A Bond Beyond Blood

17a. Hanging around [Ushiro route]

I can't sleep at all.

Not only was I worried over nobody finding about the girl I brought in, Chiori was also sticking to me whenever I tried to sleep, her sweat drenching my clothes.

The more I keep laying down thinking about the girl's situation and how to keep her away from my family the more exhausted and awake I get. I heard a displeased murmur from Chiori after I reluctantly got out of bed despite my exhaustion, and decided to check up on 'not important'.

Only to realise she wasn't there.

Confused, I checked the alarm, it was 4:45 AM, not yet time to wake up. So why would she be gone? I was worried, thinking something may have happened to her. In a frenzy, I ran downstairs to check outside where she may have went...

Until I saw her lying on the couch in front of the tv, watching a romance movie of sorts. When she noticed my presence, she suddenly sat up, startled.

"I was worried you left the house or something happened to you, are you always up this early?" I asked, worried about her not getting any sleep.

"Not usually, no..." She quietly said.

I walked beside her and sat down on the couch, leaning back and checking out the movie. A scene was playing of the female lead confessing her love to the confused male lead, astonished she would choose him over his brother. He was unable to comprehend why, with his inferior looks and wealthy, she would still choose him.

"That woman is lying," remarked the young girl next to me, "if she was being genuine she would face him while she smiled, but she looked away." 

She spoke blatantly about the character on screen, as if she'd known her all her life. She was correct about what she saw, but I have no idea how she could reach that conclusion.

"What if she was just nervous about confessing?"

She pointed at the tv screen, at the man. "He accepted her confession, shouldn't she be overjoyed by now? Why would she be nervous?"

"Well she is going in for the kiss, isn't she?"

"She has done this before in the movie, this type of manipulation. The kiss means nothing. She just doesn't want the guy to leave her."

I was surprised at her reasoning behind it.

"What happened then?"

"She was talking to the dad of the brother. And when the dad asked about what she loved about him, she answered while also looking away. Instead of talking about wealth though she talked about how smart and impressive he was instead. This woman just makes up whatever then looks away as if she's showing her true feelings, it's laughable."

She snickered at her own remark, though instead of being amused she sounded annoyed. Every now and again she'd make the same snickering noise after that whenever the woman talked about how much she liked the male lead.

"Chihara-san, could you tell me your first name, please?" She asked out of the blue.

"Uh- it's Takumi."

She turned around to face me.

"T-takumi, I have loved you ever since I met. Whenever I could feel your warm, passionate gaze and could hear your strong, manly voice I felt a way noone has ever made me feel before. I know it's soon but please, w-will you accept me?" She said in a soft, embarrased voice while twirling her hair and averting her gaze.


"See? That's all she does basically, except with a bit more nuance."

She faced away from me and started looking at the tv again. The movie soon came to a dramatic scene, where the woman has to choose between the two brothers. She burst out into tears and told them she's not ready, and talked about how she liked them both.

"Heh, called it." she smugly says, "Can't believe she actually mixed up her compliments for the two at the end."

"Wait, oh-"

I noticed the male lead was actually being called the smart and impressive one this time.

"I hope next movie they have the girl try and explain it to the dad, only to immediately lose the business deal. that'd be hilarious."

I remarked "Maybe she will confess to the dad as well."

"Pfft, then the male leads can start calling her mommy as they beg for her attention."

She stood up, and spoke with a pleading look.

"Mommy, mommy. I did a billion yen business deal, are you proud of me?"

I barely held in my laughter at the idea of it. After that the girl kept solo performing different scenes that, while rediculous, seemed like it actually could happen in a sequel.

"Oh, and then the two brothers could go pick a fight with the dad protecting the girl from the secret agency."

"My two sons... how could you betray me like this? I'm sorry dad, but Misaya isn't just for us three, she's a goddess that can bring all of us salvation."

She shifted tone and demeanor fluenty between different characters. Each one eerily closely resembling how one could expect the characters to talk.

This went on and on, us exchanging different ideas and me enjoy her acts all the way up until morning. While we had spent hours together messing around it only felt like a few minutes. Before I knew it, it was already 6 am.





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