A Bond Beyond Blood

21. The Final Straw

Yamatsu tried scuttling toward me first chance she got, but couldn't get past by the group surrounding her. The three were only startled for a moment when I raised my voice, before shouting back at me in turn.

"Who are you!? Can't you see we're busy!?"

'Like that's any of my concern right now.' I almost instinctively yelled back. Not like they would understand. For now, I just simply march forward toward my goal, bypassing the three and grabbing Yamatsu by her quivering arm. I glared at her teary eyes.

"You're not getting away from me." I told her, before speaking to the other three "We're coincidentally busy as well."

They gave me a disgusted, but cautious look, looking at me as if I've gone insane. Reflexively, I softened my face a little, it would be unfair to direct my hate at them. They can have their beef with Yamatsu, and that's none of my business, but I need to set a few things straight first with her before I can continue doing my normal schedule.

She eagerly latched onto me when I came closer, just like before she immediately locks both arms around my like a kid does to his parent when in an unfamiliar environment.

Under her breath, she whispered to me "Thank you, Takumi."

I didn't bother clearing up her misunderstanding, as the three girls didn't seem to want to let us go that easily. Luckily they can't really surround both of us when we aren't pinned to the wall, so I simply left them while I pulled Yamatsu along while they were still uncoordinated.

She didn't struggle as I kept pulling her along; Her usual demeanor washed away, replaced by a complacent doll instead. I'd be all for it, were it not so unnerving to experience. 

"Got no more punchlines in ambush for me? No more sudden tricks and pranks hidden up your sleeve now? Have you given up?"

I barraged her with a bunch of rhetorical question which she only nodded at, a response more akin to a reflex than a sincere thought. Seeing her playing the victim like this only aggravated me more.

I could feel her hand trembling a little still, but my gut instinct warned me this might be one of her pity ploys in order to ensnare me into an even worse situation. Whatever sympathy I feel I should keep at bay for now.

A quick glance at her face revealed a look that made her seem smaller than usual, more fragile. I can't quite get a read of what her intentions are at this point, so I may as well just see what I can do.

I secluded the two of us outside, near the old school building, which was covered at this point by overgrown grasses and plants. After it was deemed too small to use, a decision made many years before I even enrolled here, it was quickly abandoned. 

I took a deep breath to calm myself down, the soft, slightly chilly wind tickling my nostrils.

"I guess I should get to the point, then?" I asked... no response. At least, none I could see, as her face was pointed downward.

I sighed loudly, this was annoying to have to deal with.

"Look, I simply just want a fresh start." I tried to coax her, "Can you give me your phone?"

She look at me uncomfortably, possibly pretending to play dumb. She answered meekly, "There is nothing on there... anymore."

"And why should I believe that?" I questioned.

She scrambled for an answer, but came up with nothing. She hung her head limply, staring to the ground. From her pocket she picked out her phone and flung it away. It hit a tree, making a shattering sound.

"Is this alright?" She asked in a still voice with her expression still hidden away from me.

The suddenness of it left me flabbergasted.

"No more problems for you, right?" She said. 

"Uhh, yeah."

"Now you can be happy again, without me bothering you, right? As long as you are happy it's all good."

She lifted up her face slowly, I could see tearstreaks where there weren't any before. 

"I don't care anymore." She said with a pained expression, "I don't and I can't."

Seriously, what's the deal with her?

"Yamatsu, I have no idea what you're talking about. What do you want? What- Do- You- Want-!?" I almost reached my boiling point due to having to deal with her. "I had no idea who you are and I have no idea what's going on. Even if for only a minute, can you act like a normal person?"

"NO I CAN'T!" She wailed.

"Then what am I supposed to do!?"

"I don't know, just something!"

"I think I've done more than enough. I don't think we should see each other anymore, I'm tired of this and I'm tired of you."

I started walking past, not batting an eye on her. But again she pulled at my sleeve, this time much more forcefully than ever before, to the point where I almost stumblud over had I not regained my balance. With a crazed expression in her eyes she looked at me, heaving sharp breaths as if she was a wolf that had finally caught it's prey.

With a much more aggressive tone she threathened me;

"If you take one more step I'll kill myself right now, right here."


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