A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Leveling Them Up

29+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


The first floor of the real Orcus Labyrinth…

“Suzu, watch your sides! Don’t let it swing around!” Tomoya yelled out from her seat she had created from the cave wall. Next to her sat Tio and Shea while Yue took up her normal spot in her lap. “Endou, get your head out of the clouds. Stop staring at Lana’s ass!”

“Tomoya!” Endou blushed from ear to ear. But he really couldn’t help it. After spending a night in the Haulia Tribe, he had become infatuated with this one girl. They actually hit it off quite well. After some alcohol, they both ended up in bed and did the deed. Since early morning, Ryutaro kept crying about how life was unfair. Not only was the girl he liked stolen by another girl. Endou, who normally no one could tell was around, had actually climbed the stairs of adulthood before him.

“Don’t call my name like that. People will think you like me!” Tomoya yelled out, almost making Endou trip.

“Can you shut up!?” Endou pursed his lips, but he had to hand it to Tomoya. She had survived in this hell hole while they were struggling with a single rabbit. And because of her, he was also able to meet Lana.

“Hey, is killing this rabbit the same as killing one of your own?” Yue asked Shea.

“Don’t put us in the same boat! Look how ugly that thing is!” Shea pouted. She reached over and pinched Yue, who let out a laugh.

“Please do not say strange things when you are forcing us to kill things!” Lana cried out as she swung her twin short swords wildly around.

“Can you stop swinging like a crazy person? I showed you how to swing a sword!” Tomoya yelled back. She then began firing small fireballs at everyone, causing them to do strange dances while also trying to kill the rabbit that was bouncing around.

Ten floors later….

“Boss, we killed them!” Lana walked over, covered in blood. Her eyes gleamed with a crazed gaze as she licked her blades.

“You shouldn’t lick that. It’s poisonous.” Tomoya smirked as she saw Lana’s face pale. Endou was already rushing over to her to give her an antidote.

“You are all doing great, but I think you should step it up well. Rest for ten minutes. Then the real training will begin.”

Sixty floors later….

“Hahaha! Die! Die! Die! All of you should just die!” Cam, Shea’s father, seemed to have lost his mind.

Eighty floors later….

Endou’s body flashed from monster to monster, his daggers finding their target and instantly killing everything he stabbed. Even Tomoya couldn’t help but feel impressed. It was one thing to read about it, but to actually see it firsthand, it was truly amazing.

“That’s my husband! Kou-chan, when we are done here, let’s fuck a lot, okay!?” Lana yelled out. She had become completely obsessed with Endou. Any of the girls who so much as even look at him get beaten up. Of course, this does not include Tomoya’s wives.

“If that is what you wish, Lanlan!” Endou shouted back.

As for everyone else, they all gaged. If not for the fact that they barely had anything in their stomachs, they might have already puked up everything. Even Tomoya was never like this with her wives. They even came to a unanimous conclusion. “Tomo, if you ever speak like that, we will divorce you.” As such, Tomoya made a mental note never to talk in such a cheesy manner. It was one thing to tell her wives sweet nothings. But to make up strange cringy nicknames was just….

Bottom Floor….

“Endou, if you kill it so fast, how are they supposed to practice!?” Tomoya glared at Endou, who scratched his head in embarrassment.

“It was a force of habit,” Endou replied.

“Alright then, well, whatever. Let’s get out of here. You are all now stronger than anyone else in this world. The Haulia tribe will rest and begin their plan to take out the empire. Endou you will be working under me from now on. Any problems with that?” Tomoya was not going to let Endou go. Even if he had multiple fiancees later on, Endou was an important asset to Tomoya.

“I have no issues with that since I will be living in Eden anyway. You have helped me become strong, so ask what you will of me.” Endou had no issues working for Tomoya. He knew that they probably would never make it back to Earth, but he was fine with that. He now had Lana, whom he loved and wished to start a family with. And since Lana saw Tomoya as her boss and would probably never leave Eden, then he, too, would stay in Eden with her.

“Good. While you rest, I will be heading to Myu’s hometown to pick up her mother. Then, we will head back to the capital. I need to topple the church there anyway. If we are lucky, the fake god will send an apostle to us.” Tomoya had been thinking about it while they were in the labyrinth. If she could make an apostle hers, that would mean she could have another powerful being at her side. But first, she needed Remia! The mother of Myu and someone Tomoya always wished to bed.

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