A Bond Beyond Blood

20. Patience Worn Thin

Yamatsu took a seat in the back, sitting next to a cabinet filled with extra writing utensils and textbooks. I take my usual seat in the middle. The teacher arrived a little late, huffing and puffing while hunched over the front desk.

"Haah... roll call... ehhm... Nameda..."

One for one he went through the list, with every person there standing up when their name is called. All but 4 students were present today. The teacher proceeded to open up the textbook and decided to let everyone read in silence, he didn't feel like reading aloud.

I tried reading the few pages assigned to us, but got distracted by my wandering thoughts constantly. I was thinking of different ways to get Yamatsu off my back. The only thing I'll get from her is trouble. I have no idea when she will start doing something even more drastic, all I know is that I will be the target of it. The thing I definitely need is to create some distance between us, and that I need to make sure she has nothing to threathen me with. How I go about it is a different question but-

As I was zoning out I could faintly hear my name being called, until I noticed the teacher standing in front of me.

"Mind answering the question, Chihara?" He asked with an exhausted expression. Bewilderd, I could only stare blankly mouth agape. I really hadn't paid attention anymore to whatever was being said. I'm being a complete idiot right at the time when I shouldn't be.

I got a sudden text notification, impulsively, I opened my flipphone, realizing too late that that isn't allowed. I read the message before hurriedly shoving it back into my pocket, praying the teacher didn't see. The text simply read '1467-1477'

"1467 to 1477? Or 1467 mi-"

"Yes, that's correct" the teacher interrupted "from the year 1467 to..."

What had just happened? Who sent me-

That question was answered immediately as I saw Yamatsu in the back out with her phone. Is she trying to get us into trouble here? In the middle of class pulling out your phone is a terrible idea.

Well, at least I got the question right thanks to her. But due to that I also started to notice how much she stared at me, my back started feeling incredibly itchy from it. The seat also started feeling uncomfortable, making me scoot around, trying to sit in a more relaxed position. Everytime I glanced back as she stared, her lips would curve up a little in return. 

Even if I don't like to admit it, she did help me out there for once, even if it did almost land me in hot water again. I wrote a message back, just saying thanks and resumed with trying to study and do some of the homework up front, to little avail.

I typed out another text;

'Stop staring at me'


With class feeling like it ended rather slowly, I already felt drained after the first hour, and was even contemplating to go home briefly. Before I could make any decisions however, as usual, Yamatsu jumped in front of me while I was still thinking things out.

"You shouldn't be slacking off now, Takumi-san."

Casually slipping in my first name to appear closer than we are, she scolded me for not being able to pay attention in class. 


I felt no need to indulge her theatrics, and simply moved on to more important issues.

"We need to have a talk in private. Follow me."

I set off toward the entrance, planning to go outside and find a spot to be able to speak freely without being overheard. But I didn't hear any footsteps behind me. Turning around, I could see her cornered by a group of 3 people I am barely familiar with, aside from maybe one or two rumors throughout the years.

They were often seen as the elite in the class, easily scoring 85 or higher on tests they barely practiced for. It is said they all are from pretty wealthy families, that's the extent of what I know about them.

The group was basically huddled around Yamatsu. And from what I could understand, they were not being particularly friendly with her. Had she tried to blackmail them too, perhaps?

Although she tried to not show it, there were faint signs of intimidation. I could see her arms shaking a little while they were arguing. I could try to find a teacher, but at this point I'm done with any and all obstacles in my way. Having to be around Yamatsu had worn my patience out.

Instead of taking the sensible route, I forcibly entered the tense situation in front of me.

"Yamatsu!" I shouted "Get your ass over here!"

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