A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse


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“Me? I am your future wife. Now let’s get going.” Tomoya gave Liliana a teasing grin before waving her hand. Tio and Suzu both stepped forward.

“If you do not wish to turn to ash, I do hope you will let us pass.” Tio gave a fair warning before raising her hand. All the knights looked at the massive purple fireball that began to form over her head and took a step back. The coordinated movements matched each other so perfectly that the metal on metal from their armor rubbled through the training grounds.

“Tio, that is a little unfair, you know…” Suzu did not even get a chance to show her stuff before they took a step back.

“Heretics, all of you!” Wilkson roared. He couldn’t figure it out. He did not know why everyone was siding with the target.

“Sigh… And I thought Tio could scare you a bit. I guess I will just reduce the oxygen around you.” Suzu pointed at the soldiers and said: “Hollowed Ground…. No Air”

“Hack! I can’… Breat….” Wilkson grasped at his throat. He gasped heavily as he tried to breathe. The knights behind him were falling one by one until they had all fallen to the ground. Wilkson lasted a little longer, but he, too, fell to the ground. Only then did the magic circle surrounding them disappear.

“I held back and did not suck all the air out, so they have only passed out,” Suzu said as she dusted her hands off and turned around. She smiled brightly at Tomoya and bounced over to her and lowered her head.

Tomoya chuckled and gave the girl a good petting on the head. “Good job.”

“Tomo! No fair meto!” Tio felt like she was being left out and quickly ran over to get head pats as well. If there was one thing that all Tomoya’s wives knew, it was that Tomoya’s head pats were a blessing from the heavens.

“Alright, let’s go…. Umm… Tio, what’s wrong with her?” Tomoya asked as she stared at the red faced Liliana.

“Tomo…. You should becareful how you talk to girls. One word from you will cause a girl to turn into this.” Tio said as she walked over and poked Liliana in the cheek.

Liliana did not even react. She was softly mumbling. “Wife… Wife…. Wife….”

Tomoya sighed. This girl was one to always have her head in the clouds when it came to love. But why was she falling so quickly? Tomoya checked her stats but did not see Liliana’s Affection status change. She was currently neutral at a solid thirty points.

“Anyway, Tio, stick her on your shoulder or something. We need to head to the throne room.” Tomoya did not have time to wait for the girl to snap out of it. She had to make sure of a few things before she attacked the church. She was not sure, but she hoped by the time she attacked the church that the apostles would show up. She really, really wanted to fuck an apostle until she became hers.

“As you wish!” Tio nodded and lifted Liliana up like a sack of potatoes, and slung her over her shoulder. It was only then that the girl finally snapped out of her daze, but it was a little too late.

“I can walk on my own! Let me dooooooooooo-nooooooo don’t drop meeeeeeee!” When she saw how high in the air she was, Liliana became very scared.

They landed at the entrance of the castle before kicking the door in. Lilian was shaking like a leaf as she was gently placed on the ground. “So mean… Why didn’t you warn me!? Why couldn’t you carry me better!? I am a princess, after all!”

“Hey, which way to the throne room?” Tomoya asked while not looking at anyone in particular. This made Liliana feel as if she had been forgotten.

“Ummm… I do live he….” Liliana, who was about to raise her hand, was suddenly cut off.

“I will show you.” Suzu stepped in and took the lead before Liliana could be noticed. The poor princess could only lower her head and follow along. She who lived here was overlooked as if she was nothing but air. If Endou were here they could have the contest to see who was more invisible.

Of course, Tomoya knew Liliana was with them. She was just more concerned with the task at hand than caring about minor details. She followed Suzu to the throne room, which had two imperial guards standing outside.

“Who ar…” They did not even get to finish two words before both were knocked out.

“Now then. Let’s say hello to your father.” Tomoya turned and gave Liliana a bright smile causing the poor girl’s face to turn red once more.

Tomoya pushed the door open and walked into the throne room as if she owned the place. Sitting up high was the king in all his glory while below were many nobles. It seemed they were currently holding a court session of some kind. Next to the king was a man in white robes holding a long metal staff made of gold and silver.

All eyes turned toward the fox girl who smiled and waved: “Hello!”

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