A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Who Are You?

31+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


The Heliligh Kingdom….
Large walls surrounded the capital, which houses the king's seat, and the Divine Mountain, where the Holy Church’s main cathedral sits upon its peak. Tomoya did not even bother going through the main gates and used one of her flying cars to fly right to the castle. This, of course, caused an uproar as she landed in the knights’ training grounds. “Who are you!? How dare you invade the castle!”
“Can you shut up?” Tomoya asked as she stepped out of the flying car while digging her ear. Ryutaro and Suzu, along with Tio, all got out as well. “Hey, Ryu, tell this idiot to shut up.”
“Idiot, shut up?” Ryutaro was not even thinking when he repeated Tomoya’s words.
“You…. You are…. One of the summoned heroes!? Sir, just who is this rude woman!?” The knight asked while glaring at Tomoya.
“Who am I? Why I am the great and amazing…. Ouch! Suzu, are you trying to kill your wife!?” Tomoya was about to give some random cool introduction when Suzu pinched her.
“Don’t start stupid things. Something is wrong. Look.” Suzu pointed at the fact that many knights were running over.
“Oh…. Did they come to welcome the great me? Suzu, is my tail okay? Is it fluffed correctly?” Tomoya asked as she held her tail in her hand and examined it.
“Your fluff is as beautiful as always.” Suzu giggled before fixing a lock of Tomoya’s hair. “There. Now you are perfect.”
“Good. I can’t fight right if my fluff is messed up.” Tomoya smiled and gave Suzu a kiss before turning towards the army of knights that were now standing in front of them. “Good knights, I know I am amazing, but this kind of welcome is a bit too much.”
“Heretic! How dare you come here!” The lead knight yelled out while drawing his sword. This was followed by the sounds of over a hundred more swords being drawn.
“heretic? I am sorry, but to be a heretic, I would first need to know what your religion is. So if you get some tea and snacks and carefully explain…. Ahh, fuck it… I would fall asleep, so let’s do this. Everyone who drew their sword…….. Dies.” Tomoya smiled and waved her hand. Thousands of spears of ice formed in the air, and with another wave of her hand, they rained down at the speed of light. Stabbing through the knights one after the other.
“What is going on!? Stop! Stop!” A young girl’s voice rang out as she pushed her way through the knights. 
Tomoya turned to see a blonde headed girl rushing over while holding her dress up. The panic in her eyes was evident. Tomoya sighed and canceled her spell as she waited patiently for the young woman to arrive. “What is going on? Sir Wilkson, why did you attack The heroes summoned by the church!?”
“This is the heretic! The one who our god told us to destroy!” Sir Wilkson yelled out. He seemed quite deranged.
“God told you to destroy one of the heroes!? I think not! And why would that be any of your business!? You are a kingdom knight! Not a knight of the church!” The young woman yelled. She did not want to deal with the church at all since they seemed to be very off as of late.
“Princess Liliana, are you siding with this heretic!? The king has told me to take out the heretic as soon as possible. An order straight from the church to the king himself!” Wilkson suddenly pointed his sword at Liliana. “If you get in my way, I am told to cut you down as well.”
“Wha? Why would father….” Liliana was stunned. She took a few steps back out of fear. She did not know what to say or do.
“You touch a single hair on her head, and I will dip you in a vat of acid and let you slowly dissolve. Princess, please come over here.” Tomoya gave Liliana a look.
Liliana was not stupid she knew who was the safer group to be with. She quickly snapped out of her shock and rushed to Tomoya’s side. Even if this was a crazy situation, Liliana still asked: “Please, don’t kill them.”
“None of them are dead to begin with. I made sure to miss their vitals. But I am sorry to say that if your father is giving out such orders, he is probably no longer alive….” Tomoya did not know when it happened. She was sure of when Eri had done the job when the demons had yet to attack. She could only sigh and mumble softly: “Things are all jumbled up.”
“What do you mean my father is dead!?” Liliana was shocked once more. Her eyes began to tear up. She had not seen him in a few days, which was normal, but if what Tomoya said was true, then….
“We will check. I did say probably. But just to be sure, we will need to check for ourselves. Let me deal with the situation at hand first. Once these knights can no longer move, we will head straight to your father.” Tomoya explained.
“Thank you… But ummm… Who are you?”

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