A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Plan To Power Level

27+ advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne


Tomoya sighed as she walked over and placed her hand on Kaori’s head. “Calm down. I never planned to leave you behind anyway. The same goes for Shizuku.”

“Wha? Why are you including me!?” Shizuku’s heart was racing. Her cheeks were flushed. Many different images were flashing through her mind. Mostly x-rated images that put her and Tomoya together in scenes she had witnessed while watching yuri hentai and lesbian porn. Her face now resembled an apple.

“Why not? A cute girl like Shizuku shouldn’t be alone.” Tomoya’s grin made Shizuku even more embarrassed. She just turned her head, ignoring Tomoya.

[Shizuku’s Affection: +5]
[Current: 55]
[Affection Status Changed: Interested]

Tomoya raised an eyebrow when she saw the new status change. It seemed she only needed to push a bit more, and she would have Shizuku as well. Tomoya’s gaze fell on Suzu, who was being quiet, and placed her hand on Suzu’s head. “Shall we get going? We can’t stay here all day. We will rest for the next few days. Then, we will be diving into the real Orcus Labyrinth. The monsters there should have already respawned. I will help you all build up your levels. It might take a month or so, but we will be sure to raise your strength to at least make it so nothing above ground can stand against you.”

“Sakagami… Kind of strange calling you that since we share the same last name. So, if you do not mind me calling you Tomoya from now on, it would be much better.” Ryutarou scratched his chin. He was actually grateful that Tomoya was not abandoning them.

“It’s fine. Just call me Tomo like the rest. I will call you Ryu from now on. But remember, I can only do so much. You will need to work hard to level up and become strong. We do not know who that person was that took that dipshit. But I do know they were powerful. You and Endou will be trained to become strong. We will spend our time in the dungeon working on your levels until you are at least level 150 or something.” Tomoya did not dislike Ryutarou since he was a decent guy. He was just slightly dumb.

“Thanks.” Ryutarou gave a nod as he clenched his fists.

“Now then. You girls must want to bathe. I will bring you to Eden.” Tomoya created a portal and ushered everyone through. As soon as the scenery changed, A small golem about three feet tall shot at her.

“Why did you lock me up in here!? Those damn rabbits are driving me insane! They nitpick about everything. Don’t kill the flowers, it’s bad. Don’t kill the bunny, it’s bad. Don’t eat meat, it’s bad! I want to die! Is this some kind of new torture!?” The golem shouted.

“Calm down! I tossed you in here for your own good. Don’t you feel that your soul is much stronger?” Tomoya asked. This place was filled with mana much more than the outside, so it could sustain Miledi’s soul for a much longer time, at least until Tomoya could get to the church and destroy it to get the spirit magic.

“Well that is true. But do something about those damn rabbits!” Miledi cried out. She was so sick of listening to their crap!

“Fine. I will just turn them into mindless killing machines. Give me about ten minutes.” Tomoya went to step forward to do just that but was quickly pulled back.

“That is even worse! I might get killed!” Miledi was in tears. She did not know why this person always went from one extreme to another.

“Would you make up your mind!? You are sounding just like the rabbits now!” Tomoya pointed this fact out, and Miledi suddenly sank to the ground.

“Oh god, they are rubbing on me. Ahhh!” Miledi seemed to have broken and ran off crying.

“Umm…. Tomoya, you just said Miledi just now, right?” Kaori asked, shaking slightly.

“Mmm… Miledi Reisen. She was one of the what was it now…. The Mavericks.” Tomoya explained lightly. “Don’t think too much about it. Those people from the past were actually all good people trying to defeat an evil god. That god made the people turn against them. I will explain more later for now. Let’s just go rest for a bit. Ryu, Endou, you can stay with the Haulia Tribe. Men are not allowed in my house.”

“Alright….” Both boys looked gloomy after hearing Miledi crying so much just now, they knew they were going to have a hard time.

Tomoya took the girls to the mansion. When they walked through the door, Aiko ran up to her and hugged her waist. “Tomo…”

“Are you doing better now?” Tomoya asked as she ran her fingers through Aiko’s hair.

“Mmm… Sorry, I just couldn’t take it. I couldn’t handle someone bad-mouthing you.” Aiko said meekly.

“No, I am very happy you stood up for me. If it was not you, it would have been Yue or Shea. At least he only got off with a slap this time, although I have no idea how he is doing now.” Tomoya did not mention beating Kouki up afterward.

“What do you mean? Did he not come back with you?”Aiko was confused.

“He was taken by someone. Who they are, I do not know. I only know that they are powerful. For now, in order to get everyone ready, they need to level up. Then we will be going to some other labyrinths to get some ancient magic. You will be going too my cute little wife.” Tomoya gave Aiko a kiss on the lips, causing her to blush.

“But should Yuka and I even go? I mean, we are….” Aiko touched her belly.

“You will be fine. I will be there to protect you all.”

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