A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Strange Time

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“Mmm…. Not bad.” Fatinia slid off Kouki’s dick with a satisfied smile. “My Lich King is not only powerful in a fight but also in bed.”

“As long as you request it, I am willing to do anything for you.” Kouki was no longer the Kouki of the past. He was nothing more than a slave blinded by lust and revenge. He wanted to kill Tomoya and take back what belonged to him, but he also wanted to keep Fatinia happy in bed as well.

“Hehe. And you are a smooth talker. If we win the war that is to come, then I will take you as my king, and we will rule everything together.” Fatinia placed her finger on Kouki’s lips and giggled. “Can you go another round?”

“Of course, my queen,” Kouki replied before rolling on top of Fatinia and shoving his dick back into her. She cried out in pleasure as he hammered her pussy hard. This was what she liked most about Kouki. He was never gentle and ravaged her pussy until she couldn’t help but beg for mercy. She was glad she picked him.

- - -

An ocean side city Erisen…

“The ocean!” Shea cried out. It was her first time seeing the ocean.

“It’s really beautiful it is sparkling like gems.” Aiko was the romance type.

“This is funny coming from the girl who blew up half the ninetieth floor because she saw a small spider.” Tio teased. During their training, Tio and Aiko hit it off. Aiko loved to gain knowledge, and Tio was full of it. During their downtime, they would sit and chat for hours.

“I…. I just don’t like spiders!” Aiko puffs out her cheeks, making her look quite cute.

“Aiko, if you keep making that face, I might end up impregnating you a second time.” Tomoya walked and couldn’t help but through in a jab.

Aiko blushed and snorted. “How can you get me pregnant again!? Look, my stomach is already poking out!”

“It hasn’t even been three months!” Tomoya shook her head. She looked at Aiko, who had lifted her shirt to show her belly, and it was still as flat as a pancake.

“It’s slightly big. See!” Aiko pointed at the tiny bit of skin she could hold in between her fingers causing every girl there to roll their eyes.

“Aiko, if you are saying that is big, then you will be shocked in the next few months.” Tomoya chuckled as they all got out of the flying bus. “We will need to walk on foot from here.”

“We are here to find Myu’s mother?” Kaori asked.

“Yeah, we should be able to find her near the dock. Myu, you said your home is close to the dock, right?” Tomoya asked.

“Mmm! Papamama, will you take Mama as your bride?” Myu asked. Her big eyes were shining with excitement.

“I do plan to try. It is all up to your Mama, though. If she doesn’t like me, then there is nothing I can do about it.” Tomoya did not know how Remia would react to her. But she still hoped her charm stat would kick into gear and help with getting Remia to like her.

“Mama will definitely like Papamama! Since Myu loves Papamama, then Mama will love Papamama too!” Myu hugged Tomoya’s neck and kissed her cheek. A big, sweet smile formed on Myu’s lips as she took in Tomoya’s scent. She really liked her Papamama’s scent.

“Well, even if she does not like me. I will always be Myu’s Papamama. And I will always love and protect you.” Tomoya really had a soft spot for Myu. She had really taken Myu as her daughter. She was very overprotective of her.

“Hehe!” Myu was very happy. The warm scene caused the girls and even the boys to smile.

“You really look like a Papamama, Tomo.” Yue teased.

“That is because I am! And I will be having three more soon.” Tomoya looked at Aiko, Yuka, and Kaori. All three girls blushed and rubbed their bellies.

Tomoya and her group quickly caught the attention of the locals. The Dagon people looked at Myu happily, hugging Tomoya’s neck, and felt slightly confused.

“Myu!!!!!!” A cry came from down the street as a young woman around twenty years of age came rushing toward Tomoya.

“Mama!” Myu called out. Tomoya went to put her down so she could run to her mother, but Myu hung on to Tomoya’s neck and shook her head. “Mama has to hug Papamama to hug Myu!”

“Myu, don’t do that to your mother. She doesn’t even know me yet.” Tomoya said but soon sighed when she felt Myu’s grip grow tighter on her neck and the determined look in the little girl’s eyes.

“Myu…?” Remia looked at her daughter in confusion. “Myu, don’t you recognize me?”

“Hmm? Mama is Mama? But if Mama wants to hug Myu, then Mama must hug Papamama, too!” Myu replied with an I am not going to relent kind of tone.

Remia looked at Myu and then at Tomoya, who had a wry smile on her face. “Myu, be good and go hug your mama.”

“No!” Myu shouted and hugged Tomoya tighter. “Mama must hug Papamama too!”

“Myu…..” Remia sighed, walked over, and wrapped her arms around both her daughter and Tomoya, which surprised Tomoya greatly.

“Umm… I know this is kind of a strange time to say this, but my name is Tomoya….”

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