be one night. And after that she can go back home. There is nothing to worry about.

Thinking that, I set the alarm for 6:30 and bid her a good night. And, as if she could hear what I said, gave a smile and what looked someone like a nod in turn.







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