A Certain Fox’s Guide To The Multiverse

Tomoya Adds Some More Part 1

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Tomoya sat in a large, hot, steaming bath. Yue was sitting in her lap, facing her, nuzzled in between her breasts, while Shea sat to her right with her head on Tomoya’s shoulder. Tio relaxed next to Shea with her eyes closed, seeming asleep, while Aiko rested on Tomoya’s free shoulder. Yuka was sitting behind Tomoya washing her hair while Kaori, Shizuku, and Suzu all stared in Awe.

Suzu bit her lip as she looked at the scene. She did not know if she should be jealous or not. “Do you girls ever get jealous of the other?”

“Hmmm?” Yue lifted her head and looked at Suzu. “Want to try?”

“Can I?” Suzu blurted out with much thought.

“Suzu!” Kaori cried out. But before she could stop Suzu, she was already moving towards Tomoya.

“Mmm.” Yue stood up and leaned down, kissing Tomoya on the lips before moving to the side for Suzu. Suzu licked her lips as she moved to sit down on Tomoya’s lap. Tomoya cracked an eye open and looked over at Yue, who had a mischievous grin on her face and could only sigh. Suzu was about to be in for a shock.

As Suzu sat down, she felt something thick and hard right under her pussy. Her eyes widened for a moment before leaning down and resting her head on Tomoya’s chest. She was about the same height as Yue, so she cuddled up to Tomoya without issue. “Tomo, the thing pressing up against me….”

Tomoya grinned and whispered: “It’s my click. It is what I gained from eating monster meat and enables me to impregnate girls. How does it feel?”

“Hot…” Suzu blushed as she moved her hips slightly. She couldn’t resist the feeling in her lower half.

Kaori did not miss the slight movement. She clenched her fists and bit her lip. Yue walked over and placed her hand on her head. “You do not need to hold back. All of us will be sisters soon. Tomo is our wife. Well, your soon to be wife once you have had your first night. So indulge in the fantasies that you have been dreaming about. Enjoy the feeling of having the girl you love love you back.”

Kaori did not expect Yue to be so welcoming. She looked at Suzu, who was still moving her hips back and forth, and knew the girl was actually grinding against Tomoya. She wanted to do that as well! “Yue, thanks.”

“Mmm…” Yue smiled warmly as she gave Kaori a hug. “Go. I think that Suzu girl wouldn’t mind if you joined in.”

“Knowing Suzu, she would welcome it.” Kaori chuckled as she gathered her courage, got up, and made her way over to Tomoya. The first thing she did was lean down and kiss Tomoya on the lips, which made Tomoya pull her into her arms. Shea and Aiko both made room for the two girls and moved to chat not too far away. Tio still sat in her spot, sleeping. Yuka just watched with a hint of lust in her eyes, her hand already between her legs. She was someone who loved to watch.

Yue turned to Shizuku, whose face was bright red, walked over, and sat down next to her. “What about you? You have been staring at Tomo this entire time. Will you still deny liking her?”

“I…. I am not sure.” Shizuku replied. She really did not know what to say. She was used to watching scenes of girls doing things together since she had seen so many porns, but it still made her feel very hot and even more so when it was an object of her affection. But she was still unsure about how she truly felt.

“Take your time. Tomo will not rush you. All of us here were willing. Sort out your feelings and decide for yourself.” Yue said as she stood up. “When you are ready. Let Tomoya know. I know she will accept you with open arms. After all. You and Kaori were the only reasons for her to come to your rescue.”

Shizuku looked up at Yue in surprise. She could understand Kaori, but she never expected that she, too, was the reason why Tomoya rushed to save them. A small smile formed on her lips without her realizing it. The idea of a knight saving the princess surged through her mind. Tomoya’s words kept repeating themselves in her head.

Suzu’s breathing started to become heavy. She was already more than willing to go the next step. The hot thing under her pussy that was throbbing was something she wanted deep inside her. She wanted Tomoya to take her virginity. “Tomo….”

Tomoya broke her kiss with Kaori and looked at Suzu and knew the look she was giving all too well. “Once we do it, there is no going back, you know. And if we do it now, everyone will see you lose your first time.”

“It’s fine…. The more that watch, the better.” Suzu licked her lips and raised her hips. She reached down and grabbed the thick click she had been using to pleasure herself and positioned it just right. She then took a deep breath and lowered her hips, pressing the massive click against her gates. Then, with a hard push, she pushed the entire thing in, in one go. “Ouch!”

“Suzu!” Kaori was shocked. “What? Did you…” She had just caught a glimpse of the click.

“It’s so big….” Suzu cried out as she leaned into Tomoya’s chest.

“Take your time. Move when you are ready.” Tomoya said gently before leaning over and whispering into Kaori’s ear. Kaori’s face turned bright red, and looked at Suzu. She really wondered how it fit inside the small girl!

“Kaori, I will do you next, or do you wish to do it alone?” Tomoya asked softly.

“I…. I will go next….” Kaori did not wish to wait too much longer. She was already having Tomoya stroke her pussy in front of others, and she knew this kind of relationship meant she would be in bed with other girls while they all had sex anyways. It was better to use the courage she had now to break the ice altogether.

“Okay. Just lean against me, and I will help you prepare.” Tomoya replied, causing Kaori to blush, but she did as she was told and spread her legs wider. She looked up at Yuka, who was not even hiding the fact that she was fingering herself and felt hot all over. She felt like she was in a porn now. She had watched many porns where multiple girls had sex at the same time. She just never thought she would be able to experience such a thing so soon.

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